Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-68575-8 - Rome's World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered Richard J. A. Talbert Index More information 347 INDEX AND GAZETTEER Index Names and features on the Peutinger map (= PM), or within its scope and mentioned with reference to it, are indexed separately in the Gazetteer which follows. Academia Palatina (Mannheim), 35, Atlantropa project, 1 36–7 Augsburg, 12, 14 Aemilius Probus, 320 Augustus, emperor, 149, 162; Res gestae, agrimensores, 117 136 Agrippa’s map, 136–7, 144 aula, 144–5, 149 Aia, 326 Austria, National Library of. See Alexander (the Great), 141 Hofbibliothek Alexandrian scholarship, 137, 162 allegories, universal. See Sebasteion Barberini Diptych, 149–50 Alting, Menso, 291 Barozzi, Pietro, 170, 327, 328 Ammaedara mosaic “map”, 309–10 Barrington Atlas, 5–6, 198, 203–5 Ammianus Marcellinus, 96, 322 Bartsch, Friedrich von, 40, 57, 60 Ananias (of Sirak), 141 Basle, Council of, 166–70 Angerer, Carl, 63 baths/spas on PM, 110, 118, 120, Antonine Itinerary (ItAnt), 51, 90, 116, 140 139, 199, 327; mapped, 54, 56, Bavarian Academy (Bayerische 203–5; routes in Italy (sample), Akademie der Wissenschaften), 158–61;text,206–70 37–41 Apollonius (of Tyana), 323 Bayeux Tapestry, 2, 75, 76, 298, 321 Apollonius Rhodius, 326 Beatus (of Liebana),´ 165–6 Appian, 148 Beck, Harry, 143 “Aqvae” names on PM. See baths/spas Bellini, Stefano, 47 Arausio, 96 Bergier, Nicolas, 25 Armenian Itinerary, 141 Bert, Petrus, 23–5 Arnaud, Pascal, 71–2 Bodleian Library, Oxford, 167, 171 Arnold, Christoph, 24–5 Bordeaux Itinerary (ItBurd), 121, Artemidorus map, 306, 314, 326 139–40, 199; mapped, 56, 203–5; Aslake map, 194 routes in Italy, 158–61;text,271–86 Asoka, 141 Bosio, Luciano, 71 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-68575-8 - Rome's World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered Richard J. A. Talbert Index More information Brodersen, Kai, 72 Diocletian, emperor, 145, 149. See also Burgo de Osma Beatus map, 165 Te t r a r c hy display capitals on PM, 8, 77–80, 101, capitals on PM, 8–9, 77–81 143 Carolingian scholarship, 135 distance figures on PM, 78, 81–2, Castorius, 133–4 101–2, 110, 114–6, 127, 130, 140–1 348 Celtis, Konrad, 2, 10–12, 142 distance markers, Indian, 140–1;Persian, “cento” verse composition, 154 140 Index Charles VI, emperor, 29 Divisio Orbis Terrarum, 319–20 Cherubinus, Vincentius, 47 division of words on PM, 81–2, 100 chicanes (sharp turns) on PM, 77, 98, Donato, Pietro, 167–70 113–4, 128, 313 Duchy of Cornwall map, 194 Christianity, impact of on PM, 106, 124, “Dura shield” map, 96, 117, 323 126, 135–6 Claudius, emperor, 149 Ebstorf Map, 194, 299 clavi, 153 Edict on Maximum Prices, 134, 152 coastlines/shorelines on PM, 89–95, ekphrasis, 154 97–8, 101–3; routes along, 116–7 Eratosthenes, 137 Codex-Calendar of 354, 153–5 Eugen, prince of Savoy, 28–9 Colle Oppio fresco, 315 Eugenius IV, pope, 167 Colmar monastery, 164 Eumenius, 137–8, 162 coloring of PM, 76–8, 97–8, 100; mountain ranges, 106; symbols, 119 Forlosia, Nicolode,` 75, 291, 292 Constantine, emperor, 135–6, 150, 324 Forma Urbis Romae. See Marble Plan of Constantius II, emperor, 153–4 Rome copyist(s) of PM, 