1 Introduction Alhamdulillaah, all praise belongs to Allaah and we send Durud and Salaam upon ,عليه/هم السﻻم his most beloved and Final Nabi, the seal of the all the after Ambiyaa him being ,عليه/هم السﻻم Him being the seal of all the Ambiyaa .ﷺ Nabi Muhammad the Final Nabi, has been made mention of in the Noble Quraan and in the This is called Khatm-un-Nubuwwah. The principle of .ﷺ Ahaadith of Rasulullaah Khatm-un-Nubuwwah (Finality of Prophethood) is a fundamental belief of Islam. For the past 1400 years, the entire Ummah is upon the belief of Khatm-un- is ﷺ Nubuwwah (Finality of Prophethood) by announcing that Nabi Muhammad the final Messenger and there is no Nabi to come after him. ﷺ There are countless verses in the Noble Quraan and sayings of Rasulullaah which give clear cut testimony of the belief of Khatm-un-Nubuwwah (Finality of Prophethood). In other words, it is proven from the Quraan, Ahadeeth and Ijmaa’ .is the last and final Nabi ﷺ consensus of all the Muslimeen) that Rasulullaah) And if you turn through the historical pages of Islam, you will find that there were .ﷺ people who had claimed to be Prophets after the demise of Rasulullaah However, when these people raised their ugly heads with such claims, this Ummah crushed their lies and false propaganda with all its might. 1. Musaylamah Kathaab (l.a.) One such false claimant was Musailama Kathaab (l.a.). He started off early in his life learning tricks of deception, illusions and even getting actual assistance of the Shayateen. It is reported that he could put an egg in a bottle; he could cut off the feathers of a bird and then stick them on so the bird would fly again; and he used this skill to persuade the people that he was divinely gifted. This is similar to what Dajjaal will do, woe people by means of magic. sent a letter to his tribe, Musaylimah was one of the ﷺ When Rasulullaah delegates to responded to his call and at least outwardly accepted Islam. But, when he returned to his people, he went back to his old ways and eventually claimed prophethood for himself. His claim obviously put him at odds with to gain more ﷺ He then decided to bargain with Rasulullaah .ﷺ Rasulullaah in which ﷺ power and influence. Towards this end, he sent a letter to Rasulullaah he wrote: ﷺ to Muhammad Rasulullaah ﷺ From Musaylimah Rasulullaah The earth is split into two parts, one part to you and one part to me. But Quraysh are a people who are transgressing [ie, taking more than their share of Arabia], because I was given partnership [in prophethood] with you… 2 :responded with the following letter ﷺ Rasulullaah to Musaylimah the Liar ﷺ Rasulullaah ﷺ From Muhammad Indeed, The Earth belongs to Allaah, and He gives it to whomever He wills, and the end is to the Mutaqeen… Obviously Musaylimah (l.a.) did not like that response, and Islam’s rising power left Musaylimah jealous. sent a person by the name of Rajjal ibn ‘Unfwa, who was from the ﷺ Rasulullaah same tribe as Musaylamah, to reason with him and bring him back to the fold of Islam. This did not work and instead of him convincing Musaylamah to return to ﷺ Islam, he turned away from Islam. This occurred in the 10th AH and Rasulullaah passed away in the 11th AH. undertook when he became رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم One of the first tasks Abu Bakr Khalifah was to quell the false claims of the existence of a new Nabi after the He despatched three armies at different times against .ﷺ demise of Rasulullaah Musaylamah (l.a.) and his army. The first two armies were defeated but the third رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم under the command of the great Saifullaah, Khalid Ibn Walid were successful. in the رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم the man who killed Hamza ,رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم Wahshi رضي هللا battle of Uhud, wanted to make up for that by killing Musaylimah. He said, “Just as I have killed the most beloved servant of Allaah [Hamza عنه/ها/هما/هم I am going to compensate for that by killing the enemy of ,[رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم Allaah [Musaylimah (l.a.)].” With Musaylimah in his sights, he honed onto his target and launched his missle. At the same moment the spear hit him, Abu .(.struck Musaylimah (l.a رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم Dujanah The death of Musaylimah meant the end of the battle. The Muslims were victorious at Al-Yamama, but not without heavy losses. 