ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY PUBLISHED QUARTERLY Volume V, No. 4 DECEMBER, 1923 Serial No. 20 EDITOR FRANCIS R. PACKARD, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. ASSOCIATE EDITORS HORACE MANCHESTER BROWN, M.D. Milwaukee HARVEY CUSHING, M.D.............................................................. Boston CHARLES L. DANA, M.D........................................................ New York * GEORGE DOCK, M.D..................................................................Pasadena FIELDING H. GARRISON, M.D.........................................Washington HENRY BARTON JACOBS, M.D........................................... Baltimore HOWARD A. KELLY, M.D....................................................... Baltimore THOMAS McCRAE^ M.D.......................................................Philadelphia LEWIS STEPHEN PILCHER, M.D......................................... Brooklyn SIR D’ARCY POWER, K.B.E., F.R.C.S. (ENG.) F.S.A. London DAVID RIESMAN, M.D........................................................ Philadelphia JOHN RUHRAH, M.D.................................................................Baltimore CHARLES SINGER, M.D................................................................ Oxford EDWARD C. STREETER, M.D....................................................Boston CASEY A. WOOD, M.D................................................................. Chicago WINTER NUMBER NEW YORK PAUL B. HOEBER, INC., PUBLISHERS 67-69 EAST 59th STREET ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY Volume V, No. 4 DECEMBER, 1923 Serial No. 20 / Original articles are published only with the understanding that they are contributed exclusively to the ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY. Manuscripts offered for publication, books for review, and all correspondence relating to the editorial management should be addressed to the Editor, Dr. Francis R. Packard, 302 South 19th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Communications regarding subscriptions, reprints, and all matters regarding the business management of the ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY should be addressed to the publishers, Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 67-69 East 59th Street, New York City. The ANNALS OF MEDICAL HISTORY is published quarterly, the four issues comprising one volume. No advertising is carried. The subscription price is $8.00 a yeAr. Single numbers, as far as available, $2.50 per copy. A few sets of Vols. I, II, III and IV are available in parts as published at $8.00 per volume; $10.50 per volume, bound in cloth. British Representatives: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 8 Henrietta St., Covent Garden, London, W. C. 2. Subscription in Great Britain, £2, 2s a volume. Entered as second-class matter, June 2, 1917, at the Post Office, New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1923, by Paul B. Hoeber, Inc. INDEX TO VOLUME V A mbroise Pare, Die Behandlung der Schusswunder Book Reviews: ** (i545)» by H. E. Sigerist, review of, by Fielding Packard, Francis R.: “Paleopathology, An H. Garrison, 188. Introduction to the Study of Ancient Evi­ Anatomical Fugitive Sheets, Early, LeRoy Crum- dences of Disease,” by Roy L. Moodie, 409. mer, 189. “S. P. E. Tract No. ix, The Language of Habitat of the Soul, The, Horace M. Brown, 1. Anatomy,” by Wm. Cuthbert Morton, Anatomist, The Centenary of a Great, editorial, 177. l8^ Anderson, Alexander, Life of, Correspondence, “The Antiquity of Disease,” by Roy L. Jacob Rosenbloom, 178. Moodie, 410. Antiquity of Disease, The, by Roy L. Moodie, review “The Gold-Headed Cane,” by Wm. Mac- of, by Francis R. Packard, 410. michael, 411. Arab Medicine & Surgery, by M. W. Hilton-Simp­ “Translation of Selected Passages from De son, review of, by Francis R. Packard, 90. L’AuscuItation Mediate,” Laennec, 410. Arte Phisicali, De, et de Cirurgie of Master John Riesman, David: “Studien zur Geschichte der Arderne, Surgeon of Newark, by Sir D’Arcy Medizin Karl Sudhoff,” by Henry E. Power, review of, by Francis R. Packard, 93. Sigerist, 411. “ Veroffentlichungen der Schweizerischen Ge­ Dailey, Garland Howard: The Life and Work of sellschaft fur Geschichte Medizin und der William Hewson, F.R.S., 209. Naturwissenschaften,” by Conrad Brun­ Blood, Rabelais on, Correspondence, D. Fraser ner, 288. Harris, 87. Bright, Richard, of Guy’s Hospital, DeLancey Book Reviews: Rochester, 301. Burr, C. W.: “Our Medicine Men,” by Paul H. Brown, Horace M.: The Anatomical Habitat of the DeKruif, 94. Soul, 1. Dana, Charles L.: “Geschichte der Medizin im Burr, C. W.: review of “Our Medicine Men,” by Uberblick mit Abbildungen,” von Prof. Th. Paul H. DeKruif, 94. Meyer Steineg und Prof. Karl Sudhoff, 285. Garrison, Fielding H.: “Ambroise Pare, Die Y^ampaign of the Somme in 1415, The Medical Behandlung der Schusswunder (1545),” Service of the Expedition