LOW TIDE HIGH TIDE 4- 27-73 4-27-73 2.3 at 0706 4.0 Cll OJl4 1. 6 at 1935 4.4 dt 1312 < E a@f---wiIIlll'ill'_ ~ YOL. 13. 30619 _i_~KW~A;J~A1;'.:;.E~I~N~'7MA~R~S~HA~L6iLillaiS~LAND6fii~Siiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_.--:;-~T;.:.:h:.::u.=.:rs~d:a~Y..l!;A~p~r~i~1:....;;2~6.r..',..:1;;,:;9:";,7..;;,,.1 Disarmament Conference Takes Break Daily Water Report Heavy fighting in Hoping China and France Will Join Present wat;~L~~~d1tiOn Code: Central South Vietnam GENEVA.(UPI) - Tile 25-nation disarmament conference broke up for Water in Tanks 4-25-73 SAIGON (UPI) - Heavy fighting a six week spring I'ecess today with China and France still ignoring 6,400,000 gal. broke out in Central South Viet­ an lnvltatlOn to j ,nn the negotiations. Water Produced 1,275,000 gal. nam Wednesday and the on-again, Western, Communi'lt and neutral participants allke expressed a Water Consumed 496,000 gal. off-again attacks around Hue hope that the Chin'~se and French, as nuclear powers, would take Net 4-26-73 7,179,000 gal. flared up with artillery bar­ part but there was no response. Daily Gain 779,000 gal. rages against government posi­ The United Sl:ate'" Soviet Union and Britain, the other nuclear Conditlon "ORANGE" (restricted tions on the City's western natlons, have partlclpated since the conference began in 1962. use) goes into effect when net perimeter. Talks were schedlIled to resume June 12 wlth top priorlty going to reaches 7,000,000 gallons. South Vietnamese Command the unresolved iSS,le of banning underground nuclear tests. rONSERVF. WATER I spokesman Lt. Col. Le Trung The 1963 partial nuclear test ban treaty -- never signed by China Hien said 21 Communists died in or France -- prohiblts all but underground explosions. a pair of attacks in Binh Dinh A comprehensive ban remains blocked by United States lnsistence New Appointment in province along the Central Coast of on-slte lnspectlons to prevent cheating and Russia's argument On Wednesday. On~ day earller, that national means of verlflcatlon through seismic instruments 32 Communists were killed in and satellites are sufflclent to police a treaty. India Causes Uproar the same general area. At Japan's lnstigation, scientific experts will meet prlvately South Vietnamese casualties soon after the June 12 resumption to discuss the efflciency of NEW DELHI (UPI) - The appuinLwen~ were two killed and four modern technology in ldentifying and detectlng underground nuclear of a new chief justice of India, wounded. blasts at long range. who was sworn in today by President Not far to the west, in Kontum Joseph Martln Jr., the U.S. negotlator, said today that Washington V.V. Giri, has caused an uproar prOVince, Hien said 29 Cow­ welcomes the Japanese inlt~ative in judicial and parliamentary munists died in two other "I am pleased to state today that the United States government circles. fights. There were 13 Salgon wlll be sending experts to participate," Martln said. Judge Ajit Nath Pay was promoted troopers wounded. "My de~egation lntends to help make these meetlngs a success," chief Justice of the Supreme Court Farther to the north, Com­ he said. ahead of three of his seniors. munist gunners fired 277 rounds Vlrtually all conference partlcipants, including America's allies. The three superceded judges of mortar shells into nine in the past session~crlticlzed lmmediately resigned in protest, government positions along U.S. continued inSlslence on a and the Bar Council of India in Hue's western defense line. British Army D,smayed need for on-site insrections to an emergency meeting branded the Early today, six Communlst monitor a comprehenslve nuclear appoint~;ent as "a purely political l22-mm rockets hit a government At UDAs Decision in test ban. one and has no relation whatsoever positlon 12 miles southeast of Tok ing to thE~ Streets Sweden and Canada in partlcular to merits." Hue, killing one South Viet­ declared that modern seismo­ The assoclation, whose members namese soldier and wouncinp, 13. BELFAST (UPI) - The British graphical instruments can detect include emlnent lawyers, said At the same time, Communist army today greeted with dismay at long range all but the small­ the supercession "is a blatant and troops attacked an outpost the decision by the Protestant est underground explosions. outrageous attempt at undermining nearby, but the South Vletnamese para-milltary organization, the They argued that those blasts the independence and lmpartiality turned back the attack and Ulster Defense Association (UDA) which may go undetected would be of the Judiciary and lowering the killetl three Communists. Thert to take to the streets again. so small as LO have no mllitary urestige and dignity of the were no government casualtles "At this stage, just when we significance. Supreme