
TheThe PanamaPanama CanalCanal:: ModernizationModernization andand ExpansionExpansion 26th26th AnnualAnnual SummerSummer Ports,Ports, Waterways,Waterways, FreightFreight && InternationalInternational TradeTrade ConferenceConference JuneJune 26,26, 20012001 Galveston,Galveston, TexasTexas RodolfoRodolfo SabongeSabonge Director,Director, CorporateCorporate PlanningPlanning andand MarketingMarketing PanamaPanama CanalCanal AuthorityAuthority AgendaAgenda !! CanalCanal PerformancePerformance !! ModernizationModernization ProgramProgram !! ExpansionExpansion PlansPlans ATLANTIC OCEAN CHAGRES RIVER RIO GRANDE PACIFIC OCEAN ATLANTIC OCEAN GATUN LAKE CHAGRES RIVER GRANDE RIVER PACIFIC OCEAN COLONCOLON CICITYTY ATLANTIC OCEAN GATUN LOCKS GATUN MADDEN LAKE RIO CHAGRES PEDRO MIGUEL LOCKS MIRAFLORES LOCKS PANAMPANAMA A CICITYTY PACIFIC OCEAN PANAMPANAM AX AX VESSELVESSEL LOCKSLOCKS CHAMBER:CHAMBER: 304.8304.8 mts.mts. MAXMAX LENGTH:LENGTH: 294294 mts.mts. MAXMAX DRAFT:DRAFT: 1212 M.M. CHAMBERCHAMBER WIDTH:WIDTH: 33.5233.52 mtsmts MAXMAX BEAM:BEAM: 32.532.5 mts.mts. 8080 KmKm 88 -- 1010 hrshrs TRANSITTRANSIT TIMETIME +/-+/- 2424 hrshrs CWTCWT Kobe,Kobe, JapanJapan -- NewNew YorkYork SavesSaves 2,2,846846 NautNautiicalcal MiMilleses Source:Source: FaiFairprp l layay WorlWorldshidshippippingng EncyclEncyclopediopediaa 19981998 EcuadorEcuador -- NewNew YorkYork SavesSaves 7,7,366366 NautNautiicalcal MiMilleses Source:Source: FaiFairprp l layay WorlWorldshidshippippingng EncyclEncyclopediopediaa 19981998 PrincipalPrincipal RoutesRoutes -- FYFY 20002000 EastEast CoastCoast U.S.U.S. AsiaAsia COMMODITIES • GRAINS • CONTAINERS • CHEMICALS • FERTILIZERS & PHOSPHATES 42.0%42.0% • MANUFACTURERS IRON & STEEL PrincipalPrincipal RoutesRoutes -- FYFY 20002000 WestWest CoastCoast SouthSouth AmericaAmerica EastEast CoastCoast U.S.U.S. COMMODITIES • GRAINS • PETROLEUM • CONTAINERS 8.9%8.9% • SALT • MISCELLANEOUS PANAMAPANAMA CANALCANAL TRAFFICTRAFFIC InIn FiscalFiscal YearYear 2000:2000: !! MoreMore thanthan 13,60013,600 oceangoingoceangoing commercialcommercial transitstransits !! 194194 MillionMillion longlong tonstons ofof cargocargo !! 4%4% ofof thethe world’sworld’s seaborneseaborne tradetrade TransitsTransits byby PrincipalPrincipal OceangoingOceangoing ShipShip TypesTypes Calendar Year 4,5004,500 4,0004,000 3,5003,500 3,0003,000 2,5002,500 2,0002,000 1,5001,500 1,0001,000 500500 00 19961996 19971997 19981998 19991999 20002000 DryDry BulkBulk CarriersCarriers 3,8393,839 3,5503,550 3,4703,470 3,2653,265 3,0093,009 ContainershipsContainerships 1,7271,727 1,8081,808 2,0692,069 1,9581,958 2,2122,212 RefrigeratedRefrigerated CargoCargo 2,4742,474 2,4422,442 2,0182,018 1,9971,997 2,0292,029 TankersTankers 2,0382,038 2,0712,071 1,8771,877 1,9291,929 2,0142,014 GeneralGeneral CargoCargo 1,4171,417 1,3691,369 1,3141,314 999999 1,0521,052 VehicleVehicle CarriersCarriers 746746 702702 752752 879879 903903 PassengerPassenger ShipsShips 283283 296296 305305 297297 246246 PC/UMSPC/UMS NetNet TonsTons byby PrincipalPrincipal OceangoingOceangoing ShipShip TypeType CalendarCalendar YearYear 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 Thousands of Net Tons Net of Thousands 10,000 0 