Chapter II AGENDA CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY NOTE . 21 **PART I. CONSIDERATION 01: THE ADOPTION OF Till: AGENDA . 21 **PART II. THE PROVISIONAL ACI:NDA . 21 PART Ill. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA (RULE 9) Note . 21 A. Procedure of voting on adoption of the agenda . 22 1. Votes taken concerning individual items on the provisional agenda 22 **2. Votes taken on proposals to determine or change the order of items . 24 l *3. Votes taken on the adoption of the agenda as a whole . 24 B. Consideration of: l *l. Requirements for the inclusion of an item in the agenda . , 24 *+2. Effect of the inclusion of an item in the agenda . 24 C. Other discussion on the adoption of the agenda . 24 l *l. Order of discussion of items on the agenda . 24 2. Scope of items and subitems on the agenda in relation to the scope of discussion . 24 **3. Phrasing of items on the agenda . 24 l *4. Postponcmcnt of consideration of items . 24 5. Precedence of the decision on adoption of the agenda . 24 PART IV. THE AGENDA: MATTERS OF WHICH Tllli SECURITY COUNCIL IS SEIZED (RULIS 10 AND 11) Note . 25 **A. Rule10 .._..........t...............,..... 2s B. Rule11 . 26 1. Retention and deletion of items from the Secretary-General’s Summary Statements on matters of which the Security Council is seized . 26 2. Proceedings of the Security Council regarding the retention and deletion of items from the Agenda . ,........................... 28 20 INTROIWCI-DRY NOTE The present chapter relates to material concerning rules the agenda. No material has been entered under section A 6 to 11, inclusive, of the provisional rules of procedure of dealing with the procedure of the Council in voting on the the Security Council. adoption of the agenda as well as section B concerning As in the previous volumes of the Repertoire, the discussion in the Council of the requirements for the material in the present chapter is presented directly under inclusion of an item in the agenda and of the effects of such the rule of procedure to which it relates. The chapter is inclusion. Section C deals with other questions which have divided into four parts: part 1, Consideration of the been discussed in connexion with the adoption of the adoption or amendment of rules 6-12; part II, the pro- agenda, such as the order of discussion of items, the scope visional agenda; part III, Adoption of the agenda (rule 9); of items in relation to the scope of the discussion, the and part IV, The agenda: Matters of which the Security phrasing of agenda items and the participation of a Council is seized (rules 10 and 1 I). No material has been non-Member of the Council before the adoption of the entered under Part I, since the Council has not had occasion agenda. to consider any change in rules 6-12; nor was any material Part IV relates to the list of matters of which the found for treatment under Part II dealing with the cir- Security Council is seized. No entry is presented under culation of communications by the Secretary-General and section A relating to rule 10. The tabulation in section B the preparation and communication of the provisional (rule 11) supplements the tabulation in the previous volume agenda. of the Repertoire and indicates the changes that have since Part III contains material on the procedure and practice occurred in the list of matters of which the Security of the Security Council in connexion with the adoption of Council is seized. Part I **CONSIDERATION OF THE ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Part II **THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA Part 111 ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA (RULE 9) NOTE adoption of the agenda while section B has dealt wjth instances when objection had been raised to the adoption Under rule 9, the first item on the provisional agenda for of the agenda either indicating the requirement for or the each meeting of the Security Council is the adoption of the effect of the inclusion of an item in the agenda. There were agenda. Unless an objection has been raised, the Council no such instances during the period under review. usually adopts the provisional agenda without vote, either Under section C are treated other questions of procedure with or without amendments. which are related to the adoption of the agenda such as the As in previous volumes of the Repertoire. part III is scope of items and subitems on the agenda in relation to devoted to the proceedings of the Council on those the scope of discussion (Case 1). the postponement of occasions when objection has been raised to the adoption consideration of items (Case 2), and the precedence of the of the agenda or other discussion on the adoption of the decision on adoption of the agenda (Cases 3 and 4). agenda has taken place. During the period under review, participation in the Section A has dealt in past volumes of the Repertoire discussion of the adoption of the agenda has been limited with the procedure of the Council in voting on the to Council members. 21 Chapter II. Agenda 22 ____~______ .__-. A. PROCEDURE OF VOTING ON ADOPTION the majority position, that item 3 of the provisional agenda OF TIIE AGENDA be deleted. After the vote, the President announced that the 1. Votes taken concerning individual items proposal to delete item 3 had been defeated as it fell short on the provisional agenda of securing nine affirmative votes. The representative of Somalia, supported by the reprrsentativcs of India and CASE 1 Yugoslavia, then proposed that the Council proceed to the adoption of the provisional agenda by voting separately on At the 1651st meeting on 18 July 1972, the provisional each of the three items. agenda’ read as follows: The representative of the United States objected to this “1. Adoption of agenda proposal stating that the Council had already defeated a motion to delete item 3 and should not “again be asked to “2. The Situation in the Middle East delete it through a separate parliamentary manoeuvre”. “(a) Letter dated 5 July 1972 from the Permanent The President then stated that since the Council found Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the itself in such a complex procedural situation the best coIlrse United Nations addressed to the President of the for it to follow would be to “adopt items 1 and 2 as the Security Council (S/ 10730). provisional agenda for today” and “meet with the shortest “(b) Letter dated 5 July 1972 from the Charge possible delay to deal separately” with Israel’s request for a d’affaires o.i. of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to meeting “which is item 3 of the present provisional the United Nations addressed to the President of the agenda”. Security Council (S/ 1073 1). The representative of the United States objected to the “3. The Situation in the Middle East course outlined by the President reiterating that the move to delete item 3 of the provisional agenda had been “Letter dated 17 July 1972 from the Permanent defeated. However, he stated that his delegation, in a spirit Representative of Israel to the United Nations addressed of compromise, would propose that the entire agenda be to the President of the Security Council (S/10739).” adopted with the understanding that items 2 (a) and (b) Before the adoption of the agenda the representative of would be discussedthat day and item 3 at a subsequent meeting. Somalia objected to the inscription of the letter by the Permanent Representative of Israel and requested that the The President stated that the United States proposal provisional agenda be amended so as to include only raised certain difficulties because once the provisional items 1 and 2. In making that request he stated that his agendawas adopted it would become a definite agendaand understanding had been that the Council had been con- then nothing could stop any Member State participating in vened solely to consider the two communications addressed the Council’s debate to refer to item 3 of the agenda. He to the Council by the delegations of Syria and Lebanon and then repeated his suggestion that the Council deal with therefore the agenda ought to be devoted solely to items 1 and 2 at that day’s meeting and deal with item 3 at consideration of the situation arising from the submission a separatemeeting. of the two communications.. He also observed that the President had failed to consult with members of the The representative of the USSR stated that “it was quite clearly and unambiguously stated that we are approving Security Council, as was customary before acceding to the request of a Member State, in this instance Israel, to items 1 and 2 of the provisional agenda for their con- sideration at today’s meeting of the Security Council. inscribe an item on the agenda. Furthermore, it has been emphasizeda number of times The representatives of the USSR, Yugoslavia, India, that relevant consultations will be held with the members France, Guinea, Sudan. China and Italy were also opposed of the Security Council and that the question of the further to the inclusion of the letter from the Permanent Repre- discussionof these items would be decided on the basisof sentative of Israel in the agenda. The representatives of the those consultations. I think, Mr. President, that your ruling United States and Panama, however, held that the provi- is quite unambiguous and quite correct and that we can sional agenda before the Council was in order. now proceed to our discussion”.
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