4 The Issue University of No. 890 Surrey's Student Magazine 8th November 1996 £15 Photocopy Bargain Revealed few weeks ago, it was design or architecture courses stu- lege buildings, and with few books revealed that hidden dents will pay out around £800 per left in libraries. Fees will be the nail course fees of £15 were year on extra course costs. Hidden in the coffin of access to éducation, A Course Costs, the NUS research but who would pay for such a dev- being charged to Surrey Economies Students for report to be published later this astated éducation system? We are photocopies and other course month draws on the results of a aheady paying out enough. We are material. However, compared to country-wide survey of university subsidismg the universities to the departments last summer. tuneof£171 million per year. Ifthe average hidden course costs in top up fees are introduced this will other universities, this is a real Yesterday, students across the coimtry demonstrated for National mean students and their parents bargain. The findings of a NUS paying out a further £300 million." survey, to be published later this No Fees Day in protest at threat- month, show that Britain's ened top-up fees and up to £1000 300,000 undergraduates are a year registration by university aiready forced to pay up over £ 171 heads. NUS announced the results of a ballot of student unions, million a year in hidden course showing unanimous support of the costs. The news comes as students Higher Education Shutdown by across the country join National the teaching trade unions, who No Fees Day (November 5th) to will announce the result of their protest against a possible £1,000 ballot on Friday 8th November. If entry fee from this September. this is favourable, The University of Surrey will shut down on Tueg- The average undergraduate, strug- day 19th November, although gling to survive on a maintenance theStudents' Union will remain grant of less than £2,000 will now open as a focus of activity. pay out over £500 for photocop- ies, lab fees, computer software, Douglas Trainer, NUS President field trips and even entry to gradu- said 'Now is not a good time to be ation ceremonies as universities a student. "V^ are living through find creative ways to make up for the destruction of British higher drastic govemment cuts. For lan- éducation. After cruel cuts to grants, we're left with appalling guage courses, extra costs average Douglas Trainer - NUS President to £1,043.52 per year and graphie staff morale, with decaymg col- Editor's Bit Only In America CONTENTS he latest bit of as a free plane ticket to New scandal to hit York or Chicago or whatever. In my opinion these are the REGULARS TAmerica is the better chat shows, they don't future of chat shows on tend to gloss things over. 14 Crossword TV. The cause of this How many times does Ricki 14 Bare Side attention is The Jenny have a fi¿it on the show or 16 Personals some woman shouting Jones Show that "you're a dawg" at her man? recorded an episode on We love it and the ratings the subject of 'same sex prove it. 5 Nude Certitude secret crushes'. Soimds Imagine if this happened 6 Alan D Roy - 'D'is for Disco good doesn't it - nice and here, if a guest was shot after 15 Cinema controversial - well it appearing on Esther? Not was. very likely I know, more like I would have been fine except an adulterous husband would Jonathan Schmitz didn't real- return home to find his wife ise that the person who had a cutting up all his clothes and 1 NUS Hidden Course Costs Survey crush on him was a gay man, then hitting him over the head 3 Green Banl(S Scott Amedure. Jon walks on with a rolling pin. Okay, so 8 H&C Charity Events to the set and the young men we are never going to be as huge awkwardly - Scott then sensationalised as America taii^ out on stage about his but what would the reaction be? bizarre fantasy of tying Jon in 12 Single Reviews a hammock with whipped cream and champagne. Well, the beeb would babble 13 Album Reviev/s on for hours about how pro- Okay we've all done it but not fessional their research team many react as strongly as Jon was and how they felt for the did because three days later family of the victim. But 18 GInga is bacic he went to Scott's house and would the family sue the shot him dead. Jon is now on show or the BBC? No, of 19 Women's sports pages trial for murder, his defence course not, they would start being 'diminished capacity' up a pressure, group for the but Siis media attention has ft-evention of Chat Shows on now brought into question Television (PCST). the future of daytime chat shows. The other week someone wrote in complaining that Scott's parent have filed a they had had a bad haircut, in University of Surrey Students' Newspaper $25 million lawsuit against America that hairdressers the show, Jenny Jones and would have a £5 million law- Union House, University of Surrey, suit over its head for a £10 Warner Bros. They claim that Guildford, Surrey. GU2 5XH trash TV killed their son - haircut. What's the point - only in America. you're hair looks shit, mil- lions of pounds is not going Telephone: 01483 259275 There is now a big debate go- to make you feel better or Fax: 01483 34749 ing on to prevent 5iis happen- maybe I've just totally ing in the future. The trouble missed the point. Advertising: 01483 259275 is that chat shows are big E-mail: [email protected] bucks - they don't cost a lot to In the States they put so much http://www.surTey.ac.uk/Union/barefacts/ produce but the ratings are more emphasis on money, high. As with anything like how much you've got, want, Editor - Melante Dean this there are different classes need. Scott Amedure parents' Features Editor - Tonic Rocks of chat shows. Ricki Lake is lawsuit against the iV show Newi« Editor - Scvn Blrmlngtiom down in the gutter along with has got nothing to do with his Music Editor - Rob Winder half her audience where deaA - they just saw an easy Sports Editor - Mark 'Ginga' Cusock Oprah is considered to be the way to make a quick buck and Ptiotographer - Matt Panndl creme de la creme. I'm not a bit of free publicity for their Cartoonist - Stuart Parker saying Ricki doesn't have a comer store business or what- Editorial ContTibutk:xis: Andy Gale, Mites Hedgehog. Bruce place in the chat show indus- ever it is they do. CiTopman, Matt Panneil and ottiers.., try but criticism has been Musk:? Reviews: Mel Odedra, James Hemir»gway, Mark De Lange, made about the research Well, fear not readers be- Vfcki Snelgrove, Numnuts taken out before the show is cause it has been confirmed transmitted. that Bare Facts is not detri- Bare Facts is an independent newspaper, published by the mental to your health so read Uniwsity of Surrey Students' Union Communications Office. The views »presseo within the p^>er are those of the Editor, the These shows have been criti- on and enjoy... Editorial board and the author, and do not necessarily represent the views of the University of Surrey Students' Union or The cised for using lower class Mei XXX University or Surrey. people to live out their lives on air and they use the show USSU Communications Office 1996 News Green Issues Who Do You Bank With ? he subject this week is third The banks were scared and needed to There is a campaign called "The Lloyds cover themselves, so they informed the and Midland Boycott Campaign" or world debt. All high street countries involved that they could have LAMB for short. However our Students Tbanks have lent money to "NO MORE MONEY, NOT EVEN Union believes in free choice and there- the third world. Much of this AID" unless they made a deal with the fore this article is not going to tell you lending happened in the 1970's banks. The costs to the third world coun- who to bank with. The idea is to give you tries were in terms of: the facts so that you can make an informed when no questions were asked as choice. to where the money was going or • health and education budgets slashed what it was for, so as a result much • food subsidies cut Lloyds and Midland are being targeted by of the money ended up financing • natural resources plundered LAMB because their debt exposure is the largest. corrupt officials and the purchase The banks also imposed Structural Ad- of armaments. It was not used to justment Programmes (SAP) which were If you want more information contact me benefit the poor. economic reforms that were to increase a through the pigeon holes. country's exports at ANY cost. Then in the early 1980's there was a mas- Remember "it is estimated that the aver- sive increase in world interest rates, lead- So what does all this have to do with you? age student is eventually worth £I 8000 in ing to a world wide recession and a profit to a UK bank. massive increase in the amount that third High street banks are making millions world countries owed to high street banks.
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