of Henry v in the, by H. E. Sigerist, 188. editorial, 175. “Estados Unidos £ Medicina,” by Oscar Centenary of a Great Anatomist, The, editorial, 177. Clark, 188. the Death of Edward Jenner, The, editorial, 80. “Kurzes Handbuch der Geschichte der Medi­ Charlton, M.: Outlines of the History of Medicine zin,” by Karl Sudhoff, 187. in Lower Canada under the French Regime, “Rudolf Virchow und die Deutschen Natur- 1608-1750, 150, 263. forschersammlungen,” by Karl Sudhoff, 186. Chinese Household Manual of Obstetrics, A, J. “Skizzen,” by Karl Sudhoff, 186. Preston Maxwell, 95. Krumbhaar, E. P.: “Geschichte der Alten Chronologia Medica: A Handlist of Persons, Periods Kolner Universitat,” by Adam Wrede, 289. and Events in the History of Medicine, by Sir Packard, Francis R.: “A History of Magic and D’Arcy Power and J. S. Thompson, review of, Experimental Science,” by Lynn Thorn­ by Francis R. Packard, 286. dike, 286. Clark, Oscar: Estados Unidos £ Medicina, review of, “Arab Medicine and Surgery. A Study of the by Fielding H. Garrison, 188. Healing Art in Algeria,” by M. W. Hilton- Congress of the History of Medicine, Fourth Inter­ Simpson, 90. national, editorial, 177. “Chronologia Medica. A Handlist of Persons, Correspondence: Periods and Events in the History of Execution of Guiteau, Charles L. Dana, 401. Medicine,” by Sir D’Arcy Power and Life of Alexander Anderson, Jacob Rosen­ J. S. Thompson, 286. bloom, 178. “De Arte Phisicali et de Cirurgie of Master Note on the Poisoners of xvi and xvn, Cen­ John Arderne, Surgeon of Newark,” by turies, A, Charles Greene Cumston, 402. Sir D’Arcy Power, 93. Proceedings of the Dutch Society for the “Doctor and Patience,” by Harold M. History of Medicine, Physics and Mathe­ Hays, 94. matics, The, M. A. Van Andel, 82. “Early British Botanists and Their Gardens Rabelais on Blood, D. Fraser Harris, 87. Based on Unpublished Writings of Good- The Post-Mortem Examination of Lord Byron’s yer, Tradescant, and Others,” by H. T. Body, Krumbhaar, E. B., 283. Gunther, 184. Courtney, J. W., Moli^re and the Faculty, 309. “Ephraim McDowell, Father of Ovariotomy Crummer, LeRoy: Early Anatomical Fugitive Sheets, and Founder of Abdominal Surgery, with 189. an Appendix on Jane Todd Crawford,” by Cumston, Charles Greene: A Note on an Overlooked August Schachner, 89. Painting of Saint Roch, 149. “Greek Biology and Greek Medicine,” by The Poisoners of Sixteenth and Seventeenth Cen­ Charles Singer, 181. turies, Correspondence, 402. “Greek Biology and Medicine,” by Henry Cutbush, Edward, M.D., Capt. F. L. Pleadwell, Osborn Taylor, 182. 337- Tiana, Charles L.: Execution of Guiteau, Corre- Garrison, Fielding H.: “Rudolf Virchow und die spondence, 401. Deutschen Naturforschersammlungen,” by Karl review of “Geschichte der Medizin im Uber Sudhoff, 186. blick mit Abbildungen,” von Prof. Th. Meye “Skizzen,” by Karl Sudhoff, 186. Steineg und Prof. Karl Sudhoff, 285. Geschichte der Altern Kolner Universitat, by Adam DeKruif, Paul H.: Our Medicine Men, review of, by Wrede, review of, by David Riesman, 289. C. W. Burr, 94. der Medizin im Uberblick mit Abbildungen von Descriptive List of the Incunabula in the Library of Prof. Th. Meyer Steineg und Prof. Karl Sudhoff, the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, A, review of, by Charles L. Dana, 285. Charles Perry Fisher, 45. Gold-Headed Cane, The, by Wm. Macmichael, Doctor and Patience, by Harold M. Hays, review of, review of, by Francis R. Packard, 411. by Francis R. Packard, 94. Greek Biology and Greek Medicine, by Charles Donley, John: Riolan and Harvey, 26. Singer, review of, by Francis R. Packard, 181. Dutch Society for the History of Medicine, Physics, and Medicine, by Henry Osborn Taylor, review of, and Mathematics, The Proceedings of the, Cor­ by Francis R. Packard, 182. respondence, M. A. Van Andel, 82. Gunther, H. T.: Early British Botanists and Their Gardens Based on Unpublished Writings of Good­ yer, Tradescant, and Others, review of, by Parlier Methods Employed in the Treatment of Francis R. Packard, 184. Syphilis, The, Francis R. Packard, 225. Guy’s Hospital, Richard Bright of, DeLancey Early Anatomical Fugitive Sheets, LeRoy Crummer, Rochester, 301. 189. Gwyn, Norman B.: Osler, Student of the Toronto British Botanists and Their Gardens Based on School of Medicine, 305. Unpublished Writings of Goodyer, Tradescant, and Others, by H. T. Gunther, review of, by LJabitat of the Soul, The Anatomical, Horace M. Francis R. Packard, 184. * * Brown, 1. Editorials: Harris, D. Fraser: Rabelais on Blood, Correspond­ Fourth International Congress of the History ence, 87. of Medicine, 177. Harvey, Riolan and, John Donley, 26. George Morewood Lefferts, Francis R. Packard, Hays, Harold M.: Doctor and Patience, review of, 398. by Francis R. Packard, 94. The Centenary of a Great Anatomist, 177. Heermann, Lewis, Surgeon in the United States The Centenary
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