A B CD 1 2 Note: This glossary supplements Table 1. Copyright © 1981-2017 Mel Copeland. All rights reserved. 3 4.27.17 - Items in red are changes; often updated For those using the PDF version of this file, see the latest changes Etruscan_GlossaryA.xls at Etruscan Phrases 4 "X" locators designate Anatolian (Phrygian) texts 5 Updated to reconcile declension patterns 6 http://www.maravot.com/Etruscan_Phrases_a.html 7 Contact: [email protected] 8 9 English Etruscan Location 10 to, in (L. a) A TC120,TC127, Au95, Au102, AG-2, Z92, AN12, AN100, 11 to, in (L. a) A (continued) N21, N206, N371,Q701, Q717, R381, R499, N722, N731, MS23 12 to, in (L. a) A (continued) Q376, Q388, R542, R584, AH-9, AC-3, TC211, K159, PJ-1, J5-6, J40-10, PV-7, PW-12 13 and, and also, and indeed (L. ac, atque) AC Z58, Z432, Z1183, Au-1, TC46, TC90, Au95, K149, L50, J41-2 14 and, and also, and indeed (L. ac, atque) AK Z489, Z508, Z1139, XQ-1 15 call, to (L. accio-aire) ACA Z572, TC46 16 it/he will move, set in motion (L. ago-agere, Ind. I Fut. 3rd Pers. Single aget) ACE J40-8 17 call, to (L. accio-aire) ACeR M71 18 prophesy, to wish (L. auguro-are) ACERN (they prophesy) DL-2 (This mirror depicts reading from a liver) 19 level, make equal, compare (L. acquo-are) ACES N462 20 Achaia? (L. Achaia or Achaia-ae, Achaia or in Gen. Greece) ACHIE (AKIE) CP35 21 Agememnon ACHMEMNVN DM-6, CG-3 22 Achilles – see CG-1 ACHLE (AKLE) (See ACHVLE) MM-5, CG-1, DP-1, LM-4? CCG-3 23 Achilles – see CG-1 ACHL or ACHLA (ACH LA) CH-2 24 Achule, god in company of Thetis on a mirror, probably Achilles ACHVLE (AKVLE) (See ACHLE) CQ-2 25 Achloser, name of Briseis, concubine of Achilles? ACHLVSR ( ACHLPIMSR?, ACHVPIMSR?) CQ3 26 call, to (L. accio-aire) ACI Z582, AB-1 27 water, (L. aqua-ae) or possibly Achaia, Greece (L. Achiai-ae, f.) ACIE N149, R219, R238, P-1 28 maidservant (L. ancilla-ae) image of girl serving Metin. ACILA CJ-1 29 eagle (L. aquila-ae) ACIL Z591, Z707 Z1161, Z1168, Z1662, K164 30 eagle (L. aquila-ae) ACILAR (name?) Z812, Z826 31 northern (L. aquilonius-a-um, 2nd Decl. Gen. singl. f. -ae ACILVNE K152 32 water, sea, lake (L. aqua-ae) ACIU (ACI8) or ACIV N74 33 call, to (L. accio-aire) ACIS NC-3 34 of (related by) males (L. agnatio-onis; Nom. Single), a name Agnus or of lambs (L. agna-ae, Acc. Pl. –as) ACNAS (ACNAS) Au60 35 lamb, sheep, of a lamb, name? (L. agnae-ae, f.; agnus-i, m, of a lamb, agninus-a-um) ACNINA K85 36 Aequi-orum, people of central Italy AECIH J34-1 37 with (L. ad) AD J48 38 Aesacus, son of Priam by Arisbe who prophesied destruction of Troy AECAI DM-6 39 aegis, shield (L. aegis-idis) AEKiS Z46 40 bronze, metal (L. aes, aeris) AES (See AIS) XA-36, XB-35 41 age; a lifetime, time of life, age; persons of a particular age; aetas