http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf0k4000k6 No online items Register of the Gottfried Haberler papers Finding aid prepared by Hoover Institution Library and Archives staff and Sally DeBauche Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 1998, 2014 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Register of the Gottfried Haberler 95048 1 papers Title: Gottfried Haberler papers Date (inclusive): 1900-1998 Collection Number: 95048 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: English Physical Description: 113 manuscript boxes, 1 cubic foot box, 9 oversize box(70.8 Linear Feet) Abstract: Correspondence, speeches and writings, printed matter, photographs, slides, and memorabilia relating to economic theory, and especially to laissez-faire economics and associated concepts of liberty. Creator: Haberler, Gottfried, 1900-1995 Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Access Box 122 restricted; use copies available in Box 73. The remainder of the collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Acquisition Information Materials were acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1995. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Gottfried Haberler papers, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Biographical Note 1900: Born, Puckersdorf, Austria-Hungary 1923: Graduated from University of Vienna with a degree in Law 1925: Graduated from University of Vienna with a degree in Economics 1927: Visited major U.S. universities as a Rockefeller Fellow 1927: Authored The Meaning of Index Numbers 1928: Obtained Habilitation from University of Vienna 1932: Authored Money and the Business Cycle 1933: Authored The Theory of International Trade 1936: Joined the faculty of the Economics Department at Harvard 1937: Authored Prosperity and Depression 1963: Appointed President of the American Economic Association 1971: Appointed Resident Scholar of the American Enterprise Institute 1995: Died, Washington, D.C. Scope and Contents of Collection Consisting of correspondence, speeches and writings, writings by others, publications, photographs, and slides related to economic theory, and especially to laissez-faire economics, the Haberler papers are comprised of three increments of materials; the third and final increment was received in 1995 after Haberler's death. Although the three increments were received separately, there is considerable overlap between them in terms of the types of materials they contain and the themes or individuals represented in them. The first increment (boxes 1-57 and 123) is comprised of correspondence, speeches and writings, writings by others, and biographical materials. The correspondence is arranged chronologically, alphabetically, and thematically. The second increment (boxes 58-67) is comprised of biographical materials, correspondence, speeches and writings, writings by others, printed matter, and materials related to various conferences attended by Haberler. The Biographical file of the second increment includes curriculum vitae, speeches and articles related to Haberler's life, and interviews. The Correspondence series of the second increment is arranged alphabetically, and contains correspondence between Haberler and other economists dating from the later part of his career (1971-1991). The Speeches and Writings series of the second increment is comprised of various drafts of articles and books written by Haberler, as well as correspondence related to the publishing of those works. The Writings by Others series contains published copies and unpublished drafts of articles written by other contemporary economists. The Printed Matter series of the second increment is comprised of various political and economic publications including newsletters, magazines, Register of the Gottfried Haberler 95048 2 papers government reports, and clippings. The third increment (boxes 68-112) is comprised of biographical materials, correspondence, speeches and writings, writings by others, printed matter, photographs, and slides. The Biographical File of the third increment is comprised of expired passports, articles and speeches related to Haberler's life, as well as address and telephone directories. The Correspondence series of the third increment is arranged alphabetically and contains correspondence between Haberler and other economists dating primarily from the early part of his career from the 1920s to the 1940s. Notable among these are considerable collections of correspondence between Haberler and Hayek, Machlup, Friedman, and Keynes discussing economic issues and conferences. Also included in this series, is a substantial collection of correspondence