FENOC 76 South Main Street Fi/rstEn Akron. Ohio 44308 SamuelL. Belcher Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer September11,2013 L-13-245 10cFR 50.54(f) ATTN: DocumentControl Desk U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville,MD 20852 SUBJECT. BeaverValley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and2 DocketNo. 50-334, License No. DPR-66 DocketNo. 50-412, License No. NPF-73 Davis-BesseNuclear Power Station DocketNo. 50-346, License No. NPF-3 PerryNuclear Power Plant DocketNo. 50-440, License No. NPF-58 FirstEnergyNuclear Operatinq Companv (FENOC) Response to NRCRequest for InformationPursuant to 10CFR 50.54(fl Reqarding_the Seismic Aspects of Recommendation2.1 of the Near-TermTask Force (NTTF) Review of Insiqhtsfrom the FukushimaDai-ichi Accident - 1.5Year Response for CEUS Sites On March12,2012, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a fettertitled, "Requestfor InformationPursuant to Title10 of the Codeof FederalRegulations 50.54(f)Regarding Recommendations 2.1, 2.3, and 9.3 of the Near-TermTask Force Reviewof Insightsfrom the FukushimaDai-ichi Accident," to all powerreactor licensees andholders of constructionpermits in activeor deferredstatus. Enclosure 1 of the 10 CFR50.54(0 letter contains a requestfor each addressee in the Centraland Eastern UnitedStates (CEUS) to submita writtenresponse consistent with the requested seismichazard evatuation information (items 1 through7) within 1.5 years of thedate of the 10CFR 50.54(0 letter (by September 12,2013). By letterdated February 15,2013, the NRCendorsed the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) Report 1025287, SersmicEvaluation Guidance: Screening, Prioritization and lmplementationDetails (SPID)for the Resolutionof FukushimaNear-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,dated November 2012 (hereafter referred to asthe SPID report) Section 4 of theSPID report identifies the detailed information to be included in the seismic hazard evaluationsubmittals BeaverValley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and2 Davis-BesseNuclear Power Station PerryNuclear Power Plant L-13-245 Page2 By letterdated April 9, 2013,the NuclearEnergy Institute (NEl) submitted to theNRC a proposedpath fonruard for NTTFRecommendation 2.1: SeismicReevaluations that requestedNRC agreement to delaysubmittal of someof the CEUSseismic hazard evaluationinformation so thatan updateto the EPRI(2004, 2006) ground motion attenuationmodel could be completedand used to developthat information. NEI proposedthat descriptions of subsurfacematerials and properties and base case velocityprofiles (items 3a and3b in Section4 of the SPIDreport) be submittedto the NRCby September12, 2013, with the remainingseismic hazard and screening informationsubmitted to the NRCby March31 ,2014. By letterdated May 7 ,2013, the NRCagreed with this recommendation. Theenclosures to thisletter contain the requesteddescriptions of subsurfacematerials andproperties and base case velocity profiles for BeaverValley Power Station (BVPS) UnitNo. 