Split up Syllabus of All Classes for the Year 2015-16

Split up Syllabus of All Classes for the Year 2015-16

SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(HINDI ‘A’ VI) 184 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(HINDI ‘A’ VI) 185 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(HINDI ‘A’ VI) 1. 2. 3. ***** 186 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(HINDI ‘B LEVEL’ VI) ¢üqÉ MüÉrÉï mÉÉPû MüÉ lÉÉqÉ/ÌlÉkÉÉïËUiÉ ÌuÉwÉrÉ uÉxiÉÑ qÉÉWû AÇMü pÉÉU ÌOûmmÉhÉÏ xÉÇZrÉÉ ÌSuÉxÉ (CMüÉD) 1 eÉÑsÉÉD 27 mÉëjÉqÉ - xÉ§É 2015 1. mÉËUrÉÉåeÉlÉÉ MüÉrÉï uÉhÉïqÉÉsÉÉ , oÉÉUWûZÉÄQûÏ , (15) xÉÇrÉÑY¨ÉɤÉU , LTü L- 1 2. uÉÉiÉÉïsÉÉmÉ SÕuÉÉï pÉÉaÉ -1: FA-1 (15) 1. zÉoS oÉlÉÉlÉå MüÐ ÌuÉÍkÉ (ESÉ:MüsÉqÉ 3. mÉëS¨É MüÉrÉï ,ÌMüiÉÉoÉ, bÉU , mÉiÉÇaÉ, pÉÉsÉÔ, fÉUlÉÉ, (10) kÉlÉÑwÉ , AÉÌS) 4. aÉ×Wû MüÉrÉï 2. SåuÉlÉÉaÉUÏ qÉåÇ xÉÇZrÉÉ sÉåZÉlÉ (10) urÉÉMüUhÉ: 1. xuÉU AÉæU urÉÇeÉlÉ 2. ÍsÉÇaÉ 3. uÉcÉlÉ 2 AaÉxiÉ 25 SÕuÉÉï pÉÉaÉ -1: 2015 1. ÃqÉÉsÉ , 2.Mü¤ÉÉ 3. aÉÑooÉÉUÉ 4. mÉuÉïiÉ 5. WûqÉÉUÉ bÉU, 6. MümÉÄQåû MüÐ SÒMüÉlÉ qÉåÇ 7. eÉÏ WûÉð, eÉÏ lÉWûÏÇ, MüÉ mÉërÉÉåaÉ urÉÉMüUhÉ: 1.ÌuÉsÉÉåqÉ zÉoS 2. AlÉåMü zÉoSÉåÇ Måü ÍsÉL LMü zÉoS , 3. ‘U’ Måü ÌuÉÍpÉ³É ÃmÉ | 3 ÍxÉiÉÇoÉU 24 SÕuÉÉï pÉÉaÉ -1: LTü L-2 2015 1. mÉËUrÉÉåeÉlÉÉ MüÉrÉï 1. TÔüsÉ (MüÌuÉiÉÉ ) - ÌSlÉåzÉMÑüqÉÉU (̲iÉÏrÉ (15) 2. oÉÉiÉcÉÏiÉ xÉmiÉÉWû qÉåÇ) 2. uÉÉiÉÉïsÉÉmÉ urÉÉMüUhÉ: FA-2 (15) 1. xÉqÉÉlÉÉjÉïMü zÉoS 3. mÉëS¨É MüÉrÉï 2. xÉÇ¥ÉÉ , 3. mÉrÉÉïrÉuÉÉcÉÏ zÉoS (10) 4. aÉ×Wû MüÉrÉï (10) 187 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(HINDI ‘B LEVEL’ VI) ¢üqÉ qÉÉWû MüÉrÉï AÇMü pÉÉU mÉÉPû MüÉ lÉÉqÉ/ÌlÉkÉÉïËUiÉ ÌuÉwÉrÉ uÉxiÉÑ ÌOûmmÉhÉÏ xÉÇZrÉÉ ÌSuÉxÉ (CMüÉD) 4 ÍxÉiÉÇoÉU 09 1. AmÉÌPûiÉ SÕuÉÉï pÉÉaÉ -1: 201 5 aɱÉÇvÉ/mɱÉÇvÉ urÉÉMüUhÉ: (10) mÉÔuÉï mÉÌPûiÉ mÉPèrÉ¢üqÉ MüÐ mÉÑlÉUÉuÉ×ꬃ 2. mÉÌPûiÉ LuÉÇ LxÉ.L-1 aɱÉÇvÉ/mɱÉÇvÉ LxÉ L - 1 SA-1 (10) 3. UcÉlÉÉ MüÉrÉï (10) 4. urÉÉMüUhÉ (20) 5. mÉÉPèrÉ mÉÑxiÉMü (40) 5 lÉuÉÇoÉU 17 ̯iÉÏrÉ -xÉ§É 2015 SÕuÉÉï pÉÉaÉ -1: 1. zÉÏsÉÉÇaÉ xÉå TüÉålÉ 2. ÌiÉiÉsÉÏ (MüÌuÉiÉÉ) - lÉqÉïSÉ mÉëxÉÉS ZÉUå 3. DµÉUcÉÇSì ÌuɱÉxÉÉaÉU urÉÉMüUhÉ: 1. xÉuÉïlÉÉqÉ 6 ÌSxÉÇoÉU 25 1. mÉËUrÉÉåeÉlÉÉ MüÉrÉï SÕuÉÉï pÉÉaÉ -1: 2015 (15) 1. mÉëSzÉïlÉÏ 2. uÉÉiÉÉïsÉÉmÉ 2. ÍcÉOèPûÏ (MüÌuÉiÉÉ) - mÉëMüÉzÉ qÉlÉÑ (15) 3. rÉɧÉÉ MüÐ iÉærÉÉUÏ 3. mÉëS¨É MüÉrÉï 4. QûÉðYOûU xÉå oÉÉiÉ oÉÉiÉcÉÏiÉ (10) urÉÉMüUhÉ: LTü L-3 4. aÉ×Wû MüÉrÉï 1. AmÉÌPûiÉ aɱÉÇzÉ , 2. lÉqÉÔlÉå Måü FA-3 (10) AlÉÑxÉÉU oÉSsÉÉå 7 eÉlÉuÉUÏ 23 SÕuÉÉï pÉÉaÉ -1: 2016 1. AÇaÉÑsÉÏqÉÉsÉ (oÉÉåkÉ MüjÉÉ) 2. WûÉjÉÏ (MüÌuÉiÉÉ) - xÉuÉãïµÉU SrÉÉsÉ xÉYxÉålÉÉ 3. eÉrÉmÉÑU xÉå mÉ§É urÉÉMüUhÉ: 1. AlÉÑcNåûS sÉåZÉlÉ 188 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(HINDI ‘B LEVEL’ VI) TüUuÉUÏ 24 1. mÉËUrÉÉåeÉlÉÉ MüÉrÉï SÕuÉÉï pÉÉaÉ -1: LTü L-4 2016 (15) 1. oÉRåû cÉsÉÉå (MüÌuÉiÉÉ) - ²ÉËUMüÉ 2. uÉÉiÉÉïsÉÉmÉ mÉëxÉÉS FA-4 (15) qÉÉWåûµÉUÏ 3. mÉëS¨É MüÉrÉï 2. urÉjÉï MüÐ zÉÇMüÉ (10) 3. aÉkÉÉ AÉæU ÍxÉrÉÉU 4. aÉ×Wû MüÉrÉï urÉÉMüUhÉ: (10) 1. AlÉåMü zÉoSÉåÇ Måü ÍsÉL LMü zÉoS , 2. mÉ§É qÉÉcÉï 23 1. AmÉÌPûiÉ LxÉ L - 2016 aɱÉÇvÉ/mɱÉÇvÉ 2 mÉÔuÉï mÉÌPûiÉ mÉPèrÉ¢üqÉ MüÐ mÉÑlÉUÉuÉ×ꬃ SA -2 (10) LuÉÇ 2. mÉÌPûiÉ aɱÉÇvÉ/mɱÉÇvÉ LxÉ L - 2 (10) 3. UcÉlÉÉ MüÉrÉï (10) 4. urÉÉMüUhÉ (20) 5. mÉÉPèrÉ mÉÑxiÉMü (40) ***** 189 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(ENGLISH- VI) NAVODAYA VIDAYALAYA SAMITI, NOIDA SPLITUP SYLLABUS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-16 CLASS: VI SUBJECT: ENGLISH (LANGUAGE &LITERATURE) UNITS/SUBUNITS &TOPICS TO BE COVERED Honey Suckle ACTIVITIES/FA’s/ASSIGNM GRAMMAR & COMPOSITION ENTS/etc MONTHS PERIODS A Pact With The Sun WEIGHTAGE Listening Skills Developing Foundation Nursery Rhymes POETRY Parts of Speech Speaking Skills 1 - 1. A House , A Home 30 Basic Sentence Singing Nursery Rhymes, FA JULY SUPPLEMENTRY READER 1. A Tale of Two Birds Structures Recitation of Poem Short Paragraph Writing Speaking on the topics assigned PROSE 1. Who Did Patrick's Listening Skills- Stories Homework? Adjectives Speaking Skills 2. How the Dog Found Himself a Opposites, Collective Describe the process of New Master! 2 - nouns making a Kite 32 POETRY FA 2. The Kite Word formation Describe the most AUGUST 3.The Quarrel Writing stories using memorable fight with SUPPLEMENTRY READER hints brother/sister 2. The Friendly Mongoose 3.The Shepherd's Treasure PROSE 3. Taro's Reward Usage of Prefixes 4. An Indian American Tense & Conjugations Woman in Space Kalpana Degrees of Comparison Listening skills - Biography 32 Chawla Formal Letter-To school, of Great Personalities POETRY authorities, Application Speaking the topics assigned SEPTEMBER 4.Beauty for Leave Recitation of Poems SUPPLEMENTRY READER Unseen Passage 4. The Old Clock Shop 190 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(ENGLISH- VI) PROSE 5. A Different Kind of School One word for a group of 6. Who I Am words 1 - Listening 36 POETRY Rearrange jumbled SA 5. Where Do All the Teachers Go Stories/conversation SUPPLEMENTRY READER words into sentence Speaking skills - Story telling 5. Tansen Paragraph Writing with 6. The Monkey & the Crocodile inputs OCTOBER/NOVEMBER PROSE Framing questions 7. Fair Play 8. A Game of Chance Usage of a word as Listening skills - Paragraphs POETRY Noun & Verb Speaking skills - Role Play 36 6. The Wonderful Words Usage of 'to be' forms Presenting Conversations DECEMBER SUPPLEMENTRY READER Homonyms