between Haberler and his parents dating from the 1920s discussing Haberler's travel throughout America and Europe during his time as a Rockefeller Scholar. The Writings by Others series of the third increment contains published copies and unpublished drafts of articles written by other contemporary economists. The Printed Matter series of the third increment contains various publications, including newsletters and magazines published by the American Enterprise Institute, the von Mises Institute and the Cato Institute. The Photographs series of the third increment contains photographs taken at various conferences and meetings attended by Haberler, as well as a large collection of personal photographs and slides taken on vacation in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the United States. Subjects and Indexing Terms Free enterprise Economics Liberty Economists box 1 Chronological file (mainly outgoing letters) 1990-1995 box 2 1986-1989 box 3 1982-1985 box 4 1978-1981 box 5 Alphabetical file (mainly correspondence) Albert Universitatsbuchhandlung Alchian, Armen A. Allen (George) & Unwin (Publishers) Allen, Loring American Austrian Foundation American Economist Andreae, C. A. Argentine award ceremony 1991 Arndt, Helmut Arndt, Sven W. Aschinger, Franz box 6 Baffi, Paolo Baier, Robert Balassa, Bela Baldwin, Robert E. Banca Commerciale Italiana Baroody, William J. Bartley, Robert Bartley, W. W., III Bauer, Peter Baur, Georg box 7 Beckerman, Wilfred Beltran, Lucas Bergsten, C. Fred Register of the Gottfried Haberler 95048 3 papers Alphabetical file (mainly correspondence) Bernis, Gerard de Bernstein, Edward M. Besters, Hans Bhagwati, Jagdish Blumenthal, W. Michael Bohm, Stephan Bombach, Gottfried Bos, Dieter Bosch, Alfred Bovet, Eric D. Brems, Hans Bress, Ludwig Briefs, Godfrey E. Brookings Institution Brown, Sidney Browne, Martha Steffy box 8 Brunner, Karl Brunsdale, Anne Brusatti, Alois Bulhoes, Octavio Burmeister, Harald Burns, Arthur F. Cables and telegrams Cabral, Martim L. Camaiti, Romolo Cambridge Trust Company Camu, Louis Carli, Guido Caves, Richard E. Ceriani, Luigi Chamber of Commerce, Madrid, Spain Chamber of Commerce of the U.S.A. box 9 Chipman, John S. Chu, David S. C. Clark, Peter B. Clement, Werner Cooper, Richard N. Corbet, Hugh Corden, W. M. Cosmos Club Council of Economic Advisers Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics Crank letters Cunha, Luiz Roberto Azevedo Currier, Elizabeth B. Curtis, Thomas B. Curzon, Gerard box 10 DeMuth, Christopher C. Denver meeting, National Association of Business Economics 1974 De Vries, Margaret De Vries, Rimmer Donges, J. B. Dorn, James A. Dornbusch, Rudiger Dunlop, John T. Earhart Foundation Ebeling, Richard M. Economica Register of the Gottfried Haberler 95048 4 papers Alphabetical file (mainly correspondence) Economists' Bookshop Eichengreen, Barry Eichler, Ned Eizenga, Wietze Eldridge, Douglas H. Ellis, Howard S. box 11 Emminger, Otmar Enke, Stephen Erdilek, Asim Erndl, Wolfgang Eucken (Walter) Institut Faber, Malte Fand, David I. Fauvel, Luc Feldstein, Martin Fellner, William J. Fels, Gerhard Fernandes, Roberto M. Feuchtmuller, Wolfgang Fischer (Gustav) Verlag Fleisig, Heywood Foley, James J. Fong, Shan-Kwei Forbes Magazine Foundation Francisco Marraquin box 12 Frankel, Paul H. Franzsen, D. G. Friedman, Benjamin M. Friedman, Milton Fritsch, Bruno Furth, J. Herbert Furth, John F. Galbraith, John Kenneth Gantner, Manfried Gardner, Walter R. Gerber, Beat German award ceremony 1978 Gerschenkron, Alexander box 13 Giersch, Herbert Group of Thirty Gudin, Eugenio Gutowski, Armin box 14 Haag, John Haberler, Gottfried Personal 85th birthday 1985 box 15 90th birthday 1990 Habsburg, Otto von Halberg, Franz Hanke, Steve H. Hansen, Alvin H. Hanson, James box 16 Harberger, Arnold C. Hardt, John P. Harris, Ralph Harris, Seymour E. Harrod, Sir Roy F. Harvard University Register of the Gottfried Haberler 95048 5 papers Alphabetical file (mainly correspondence) Hawtrey, Sir Ralph Hayek, Friedrich A. von Heilperin, Michael A. Heller, H. Robert Henderson, David Henderson, Elizabeth Hermens, Ferdinand A. Hexner, Ervin P. box 17 Higgonet, Rene P. Hildebrand, George H. Hillsdale College Hinshaw, Randall Hirschman, Albert O. Hodge (William) and Company Hoffmann, Harriet Hogan, Warren P. Holzman, Franklyn D. Honorarium Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace Houthakker, Hendrik S. Hudeczek, Carl Hufbauer, Gary Hunold, Albert Hutchison, Terence W. Ikle, Max box 18 Institute for Humane Studies Institute for International Economics Institute of Economic Affairs International Economic Association International Monetary Fund
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