1, BVPSUnit No. 2, Davis-BesseNuclear Power Station (DBNPS), and Perry NuclearPower Plant (PNPP) as EnclosuresA, B, C, andD, respectively. Thereare no regulatorycommitments contained in thisletter. lf thereare any questions or if additionalinformation is required,please contact Mr. Thomas A. Lentz,Manager - FleetLicensing, at 330-315-6810. I declareundel penalty of perjurythat the foregoing is trueand correct. Executed on SeptemOerll ,2013. Respectfully, SamuelL. Belcher Enclosures A SiteDescription for BeaverValley Power Station Unit 1 Near-TermTask Force Recommendation2.1 PartialSubmittal Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 SiteDescription for BeaverValley Power Station Unit 2 Near-TermTask Force Recommendation2.1 Partial Submital Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 2 SiteDescription for Davis-BesseNuclear Power Station Near-Term Task Force Recommendation2.1 Partial Submittal Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station SiteDescription for PerryNuclear Power Plant Near-Term Task Force Recommendation2.lPartial Submittal Perry Nuclear Power Plant BeaverValley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and2 Davis-BesseNuclear Power Station PerryNuclear Power Plant L-13-245 Page3 Director,Office of NuclearReactor Regulation (NRR) NRCRegion I Administrator NRCRegion lll Administrator NRCResident Inspector (BVPS) NRCResident Inspector (DBNPS) NRCResident Inspector (PNPP) NRRProject Manager (BVPS) NRRProject Manager (DBNPS) NRRProject Manager (PNPP) DirectorBRP/DEP SiteBRP/DEP Representative UtilityRadiological Safety Board EnclosureA L-13-245 SiteDescription for BeaverValley Power Station Unit 1 Near-TermTask Force Recommendation 2.1 PartialSubmittal BeaverValley Power Station Unit 1 (28pages follow) ABSConsulting 2734294-R-015 Revision2 SiteDescri ption for BeaverValley Power Station Unit 1 Near-TermTask Force Recommendation2.1 Partial SubmittalBeaver Valley Power StationUnit 1 September9,2013 Preparedfor: FirstEnergyNuclear Operating Gompany ABSGConsulting lnc. 300Commerce Drive, Suite 200 . lrvine,California 92602 2734294-R-015 Reuision2 September9,201.3 Page2 of 28 SITE DESCRIPTION FORBEAVERVALLEY POWERSTATION UNIT 1 NTTF RECOMMENDATION 2.1PARTIAL SUBMITTAL BEAVERVALLEY POWBRSTATION UNIT 1 ABSG CONSULTING INC. REPoRTNO. 2734294-R-015 R'IZZO Rnponr No. R9 12-4735 RnvrsroN2 SnprnnnBnR9,2013 ABSG CottsuLTINc INC. P^q.uLC.Rrzzo AssocIATES,INC. AESGonsulting S:U-ocal\Pubs\2734294FENOC Beaver Valley\3 lQ Report File\R-015\R29?34294-R-015, Rev 2 2013 09 09 BVI Site Description docx rCR 2734294-R-01.5 Reaision2 September9,201.3 Page3 of 28 APPROVALS Report Name: SiteDescription for BeaverValley PowerStation Unit 1 NTTF 2.1 PartialSubmittal BeaverValley PowerStation Unit I Date: September9, 2013 Revision No.: 2 Approval by the responsiblemanager signifies that the documentis complete,all required reviews are complete,and the documentis releasedfor use. Originators: 9t0912013 Nish Vaidya,Ph.D., P. Date Independent Technical Reviewer: 9t09t20r3 HatipogluPh.D. Date ical Supervisor Project Manager: NtB{^ Va; 910912013 Nish Vaidya,Ph.D., P. Date Approver: 9109120t3 ThomasR. Roche,P.E. Date Vice President AEsGonsultlng S:\Local\Pubs\2734294FENOC Beaver Valley\3 lQ Report File\R-015\R2\2734294-R-015,Rev 2 2013 09 09 BVI Site Description docx rCR 2734294-R-015 Reaision2 September9,2013 Page4 of 28 CHANGE MANAGEMENT RECORI) Report Name: SiteDescription for BeaverValley PowerStation Unit I NTTF 2.1 PartialSubmittal BeaverVallev PowerStation Unit I Pnnson Rnvrsrou DnscnrprroNsoF D,q,rn AUTTTORIZING AppRov,q.Ll No. Cu,lxcns/AnnpcrEDP,q.cns CH,l,Ncn 0 Ausust12,2013 OrieinalIssue N/A N/A AddressedLicensing Comments I September6,2013 NRV NRV Primarilv Editorial 2 September9. 