Describing A Village Fair 7. The Wonders Called Sleep Dialogue writing 8. A Pact with the Sun PROSE 9. Desert Animal Usage of Prepositions POETRY Listening Task Degrees of Comparison 3 - Preparing the Desert 32 7. Vocation Usage of has to/have FA Animal's Profile in Groups SUPPLEMENTRY to/had to JANUARY Speech on Topics Assigned READER Letter Writing- Informal 9. What Happened to the Reptiles? PROSE Listening Task 10. The Banyan Tree Speaking skills - Integrated grammar POETRY Present small Skits in the 30 FA-4 8. What if practice class SUPPLEMENTRY READER Paragraph writing FEBRUARY Describe any interesting 10. A Strange Wrestling Unseen Passages match played your school Match MARCH REVISION & SA-II ***** 191 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(MATHEMATICS- VI) NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI-NOIDA SPLITUP OF SYLLABUS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-16 CLASS: VI SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS ACTIVITIES/ASSE AYS UNITS/SUB UNITS TO BE COVERED SSMENT D UNIT ERIODS MONTH (FA/Assignment) P AVAILABLE WEIGHTAGE OF OF WEIGHTAGE MARKS FOR THE NO. OF OF NO. TERM – 1 27 27 Basic Fundamental & Operations of Mathematics at Primary level . 13 KNOWING OUR NUMBERS Comparing Numbers, Shifting digits, Indian system & International system of numeration, Assignment-1 Estimation of numbers, Estimating outcomes of number situation, Using brackets and expanding brackets, Roman numbers WHOLE NUMBERS JUNE / JULY 15 Number line, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication of whole number, Properties of Whole numbers Activities-1&2 & Pattern in Whole numbers. FA 1 25 25 15 BASIC GEOMETRICAL IDEAS Points, Line segments, Intersecting Lines, Parallel lines, Ray, Curves.Open& Closed figures, Interior and exterior of closed figures, Polygon, Angles, Triangles Quadrilaterals and 15 Circles UNDERSTANDING ELEMENTARY SHAPES Measuring line segments, Types of angles, Intersecting & Perpendicular lines, Parallel lines, UST Measuring angles. Classification of triangles Project-1 based on sides and angles.Typesof Activities-3&4 AUG Quadrilaterals, Identification of 3-D shapes, Element of 3-D figure. INTEGERS 12 How negative number arouse, Models of negative number in daily life, connection to ordering of integers, Addition and subtraction of integers, Addition & subtraction of integers using FA 2 number line. 192 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(MATHEMATICS- VI) 24 24 14 DATA HANDLING Assignment-2 What is data? Organization of data, Pictograph, Interpretation and drawing of a pictograph, Bar