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Nadkernichna Інститут сільськогосподарської мікробіології та агропромислового виробництва НААН Наведено сучасні погляди на роль ґрунтових грибів у мікробно-рослинній взаємодії. Визначення взаємовідносин грибів з рослинами можуть бути науковим підґрунтям для розробки засад оптимізації функціонування симбіозів і асоціацій мікроорганізмів з рослинами, що відкривають шлях як до створення нових екологічно безпечних мікробних препаратів, так і для їх практичного використання у рослинництві. Ключові слова: ґрунтові гриби, симбіоз, ендофітна асоціація, мікориза, фітогормони, фітотоксичні речовини. Soil fungi are presented by different taxo- mental groups which differ by feeding type nomic units belonging to certain environ- and interaction with other organisms. Among them saprophytes destroying plant and ani- © E. Kopylov, O. Nadkernichna, 2017 mal residues, facultative and obligate plants 2017 • № 2 • АГРОЕКОЛОГІЧНИЙ ЖУРНАЛ 163 E. KOPYLOV, O. NADKERNICHNA parasites, mycorhiza-forming and predator parasites change over to the resting stage. The fungi occur. Soil fungi are presented by all main feature of saprophytic fungi that rapidly mentioned classes: Phycomycetes, Ascomyce- appropriate readily accessible carbohydrates tes, Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes. is active mycelia growth, rapid spores’ germi- Fungi play an important role in organic nation and dormant forms in the presence of compounds transformation, first of all — cel- a suitable substrate. In the first place these lulose, lignin and pectin. Also they have sig- fungi include class Zygomycetes, generally nificant role in nitrogen cycle, particularly Mucorales molds, and some types of imperfect ammonification processes, making conditions fungi, particularly Penicillium, Aspergillus andand for development of other microorganisms. other genus. Many of them are characterized Besides, the soil fungi are able to produce by the ability to form antibiotics and toxic different biological active substances: amino substances, which creates more opportunities acids, enzymes, lipids, polysaccharides, anti- to fight for nutritional resources [1]. biotics, plant growth stimulants, vitamins and Cellulose decomposing fungi grow slower toxic substances. and cannot compete with fungi that rapidly The soil fungi have an adsorptive type of assimilate easily available carbohydrates. This nutrition; therefore they are closely associated group includes members of ascomycetes and with the substrate and have a large absorption imperfect fungi. The most active cellulose surface. Fungi are characterized by their fila- destroyers are Ascomycetes and Deyteromi- mentous structure, rapid growth of mycelium cetes. Among them there are Fusarium, As- apex at length and active metabolism. This pergillus, Penicillium, Stachybotrys, Trichode- promotes for fast substrate colonization, and rma, Cladosporium genus. For the most fungi possibility for producing antibiotic and toxic hyphal growth is one from many examples of substances increases their competitiveness morphological structure adaptation to the according to substrate adaptation. Using sub- substrate conformation. Basidiomycetes be- strate fungi metabolism is decelerating and long to the group destroying lignin. They chlamydospores, sclerotiums or another dwell grow slowly and begin to develop when all structures are formed. Spores can be easily come-at-able carbohydrates are used. There transferred from one to another substrate, is an evidence that some types of deytero- which provides high adaptability of fungi for micetes are also able to decompose lignin. environmental conditions. There are Trichoderma, Fusarium, Aspergillus, Depending on substrate decomposition Penicillium among them. As far as plant pick- a succession of fungi species is taking place ings being destroyed fungi utilizing specific presented by facultative parasites (fungi pen- humus substances begin to develop. Usually etrating in plant roots), saprophytic fungi they don’t require a large amount of nutrients (which absorb readily available substances: [2, 3]. sugars, starch, hemicellulose) and fungi that Fungi distribution on the root surface (in destroy cellulose and lignin. rhyzoplana) is not only the result of substrate Facultative parasites penetrating in plants specificity, but it also depends on fungi com- roots proceed to exist there for some time petitive abilities. The roots surface contains after the root death. Their parasitism lies in both saprophytic fungi and facultative para- the verge of saprophytic existence, and they sites. They grow rapidly, form extracellular are mainly presented by fungi of the genus enzymes actively, destroy the host plant cells Fusarium, Pythium, Corticium, as well as some penetrating into them, but they may change types of Cladosporium. Their mycelium grows a type of nutrition to saprophytic. They are on root surface and opens the way for inva- also considered as soil fungi, although many sion by saprophytic fungi which absorb read- of them can be found as soil dormant stage ily accessible substances and rapidly take over and germinate only under the influence of the space among the dead plant residues. Be- root exudates. In plant rhizosphere, where ing unable to compete with them, facultative favorable conditions for the most plants and 164 AGROECOLOGICAL JOURNAL • No. 2 • 2017 SOIL FUNGI AS A BIOTIC FACTOR AFFECTING ON THE PLANTS microorganisms are created thanks to ek- synthesis, pigments formation, biosynthesis of zosmos the content of fungi is much greater metabolites and plant resistance to environ- than in soil without plants. The specificity of mental stress factors. The greatest biological root secretions determines the composition of activity has indolyl-3-acetic acid (IAA). Also rhizosphere fungi species. Fungal communities there are another compounds with auxin ac- depend on physiologically active substances tivity which are indoles in most cases and secreted by the root cells. Rhizosphere micro- similar to the IAA by chemical structure. organisms, in turn, affect the plant through These indole
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