\..JI'JAMIR SITl) A TI O~ ve~T R,..e 'P A 1 ~'i ~E 'PO ~T5 (..ONF IDE t--JTl AL. PLEASE RETAIN UN ARCHIVES '2..009 ORIGINAL ORDER SERIES 5-10'3 BOX I~ FILE ----=-3_ ACC. l~'1~ ] t,' .' (TWO) PRIOm'IX RESTRICTED OUTGOING FAX NO: A - 2tGPNo\-1 DTG: 15SEPTEMBER 1995 TO: AS PER DISTRIBUTION FROM: SITUATIO~ CENTR.£ UNHQ·DPKO FA.,"<>NO: 9-011-331-4306-'7641 FAXNO: (212}-963-9053 (pLAIN) 1 3-3090 (212}.963-9852(CRYPTO) I SUBJECT: SITUATION CENTRE DAILY REPORTFOR UNAl'\l£R ATN: FORCE COMM..uIDER UNAMIR ORA.FTER= Lt Col K. JOBSON MR. ZOUAThf CHIEF OF UNESCO Ql , ,. TOTAL NUMBER OF TRA1'TSMITfED PAGES INCLUDlNG lHIS'PAGE: 1. PLEASE FIND THE DAILY UNAMlR REPORT PRODUCED BY THE SITUATION CENTRE. 2. REFER Al'iY QUESTIONS TO THE DUTY ROOM CLERK ON 3-2690. 3. REGARDS. I jI'N30YiV;OO 'V a r.,l"dM).,ja I ..... - Ul~ ~1.K14...:1 E.Lt FOR INTERJ.~AL USE ONLY - NO FURTHER DISSEMINATIOl" DPKO SITUATION CENTRE REPORT UNAMIR - RWANDA Time: 0800 Hours NYT 15 September 1995 HIGHLIGHTS ..The SRSGmet with the President ofRwanda. POLmCAL i UNA.:~fl1 On J4 September, Amnesty International appealed to world governmentsto arrestthe 400 Rwandans and Burundians livingin exile suspected ofgenocide. (AFP) UN human rights representative forRwandaClarence will be replaced by Mr. Ian Martin next month, T.J1\ High CommissionerLasso announced. on 14September. Mr, Clarancesuccessfullycarried outhis missionin Rwanda. Mr. Lasso said. CMP) On 14 September.the SRSG met with the President of Rwanda to discuss the killing in GISENY1. TheSRSG considered it a veryserious matter which couldhave adverse repercussions on the returnofrefugees. He expressedappreciation for 'theGovernmentdecisionto hold ajoint investigation into the matterwith the UN. The Presidentwelcomed the: SRSG's plan. for the improvementofconditions in the Rwandan prisons. He also stateO'that Rwanda wasready to attendthe tripartite meeting between UNHCR, Rwandaand Zaire scheduledlater this monthin GENEVA. BURUNDI: A leading Hutu politicianwas wounded by Tutsi gunmenin the last ethnicallymixeddistrictof BUJtJMBURA, officialssaid on 14September. Mr: Bamvuginyum'\:ira, head ofthe parliamentary groupof the mainly Hutu Frodebuparty, escaped with bulletwoundsand was treatedat a hospital after the attackin a bar on 13 September. A civil servicemedicaladviserwas also shot and more badly wounded. The shooting followed a series of assassinationsofseniorHutu officialsin the last two months. At least six membersof the civil service, clergyand regional adminiseetionhave been killed sinceJuly. Manymo-re have survived assassinationattempts in what Frodebumembers say is a-systematic campaignagainst the party. (REUTER) MILITARY BURUNDI: North Korean. milita!yexpertsare training the Tutsi-dominated armyin Burundi,UN sources said on 14 September. They said trainingmainly involvedhow to use heavyweaponryin the north-western regionsofCIBITOKE and BUBANZA, wherethe army is tryingto contain hit andrun attacks by Hum rebels. (REUTER) HlJ~1ANlT ARIAN On 14 September, a total of 138 persons crossed into Rwanda 127 from Zaire and 1I from Uganda. The total for the month is 6456. UN RESTlUCTED lU",O Il'iT1;'D1\1 A 1 Tll;:1;' n'lo.:l v N"O -c'tY'O'T'llC"O ",r~lO.:t;l'ur""'lA. TU,\l'l..: ! 