Course 107: Matthew: The Life & Ministry of Jesus 1 International Bible Institute Curriculum Term I Course 107 MATTHEW: THE LIFE & MINISTRY OF JESUS WRITER leaders who rejected the grace of God that was manifested through The name Matthew means “gift of God.” Matthew, the apostle Jesus (Ti 2:11). and the son of Alphaeus, who was formerly known as Levi (Mk 2:14), The theme of the book could also be based on two major min- has been commonly accepted as the inspired writer of this docu- istries of teaching in reference to Jesus and His work. The first is ment (9:9-13; 10:3). He was a tax collector in Capernaum before 4:17 where Matthew records, “From that time Jesus began to being called by Jesus to apostleship (9:9; Lk 5:27,28; see At 1:13). preach and to say, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand’.” Jesus came to fulfill all things concerning prophecy of God’s work DATE among men (Lk 24:44). As the Messiah, He came to turn Israel Though the letter was written before A.D. 70 and the destruc- once again to God in order that they accept His kingdom reign that tion of Jerusalem, it is difficult to determine the date of writing. Some was soon to be established. scholars have affirmed that the letter was written as early as A.D. Secondly, in 16:21 Matthew recorded, “From that time Jesus 38. If such were true, then this would have been the first inspired began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem ... and written record of the gospel, if not the first letter of the New Testa- be killed.” Jesus thus manifested to the disciples the purpose for ment canon. Some Bible students, however, have affirmed that the His coming, that He must die on the cross for the salvation of all date of writing was from A.D. 58 to A.D. 60. The more probable date men. It is Matthew’s purpose, therefore, to inform his readers that of writing is around A.D. 60 and after both Mark and Luke recorded Jesus knew His destiny, and thus, worked in His ministry toward the their inspired documents of the life of Jesus. fulfillment of all prophecy concerning the cross. THEME BOOK Matthew begins the letter by saying, “The book of the geneal- Matthew seems to give a more detailed account of several ogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham” (1:1). events in the life of Jesus that are only recorded in brief in the records He builds on this theme in recording events and teachings in the of Mark, Luke and John. As an eyewitness of the life and teachings ministry of Jesus that bring our understanding of who Jesus is to the of Jesus, Matthew seeks to prove the theme of the book. His em- same confession of Peter in 16:16. “You are the Christ, the Son of phasis in writing, therefore, focuses more on maintaining the theme the living God” (See 16:13-19). Not only did Jesus bring His imme- of the book than on maintaining a chronological order of events in diate disciples to this confession during His ministry, Matthew also the ministry of Jesus. He is thus more topical in accomplishing the brings his readers to acknowledge the same of Jesus. Jesus of theme than in recording a chronological order of Jesus’ life. In writ- Nazareth is the Christ (Messiah), the One who has fulfilled all Old ing to a Jewish mind to reaffirm the messiahship of Jesus, he is thus Testament prophecy concerning the Messiah. Jesus is also the Son more Jewish in his literary style and composition. of God because God confirmed Him as such by the miraculous power that was manifested through Him (Hb 1:1,2; 2:3,4). Introduction To The Christ (1:1 – 4:11) PURPOSE Outline: (1) Genealogy of Jesus (1:17), (2) The birth of Jesus Matthew is written to a Jewish audience. He possibly has two (1:18-25), (3) The visit of the Magi (2:1-12), (4) Jesus is taken to purposes in mind. First, he seeks to reaffirm the messiahship of Egypt (2:13-18), (5) Jesus returns to Nazareth (2:19-23), (6) John, Jesus. In the book there are sixty-four references to the Old Testa- the Immerser (3:1-12), (7) Jesus begins His ministry (3:13-17), (8) ment. There are forty-three direct quotations from the Old Testa- The temptation of Jesus (4:1-11) ment. Matthew wants the Christian audience to which he writes to understand that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah for which all Chapter 1 Israel hoped. Secondly, Matthew writes in order to contrast the