300 Sahaba were martyred. Ibn Katheer estimated 450 of the Hufaz were killed. Hundreds more were killed, and perhaps thousands injured. We learn from this incident that the Muslimeen were prepared to give their lives to safeguard the belief of Khatm-un-Nubuwwah (Finality of Prophethood). 2. Tulayha The next false prophet was Tulayhah al-Azdi from the tribe of Banu Assad near Iraq. Earlier in his life, he had accepted Islam without being called to do so, so he as if he was doing Allaah a favor. In response to ,ﷺ would brag to Rasulullaah this, Allaah revealed: 3 َ َ َ َ ُ ُُّ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ ْ َ ُ ُ َُّ َ ُ ُُّ َ َ َُّ ْ َ َ ُ َ َُّ ُ َ ُ ُُّ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ َ َ ُ ْ يمنون عليك أن أسلموا ۖ قل َل تمنوا َع إِسَلمكم ۖ ب ِل اَلل يمن عليكم أن هداكم ْ َ ُ ُ ْ َ َ لِ ِْليما ِن إِن كنتم صا ِدقِي They consider it a favor to you that they have accepted Islam. Say, “Do not consider your Islam a favor to me. Rather, Allaah has conferred favor upon you that He has guided you to the faith, if you should be truthful.” (Surah al-Hujurat, Verse 17) Later he returned to his people. One day they were in the desert and could not find any water. In that desperate state, a man riding Tulayhah’s camel was able to find water, and the people attributed that to Tulayha’s barakah (blessings). Tulayhah used this as a springboard to promote himself and self-aggrandize. This gradually continued over time until he eventually claimed prophethood. Seeing his tribesmen defeated, Tulayhah also harbored ill-feelings against Islam and the Muslims. He was able to convince a large number of new Muslims that he was a .thus causing them to Islam ,ﷺ prophet after Rasulullaah .reacted to this liar by employing two strategies رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم Abu Bakr First, he sent emissaries bring back some of the tribes to Islam. In particular, he sent ‘Adi ibn Hatim, a former Christian, with convince his tribe Tayy to leave the false prophet. If that did not work, Abu Bakr would employ his second strategy, with an army to attack رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم that being to send Khalid bin Waleed them. ‘Adi was successful in convincing his tribe Tayy to return to Islam. Ibn Katheer opines that ‘Adi was the most blessed man to his people, because he saved them from Jahannam for accepting a false prophet, a liar. Unfortunately, many other s army of’رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم tribes remained with Tulayhah. Therefore, Khalid 6,000 attacked Tulayhah’s army of 15,000 in the Battle of Buzakha. Despite being ,s army was able to defeat Tulayhah’رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم outnumbered, Khalid pushing his army north. Shortly afterwards, Tulayhah’s alliance with the other surrounding tribes failed and he fled with his family to Syria and Iraq. heard the good news that Tulayhah was رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم When Abu Bakr ,which read, “May that رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم defeated, he wrote Khalid bin Waleed which Allaah has granted to you by way of blessings, increase for you. Fear Allaah in your affairs, for verily Allaah is with those who are pious and do good works. Take seriously the command of Allaah and do not be lenient. And whoever you lay your hands over from the disbelievers who fought the Muslims, then severely punish them.” 4 رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم s orders, Khalid bin Waleed’ رضي هللا عنه/ها/هما/هم Per Abu Bakr stayed for a month in the area severely punishing those who had accepted a .ﷺ prophet after the Final Nabi, Nabi Muhammad Interestingly, years later Tulayhah returned to Islam and even made ‘Umrah! 3. Sajjah bint Harith Not long after he claimed to be a Prophet, came Sajjah bint Harith. She was from a Christian Iraqi tribe named Taghlib. She was beautiful, a master of oratory, poetry and had the ability to game prophecies (i.e. phrasing prophecies in such a way that they always come true). Coincidentally, her tribe held a prophecy of a woman who would become a prophetess. When she heard about the death of and the rise of other false prophets, she decided to use her skills ﷺ Rasulullaah and claim the prophethood, foretold in the prophecy of her tribe. She claimed prophethood more or less the same time that Musaylamah (l.a.) claimed to be a prophet. A large number of people joined with Sajjah, believing her prophecies were a sign of Truth and she was the awaited prophetess. As she grew in power, Musaylimah (l.a.), invited her to Arabia to consolidate their forces against Islam.
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