Our Mission Statement: To evangelize God?s people beginning with the gift of the Holy Eucharist. June 9, 2019 Pentecost Sunday (Page 321 in the Red Missal) Fr. Joseph Illo Pentecost (Page 667 in the Black Missal) Pastor Mission Appeal We wel- have been stillborn. For this reason most of Fr. Mark Taheny the Sundays of the liturgical year refer back to come Fr. Bernard Toha, Parochial Vicar this year?s mission Pentecost (as in the older form of the calen- preacher, this Sunday. Fr. dar). We call the vast stretch of Sundays from Fr. John Mary Chung Bernard joined the Oblates Pentecost to Advent (roughly 65% of the year) In Residence of St. Francis de Sales in ?Ordinary Time? since Vatican II, meaning his native Benin (West not ?ordinary/ho hum? but ?ordered to the Fr. Mathias Wambua Africa) where he works to- work of the Holy Spirit.? Before 1970 the Sun- In Residence day, building up the days from Pentecost to Advent were called Church and saving souls in obedience to the ?Sundays after Pentecost,? making it clearer Derek West Lord?s mandate to ?teach all nations every- that Catholics go through the year, building Operations Manager the Church and thing I told you, bap- Ellen Torkelson tizing them in the saving souls al- name of the Holy ways, motivated Payroll /Human Resources Trinity". Most of us do by the power and Thelma Queri not do missionary submissive to the Bookkeeper work outside of the guidance of the good old USA (al- Holy Spirit. You Mariella Zevallos though I will be doing can?t see the Holy Director of Communications a week of mission in Spirit, just as you and Development Nicaragua in August), can?t see the infer- but all of us must nal spirits, but you Lynn Kraehling support the missions. can see the effects Director of Music This is our annual (the ?fruits?) of Ed Tobin both good and evil chance to do so. Pen- Sacristan tecost Today is ar- spirits. ?For our guably the most im- struggle,? writes St. David Gallagher portant feast of the Mom lighting a candle at my home parish Paul again in Ephesians School Principal Christian year. Most of us during my visit home last week. 6, "is not against flesh Jacqueline Paras think of Christmas and and blood, but against Easter as the great holy days, and certainly the the powers of the air"? . The struggle for the Director of Pre-school liturgical year revolves on these two feasts. Catholic Church we see unfolding in our time is a largely unseen contest between the Holy Ryan Sebers The mystery of Christmas began our Redemp- Pastoral Council Chair tion (?And the Word became flesh and dwelt Spirit and Spirit of this Age. How many of us among us?), and the mystery of Easter com- Catholics have gradually allied ourselves with Matthew Kain pleted our Redemption (Jesus cried out from the spirits of this world, of this ?present dark- Finance Council Chair the Cross ?It is completed? and proved it by ness,? without knowing it? To purify ourselves gloriously rising on the Third Day). Pentecost, and our Church, we must pray earnestly to the Star of the Sea Church however, actualizes the Redemption through- Holy Spirit: ?Come O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of thy faithful? .? Latin Mass Class I 4420 Geary Blvd. out the year, powering the Church throughout San Francisco, CA 94118 history. We live in the age of the Holy Spirit, will be teaching two one-hour classes on the (415) 751-0450 between the First and Second Comings of the history and structure of the Latin Mass on www.starparish.com Messiah. ?No one can say Jesus is Lord except June 14 at 6pm, and June 15 at 1pm, both in Office Hours: M-F in the Holy Spirit?, St. Paul declares in 1 Cor the rectory. Fr. Joseph Illo 8:30am-4:00pm. 12:3, and without Pentecost the Church would www.frilloblog.com Closed 12:00-1:00pm Daily Masses Weekend Masses Holy Day Masses Confessions 15 Minutes before Monday to Friday Sat Vigil 4:30pm, Sun 8am, 7:30am (Latin) 12 Noon, 5:30pm, every Mass, Saturday 3:15- 7:30am (Latin) 12 Noon 9:30am, 11:30 am (Latin), 7:30pm 6:30pm (Latin with choir) 4:15pm or by appointment Saturday 8:30am Devotions to Jesus Devotions to Mary of Eucharistic Adoration Social Events Sacred Heart First Friday Perpetual Help Wednesday after Mon. 8:30am till Saturday Coffee & Donuts After Sunday Masses, after Noon Mass, Divine Noon Mass. Fatima First Satur- 4:30pm. After 6pm use Young Adults Tuesdays 8pm Mercy Saturday at 3pm day after 8:30am Mass passcode. 