19 Current Trends in Technology Education in Finland Ari Alamäki It is an old tradition in Finland to teach a school sub- tional strategies are encouraged by a 16 student per ject dealing with the use of machines, materials, technology classroom limit. processes, techniques, and tools. Since 1866, educa- In informal discussions between teachers and tional sloyd (handicraft) has been a compulsory teacher educators, technology education typically school subject for both boys and girls. Even today in includes more out-of-date technological processes, Finnish technology education, which is nowadays such as the making of wood and metal items, than called tekninen työ in the Finnish national curriculum modern technological processes. Studies by Alamäki guidelines, students still design and make products (1999), Kananoja (1997), Kantola (1997), Lindh (Kankare,1997;Kolehmainen,1997). (1996), Parikka (1998), and Rasinen (1999) come to Comprehensive schools provide compulsory basic similar conclusions. Thus, technology education education for pupils between the ages of 7 and 16. should be more connected to the modern technolog- Education beyond the age of 16 is voluntary, taking ical world, although it already covers activities related the form of either three years of study at a theoreti- to computers, construction kits, electronics, electric- cally oriented high school or a two-to five-year course ity, machines, and technical drawing. Technological in a vocational school. concepts, such as communication, construction, The activity of students is concentrated on prob- energy, manufacturing, and transportation should be lem-centered design projects (inventions) that tran- taught because they are an essential part of students’ scend the limitations of materials and techniques. surroundings. In fact, students’ projects focus on Finnish technology education can be characterized as these key concepts, in a somewhat narrow way. These mainly a design approach that has evolved from the concepts are rarely reviewed in broad contexts such as craft-oriented approach . Additionally, it involves ele- global, ecological, and social issues. In this regard one ments of the high tech approach, using computers, can say that particular approaches and student activ- computer-aided design, and electronics. These tools ities determine the nature of technological knowledge are often included as either part of design projects or and processes that students learn. The approaches of in construction kits. tasks in technology education determine the kinds of The national core curriculum and curricular technological knowledge and processes students guidelines are very vague; they only provide brief out- learn. For example, Autio (1997) found that teaching lines. Although this allows for local flexibility, it also of design was more sketching and shaping than sys- increases the diverse ways in which technology edu- tematic problem solving. cation is taught from one school to another. In the latest national core curriculum (Opetushallitus, Technology Teacher Education in Finland 1994), the main emphasis is on the “idea-to-product” The Department of Teacher Education in process with the pupil fully involved in design. Rauma, University of Turku, is the only institute that Although designing and making products is a central prepares Finnish-speaking technology teachers with a part of the national curriculum guidelines, they also technology education major. The technology teacher refer to the need for a broader technological under- education program enrolls 36 male and female stu- standing and capability. Student-centered instruc- dents each year. Åbo Academy at Vaasa, which edu- 20 cates Swedish-speaking technology teachers, has the general development of technology; gain a admitted 10 students for its technology education sufficiently broad mastery of practical work in program every fourth year, but beginning fall semes- their field to be able to convey the central ter of 1999, seven students will be admitted every knowledge and skills of the subject to their second year. Other departments of teacher education pupils. also teach technology education, but only as a minor. • Become familiar with the physical, psychologi- The University of Jyväskylä and the University of cal, and social development of children and Oulu have recently improved the technology educa- young people, with scientific theories and their tion component of their classroom teacher educa- applications in education, technology educa tion programs. tion, and the teaching process, thus enabling Admission to Finnish universities is highly selec- them as teachers to promote the development of tive and is usually based on previous performance the whole personality of a child or young person (e.g., Finnish Matriculation Examination) and an and to achieve the goals set their education. entrance examination. The technology teacher edu- • Acquire the expertise in technology education cation program has a single entrance selection proce- and education in general that will enable them dure that includes a written examination, an individ- to master the main basic theories and terminol ual interview, a technological reasoning test, and a ogy of education, general didactics, and the practical product-making test. University studies are didactics of technology education. mainly free and funded by the state. Therefore, stu- • Acquire knowledge of society and the sectors of dents enrolled in the technology teacher education business, professions, and production, enabling program pay no tuition, except for the compulsory them as teachers to comprehend current situa student union fee. In addition, students have to pay tions and changing needs of society, and to use for books and other materials. Traditionally, the these as a basis for solving and observing prob teaching profession is appreciated in the Finnish soci- lems in their subject in accordance with the ety. Many more young people apply to the technolo- requirements of technology and the nature of gy teacher education program than are accepted. Also the work. drop-out rates are very low and students are usually highly motivated, technically oriented, and talented In the technology teacher education pro- (see Kohonen & Niemi, 1996). Since 1979, all tech- gram, students study a variety of technologies, nology teachers have received a master’s degree in mechanical and electrical engineering, product technology education; teachers in comprehensive design, project studies, research methodology and school must hold a master’s degree from a university. statistics, educational sciences and ethics, develop- mental psychology, didactics of technology edu- The University of Turku’s Technology cation, administration, evaluation, and sociology of Teacher Education Program education. Furthermore, students have to pass four In the technology teacher education program at teaching practice periods. Three levels of study com- the Department of Teacher Education in Rauma, prise the technology teacher preparation: University of Turku, students are able to take the cur- riculum for either one or two teaching subjects. In • Basic Studies: In this module, students learn to addition to technology education, a second teaching apply product design to the solution of technical subject, such as an elementary education or mathe- problems, to choose correct materials, and to matics, entitles them to teach in primary school as an apply various technologies correctly, while bear elementary or mathematics teacher. The program ing in mind the need for occupational safety. leads to a Master of Education degree comprising The integration of various technologies and con 160 credit units (1 credit unit = 40 hours of work) sumer and environmental education are empha and accomplishes the aim of the Faculty of Education sized. (1996) which provides that students will: • Intermediate Studies (Product Project Studies): This module introduces students to (a) the appli- • Become familiar with the relevant terminology, cation of special techniques and materials science in materials, and technology; be enabled to follow production, (b) control and regulation tech- 21 niques, and (c) mechanical construction. The stated that strengths in the convergent learning style emphasis is on design work carried out by groups are associated with decision-making skills and the in tasks which involve integration of technology edu- ability to solve problems and to apply ideas in prac- cation with the natural sciences and general technolo- tice. The central aim of the technology teacher edu- gy. These require problem- solving skills and techno- cation program is to develop such capabilities so that logical know-how. students are able to solve technological problems in • Advanced Studies: This module deals with techno- authentic and novel situations. Therefore, students logical and pedagogical planning and research of tech- develop technological knowledge, metacognitive nology education, and with producing, processing, skills, and general strategies to deal with technology and evaluating new information in the field. The through problem-centered product projects. Advanced Studies module begins with theoret- The product/project begins with a planning sem- ical observations of production processes and inar in which students and a professor discuss the proceeds to deal with the general possibilities for mak- needs to be addressed or solved and appropriate ing use of technology. After planning and implement- methodological
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