Court." reported. seem to be having success in Mexico led the neutral bloc in In Parliament, angry non-Com­ the flght against the IRA (Irlsh declaring that as long as the munist opposiLion members attacked Deliverance of J8 Republlcan Army) it would be United States and Sovlet Union the appointment, and one of them traglc lf the UDA set out agalnst fail to make progress on bannlng charged the government "wants us. Absolutely tragic," army all nuclear tests there can be only stooges" as judges. Mirages Denied sources sald. no progress towards genuine The presldent appoints the chief PARIS (UPI) - T~e French The sources said the reappear­ arms control or disarmament Justice on the advice of the government said t~ay lt has ance on Belfast's streets of the measures. prlme mlnister. received assurances from Libya Protestant extremlsts could and Egypt there is no truth in heighten tension and add more ADB P/edtles Leading Role Israeli charges that Libya deaths to the 777 persons already turned over French-bullt mirage killed ln almost four years MANILA (UPI) - The ASlan Development Bank (ADB) pledged today to warplanes to Egypt. violence between minority Roman take a leading role ln the reconstruction of war-ravaged Indochlna. Information Minlster Joseph CathollcS, majority Protestants It also moved to increase its lending operations to developing Comiti told newsmen: "We have and the Britlsh security forces. member countries with a proposal to merge its existing multi-purpose asked the Egyptian and Libyan Tommy Herron, vice chairman of and agricultural special funds into a single Asian development fund governments whether the Israell the UDA sald the organization's with a goal of $525 million from member contributions. accusations are correct. decislon -- taken late Wednesday Shiro Inoue of Japan, president of the ADB, committed the bank These two countries supplied -- was because a young London­ to its new role in Vietnam and its neigboring countries in his us with a denial." derry member of the UDA faces speech at the opening session of the sixth annual meeting of the Comiti spoke to newsmen after extradition to the Irlsh Republic ADB board of govevnors. the weekly cabinet meeting on a double murder charge. Inoue sa~d that since the ceasefire, he had sent a top miSSlon to headed by President Geor?es Herron sald the youth,'17-year­ South Vietnam to analyze its economy and identify high-impact Pompidou. He sald Israel's old Robert Taylor, was lnnocent proj ects. accusations that Libya sent of the charge and was belng He said he hoped to send similar missions to South Vietnam's 18 mirages to Efypt, in contra­ used as a political pawn to have neighbors soon. dlctlon of its agreement with the Dublln government grant Inoue said: "Making up for the years of progress these nations France not to use tte planes extraditlOn reques,ts by Northern have lost to war must involve the efforts of both bilateral lenders in the conflict uith Israel, Ireland. and the multilateral agencies. I expect the ADB to take a leading was one of the major items Taylor is to appeal against part in this, although such an effort must not be allowed to erode discussed by the minlsters. extraultlon Tuesday. our commitment to our other developing countries. This new task "The French government up "ThlS lad is being extradited will require new funds." to now has received no con­ for politlcal reasons, for a firmation of rumors circulating crlIDe he dld not commit," Herron Hawaii Hit Earthquake about the mirages and has been sald. by Strong able to collect no evidence HONOLULU (UPI) -A strong earthquake rumbled through the Hawaiian that would support the concern Islands today, shaking tall buildings on the lslands. expressed," Comiti said. t:= II ' III..II I -: The geographical observatory at Volcanoes National Park on the He was referring to a protest -T d'S k - island of Hawaii said the quake registered 6 on the Richter scale. raised by Israeli Foreign § 0 oy s toe s § Report;;; from the island of Hawaii said there was some damage to Minister Abba Eban to the French § DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES : buildin£s. A radio station went off the air, and the Civil Defens(' ambassador to Tel Aviv, : 30 Industrlals 937.76 up 7.22 S Teletype Communicatlons Center was knocked out of operation. Francois Hure, last week. S : There were no Lumediate reports of injuries, but officials on Eban claimed Libya turned :: 20 Transports 186.20 up 2.55 :: the "big island," Bald "there very well could be." over to Egypt 18 of the 60 :: 15 Utlhtles 107.62 off 0.38: Officials couJd Hot lrranedlately pinpoint the epicenter of the mirages delivered so far by :: 65 Stocks 293.31 off 2.13 3 quake that occurred J.
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