2013 Additional Licensins Comments NRV NRV Note: t Personauthorizing changeshall sign here for the latestrevision. rBsConsultlng S:\Local\Pubs\2734294FENOCBeaverValley\3,lQReportFile\R-015\R2\2734294-R-0l5,Rev2201309098V1 SiteDescription,docx rCR 2734294-R-015 Reaision2 September9,201.3 Page5 of 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LISTOF TABLES .............6 LrsToF FTGURES ..................7 LISTOF ACRONYMS .....8 1.0 TNTRODUCTION ..................9 l.l SouncESoF INFoRMATToN ..........9 2.0 DESCRIPTIONOF SUBSURFACEMATERIALS AND PROPERTIES (ITEM3.A) .........11 2.1 SnBSrneucRAPHY ....1I 2.2 SuesunpAcEMATERIALS AND PnoppnrtEs ....... ............15 3.0 SITESHEAR WAVE VELOCITYPROFILE AND NONLINEAR MATERIALPROPERTIES (ITBM 3.8) ..........17 3.1 BnsrsFoR BASE CASE Vpt-octrv PnonllEs ......... .............17 3.2 V, PRopTLESusED rN BVPS-I SPRA .......21 3.3 NoN-Ltuean MerpRtel CunnncrERlsTtcsUspn n''l BVPS-l SPRA.... ...22 4.0 REFERENCES .....27 AESGonsultlng S:\Local\Pubs\2734294FENOC Beaver Valley\3 I Q Report File\R-0| 5\R29734294-R-015, Rev 2 2013 09 09 BVI Site Description,docx rCR 2734294-R-01s Reaision2 September9,201.3 Page6 of28 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE TABLE I SUBSURFACESTRATIGRAPHY AND UNITTHICKNESSES ..........13 TABLE 2 SUBSURFACEMATERIALS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES......... 16 TABLE 3 SUBSURFACEMATERIALS DYNAMIC PROPERTIES......... I 6 TABLE 4 GEOTECHNICALPROFILE, BVPS-I SITE.. ...............I9 TABLE 5 STRAIN.DEPENDENTPROPERTIES FOR SOII.OVERBURDEN ..........23 fESGonsultlng S:\Local\Fubs\2734294FENOC Beaver Valley\3,|Q Report File\R-O|5\R2\2734294-R-015, Rev 2 201309 09 BVI SiteDescription docx f{]R 2734294-R-0L5 Reaision2 September9,20L3 Page7 of 28 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGB FIGURE I STRATIGRAPHICCOLUMN UNDERLYING THEBVPS SITE ......12 FIGURE2 WELLSUSED TO OBTAIN DEEPROCK STRATIGRAPHY..IS FIGURE3 VS PROFILES,BVPS1 SITE.. ........22 FIGURE4 SHEARMODULUS AND DAMPING. STRUCTURAL BACKFILL....... .........24 FIGURE5 SHEARMODULUS AND DAMPING,TERRACE (20-s0FT DEPTH) ........2s FIGURE6 SHEARMODULUS AND DAMPING,TERRACE (s1-r20FT DEPTH) ....26 AESConsulting S:\Local\Pubsg7342g4FENOCBeaverValley\3lQRepoftFile\R-O|5\R29734294-R-0l5,Rev 220ll0gOgBVlSiteDescriptiondocx f{3R 2734294-R-01b Reaision2 September9,201.3 Page8 of 28 LIST OF ACRONYMS ACRONYM TITLE COV Coefficient of Variation BVPS.I BeaverValley Power StationUnit I BVPS.2 BeaverValley Power StationUnit 2 DGB Diesel GeneratorBuilding EL Elevation in Feet EPRI Electric Power ResearchInstitute FENOC FirstEnergyNuclear OperatingCompany FIRS FoundationInput ResponseSpectra FSAR Final SafetyAnalysis Report ft Foot or Feet ft/s Feetper Second GMRS Ground Motion ResponseSpectra ksf Kips per SquareFoot NRC Nuclear RegulatoryCommission NTTF Near-Term Task Force Pcf Poundsper cubic foot RB ReactorBuilding SPID Screening,Prioritization, and ImplementationDetails SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake SPRA SeismicProbabilistic
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