In compliance with current co i l w r niv it pyr ght a , Co nell U ers y Library produced this replacement vo lume on paper that meets the ANSI S tandard - 1 992 to replace the i re ab dete io ed o i in r par ly r rat r g al . C ornell University Library c o : D C ? i n n n CORNE LL UNIVE RSITY LIBRARY 3 1 924 W IT H AN APPE N D I X CON TAINING ' ' V Erla sz s l l d D rli k xn i ( H mbur ( Q g m mt in e t e A 5 a g, C ON TE NTS . PAGE ’ ' TR ANS L ATQ R S FA PRE CE l ’ AU THOR S LETTER - NOTE on THE AnniOR. THE PHILI PPINE S 1 - E RAZPH G OG _ Y , I L POPU LATIO N I Neg-riitos a 2 Pagan Mal ys l M a e a l s 3 , oh mm dan M ay C i M a 4? C hristian or iv lized al ys a s fi inege a n Mix d 5 S p niard , b d ed Bree s H'I S ’ PORY’ I . r o Early Pe i d , The a C r S n e 2 . L st entu y of pa ish Rul cen t E 3 . Re vents I AN B L U R D E R' IV . AMER C s ! APPE NDIX I The C on s titution of the Philippi ne R e; publ ic . 9 b la us e s from the Proto col and the Trea ty of Peac e; the B acon Res o lution ’ TR AN S L ATOR S PR EFACE . ' It i5 ° onl v a few w eeks since I received the author s per _ . My w mission to translate this pamphlet ork is accurate . w a though hurried . It s deemed necessary to give to my countrymen before election day the opportunit y of learn ing the opinions of a scholar w ho spent many years among w ho the Filipinos , and , by reason of his standing as a teacher of ethnolog y . is competent to speak about their ripeness for independence . A friend has said to me Why , the American people w ’ ” w on t stand for anything w rong . I kno that the heart of our people is right— but w e must use our heads to save the heart from too great strain . It is usually more easy u to get into tro ble than to get out of it , and going blindly the w ay out. ahead is . not best The question of slavery could have been easily settled at the foundation o f our government . But vested inter s !d iss es - arm w a e ts and a fatuous f policy stood in the y. For a century that question frequently startled the coun “ ” try like a fire bell in the night until finally it was settled right at an immense cost of life and treasure , and to the y jeopard of our very government . N ow 1 5 the time to settle the question of dependent w colonies . rong our children by leaving the trouble to them and their children . who Lieutenant Gilmore . spent eight months a captive M emoir in the hands of the Filipinos . states in his s that at every village and halting place he w as asked by native s “ Wh the our now fi y are Americans , former friends , ght ing us P” That is a question w hich our citizens also have a duty w w to ask . It is a question hich history ill ask . It is a question w hich the Supreme Judge of Nations and of men will ask oi the soul of the great W hite Chief when he stands at the bar of God. Let every intellectually honest man who has read the o f who Declaration Independence , and understands the o f to spirit this republican government , put the question his conscience ! The answer depends on the answer to these questions : Have we a right to tax an alien people without rept e sentation ? Have we a right to govern them without their consent ? Have we any more right to make a colony than to make a king ? D . J . D . ’ AU TH OR S L ETTER . 1 0 0 . I O. Leitmeritz , Bohemia , Sept . 9 Dear Doctor : Many thanks for your kindness in the I ou matter o f my brochure . am still more pleased that y are one of those Americans who cling to the noble tra ditions of Franklin and Washington to free peoples and not to subjugate them . I f I had thought that my pamphlet w ould become known and read in America I w ould have softened some w expressions which may perchance ound the Americans . F r ti in it n o ter re et suav c r i m odo . I have lived in intimacy w ith the political leaders of the Filipino people and I know thoroughly Philippine how rock~ fa political conditions . I know st was the faith o f the Filipinos in the nobility o f the American people w hose mission it was , they thought, to free them from the Spanish yoke . If they had had the faintest suspicion that the United States meant to annex the archipelago they w ould have taken the side of the Spaniards and would Not have defended the Spanish flag . a single Filipino musket would have been fired for the purpose of acquiring the Philippines for America , thereby exchanging a Span u ish for an American master . Sincerely yo rs , . U N T TT F BL ME RI . N OTE ON TH E AU TH OR . Ferdinand Blumentritt was born in Prague , Bohemia , on 1 u o f 0 1 8 . September , 53 He spent a n mber years in the Orient making special studies of the Malayan races . He is a member of the Berliner Gesellschaft fuer Anthro olo ie p g , Ethnologie and Urgeschichte , in the proceedings f o w hich his name often appears . During his long stay in the Philippines he became inti n mately acquainted w ith the leading Filipinos . I par i t cu lar D r . Rizal was a close friend,and on the night before execution wrote him this note : “ My brother ! When you receive this I shall be dead . — ’ 1 am to be shot to morrow morning at 7 o clock . I am innocent o f the crime o f participating in the revolt . I die an . with easy conscience Farewell , my best , my dearest f ” friend ! Think only good o me . ' not ev ral f Prof . Blumentritt only translated s e o his ’ friend s works , but wrote an eulogy of him and published ’ Riz al s defense o f the Filipinos in the International Archiv - fuer Ethnog raphie (vol . Blumentritt is at present professor of ethnology in the — Real schule at Leitmeritz . The following are some of his writings ’ Riz al s 1 . 8 8 . Translation of Dr Noli Me Tangere , 9 Consideraciones acerca de la actual S ituacion Politica de i 1 88 . Filip nas , 9 1 8 0 . Las Razas del Archipielago Filipino , 9 - i i 1 8 2 . Fi1 p nas Problema Fundamental , 9 ’ of . of old Translation Dr de Tavera s edition an M S . “ 1 8 o f (A . D . 5 9) Father de Placentia , entitled , Die ” t en und Gebraueche der a ten Ta alen u S i t l g , p blished hft ‘ 1 8 fi Ztsc e . n fuer Ethnologie , B rlin , 93 _ g_ 1 8 0 . Diccionario mito logico de Filipinas , 9 Edition of Katechismus der Katholischen Glaubenslehre — in der Ilongoten sprache herausgegeben von P . Fray D Francisco de la Zurza , in ruck gelegt und mit — equivalenten des Ilongot textes in Spanischer bez w . 1 8 . tagal und m ag indanaischer Sprache . 93 u s clzau 1 8 8 An article in the D eutsche R nd ,Berlin , July , 9 , zur Geschichte des Separatismus der Spanischen Col h onie . in Po ul ar S cience Monthl An article (translated ) the p y , 1 8 r August, 99, on Race P oblems in the Philippine Islands . The article of the E ncyclopedia B ritannica on the Phil ‘ ’ ippine Islands uses Blum entritt s authority freely and quotes his Versuc li einer E thnog rap /iie der P/iilipp iim i and his B ibl iograp hic dcr Philipp inen D f i adel a the m m r . G. nton o D Bri , Ph l phi , ost pro inent “ Amer a n s calls Prof . ume t the eat ic n eth olog i t , Bl ntri t g r i n fi a t o n th h est liv ng sc ie ti c u hority e P ilippines . ' W t e r n t an a m er of the An l - a c a o f . hils l ly d ir g o S xon, Pro ’ Blumentritt s ie t fic n wl e e ma a s c n i k o dg , his ny ye rs resi den e in the h l n to the f a l of Ma a and c P i ippi es up l nil , his intim ate acquai ntance with all cl asses of Filipinos “ on entitle him to be heard the question , Are the Filipinos at this time ripe for independence ? TH E PH I L I P PI N ES .
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