puerilis, boys. (L. aetas-atis). AETOS (AETVS) CCH-4 42 age, lifetime (L. aetas-atis; It. agio; Fr. Âge) AGE (AbE) R248, R334 43 age, lifetime (L. aetas-atis; It. agio; Fr. Âge) AGES (AbES) R661 44 ai!, oh! (L. ai!) AI Z536, TC71, TC135, TC145, TC236,TC260, Au55, Au71, BS21, XE-9 45 Ajax, hero of Trojan War (L. Aiax-acis; Gr. Named after eagle, aietos) AIFAS (See also EIFAS, TELMVNVS) VA-1, DC-1, DC-3 46 Ajax, hero of Trojan War (L. Aiax-acis; Gr. Named after eagle, aietos) AFAS CCG-2 47 love (L. amo-are; It. amore, Fr. aimer) AIMeR S22 (See AMA, AME, AMV) 48 Airon, name, lofty? (L. aerius [aereus]-a-um) AIRON L12 49 bronze, metal (L. aes, aeris) AIS (See AES) Z525, Z263, Z432, Z614, Z681, Z887, Z1080, Z1274, Z1410, Z1591, Z1864, XQ-4, J41-12 50 summer (L. aestas-atis; It. estate; Fr. été )? AIT XB-10, J23-6 51 Hades AITA PH-2 52 Medea (L. Aetine-es) AITEI L34 53 Jason AEITHEON DF-4 54 summer (L. aestas-atis, 2nd Decl. dat. or abl. “o”; It. estate; Fr. été ) AITO (AITV) N311, N378 55 move, set in motion (L. ago-agere) AKaPa N160, M24 56 of the public lands - relating to land, a general distribution of public land (L. agrarius-ium, Nom. Pl. N. –ia) AKARAI J41-8 57 land, territory (L. ager, agri) AKER N173, N435, S18 58 Akenano, name, Akenanus? Arcanania? Pharoah Ankhkaenre Psamtik III (526-525 B.C)? AKENANO (See also NANA) XA-4, XA-18, XB-24, XB-34 59 of (related by) males (L. agnatio-onis; Nom. Single) AKNAS Au60 60 move, set in motion (L. ago-agere); Romanian 1st pers. pl. acţiunim; L. agimus AKIM Z681 61 with the sheep (L. agnae-ae, 3rd. Decl. Abl. singl. -e, f.; agnus-i, m. 2nd Decl. N. pl. -a) AKNE (See ACNE) R258, R334, Q89 62 by, with the sheep (L. agnae-ae, f.; agnus-i, m., 2nd Decl. Acc./Dat. -o) AKNEO (AKNEV) R48 63 through the lamb (L. m. agnus-i, 2nd Decl. Acc. -um) sheep, by the (L. agnae-ae, f.; agnus-i, m.) AKNEM R306 64 sheep, by the (L. agnae-ae, f.; agnus-i, m.) AKNESEM Z1153 65 sheep (plural) (L. agnae-ae, f.; agnus-i, m.) AKNI Z990, Z1153, Z1792 66 of lambs, agninus-a-um; Nom. N. -a) AKNINA K85 67 agrarius, relating to land (L. agrarius-a-um) or belonging to the field (L. agrestis-e) AKRARE or AKRATHA CAB-2 68 land, territory (L. ager, agri, 2nd Decl. Dat./Abl. -o; It. m. agro) AKRO (AKRV) R69 69 vinegar (L. acetum-i; Gr. Aksos; It. aceto; Fr. vinaigre) AKS OU-3 70 Aph, goddess AF (See APH) XS-5 71 to him, it (It. al) AL Z180, TC22, TC180, TC137, TC266, TC279, TC283, TC290, TC327, MG-1 72 to him, it (It. al) AL Au43, Au51, Au57, M32, AF-4, AE-4, AT-7, AJ-10, AL-1, AN20, HT-5, VP18, J40-13 73 wings, poet., of the oars of a ship, squadron (L. ala, ae, f.) ALAE TC142 74 nourish, to support, feed (L. alo, alere) ALE (See also Au49, ITALE) Z622, Au49, DN-1 75 you will nourish, support (L. alo, alere, alui, altum [or alitum]; Ind. Fut. 2nd Pers. Single ales) ALES DD-4 76 nourish, to support, feed (L. alo, alere) ALeR M67 77 someone, something (L. aliquo, aliqua, aliqui..) ALC TC281, TC321, PN-1, J40-15 A B CD 78 someone, something (L. aliquo, aliqua, aliqui..) ALCE FT-1, AN27 79 someone, something (L. aliquo, aliqua, aliqui..) ALCI AN27 80 alien (L. alieno-are) ALENI M45 81 Alcesti, daughter of Pelion, wife of Admetus, who offered to die on behalf of him ALCeSTI V8 82 of another, other, different (L. alis, alid, old form of alius -a- aliud) ALIS TC141 83 Alisa, name ALISA VP-6 84 someone, something (L. aliquo, aliqua, aliqui..) ALQV (ALQO) J42-14 85 someone, something (L. aliquo, aliqua, aliqui..) ALKOS (ALKVS) Z1088, Z1097, Z1410, Z1654 86 nourishing, kind (L. almus-a-um, Abl. Single -e) ALME J36-3 87 aloes, bitterness (L. aloe-es) ALOSE (ALVSE) J22-3 88 Alp, Alb name of a god? ALP BE-25 89 Alban (L. Albanus-a-um) ALPAN BE-14 90 cold, freezing (L. alsius-a-um) ALSO (ALSV) DA-8 91 grown, great (L. altus-a-um, 2nd Decl. singl. Dat. & Abl. -o) ALTO (ALTV) R305, Q871, XS-5 92 grown, great (L. altus-a-um) ALTI Z1654 93 I love, like (L. amo-are, Ind. Pres. 1st Pers. singl. amō) AM (I love) Z161, Z1628, Au27, N230, Au98, XA-35, PC-13 94 she/it loves (L. amo-are, Ind. Pres. 3rd Pers. Single amat) AMA Z1227, K26, Q521, Q551, Q775, R584, R607, TC318, K164, CP-20 95 he loved (L. amo-are, Ind. Imperf. 3rd Pers. singl. amā́bat ) AMaPa (he/she loved) Q351, Q424, N216, Q85, Q98, Q R499, R644; 96 love, to like (L. amo-are) AMaPEN (they loved) R394 97 love, to like (L. amo-are) AMAR (to love) M94, Q692, AO-1 98 he may love, like (L. amo-are; Conj. Pres. 3rd pers. singl. amet) AME TC131, TC167, K6, Au46 99 love, to like (L. amo-are; amice, amice and amiciter, adv. In a friendly manner) AMiCE AJ-4 100 love, to like (L. amo-are, amā́rem, Conj. Imperf. I loved?) AMEM this appears to be a noun; 3rd, 5th Acc. N173 101 friends (L. amicus, amica, 2nd Decl. Nom. pl. m, -i; It. amico, amica; Fr. amie-e) AMI Z1359; PA-4 102 friend (L. amicus, amica; Fr. ami-e) AMIE (probably friend, amie, f.) AR-3 103 river water (L. amnis, a stream, torrent, river; poet. current, river water) AMNiS J20-1 104 love, to like (amo-are) AMO (AMV) (to love) N173, Au95; J15-2 105 Amphiaraüs, Greek seer AMPHIARE (See also HAMPHIARE) CI-1, DC-5 106 or, whether (L. an) AN Z15, Z19, Z224, Z439, Z681, Z648, Z1662, Z1809, Z1835, AN42, N100, N462, Q251, 107 or, whether (L. an) AN Q360, Q369, Q396, Q416, Q813, Q863, R359, R394, R542, K19; MS24, AN47, TC124, J35-3 108 Ana, name ANA AJ-19, AO-3 109 year (L. annus, anni; It. anno; Fr. An, année) ANAS Au22, L51 110 hip, haunch (It.
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