Agenda Meeting: Board Date: Wednesday 9 June 2021 Time: 10.00am Place: Teams Virtual Meeting Members Sadiq Khan (Chair) Anne McMeel Heidi Alexander (Deputy Chair) Dr Mee Ling Ng OBE Cllr Julian Bell Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE Kay Carberry CBE Mark Phillips Prof Greg Clark CBE Dr Nina Skorupska CBE Bronwen Handyside Dr Lynn Sloman MBE Dr Alice Maynard CBE Ben Story Government Special Representatives Andrew Gilligan TBC How decisions will be taken during the current social distancing measures The 2020 regulations that provided the flexibility to hold and take decisions by meetings held using videoconference expired on 6 May 2021. While social distancing measures remain in place to manage the coronavirus pandemic, Members will attend a videoconference briefing held in lieu of a meeting of the Board. Any decisions that need to be taken within the remit of the Board will be discussed at the briefing and, in consultation with available Members, will be taken by the Chair using Chair’s Action. A note of the decisions taken, including the key issues discussed, will be published on tfl.gov.uk. As far as possible, TfL will run the briefing as if it were a meeting but without physical attendance at a specified venue by Members, staff, the public or press. Papers will be published in advance on tfl.gov.uk How We Are Governed Apart from any discussion of exempt information, the briefing will be webcast live for the public and press on TfL’s YouTube channel. A guide for the press and public on attending and reporting meetings of local government bodies, including the use of film, photography, social media and other means is available on www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Openness-in- Meetings.pdf. v1 2020 Further Information If you have questions, would like further information about the meeting or require special facilities please contact: Shamus Kenny, Head of Secretariat; telephone: 020 7983 4913; email: [email protected]. For media enquiries please contact the TfL Press Office; telephone: 0343 222 4141; email: [email protected] Howard Carter, General Counsel Tuesday 1 June 2021 2 Agenda Board Wednesday 9 June 2021 1 Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements 2 Declarations of Interests General Counsel Members are reminded that any interests in a matter under discussion must be declared at the start of the meeting, or at the commencement of the item of business. Members must not take part in any discussion or decision on such a matter and, depending on the nature of the interest, may be asked to leave the room during the discussion. 3 Minutes of the Meeting of the Board held on 16 March 2021 (Pages 1 - 16) General Counsel The Board is asked to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 16 March 2021 and authorise the Chair to sign them. 4 Matters Arising, Actions List and Use of Delegated Authority (Pages 17 - 24) General Counsel The Board is asked to note the updated actions list and the use of authority delegated by the Board. 5 Commissioner's Report (Pages 25 - 62) Commissioner The Board is asked to note the Commissioner’s Report, which provides an overview of major issues and developments since the report to the meeting on 16 March 2021 and updates Members on significant projects and initiatives. 3 6 Elizabeth Line Operational Readiness and Crossrail Update (Pages 63 - 66) Managing Director London Underground and TfL Engineering and Chief Executive, Crossrail The Board is asked to note the paper. 7 2021/22 Funding Agreement (Pages 67 - 96) Chief Finance Officer The Board is asked to note the paper and appendices. 8 Finance Report - Quarter 4, 2020/21 (Pages 97 - 120) Chief Finance Officer The Board is asked to note the Finance Report. 9 Mayors Transport Strategy - Annual Update on Delivery (Pages 121 - 180) Director of City Planning The Board is asked to note the paper. 10 Report of the meetings of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 17 March and 7 June 2021 (Pages 181 - 188) Committee Chair, Anne McMeel The Board is asked to note the report. 11 Report of the meetings of the Elizabeth Line Committee held on 18 March and 20 May 2021 (Pages 189 - 192) Committee Chair, Heidi Alexander The Board is asked to note the report. 4 12 Report of the meeting of the Programmes and Investment Committee held on 19 May 2021 (Pages 193 - 198) Committee Chair, Prof. Greg Clark CBE The Board is asked to note the report. 13 Any Other Business the Chair Considers Urgent The Chair will state the reason for urgency of any item taken. 