87, 123–32; division of formula/forma (of Roman provinces), 140 labor, 82–3, 127–8, 130;initiatives, Foscari, Pietro, 170, 327 106, 124–5; misspellings, 126–7; Francis I, king of France, 13 omissions, 107, 115, 127, 129; slips, Freudenberg, Johannes, 194 111, 113, 119, 121, 127, 130 Cosmography, Ravenna, 133, 135, Galerius (Tetrarch), arch of, 146–7 164–5 Gallus, Caesar, 155 Cristianopoulo, Podocataro, 46–50, 302 Garampi, Giuseppe, 47 Cuntz, Otto, unfinished work on PM, George III, king of England, 293 71 Goens, Rijklof van, 36 Cyriacus (of Ancona), 328 golden milestone. See miliarium aureum Goschl,¨ Alexander, 63 D’Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon, Gough map, 171–2, 323 50 Greek, transliteration of names from, on D’Urban, Agricol Fortia, 51 PM, 100 Dandolo, Fantino, 170 De mensura orbis terrae, 135 Haffelin,¨ Casimir, 36 De situ orbis, 135 Henry III, king of England, 7 Descriptio Mappe Mundi, 166 Henry VIII, king of England, 7, 325 Desjardins, Ernest, 57–62; claims Hereford Map, 76, 166, 299 superiority of 1598 PM engraving, Heyrenbach, Joseph Benedikt, 37, 44–5, 22, 35, 57 175–6; essay summarized by Vodnik, diaphragma of Dicaearchus, 137 181–8 Dicuil, 135 Hierocles, Synekdemos, 321 Dilke, Oswald, 72 Historia Augusta, 153 Dimensuratio Provinciarum, 319 History of Cartography project, 5 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-68575-8 - Rome's World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered Richard J. A. Talbert Index More information Hofbibliothek, Vienna/National Library London Tube diagram, 143 of Austria, ownership of PM, 1, 29–30, 38, 44, 194 Madaba mosaic map, 117 Horn, Georg, 25, 50, 291 Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia, Hugh of St-Victor, 166 194 Hummelberg, Michael, 13, 17, 87, 305, Maeniana (rhetorical school), 137 349 323 Mannert, Konrad, 36, 38–41, 50, 177 Hungary, Royal Hungarian Academy, 51 mapmaker (of PM). See Peutinger map Index Hyperboreans, 148 (lost original) mappamundi, 7, 83, 172, 301, 321–2, Isidore (of Charax), 140, 199 325, 326. See also Hereford Map islands on PM, 89–93, 105–6; in Gulf of maps, Roman (other than PM), 95–6, Salona, 106, 125 109–10, 117, 122, 136–9, 144, 146, itineraries, 109. See also Antonine, 148, 162–3 Bordeaux, Maritime Marble Plan of Rome, 96, 117, 134, itinerarium pictum, 142 143, 315, 325. See also Stanford Digital Forma Urbis Romae project Jansson, Joannes, 24 Marcus Aurelius, Column of, 117, 143, Julius Caesar, 149 299 Justinian, emperor, 149 Maritime Itinerary (ItMarit), 139, 199, 313 Karacs, Ferenc, 51 Maury, Alfred, 57, 75 Karl Theodor, Kurfurst¨ of the Pfalz, 35, Maxentius, self-proclaimed Tetrarch, 36 150, 156–7 Katancsich, Mathias Peter, 41, 50–1, Maximian, Tetrarch, 149–50 54 Maximilian I, emperor, 2, 10, 12 Kleiner, Salomon, 30–1, 34, 302 Megasthenes, 141 klimata, 147–8. See also oikoumene Merton College, Oxford, 301 Koblenz map fragment, 195 Merula, Paul, 23 Kopitar, Bartholomaus¨ (Jernej), 36–41, mile, Roman, 141;onPM,115 44, 175–8 miliarium aureum (Rome), 143, 162 kos, 141 milion (Constantinople), 326 Kubitschek, Wilhelm, 71, 299 Miller, Emmanuel, 54, 56 Kuhtze/K¨ uz,¨ Paul, 25–8 Miller, Konrad, 4–5; commentary/scholarship on PM, Lactantius, 