Jaargang 17 Supplement, december 2015 Field Guide to the Brachytron ISSN 1386-3460 Brachytron Brachytron 17 supplement Field Guide to the dragonflies of New Guinea A.G. Orr & V.J. Kalkman 3-156. Brachytron , 2015. Field Guide to the dragonflies of New Guinea. dragonflies of This book is a companion to the ‘Field Guide to the damselflies of New Guinea’ published in 2013 by the same authors and covers the ‘true’ dragonflies, or Anisoptera. With it the reader can identify the approximately 175 species presently known from New Guinea, its satellite islands and the New Guinea Bismark Archipelago. It will doubtless stimulate people to explore the streams and standing waters of New Guinea and to appreciate the wonderful diversity of dragonflies and damselflies to be found there. Over 400 copies will be donated to universities throughout New Guinea. As well as introducing students and researchers to the beauty of dragonflies on their island, the guide provides a basis to study them and use them in biodiversity studies supporting the conservation of freshwater habitats. The guide contains nearly 250 colour drawings and over 300 line drawings by Albert Orr and 36 colour photographs taken in the field mostly by Stephen Richards. Many species included have never been depicted in colour before. This book is dedicated to the memory Jaargang 15 (2), januari 2013 of Henk van Mastrigt (1946-2015) who passed away in August 2015 as he was beginning the work of translating the book. Albert Orr’s interest in the insect fauna of New Guinea dates back to undergraduate days when he made two lengthy excursions in 1971 and 1973/4, collecting butterflies and dragonflies. He has authored and illustrated four identification guides to dragonflies and damselflies (2003, 2005, 2007), focussed on south-east Asia, and the butterflies of Australia (2010). In 2013 he coauthored the award winning field guide to the damselflies of New Guinea with Vincent Kalkman. Vincent Kalkman has had an interest in the dragonflies and damselflies of New Guinea since 2005. In 2006 and 2008 he conducted fieldwork of the Kelempok Entomologi Papua in the Indonesian part of the island and in 2009 he joined the expedition by Conservation International to Muller Range in Papua New Guinea. Text: Albert Orr (Australia) & Vincent Kalkman (Netherlands) - Illustrations: Albert Orr (Australia) Translation to Bahasa Indonesia: Evie Warikar (Papua, Indonesia) & Daawai Daawai (Papua, Indo nesia) Photographs: Stephen Richards (Australia) & Sandra Lamberts (Netherlands) This field guide was made possible by grants from: Uyttenboogaart-Eliasen Stichting, the International Dragonfly Fund, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie, André Günther, Marijan Matok, Hanns-Jürgen Roland, Mechtild Seiler, Anke & Michael Tydecks-Jürging and Hansruedi Wildermuth. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie & NVL Libellenvereniging Vlaanderen vzw Albert Orr & Vincent Kalkman Illustrated by Albert Orr Brachytron Editorial team (regular issues) Rob Geraeds Dutch dragonfly journal Geert De Knijf (Editor) Roy van Grunsven Tim Adriaens Robert Ketelaar Brachytron is the journal Anny Anselin René Manger (Lay-out) of Nederlandse Vereniging Johan van ‘t Bosch Ria Vogels voor Libellenstudie (NVL) Matthijs Courbois Nick van Wouwen and Libellenvereniging Vlaanderen (LVV). Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenvereniging Vlaanderen vzw Published twice yearly. Libellenstudie (NVL) (LVV) Regular editions printed in Council Council 650 copies. Brachytron 17 Supple- Jaap Bouwman (chair) Geert De Knijf (chair) ment printed in 1,400 Sonja Vliegenthart Anny Anselin copies. Erwin de Visser Wout Opdekamp Johan van ‘t Bosch Tim Adriaens Cover plate: A.G. Orr. Dominic Dijkshoorn Marc Tailly Gert Veurink Peter Van der Schoot Internet www.brachytron.nl Nick van Wouwen Hugo Pluymers www.odonata.be Robby Stoks Address editorial team Address Adress Geert De Knijf NVL LVV [email protected] p/a Sonja Vliegenthart, p/a Anny Anselin, Emiel Poetoustraat 13, Prinses Beatrixlaan 733 9030 Mariakerke (Gent) Print 2284 BC Rijswijk Belgium Scholma Druk B.V., [email protected] [email protected] Bedum, The Netherlands Lay-out Membership NVL Membership LVV René Manger, Members and libraries: € 20,- Members and libraries: € 20,- MangerEco, Assen, Outside The Netherlands: € 22,-. Outside Belgium: € 22,-. The Netherlands Combined membership NVL and LVV Combined membership NVL and LVV € 25,-. € 25,-. IBAN: 53INGB0007615700 IBAN: BE15 5230 8024 3630 BIC: INGBNL2A BIC: TRIOBE91 Partners EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten De Vlinderstichting p/a Naturalis Biodiversity Center Postbus 506 Postbus 9517 6700 AM Wageningen 2300 RA Leiden The Netherlands [email protected] Extra copies of Brachytron 17 Supplement or other editions of Brachytron: [email protected] © 2015 NVL & LVV. The copyright of the photos and plates stays with the photo- None of the zoological names and combinations in this work are published for graphers and artists. ISSN purpose of zoological nomenclature. This is a disclaimer with reference to Article 1386-3460. 