14 Date of Next Meeting Wednesday 28 July 2021 at 10am 5 [page left intentionally blank] Agenda Item 3 Transport for London Minutes of the Meeting Teams Virtual Meeting 10.00am, Tuesday 16 March 2021 Members Sadiq Khan (Chair) Heidi Alexander (Deputy Chair) Cllr Julian Bell Kay Carberry CBE Prof. Greg Clark CBE Bronwen Handyside Ron Kalifa OBE Anne McMeel Dr Mee Ling Ng OBE Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE Mark Phillips Dr Nina Skorupska CBE (present up to Minute 16/03/21 and from Minute 18/03/21) Lynn Sloman MBE Ben Story Government Special Representatives Andrew Gilligan Clare Moriarty DCB Executive Committee Andy Byford Commissioner Howard Carter General Counsel Michèle Dix CBE Managing Director, Crossrail 2 Vernon Everitt Managing Director, Customers, Communication and Technology Stuart Harvey Director of Major Projects Andy Lord Managing Director, London Underground and TfL Engineering Lilli Matson Chief Safety, Health and Environment Officer Gareth Powell Managing Director, Surface Transport Shashi Verma Chief Technology Officer and Director of Strategy Alex Williams Director of City Planning Mark Wild CEO, Crossrail Limited Tricia Wright Chief People Officer Staff Andrea Clarke Director of Legal Patrick Doig Divisional Finance and Procurement Director Jackie Gavigan Secretariat Manager Joanna Hawkes Corporate Finance and Strategy Director Kate Keane Chief of Staff to Commissioner Shamus Kenny Head of Secretariat Tony King Group Finance Director and Statutory Chief Finance Officer Emma Lucas Chief of Staff, Chief Finance Officer Rachel McLean Chief Finance Officer Crossrail and Finance Director London Underground Clive Walker Director of Risk and Assurance 1 Page 1 12/03/21 Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, which was being broadcast live on the Greater London Authority website and on YouTube. An apology for absence had been received from Dr Alice Maynard CBE. Dr Nina Skorupska CBE had given an apology for absence for part of the meeting. Ron Kalifa OBE, who would stand down from the Board in May 2021 due to other work commitments, was thanked for his substantial contribution to the Board. He had been an enormous source of support and good advice to the former Chief Finance Officer, Ian Nunn and had provided enormous support to TfL following Ian’s sad and untimely death. Ron Kalifa OBE had continued to support and guide TfL on a range of complex finance issues, particularly during the unprecedented period in the last year where the strong financial position TfL had built up was so severely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The Deputy Chair, Commissioner and Members also expressed their gratitude to Ron Kalifa OBE for his input and support and the Board wished him every success for the future. The Board also thanked Clare Moriarty DCB, a Government Special Representative, who was standing down from her role at the end of March 2021, as she was taking on a full- time role elsewhere. The Chair and Commissioner expressed their gratitude for her input into these meetings and her support over the last nine months and wished her every success in the future. The Department for Transport would announce a successor in due course. The Chair congratulated Dr Lynn Sloman MBE on the deserved award of a Member of the British Empire for services to transport in the New Year’s Honours. The award specifically related to her work on making the case for investment in active travel, which she also did so well as part of this Board. As this was the last meeting of the Board before the Mayoral Election on 6 May 2021, the Chair thanked all Members of the Board for their support, challenge and scrutiny over the last five years. He considered that they added real value to TfL, which was appreciated by the Commissioner and his senior team. Andy Byford also commended the Board for the value that staff derived from its input, skill set and diversity. The Chair thanked staff for their efforts during the pandemic and for the current work on planning for the recovery, which included the recent deployment of extra bus services to support children returning to school from 8 March 2021. TfL continued to support its staff and contractors. Since the last meeting, more staff and contractors had died from Covid- 19, bringing a total of 89 deaths, of which 51 were bus drivers; the thoughts of the Board and all staff at TfL were with their families and friends. In relation to the impact on bus workers, phase two of the TfL commissioned study by the University College London Institute of Health Equity would be published shortly. That report addressed the pattern of infections to inform recommendations on any additional occupational health measures that should be put in place. Further information was included in the Commissioner’s Report, elsewhere on the agenda (Minute 16/03/21), and a briefing would be held of Members in April 2021, after the report was published. Members again thanked four senior staff for their contribution to TfL, before they left in March and April 2021: Staynton Brown, the Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Talent; Claire Mann, Director of Bus Operations; Brian Woodhead, Director of Customer Service, 2 Page 2 London Underground; and Clive Walker, Director of Risk and Assurance.
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