144 68–71, 198–9; opinions on lakes on PM. See water, open authorship and date of PM original, Lancelot, Antoine, 2 133–4; publication of PM, 62–5; Lapie, Pierre, 54–6, 70 reconstruction of PM’s western end, league, Gallic on PM, 115 66–7, 87–8, 189–92; respect for 1598 Lehnhardt, Samuel, 51 PM engraving, 22 lettering on PM, forms and minuscules on PM, 8–9, 77–81, 107 abbreviations, 78–84; placement, Moerentorf (Moretus), Johannes, 19–23 100–1, 128 Moller, Johannes, 19, 22, 316 Levi, Annalina and Mario, 71 Moretus, Balthasar, 24 Licinius, Augustus, 311 mountain ranges on PM, 77, 89–95, line work on PM, 98–101, 103, 116, 97–8, 103, 106–7 127–31. See also route network and Muller,¨ Carl, 56–7 its stretches lithography, as means for printing PM Nemitz/Neshics, 44 copies, 60, 62–3 numerals on PM. See distance figures © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-68575-8 - Rome's World: The Peutinger Map Reconsidered Richard J. A. Talbert Index More information oikoumene, 88, 147–9; claims of Roman 83–4; difficulties of reproduction, domination, 149 3–4;discovery2, 11;drawing/ Orange cadaster (Arausio), 96 artwork, 76–7, 82, 119–20, 125; orbis terrarum, 88, 122, 136–8, 152;PM’s exemplar (archetype), 80–2, 124; remolding of, 153, 162. See also impact, 13; inks, 76–7, 83, 119; oikoumene landscape base, 89–95;material,73, 350 orientation of PM, 96–7 83;namefor,3, 142; paleography, Ortels, Abraham, 14, 19 76–85; postmedieval adjustments, Index Ovid, 314 84–5; publication, 14–25, 30–68; scale, 97, 155; scripts, 77–84; painting and painters, Roman, 134, shape/size, 74, 87; western end 144 reconstructed, 62, 66–7, 189–92. See palatium, 144 also (all relating to PM): baths/spas; Palestrina Nile mosaic, 315 capitals; chicanes; Christianity, papyrus, 143 impact of; coastlines; coloring; parasang, Persian on PM, 115 copyist(s); display capitals; distance Parmenides, 147 figures; division of words; Gough Passionei, Domenico, 28 map; Greek, transliteration of names peoples and regions on PM, 78, 100–1, from; Hofbibliothek; islands; 107–8, 126 lettering; line work; minuscules; Peutingen, Desiderius Ignaz von, 14, mountain ranges; orientation; 25 peoples and regions; place-names; Peutinger, Christoph, 14 portvs; rivers; route network and its Peutinger, Konrad, 2, 10–14, 85 stretches; special (descriptive) Peutinger map (lost copies), 163–6 notices; symbols/vignettes; Ta bu l a Peutinger map (lost original) and its Peutingeriana; units of distance; water, maker, 133–4; awareness of open; and Gazetteer below boundaries, 99; comparable to Peutinger map (variant version at papyrus strip, 143; context, 142–9; Padua), 11, 142, 166–70 date, 134–6; descriptive term for, Philip, emperor, 136 142;design,86–95, 143–4; division Philostratus, 323 of labor, 128, 134; impact photography as means for publishing (long-term), 7, 164–72; intellectual PM copies, 60, 63, 68, 70 appeal, 153–5; laxness, 112, 114–5; place-names on PM, 78, 109; crowding, mapmaking practice, 87, 95–102, 105, 114; minimal conversion to 122; purpose, 7, 122, 142–57, 163; nominative, 126; minimal updating, relationship to classical cartography, 126; misspelling, 126.
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