Immune differentiation regulator p100 tunes NF-κB responses to TNF Budhaditya Chatterjee,1, 2* Payel Roy,1, # * Uday Aditya Sarkar,1 Yashika Ratra,1 Meenakshi Chawla,1 James Gomes,2 Soumen Basak1§ 1Systems Immunology Laboratory, National Institute of Immunology, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi-110067, India. 2Kusuma School of Biological Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. #Current address: La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, USA *These authors contributed equally to this work. §Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Supplementary Information I. Supplementary Fig. S1 – Fig. S4 and corresponding figure legends II. Supplementary Tables III. Detailed description of global gene expression analyses IV. A description of the mathematical model and related parameterization V. Supplementary References 1 I. Supplementary Fig. S1 – Fig. S4 and corresponding figure legends a Theoretical IKK2 activity inputs b Theoretical IKK2 activity inputs of varying peak amplitude of varying durations 60 100 50 30 NEMO-IKK2(nM) 0 NEMO-IKK2 (nM) 0 simulated NF-κB activities simulated NF-κB activities 100 100 (nM) (nM) 50 50 Bn Bn κ κ NF NF 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 time (hr) time (hr) c experimentally-derived IKK2 activity inputs 100 TNFc TNFp 50 NEMO-IKK2 activity(nM) 0 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 time (hr) Figure S1: In silico studies of the NF-κB system: a) A library of twelve theoretical IKK2 activity profiles with an invariant signal duration of 8 hr and peak amplitude uniformly varying from 10 nM to 100 nM was used as model inputs (top) for simulating NF-κBn responses in a time course (bottom). These IKK2 activity profiles had identical 0.5 hr onset time. b) Thirteen IKK2 activity profiles with an identical 60 nM peak amplitude but total duration varying from 10 min to 480 min were similarly used in our simulation studies. We additionally used two IKK2 profiles with 60 nM peak amplitude, 5 min onset time and a total 10 min of duration or 60 nM peak amplitude, 10 min onset time and 20 min of duration as inputs. c) Plots showing interpolated IKK2 activity curves generated using experimental data obtained from MEFs subjected to TNFc or TNFp stimulations (Shih et al., 2009). 2 Nfkb2-/- MEFs a b Ab Nfkbia-/- Nfkb2-/- (-) αRelA αRelB TNFc 0 .5 1 3 8 0 .5 1 3 8 hr TNFp 0 .5 1 3 8 16 0 .5 1 3 8 16 0 .5 1 3 8 16 hr NF-κBn NF-κBn Oct1 Oct1 c 30min pulse duration Nfkb2-/- MEFs RelA cRel RelB Ab (-) α α α all RelA RelB IL-1β, 8hr Figure S2: Analyzing TNF-induced NF-κB signaling in mutant cells: a) EMSA comparing NF-κBn induced in a time-course in Nfkbia-/- and Nfkb2-/- MEFs in response to TNFc. The data represents three independent experiments. b) EMSA demonstrating total, RelB-containing and RelA-containing NF-κB activities induced in a time-course in response to TNFp. Dynamical RelB activity was unmasked in EMSA by ablating RelA DNA binding with an anti-RelA antibody. Similarly, RelA activity was unravelled by ablating RelB DNA binding. The data represents two biological replicates. c) Composition of NF-κBn induced after 8 hr of IL-1β treatment in Nfkb2-/- MEFs was determined in the shift-ablation