1 N EW S Worldwide Marriage Encounter Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 Bulletin An unforgettable ?break? for your marriage! Want something more lasting than a weekend vacation in Bahamas, Bermuda or the Mountains? Give your marriage the ?best vacation break? by making a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Marriage Encounter Did you know that California requires sex education in public Weekends include: Aug 9-11, 2019 in San and charter schools - and that the recommended curriculum include pornographic content including graphic instruction Francisco, CA and Nov 8-10, 2019 in Menlo Park, and aggressive promotion of morally objectionable concepts CA. For more information and/or to register for a of human sexuality? Much of it is already taught in Bay Area public schools, but there is now a big push to bring more Weekend, visit our website at: sanjosewwme.org or graphic content to all grades, including K-6. contact Ken & Claranne at What can we do to protect our children? [email protected] or 408-782-1413. Join a panel of experts to learn more and share your thoughts. Speakers: Raym ond Burnell: California Cat holic UNBOUND Healing and Deliverance Conference Ministry Ed Hopfner, Archdiocese of San Francisco Through prayer and forgiveness, UNBOUND can help Sr. Maria Concepcion MC, Missionaries of heal the wounds of the past. Renouncing the lies Charit y we?ve come to believe about ourselves can break the unhealthy pattern of thinking we?ve been Aileen Blachow ski, Inform ed Parent s of California accustomed to. UNBOUND can help you forgive and renounce, and experience freedom through God?s St . Bruno Church| 555 San Bruno Ave W, San transforming love. Sign up for a confidential session Bruno, CA 94066 at 5keystofreedom.com. w w sfarch.org/ m yfam ilyright s lifeanddignit [email protected] REMEMBER STAR IN YOUR WILL For further information about Planned Giving please contact Mariella Zevallos at the parish office (415)751-0450 or [email protected] 2 PRAYER EV EN T S The Sunday Scriptures Perpetual Adoration: Monday 8:30am through Saturday by Fr. Joseph Illo Pentecost (Acts 2: 1-11, Romans 8: 8-17, 12-13, John 4:30pm, then Sunday starting at 9:00pm. 14: 15-16, 23b-26) Our Pentecost readings bring Eastertide to its Vespers: Monday - Friday nights @ 5:45 to 6pm fitting conclusion with the Lord's words "Peace be with you" as He breathes the Holy Spirit upon them. Above all, the Christian must Sunday, June 9, Holy Rosary Sodality Pray the Rosary be marked by the peaceful joy, the joyful peace, of knowing Jesus as after the 8am Mass in the Church. Lord. Only in the Holy Spirit can we know, not just about Jesus, but Jesus himself as Lord and personal Savior. At the end of Mass today Tuesday, June 11, 7pm - 8pm Holy Hour & Benediction the priest will (hopefully) add the double Alleluia to the "Go in (Confessions every Tuesday during Holy Hour) peace." The congregation concludes Eastertide by singing the double Allelulia back to the priest, and to God: May His Holy Spirit Tuesday, June 11, Bible Study at 3:30pm in the rectory. fill the Church with unending Alleluias! Contact Mary Ann Eiler (650) 660-4546 Wednesday, June 12, Devotions to Our Lady of Time Intention Perpetual Help after the Noon Mass. Sat 6/08 8:30am + Chitat Sim (Anniversary) Thursday, June 13, Pro-Life Group at 7pm prays outside 4:30pm + Pierre Ausquy Planned Parenthood at 1650 Valencia Street. Sun 6/09 8am People of the Parish Friday, June 14, Sacred Heart Devotion immediately following the 12 Noon Mass. 9:30am Int. of Fr. Greg Bonfligio + Pierre Ausquy Saturday, June 15, Legion of Mary 9:30am in the Parish office. 11:30am Int. of Angel Leonardo Gamez Saturday, June 15, Divine Mercy Devotion at 3pm at the 7:30pm + Jaime Ines (Birthday) Church followed by Rosary/Novena. We are praying for the healing of Nora Uyeda, Sharon Moore & Carmen Mon 6/10 7:30am Int. of Samuel Anyanwu Smith. + Souls in Purgatory 12Noon + Augustina Ruiz Saturday, June 15, Star Mothers' Group Held in the + Jose and Sofia Llanes Rectory after the 8:30 Mass. + Ronnie and Eva Lind Diokno Saturday, June 15, Star Outreach Cooking for the Tue 6/11 7:30am Int. of Michael Arnaldo (Birthday) homeless. + Dottie Reed 12Noon + Enore and Christopher Beltrame Wednesday, June 19, Star of the Sea Book Club will meet in the parish office to discuss "Leisure the Basis of Culture" Wed 6/12 7:30am Int. of Keoni Miguel (Birthday) by Josef Pieper. + Sandy Corbett 12Noon + Miguel Dayoan Friday, June 21 Vespers with Archbishop Cordileone 5:45pm. Followed by reception at Steins for Young Adults. Thu 6/13 7:30am Int. of Eduardo Sierra and Family + Pedro Lopez Saturday, June 29, AAA "One Percent" Appreciation 12Noon In Thanksgiving to St. Anthony Dinner will be held after the 4:30pm Mass.
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