6t~tl : liL-6 -4:18: 'gGNvM~.I""·- r;iv -2ftl (TWO) fJUORITY RESTRICTED OUTGOING FAX NO: A - 2/GP No VI DTG: 13SEPTE:MBER 1995 TO: ASPER DISTRIBUTION )FROM: SITUATIONCENTRE . UNBQ .. DPKO FA.XNO: 9..011-331-4306-7641 FAX NO: (212)-963-9053 (pLAIN) 3-3090 (212)-963-9852(CRYPTO) SUBJECT: SITUATION CENTRE nAILY REPORT FOR lJNAMlR. ATN: FORCE COMMA..."'IDER L~AMIR DRAITER: Lt Col K. JOBSON )tIR. ZOUAlN CHIEF OF UNESCO CiJl· ",. TOTAL NUMBER OFTRANSMlTIED PAGES INCLUDING THIS PAGE: 1. PLEASE FIND THE DAILY UNAl"UR REPORT PRODUCEDBY THE SITUATION CE:NTRE. 2. REFER ANY QUESTIONS TO THE DUTYROOM CLERK ON 3,.2690. 3. REGARDS. W:'1AXESldadyrax.2 ~ I q. ~.: - >: -- C, ~ • "1 (] !'-!"1 M'~. I ..., "t 8 i " . q : ;Ai'ft,.~ ... {IN RESTRICTED FOR ViTER.'\l'AL USE ONLY· NOFURTHER DISSE:MlXAIIO~ DPKO SITUATION CENTRE REPORT lJNAMIR .. RWANnA Time: 0800 Boun NIT 13 September 1995 HIGHLIGHTS ..Ina shooting incident in GISENYISector, 101 people were killed and 14 wounded. ..New prison wings would be built over the nextthree months to expand prison capacity. )0 A meeting on the repatriation of refugees from zaire couldbepostponed until25 September. POLITICAL· On 12September, the ForceCommandervisited the ONTRACOM prison. ---t.i"NAMJR A meeting in Geneva on the repatriation ofmore than a million Rwandan and Burundi refugees from Zaire could be postponed until 25 September. from the dates proposed by Zaire between 19 to 24, a UN spokesman said. (AFP) MILITARY During the night of11\12 September, a shooting incident rook place in BUSIZI. Kanama commune in Sector 5at GISENYI. Therewere 101 bodies,including the Mayor of K.-\J."\lAIviA, plus Sburied bodies and 14 wounded people discovered. Thereason tor the incident is stillunknown, A Human Rights investigation is in progress, Radio Rwanda reported that the people killed near the Zairean border were victims of clashes between the Rwandan army and Hum militiafrom zaire. The official Rwaadan radio station reported the violence near the town of OISENYI for the fitst time on Wednesday. In itS report the radio said a patrol of Bum militiamen entered Rwanda and set up a barricade near the village of KAJ\AJv1A, eight miles from the border. A patrol from the Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Petriotic Army (RPA) arrived and the commanding officer was killed. The army retaliated and there were a nmnber of dead and wounded, the radio reported. (AFP) * BURUNDI On. 12 September, Hutu rebels raided a Tutsi home in BUJUMBURA. killing two Tursi youths in an incident that shattered a recent calm in the southern suburbs ofthe Bunmdi capital. (REtJlER) . HUMANITARIAN On 12 September, the Central African Republic wasissuing.visas forRwandan refugees in Zaire despite a UNRESTRICTED FOR INil1'RNA'. IrSF. ONLY - NO FlJRmER DISSK\IINATION FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - NO FURTIlER DISSEl\.IINAnON 1J'N accord forthem ~o f:tu1'U :0 Rwanda, Radio Rwanda ~d. 'l?e Central African Republic embassy in l{.lNSHASA started issuing VISas to easethe burden onzaire which wants Rwandan refugees In Itsterritory to leave, the radio said. A spokesman forRwanda's Rehabilitation ~Iinistry, in chargeQfrepatriating R,vandan refugees,criticized the move.(REUTER) . SRSG :Khan said new prisonwings would be built overthe next three months to expand prison capacity, in an effort to help alleviate overcrowding in Rwandan prisons, On 12 September, a total of376 refugeesreturned to Rwanda, ofwhich212 came from Zaire and 159 from Burundi. The total for the month to date •....