

BOHN'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY PAUSANIAS' DESCRIPTION OF GREECE LONDON: GEORGE BELL AND SONS PORTUGAL ST. LINCOLN'S INN, W.C. CAMBRIDGE: DEIGHTON• BELL & CO. NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN CO. BOMBAY: A. H. WHEELER & CO. PAUSANIAS DESCRIPTION OF GREECE TRANS LA TED INTO ENGLISH WITH NOTES AND INDEX BY ARTHUR RICHARD SHILLETO, M.A. SOMETIMe SCHOLAR OF TRINITY COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE VOLUME II LONDON GEORGE BELL AND SONS. 1905 CBISWICit PIUISI : CHAaUS WHITTINOHAll AND CO. TOOXS COIIaTi CHANcaay LANB, LONDON. CONTENTS. PAGE Book VII. AcsAJ.A . • • 1 VIII. ABc.&.DU. • 61 IX. IJmoTIA • • 151 X. PHOCIS 21.9 INDEX. INDEX. (The numher in Roman Notation i8 the number of the Book, the nzmWer in .Arabic Notation tk. 11Wnber of tk. Chapter.) Achclous, a. river in 1Etoli8, iv, 34; JEgina., the daughter of Asopus, il, viii. 24. Its contest with Hercules-, 5, 29; v. 22 ; x. 13. iii. 18; vi. 19. Father of Ca1li­ JEgina, the island, ii. 29, 30, rhoe, viii. 24, of the Sirens, ix. 34, JEgisthus, i, 22; ii. 16, 18. of Castalia, x. 8. .2Egos·potamoi, iii. 8, 11, 17, 18; iv. Acheron, a river in Thesprotia, i. J7; ix,32; x,9, 17; v, H; x. 28. 1Eneas, the son of Anchises, ii. 21, Achilles, i. 22; ·m. 18, 19, 24. 23; iii. 22; v. 22; viii. 12; x. Acichorius, a general of the Galati, 17, 26. x.19,22,23. lEschylus, the son of Euphorion, i. Acrisins, son of Abas, ii. 16. Hus­ 2, 14, 21, 28; ii, 13, 20t 24; vii~. band of Eurydice, iii. 13. Con­ 6, 37 ; ix. 22; x. 4. structs a brazen chamber for his .lEsculapius, the son of Apollo, ii, daughter Danne, ii. 23 ; x. 5, 1 o, 26, 27, :l9 ; iii. 23 ; vii. 23 ; Killed unintentionally by his viii. 25. His temples, i. 21 ; ii. grandson Perseus, H. 16. 10, 13, 23; iii. 22,26; iv. 30, 31; Actren, the ancient name of Attica, vii. 21, 23, 27; viii. 25, i. 2. lEsymnetes, \·ii. 19, 20. Acueun, son of Aristmus, ix, 2 1 x. lEthra, wiftl of Phalanthus, her Ion 17, 3H, · tOr her husband, x. 10. Addison, ii. 20, Note. .lEtnn, its craters, how prophetic, Adonis, ii. 20; ix. 29. iii. 23, Eruption of JEma, x. 28. Ad1•inn, the Rumnn Emperor~ i. 31 Agaruemnon, i. 43; ii. 6, 18; iii. 9; 181 44; H. 3, 17; vi. 16, l!f; viii. vii. 24; ix~ 40. His tomb, ii, 16; 8, 10, Jl, 22. His ],,.e for, and iii. 19. deifi(~ntion of, Antinous, viii, 9, Agelrulns, an ArgiVf' statuary, iY, Adriatic sea, viii. 54• 33; vi. 8, 10, 14; vii. 24; viii, .AdultPry, iv, 20; i'oc:. 36. 42; x. 10. .tEgiulus, afterwards Achaia, v. 1; uf l'sophis, hnppy aU his life, vii. 1, where see Notf'. viii. 24. 300 INDEX. Ajax, the son of Oileus, his violation mother of Meleager, viii. 46; x. of Cassandra, i. 15; x. 26, 31. 