19961996 19971997 19981998 19991999 20002000 DryDry BulkBulk CarriersCarriers 81,91681,916 74,03674,036 71,81371,813 69,30869,308 65,38965,389 ContainershipsContainerships 41,16141,161 43,85043,850 51,52451,524 50,90150,901 58,87158,871 VehicleVehicle CarriersCarriers 26,06726,067 24,96024,960 27,62227,622 32,80632,806 36,17136,171 TankersTankers 34,49234,492 34,03934,039 31,16031,160 32,16332,163 32,55732,557 RefrigeratedRefrigerated CargoCargo 17,56817,568 17,88117,881 14,76414,764 15,25115,251 15,52215,522 PassengerPassenger ShipsShips 7,7427,742 8,9898,989 9,4499,449 9,8729,872 8,7898,789 GeneralGeneral CargoCargo 11,00411,004 10,64510,645 10,25610,256 7,5317,531 8,0148,014 LiquidLiquid GasGas CarriersCarriers 2,6542,654 2,4552,455 2,2542,254 2,7302,730 2,6492,649 PanamaPanama CanalCanal UniversalUniversal MeasurementMeasurement SystemSystem (PCUMS)(PCUMS) CC u u rre rre n n t t TolTolllss $$ 2.2.5757 //PCUMPCUM S S ((lladen)aden) $$ 2.2.0404 //PCUMPCUM S S ((balballlastast)) $$ 1.1.4343 //didisplsplacemacem ent ent ttonon OneOne PCUMSPCUMS TonTon == 100100 cubicubicc ffeeteet ofof cargocargo carryicarryingng capacicapacittyy AverageAverage PC/UMSPC/UMS NetNet TonnageTonnage ofof OceangoingOceangoing VesselsVessels byby ShipShip TypeType Calendar Year 45,000 Calendar Year 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 PC/UMS Net Tons 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Vehicle Carriers 34,942 35,556 36,731 37,322 40,057 Passenger Ship 27,358 30,369 30,981 33,239 35,729 Containerships 23,834 24,253 24,903 25,997 26,614 Dry-bulk Carrier 21,338 20,855 20,695 21,227 21,731 Tanker 16,925 16,436 16,601 16,674 16,165 Liquid-gas carrier 15,078 11,860 11,678 13,652 13,868 Refrigerated Cargo 7,101 7,322 7,316 7,637 7,650 General Cargo 7,766 7,776 7,805 7,539 7,618 CargoCargo FlowFlow byby CommodityCommodity TypeType MillionsMillions ofof LongLong TonsTons Calendar Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Grains 42.8 34.4 39.0 41.0 39.6 Container cargo 25.8 27.5 28.7 30.4 34.2 Petroleum and products 31.5 30.9 30.0 27.8 29.0 Nitrates, phosphates and potash 15.6 15.3 14.6 13.3 12.7 Manufactures of iron and steel 8.2 8.4 14.7 11.3 11.3 Chemicals and petroleum chemicals 11.3 10.4 9.1 12.0 11.0 Coal and coke 11.3 11.9 8.8 8.9 9.4 Others 51.1 53.9 47.8 47.0 48.8 Total 197.7 192.7 192.7 191.7 195.8 AccidentAccident StatisticsStatistics 40 3838 35 -- 30 -- 2929 2828 2828 25 -- 2424 20 -- 15 -- 10 -- 5 -- 0 No.of Accident Investigations No.of Accident Investigations 19961996 19971997 19981998 19991999 20002000 CalendarCalendar YearYear CanalCanal WatersWaters TimeTime 33 32 32 31.8 30.9 31 30 29 28.5 28 27.7 Canal Waters TimeinHours 27 26 25 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Year TransitsTransits inin ThousandsThousands 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 0 5 19151915 19191919 19231923 Transits Transits 19271927 TOTAL TRANSITS 19311931 TOTAL TRANSITS 19351935 19391939 FY 1915-1999 19431943 FY 1915-1999 19471947 Fiscal Year Fiscal Fiscal Year Fiscal 19511951 19551955 19591959 19631963 19671967 19711971 19751975 19791979 19831983 19871987 19911991 19951995 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 