assay. The data represents two biological replicates. a b 8 hr post-TNFp stimulation 1 * p<0.05 * 3.2 Relb 2.4 * *** *** 1.6 0 0.8 * ** * * *** relative * ** 0X TNFp 5X TNFp mRNA abundance mRNA 0 standardized B tg RelB κ promoter const. -1 NF- regressioncoefficient 1 10 20 30 40 parameter groups responsive -/- Relb -/- Nfkb2 Figure S3: Investigating the mechanism underlying late-acting RelB:p50 response to TNFp in the absence of p100: a) Graph plot describing the standardized regression coefficients of the parameter groups subjected to the Variance-based multiparametric sensitivity analysis. The asterisk indicates statistically significant deviation (P <0.001) from the null sensitivity for certain parameter groups, as determined by two-tailed Student’s t test. b) qRT-PCR analysis revealing the expression of Relb mRNA after 8 hr of the -/- -/- commencement of TNFp treatment in Relb Nfkb2 MEFs stably expressing RelB from a transgene (tg) either constitutively (const.) or from an NF-κB responsive promoter (top panel). Data are means ± SEM of four biological replicates. 3 Nfkb2-/- MEFs a b 0 1 3 Nfkb2-deficient 2 ×10 time ( 4 3 4 5 hr (AU) 6 2 ) measuredat6-8 7 cell 8 harvesting nRelB u tp sp 0 dp 2 6 p<0.05 4 Relb Relb 2 1 mRNA 0 sp dp tp hr 0 total after 1 mRNA (AU) mRNA 0 RelB ×103 9 RelA st proteins 7 TNFp Actin 5 0 sp dp tp 0 1 total RelB 2 protein (AU) protein 3 0 p<0.05 4 RelB protein p<0.05 u sp dp Figure S4: Investigating the Nfkb2-deficient system in a repeated TNF pulse regime: a) Computational simulation studies predicting nRelB activity (top panel), abundances of Relb mRNA as well as RelB protein in Nfkb2-deficient system subjected to a single TNFp (sp) or successive two TNFp separated by 4 hr (dp). The activities and abundances were estimated at 6-8 hr after the commencement of the -/- first pulse. u denote untreated system. b) Nfkb2 MEFs were treated with either a single TNFp (single pulse, sp) or two successive TNFp separated by 4 hr (double pulse, dp) or three successive TNFp where these pulses were separated by 2 hr (tp). Cells were harvested 8 hr after the commencement of the first pulse and subjected to either qRT-PCR analyses of Relb mRNA abundances (top bargraph) or Western Blotting analysis with antibodies against the indicated proteins (bottom panels). Densitometric analysis of the relative abundances of RelB protein has been also presented in a bargraph (bottom). mRNA data are means ± SEM of four biological replicates, protein data are means ± SEM of three experimental repeats. 4 II. Supplementary tables Table S1: List of the primers used in our quantitative real-time PCR Table S1 – List of the primers used in our quantitative real-time PCR mRNA Forward (5’ – 3’) Reverse (5’ – 3’) Actin CCAACCGTGAAAAGATGAC GTACGACCAGAGGCATACAG Csf1 CGGGCATCATCCTAGTCTTGCTGACTGT ATAGTGGCAGTATGTGGGGGGCATCCTC C3 TCAGATAAGGAGGGGCACAA ATGAAGAGGTACCCACTCTGGA Klf5 GGTCCAGACAAGATGTGAAATGG TTTATGCTCTGAAATTATCGGAACTG Me2 TTCTTAGAAGCTGCAAAGGC TCAGTGGGGAAGCTTCTCTT Nfkbia AGACTCTCGTTCCTGCACTTG AGTCTGCTGCAGGTTGTTC Psmc4 TGGTCATCGGTCAGTTCTTG CGGTCGATGGTACTCAGGAT RelB CCGAGCTAGGGGCCTTGGGTTCC AGCTCGATGGCGGGCAGGGTCTTG Tlr2 GCAAACGCTGTTCTGCTCAG AGGCGTCTCCCTCTATTGTATT Table S2: A description of genes belonging to