31. Ajax, the son of Telnmon, i. 5, 35; Altis (a corruption of aAr1oc, v. 19. grove), v. 10, 11, 14, 15, 27. Alcams, vii. 20; x. 8. Amalthere cornu, iv, 30; vi. 19, 25; Alcamenes, a statuary, a contempo­ vii. 26. (Cornu copire.) rary of Phirlins, i. 8, 19, 20, 24; Ama1.nns, i. 15, 41 ; iii, 25; iv. 31; ii. 30; v,lO; viii. 9; ix. 11. ,-j, 2. Alcmreon, son uf Ampbiaraus, the Ambel',·e and otherwise, v. 12. murderer of his mnLher El'iphyle, Ambraciotes, v, 23; x. 18. i. 34; v. li; viii. 24-. Ammon, iii. 18, 21; iv. 14, 23; v. Aleman, tlu;• poet, i. 41; ii~ \8, 26. 15; vi. 8; viii. 11, 32; ix. 16; Alcmena, the daughter of Amphi­ x. 13. amus and Eriphyle, and wife of Amphiaraus, i, 34; ii. 13, 23; ix. 8, Amphitryun, deceived by Zeus, 19. v. 18. Hated b,v Hera, ix, 11. Amphictyones, \'il, 24; x. 2, 8, ~5, Mother uf Hercules, v. 14. 19. Alcyone, the daughter of Atlas, ii. Ampbion and Zethus, sons of An· 30; iii. 18; ix. 22. tiupe, ii. 6; ix. 5, 17; x. 32. Alexander, son of Alexander the Amphion, il. 21 ; vi, 20; ix. 5, 8, Grf>at by Roxana, i. 6; ix. 7. 16, 17. Alexandl!l" the Great, i. 9; v. 21 ; Anacharsis, i. 22. vii. 5 ; b::. 23, 25. Saicl by the AnacreOn of 'reos, a friend of l'oly. ~lacedonians to be the tiOJI of Am­ crates, i. 2. The first e1•otic poet mon, iv. 14. Very pa=;sionate, vi. after Sappho, i. 25. 18. Tradition about his death, Anaximenes, his ruse with Alexan­ ,.iii. 18. Buried at Memphis, i. der the Great, &c., vi. 18. 6. His corpse removed thence by Ancreus, the son of Lycurgus, viii. Ptolemy, i. 7. Statues of him, i. 4, 45, 9; v. 25 ; vi. 11. Cassander's · Androgeos, i. 1, 27. hatrcci ot him, ix. 7. Andromache, the wife of Hector, .x. Alexamlrta, v. 21; viii. 33. 25. Alfb~us, a river in Pi sa, iii. 8 ; v. Anclrotion, vi. 7; x. 8. 7: vi. 22. Enamoured of Artemis, A ngelinn and Tectreus, statuaries and vi. 22 ; of Aretlmso., v. 7. Wo­ pupils of Dipmnua nnd Sl·yJlis, ii. men may not cro88 the Alpb"us 32; ix. 35. on certain days, v, 6. Leucippus Ant reus, ix. 11, J.. ts his hair grow to the Alplaeus, Anto1cidas, Peucu ot~ ix, 1, 13. •iii. 20, An tenor, x. 26, 27., v. 13, 14; Ti. 20, 24; ix. 3, A nte1·ns, i. 30 \'i. 23. II. Aniiclca., the motber of Odysseus, Althrea, .daughter of Thestius and x. 29. INDEX. 301 Anticyra, famous for hellebore, ori­ 14; viii. 31. Jealousof:U.ucippus, gina.lly caUed Cyparissus, x. 36. viii. 20. Jealous of Linn!i, ix. 29. Antigone, ix. 25. His altar in common with li~rmes, Antimachus, the poet, viii. 25 ; ix. v. 14. See also Delphi. as. Aratus of Soli, i. 2. Antinous, viii. 9. See also Adria~..r.. Aratus of Sicyon, ii. 8, 9 ; viii. 10, Antioch, the capital of Syrin., v1Li. S2. 29. Arda.lus, the son of Hephrestus, in­ Antincbus, the pilot of Alcibiadea, ventor of the flute, ii. 31. ·iii. 17 ; ix. 32. Ares, the Latin ~ltlars, char~d with Antiope, the Amazon, i. 2, 41. murder, i, 21, 28. Antiope, the mother of Zethus and Areopagus, i. 28; iv. 5. Amphion, i. 38; ii. 6 ; ix. 17, 25 ; Arethusa, v. 7 ; vii. 24 ; viii. 53, x. 32. Argiope, a Nymph, mot',er of Antipbanes, an Argh·e statuary, v. 