graph, Interpretation and drawing of a bar graph. SYMMETRY TEMBER 6 Making symmetric figures, Figures with two lines Activities-5&6 SEP of symmetry, Reflectional symmetry, Application of reflectional symmetry. REVISION SA 1 R OCTOBE TERM – II 38 38 15 FRACTIONS A fraction, fraction on a number, line, Proper, Assignment-3 Improper & Mixed fraction, Equivalent fraction & Composition of Fraction, Addition and subtraction of fractions, Word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions. DECIMALS 16 Inter conversion of fraction and decimals, Place value in context of decimal fraction, Comparing Activities-7&8 decimals, Addition, Subtraction of numbers with decimals, use of decimals in our daily life. /DECEMBER ALGEBRA Match stick patterns, The idea of a variable & EMBER 08 examples, Use of variables in common rules Expression with variables, Using expression NOV practically., Equation and solution. MENSURATION Activities- 9&10 Introduction, Perimeter of a rectangles, square, equilateral triangle, Areas of triangle, squares, 16 Deducing the formulae of the perimeter for a rectangle and square through pattern and FA 3 generalization. 22 22 14 RATIO AND PROPORTION Ratio and Proportion, Unitary method, Word Assignment-4 problems. 7 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY Construction of circles, Drawing of a line segment, Construction of perpendicular bisector Activities-11&12 of a line segment, Drawing a line perpendicular from a point Project-2 (i) On the line DECEMBER/JANUARY (ii) Outside the line. Constructing an angle of a given measure, 193 SPLIT UP SYLLABUS 2015-16(MATHEMATICS- VI) 24 14 14 PLAYING WITH NUMBERS Factors and Multiples, Primes, Composite, Even and Odd numbers, Seive of Eratosthenes. Test for divisibility of numbers by 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10 and FA 4 FEBRUARY 11. Common factors and common multiples, Prime factorization, H.C.F and L.C.M MARCH-REVISION, SA-2 SOME OF THE SUGGESTEDMATHSLAB ACTIVITIES • List out real/day to day situations where we can use numbers • Collect bus tickets- note the serial numbers –test for divisibility. • Verify addition and Multiplication is commutative for whole numbers by paper cutting and pasting. • Finding prime numbers between 1 to 100 by Eratosthenes sieves method. • To classify the triangle based on sides and angles from the given set of triangle. • To make the following shapes sung a pair of set squares. (i)Square (ii) Rectangle (iii) Parallelogram (iv) Rhombus (v) Trapezium. • To make prism, pyramid using their nets, and find their no.

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