religion of the GENEALOGY OF JESUS religious leadership of Israel with the grace and truth that was re- (Lk 3:23-38) vealed through Jesus. Because of the Jewish influence that came Both Matthew and Luke record the genealogy of Jesus. How- into the early church by the conversion of many Jews, there came in ever, they record such for different reasons. Matthew gives the ac- with these converts a Jewish approach to religion that was legal in count of the ancestry of Joseph, the legal and earthly parent of Jesus. nature. The theological understanding of religion that was practiced Luke records the ancestry of Jesus through the genealogy of Mary, by the scribes and Pharisees was legalistic in reference to justifica- the mother of Jesus (Lk 3:23-38). Through his genealogy of Jo- tion. In other words, the religious leaders of Israel approached God seph, Matthew proves that Jesus is the legal heir to the throne of through a legal system of works that was based on the performance David. He is the One who has fulfilled all messianic prophecies of of worshippers. This system of religiosity was developed over cen- the Old Testament (See 2 Sm 7:12-16; Ps 89:29,36,37; 132:11). turies with the accumulation of traditions that were bound on the In both Matthew and Luke the word “son” is used to designate consciences of men (See 15:1-9; Mk 7:1-9; see intro. of Gl). Mat- four things: (1) an actual son through the flesh, (2) a distant ances- thew seeks to manifest the difference between this system of reli- tor (Mt 1:1), (3) a son-in-law (Lk 3:23), and (4) a son by creation (Lk gious thought and that which Jesus taught. Matthew manifests the 3:38). By marriage, Joseph was the son of Heli (Mary’s father). In contrast in order to identify the hard hearted attitude of religious this sense, therefore, Joseph is both the son of Jacob (Mt 1:16) and Scripture text notations are taken from the International King James Version. Course 107: Matthew: The Life & Ministry of Jesus 2 the son of Heli (Lk 3:23). Both Matthew and Luke use this common If one were unfaithful after a betrothal, such a one would be consid- method of Jewish ancestral recording to prove that Jesus was of the ered an adulterer. Because of the binding of the betrothal, Joseph royal Davidic lineage, and thus the rightful heir to the throne of David. and Mary were considered husband and wife. Before they came Matthew divides his account of the genealogy of Jesus into together: Mary was pregnant with Jesus before Joseph and Mary three sections: (1) Abraham to David (vss 1-6), (2) Solomon to the had sexual intercourse, which sexual intercourse later resulted in Babylonian captivity (vss 7-11), and (3) the Babylonian captivity to other children being born after Jesus was born (See 13:55; Mk 6:3). Jesus (vss 12-16). By the Holy Spirit: At the time Mary conceived of the Holy Spirit, 1:1-17 Read the genealogies of 1 Ch 1; 2:1-15; 3:1-19; Rt she had never had sexual intercourse. She was a virgin. Through 4:18-22. These genealogies give a background for the genealogies the Holy Spirit, therefore, she became pregnant in a manner that that are recorded here in Matthew and in Luke. Book: This is a was not according to the natural processes of conception. Since book of origin or a genealogical table that gives the ancestry of Jesus Jesus was the Son of God, we would expect nothing other than a (Gn 5:1; 37:2; Nm 3:1). Jesus: This name is actually a form of the miraculous virgin birth into this world. Such a birth is an essential name “Joshua.” Joshua means “God is our helper,” “deliverer,” or teaching of the New Testament (See Jn 1:1,14; see also Lk 1:31- “savior.” Thus, the name is appropriate for the Son of God. The 35). name Jesus was actually a common Jewish name. In the New Tes- 1:19,20 Put her away secretly: Joseph did not want to em- tament times it meant “Jehovah is salvation.” Christ: The Greek barrass Mary. Since a betrothal was almost as binding as a mar- word means “anointed.” This is the Greek equivalent for the He- riage contract, Joseph sought to secretly divorce Mary in order that brew word “Messiah.” Jesus is the Christ, or the Messiah who ful- she not be publicly shamed (See Dt 22:23,24). Joseph knew that filled all Old Testament prophecies (Lk 24:44). Son of David: The Mary was pure in character.
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