·as 6,223. J' ·UN RESTRICTED li'OR ~O DISSE:~nNATION £ ll' N3 OWWO:> INTF.RNAI.. USE ONLY- FURTHER , £'-5 -96' (TWO) PRIOBIII RESTRICTED OlJTGOrNG FAXNO: A - 2/GP No VI DTO: 12 SEPTEMBER 1995 I TO: AS PERDISTRIBlmON FROM: SITUATION CEl''TRE \ UNHQ-DPKO I FA..r'X NO: 9-o11~331~306-7641 FAX NO: (212)-963-9053 (pLAlN") i 3-30'0 (212}963-9852(CRYPTO) SUBJECT: SITUATION CE~'TRE DAlLY REPORT FOR tIN.~\fiR ATN: FORCE COML"IANDER tTSA."\fiR DRAFTElt Lt Col K. JOBSON :MR. ZOUAIN CB:lEF OF "l~ESCO I I~t I ". TOTALNUMBEROF TRANS~n PAGES INCLUDING TIllS PAGE: j' 1. PLEASE FIND THE DAlLY l'''NAMIRREPORT PRODUCED BY THE SITUATIO:S CENTRE. 2. REFER A..'\ff QUESTIONS TO THE Dl)TY ROOM CLERK ON 3-2690. 3. REGARDS. W:\FAXES\dailyfax.Z ! l l ~ ~ t • 1. i - B -. r. lJ~'" .KI:£STKlCT.ED FOR L"ITERNAL rSE ONLY - NO Ft.:"RTHER DISSEl\;l1N"A'l'ION \ DPKO SITIJAnON CENTRE REPORT \ UNAMIR • RWANDA \ Time: 0800 Hours svr 12 September 1995 mGIU,lGHTS ...A cholera epidemic in Burundi threatens to infect displaced people. POLITICU On 11 September, the OAU said chaos loomed in BUI11I1d.i and UNAMIR.! the world-sbould do everything possible to prevent a geu"cide. OAU Secretary-General Salimsaidthe situationin Burundi remained"extremely tense, complex andvolatile." The 0 AUwasconvinceddialogue towards peacewas the best optio~ he reida meeting of the 16-nation council ofthe OAU MechanismforConflictPrevention, Management and Resolution. (REV1ER) On II September! suspected Rwandan Hum militants in e.astern zaire stepped up their attacks on Western relief a~endes as part ofa: campaign to torpedo the return homeof . ~ore than one million refugees, L'N officialssaid. The two weekspateof grenade and mineattacksin and around GOI\1A raisedfears of renewed insecurity. "The extremists are againstan organized return." Mr. BoutroU€. headof the GO~'lA office of the UNHCR, said. (REUTER) On 11 September, radio Rwanda reported that the Finance yunisters ofRwanda, Burundi and. Zaire met in GOMA. to re-launchthe activities of the development bank. for the Great Lake Countries. Details of the discussion are unknown. Bunmdi: At least 13 people have died ofcholera in Burundi and the epidemic threatens to infect the hundreds of thousands ofdisplacedpeople,the World Health Organization(\VHO)said on 11 September. A VvlIO team. in Bunmdihas recorded 54 cases since21 August. including 13 fatal cases, theorganization saidin a statementissued in Geneva. "The situationis undercontrolfor the moment,"theysaid. (AFP) On II September, a total of256 refugees returned to Rwandafrom Zaire. The total for the monthis 5,847. SECURlTY ANDSAFETY OF PERSONNEL On 10September, an APe assignedto MalawiCompany was involvedin a traffic accidentalongthe KIGALI-BUTAREroad. The vehicle went into a ditch andfivesoldiers were injured andevacuated to KIGALI. UN RESTRICTED "OJ:) TN'T1?'ON" ( r iCo:r:- nNr v NO li'I1'DTU'C''O r.... ~~tc1\"'1\.~ A..... n1\.l : l I: g t ~~.• - '"' -- r: 8 ~ 'of ,,~,.. • RECEIVED 1 2 SEP 1995 OFFICE OF THE SR)G UNAMtR (TWO) PRIORITY ".... RESTRICTED ~ OUTGOING FAX NO: A - 2/GP No VI DTG: 11 SEPTEMBER 1995 TO: AS PER DISTRIBUTION FROM: SITUATION CENTRE . IJNHQ-DPKO FAXNO: 9-011-331-4306-7641 FAX NO: (211)-963-9053 (pLAL1Ili) .3-3090 (212)-963-9852(CRYPTO) SUBJECT; SITUATION CENTRE DAILY REPORT FOR UNk\fIR ATN~ FORCE COMMANDER UNAMIR M.R.
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