8.2 of the International Code for Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999). Field Guide to the dragonflies of New Guinea Buku Panduan Lapangan Capung Jarum untuk Wilayah New Guinea 1 2 A.G. Orr & V.J. Kalkman 1 Environmental Futures Research Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland 4111, Australia. [email protected] 2 Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands, [email protected] Contents English (see inside backcover for content Bahasa Indonesia) Preface and acknowledgements 5 Introduction 6 The scope of the guide 6 Using this guide 6 General anatomy 8 Larvae 9 Collecting and preserving 9 Distribution of New Guinea dragonflies 11 Further reading 11 Abbreviations and terms 12 Aeshnidae 13 Gomphidae 17 Synthemistidae 17 Corduliidae 19 Libellulidae 23 Plates and photographs 43 Appendix 1: Bibliography 145 Appendix 2: Checklist 149 Brachytron 17 Supplement: 3-156, 2015 3 Henk van Mastrigt (right) and Rinto Mambrasar sorting a day’s catch in a makeshift lab on Japen, Papua, Indonesia Islands. The specimens collected that day are on the table and on Henk’s lap is a copy of Parsons (1999), the Butterflies of Papua New Guinea. Henk van Mastrigt (kanan) dan Rinto Mambrasar sedang menyortir hasil penangkapan kupu-kupu dalam sehari di laboratorium sementara di Yapen, Papua, Kepulauan Indonesia. Spesimen yang dikumpulkan pada hari itu berada di atas meja dan di atas pangkuan Henk adalah kopi buku Parsons (1999), The Butterflies of Papua New Guinea. Henk van Mastrigt (1946-2015) made Indonesian New Guinea his home in 1974. He was appointed there as a lay brother (missionary-economist) in the Franciscan order of the Catholic Church. Much of his spare time was dedicated to the study of the butterfly fauna of New Guinea and his collection of butterflies and moths, currently housed at the Universitas Cenderawasih, is of international importance. Apart from being a keen collector he also assumed a leading role training Entomology students and was the main driving force behind the establishment of the Kelompok Entomologi Papua (KEP). Pada tahun 1974, Henk van Mastrigt (1946-2015) menjadikan Indonesia, New Guinea sebagai rumahnya. Beliau ditunjuk sebagai Bruder yang memiliki keahlian dalam bidang Ekonomi (missionary- economist) pada Ordo Fransiskan Gereja Katolik. Sebagian besar waktu luangnya didedikasikan untuk studi fauna kupu-kupu New Guinea dan koleksi kupu-kupu dan ngengat yang penting secara internasional, saat ini telah berada di Universitas Cenderawasih. Selain giat sebagai kolektor ia juga dianggap sebagai orang yang berperan besar dalam melatih siswa dalam bidang Entomologi dan beliau adalah pendorong utama dibalik pembentukan Kelompok Entomologi Papua (KEP). 4 Orr & Kalkman 2015 Preface and acknowledgements The dragonfly and damselfly fauna of New as well as sharing valuable information and Guinea is unique. Most species and numerous enthusiastically supporting the project, kindly genera are found nowhere else. New Guinea provided most of the photographs reproduced is also one of the least studied regions on in the book and much of the material on earth. Almost 60 percent of known species which the drawings are based. Likewise were described by M.A. Lieftinck from 1931- Gunther Theischinger read and corrected 1987. Most of his material is now housed several versions of the text, assisted with the in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden loan of specimens and provided incalculable (RMNH) while his publications are to be found support through his helpful discussions and in specialized journals only available in certain encouragement. Yvonne van Nierop (RMNH) university and museum libraries. For this reason and Ben Price (BMNH) assisted us with access it has been until recently almost impossible for to collections in their care and by promptly people living in New Guinea to study dragonflies answering questions on material stored in those and damselflies. In 2013 the authors published a collections. Sandra Lamberts allowed us to use field guide to the damselflies (Zygoptera) of New the superb picture of the enigmatic Oreaeschna Guinea which treated all then known genera and dictatrix. Günther Fleck provided information a large proportion of species, especially from the on immature stages and permitted the use of better studied area of north New Guinea. This a modified version of his unpublished drawing book is its sequel and companion, treating the of Agyrtacantha sp.
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