19991999 0.00 TransitsTransits inin ThousandsThousands 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 TOTAL TRANSITS vsPC/UMSNET TOTAL TRANSITS vsPC/UMSNET 0 5 0 5 19151915 19191919 19231923 Transits Transits 19271927 19311931 19351935 19391939 FY 1915-1999 19431943 FY 1915-1999 PC/UMS Net PC/UMS Net 19471947 Fiscal Year Fiscal Fiscal Year Fiscal 19511951 19551955 19591959 19631963 19671967 19711971 19751975 19791979 19831983 19871987 19911991 19951995 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 19991999 0.00 PC/UMSPC/UMS NetNet inin MillionsMillions AVERAGEAVERAGE PC/PC/UMSUMS NETNET TONNAGETONNAGE OceangoingOceangoing CommercialCommercial VesselsVessels 4,8324,832 9,9319,931 18,64918,649 FYFY 19551955 FYFY 19751975 FYFY 20002000 Panamax Transits + 40 100 feet of Beam 37 35 35 33 31 30 30 29 27 26 25 24 24 25 23 23 23 22 22 20 20 20 19 19 16 16 15 14 11 % of Total Transits of Total % 10 8 7 6 5 5 0 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 Fiscal Year IMPACTIMPACT OFOF VESSELVESSEL SIZESIZE ➨ Lockages in half the time ➨ 4 locomotives required ➨ 3 tug assignments ➨ 1 pilot ➨ < 80’ BEAM No transit restriction ➨ 6 or 8 locomotives required ➨ 7 to 10 tug assignments ➨ Minimum of 2 pilots ➨ Restricted to daylight transit PANAMAX AgendaAgenda !! CanalCanal PerformancePerformance !! ModernizationModernization ProgramProgram ATLANTIC OCEAN REPUBLIREPUBLICC OFOF PANAMAPANAMA COLONCOLON GATUNGATUN LOLO CKS CKS MADENMADEN LAKELAKE GATUNGATUN LAKELAKE GAIGAILLARDLLARD CUTCUT PEDROPEDRO MIMIGUELGUEL LOLO CKS CKS MIMIRAFLORAFLO RES RES LOLOCKS CKS Balboa PANAMAPANAM A CITY PACIFIC OCEAN $1B$1B IImprmprovemovem ent ent andand MM oder oderninizatzatiionon PrProgrogramam New Track Cut Widening New Locomotives EVTMS New Tugs Locks Machinery BenefitsBenefits ofof ModernizationModernization ProgramProgram " Increased Canal capacity by 20% " Reduced Canal Waters Time " Reduced impact of lane outages " Improved navigational safety " Reduced maintenance costs " Improved reliability Total Transits ForecastvsCapacity Total Transits ForecastvsCapacity TotalTotal TransitsTransits 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 22,000 24,000 26,000 28,000 19951995 19981998 20012001 20042004 Capacity Canal Total Transits 20072007 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 20102010 20132013 20162016 20192019 20222022 20252025 20282028 20312031 20342034 20372037 20402040 AgendaAgenda !! CanalCanal PerformancePerformance !! ModernizationModernization ProgramProgram !! ExpansionExpansion PlansPlans Study Plans ConceptualConceptual ReconnaissanceReconnaissance oror Pre-feasibilityPre-feasibility 1999-20001999-2000 Full-FeasibilityFull-Feasibility 2001-20022001-2002 ReachingReaching ConsensusConsensus FinalFinal DesignDesign ImplementationImplementation World´sWorld´s vsvs CanalCanal TradeTrade (Million(Million LongLong Tons)Tons) 16,50016,500 16,00016,000 15,50015,500 15,570 15,00015,000 14,50014,500 14,00014,000 13,50013,500 13,00013,000 12,50012,500 12,00012,000 11,50011,500 11,371 11,00011,000 10,50010,500 10,00010,000 9,5009,500 9,092 9,0009,000 9,092 8,5008,500 8,0008,000
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