various gene-clusters and gene-groups presented in Figure 4. Gene symbols Cluster Group id id 1110008P14Rik, 2500002L14Rik, 5133401N09Rik, Adam17, Adrb2, Agrn, Brp17, Cd82, Creld2, Ddit4, Dennd3, Fbn1, Fndc3b, Gphn, Gpt2, H2afy, H2- M3, Hagh, Hn1l, Ifngr1, Lhfpl2, LOC100044190, LOC100044322, Mcc, Ndrl, A Gr-I Plcd1, Prkcd, Psmd10, Rab8b, Rhou, Rnaset2, Slc29a1, Snx10, Surf4, Tlr2, Vdac3, Yaf2 0610010E21Rik, Abcb1b, Ass1, Axud1, Bmper, Csf1, Ehd1, Enpp4, Ext1, Mvp, Nfkb1, Nfkbia, Nfkbib, Parp8, Plscr1, Psmb10, Rab32 B 1110018G07Rik, 1110019N10Rik, 9430029K10Rik, Actr1b, Aftph, Akr1b3, Akr1b8, Arid3a, AU019823, AU022252, B9d2, C3, Calr, Chac1, Cib1, Clic4, Cyfip1, D3Ucla1, Dhps, Dnajc15, Erich1, Fktn, Fstl1, G6pdx, Gadd45b, Ghitm, Gr-II Gnptab, Gp38, Gpc1, Hmgn3, Hsd17b12, LOC668492, Lrp11, Map3k3, Mdh2, Med11, Mocs2, Mrps12, Msi2, Nadk, Ndrg1, Nfe2l1, Nrbf2, Nudt8, Nup93, C Ostf1, P4ha2, Pdgfa, Pelo, Plekhb2, Pnpla2, Pomp, Ppp1r16a, Prdx5, Psma7, Psmb6, Psmd13, Psme1, Ralb, Rassf1, Rela, Rnf145, Rpl24, Rrbp1, Sec23ip, Sec63, Slc25a5, Slc38a10, Slmo2, Sod2, Srp54, Srpr, Tbc1d15, Tbcb, Tceb1, Tgoln1, Tm9sf4, Tmem183a, Tnfaip8, Ubl4, Uso1, Uxt, Yif1b 1110008F13Rik, Actr3, AI846148, Atp2b1, Bcl10, Bud31, Cdc42ep3, Chic2, Chuk, Ciapin1, Cmtm6, Coq10b, Cyba, D15Ertd621e, D630048P19Rik, Dcbld1, Dcun1d3, Dcun1d5, EG433923, Eif4g2, Eif5a, Eif6, Fcf1, Fscn1, Fubp1, Galk1, Grpel1, Hspd1, Hspe1, Htra2, Jtv1, Klf5, LOC100042777, Gr-III LOC100047794, LOC100048413, LOC674706, Mapkapk2, Mpp6, Mrpl12, D Mrpl16, Mrpl20, Mrpl4, Mtf2, Nomo1, Orai1, Pa2g4, Picalm, Ppm1g, Psmb5, Psmc4, Psmd14, Rab21, Rap1b, Rhob, Rhog, Rps6ka4, Ruvbl2, Sdc4, Slc11a2, Slc25a39, Slc30a7, Slc35a3, Slc35b1, Srebf2, Stip1, Tatdn2, Tmem97, Trp53, Ube2m, Ublcp1, Uck2, Zfp263, Zfpm2 2310047D13Rik, 2400010D15Rik, 2610204L23Rik, Aacs, AI480653, Alas1, Arhgap29, Cebpb, Cstf2, Ctps, Cyld, Cyp51, Dcxr, Dnajb2, Fam162a, Fdps, Hist2h3b, Hnrnpf, Hrmt1l2, Ifitm2, Iscu, Jmjd6, LOC216443, LOC677317, Mid1ip1, Mras, Mrps34, Nedd4l, Nt5c3, Nubp1, Parl, Pcgf5, Pgam1, Pgp, E Plod2, Psmb3, Rala, Rb1, Rps3a, Sec13, Slc39a11, Snrpd3, Snx13, Snx18, Spr, Sqle, Ssu72, Stard4, Stk39, Tbl2, Tmem128, Tmem38b, Tsg101, Ube1c, Vdac1, Gr-IV Vps36, Zfp131 2310008H04Rik, 4933426M11Rik, Abcb6, Arhgef2, Bbs5, Bcl3, Cd47, Dnajc3, Fam102a, Fnbp1l, Gadd45g, Itpk1, Llgl2, LOC100046120, Lxn, Map3k8, Me2, Necap2, Nub1, Osmr, Pdk1, Pdk3, Pex16, Pgm2, Pld1, Plekha2, Ppp3cc, F Samd9l, Scamp1, Sccpdh, Setdb1, Socs3, Syvn1, Tspo, Ufsp2, Ugt1a10, Zfp810 5 III. Detailed description of global scale gene expression analyses Microarray mRNA analyses For microarray mRNA analyses, labelling, hybridization to the Illumina MouseRef-8 v2.0 Expression BeadChip, data processing, and quantile normalization were performed by Sandor Pvt Ltd (Hyderabad, India). We used a rank-based method for selecting genes with essentially zero detection p-value (Li et al., 2011). Among these reproducibly expressed genes, we further considered genes whose expressions were induced at least 1.3 fold at upon 6 hr of TNFc treatment in Nfkb2-/- MEFs, but not in Rela-/-Relb-/-Rel-/- cells. Our analyses led us to a list of 304 NF-κB-dependent genes. Subsequently, we utilized
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