'l'bamyris by Philu.mmllu, iv. 33. 17; x. 9. Argo, the famous ship, vii. ::?6; ix. Antipamus, heroism of his daughters 32. AndrucJea and A leis, ix. 17. Argonauts, vii. 4. Antonine, the Emperor, called by Argos, ii. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24; the Romans Pius, viii. 43. His vii. 17. son and successor Antonine, \'iii, Ariadne, i. 20, 22; :z:. 29. 43. Aricia, the people of, their tradition Anytus, one of the Titans, ,·iii. 37. about Hi}lpolytus, ii. 27. i. Aphidna,i.l71 4l;ii. 22;iii. 17,18. Arimnspians, 24, 31. Aphrodite, Anadyomt>ne, ii. 1; v. Arion, the horse, viii. 25. 11. Mother of Priapus, according Arion and the d,,Jpbin, iii. 25. to the people of Lampsncus, ix. 'Aristocrates, viii. 5, 13. H~redity 31. The tutelary saint of the in vice and punishment. men of Cnidus, i. 1. Ancient Aristodemus, },ing or' the MeSIP. .. temple of her and Adonis in com­ nians, iv. 8, 10, 13, 26. mon in Cyprus, ix. 41. Her Aristogiton, i. 8, 29. clients, ii. 34; ix. as. Her stutue Aristomn.che, the daughter of Priam, by Dredalus, ix, 40. The myrtle in x. 26. connection with her, vi. 24. 'l'he Arhotomenes, the hero of Mf'SSE'DiK, Celestial and }>andemiau AJlhro­ iv. 6, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 2:!, ditto, vi. 25; ix, 16. (Tho Latin 23, 24, 27, 32; vi. 7; viii.l4, 51. VenU8.) Aristo, the father of the fnmom!l A pis, the Egyptian god, i. 18 ; vii. Plato, iv. 32. 22. Aristophanes on Lepreus, v. 5. Apollo, helps Alcathous,i. 42. Herds Aristutle, the mighLy Stngirlte, his 'he cattle of Laomedon, vii. 20. statue, vi. 4. Inventor of the lute, iii. 24; v. Arsinoe, danghter of Ptolemy, and 802 INDEX. wife of her own brother, i, 7, 8 ; 11; x. 11, 15. 'l'he only demo· ix. 31. ct•ncy that evet• rose to greatness. Arsinoites, name of a district. in iv.35, Their magistrates, iii. 11; Egypt, v. 21. iv, 5, 15. Their townships, i. 3, Art, the noble art of self-defence, 32, 33. Their law-courts, i. 28. vi. 10; viii. 40, Their Eponymi, i. fi. Tht'ir Artemis, (the Latin Diana.) iii. 22; expeditions beyond Greece, i. 29. iv. so; viii. 3, 27. Especially Their heroes, x. 10. worshipped at H yam polis, x. 35. Athletes, their diet in training, vi. 7. · Temple of the goddess at Aulis, Atlas, v. 11, 18; vi. 19; ix. 20. ix. 19. Events there, do. Atlns, a. mountain in Libya, i. 33; Artemisia, her valour at Snlo.mis, viii. 43. iii. 11. Atl'ens, ii. 16, 18; ix. 40. Artemisium, a mountain, ii. 25; Attains, an aHy of tile Romans, vii. viii. 5. a, 16. His greatest feat, i. s. Ascra, in Bceotia, the birthplace of The oracle about him, x. 15. · Hesiod, ix. 29, 38 • Attica, whence it got its name, i.

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