![Extensions of Remarks 34007](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
October 12, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 34007 dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in IN THE ARM Y n o m in a tio n s were received by the S en a te grade as follows: Arm y nom inations beginning M alcolm P. and appeared in the Congressional Record on To be lieutenant general H enry, to be lieu tenant colonel, and ending October 4, 1973. Maj. Gen. Robert E. Huyser, xxx-xx-xxxx FR Karen P. Vaira, to be first lieu tenant, which IN THE NAVY (m ajor general, Regular Air Force) U.S. Air nominations were received by the Senate and Navy nominations beginning John William Force. a ppea red in the Co n gressio n a l Reco rd o n Ackerm an, to be chief warrant officer, W-3, The following officer, under the provisions October 1, 1973. and ending Joseph P. Venable, to be lieu te- of title 10, United States Code, section 8066, Arm y n o m in atio n s begin n in g Trevo r E . nant (jg.), which nom inations were received to be assign ed to a po sitio n o f im po rtan ce W illia m s, to b e co lo n el, a n d en d in g Fer- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- and responsibility designated by the Presi- n an d o Zapata, Jr., to be seco n d lieu ten an t, sional Record on September 27, 1973. dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, in which n o m in a tio n s were received b y the Navy nom inations beginning H enry H is- grade as follows: S en ate an d appeared in the Co n gressio n al ashi Abe, to be captain, and ending Sue E lla To be lieutenant general Record on October 1, 1973. Yo u n g, to be ca pta in , which n o m in a tio n s Arm y nom inations beginning Anthony T. Maj. Gen. Felix M. Rogers, xxx-xx-xxxx FR were received by the Sen ate an d appeared (m ajor general, Regular Air Force) U.S. Air Alt, to be co lo n el, an d en d in g Nicho las G. in the Congressional Record on October 1, Force. Georgakis, to be lieu tenant colonel, which 1973. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 1974 BUDGET SCOREKEEPING Pen d in g actio n : The m a jo r in co m plete House Senate Enacted legislative actions affecting bu dget ou tlays REPORT NO. 7 which ha ve pa ssed o r a re pen d in g in o n e Total changes: or both H ouse of Congress are shown in de- Completed action +1 , 878 +3, 108 +2, 803 tail o n table 1 an d are su m m arized belo w: Pending action +1, 687 +3, 336 HON. GEORGE H. MAHON Appropriation bills: Incom plete action on 803 OF TEXAS Total +3, 565 +6, 444 +2, fo u r regu lar 1974 appro priatio n bills is re- fle cte d in this re po rt, with the m a jo r im - IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1974 budget outlays as adjusted by congressional changes to pact on bu dgeted ou tlays as follows: Friday, October 12, 1973 date 272, 236 275, 115 271, 474 [In millions of dollars] Mr. MAH ON. Mr. Speaker, I am in- See table 1. serting for the information of Members, House Senate their staffs, and others, excerpts from While this report reflects enacted congres- the "Budget Scorekeeping Report No. 7, sional increases in budgeted outlays of about $2.8 billion, m any significant actions are as Labor-HEW +490 as of Septem ber 28," prepared by the State-Justice -40 -2 0 staff of the Joint Committee on Reduc- yet incom plete which m ay m aterially affect Treasury-Postal Service -3 5 -6 8 tion of Federal E xpenditures. The re- the fin al im pact o f co n gressio n al actio n o r inaction on bu dgeted 1974 ou tlays. port itself has been sent to all Members. Com pleted actions: A su m m ary of m ajor Legislative bills-backdoor and mandatory: This report shows that the impact of in d ivid u al actio n s co m po sin g the $2.8 bil- Twen ty legisla tive m ea su res a u tho rizin g congressional actions completed to Sep- lio n to tal o u tlay im pact o f co m pleted co n - backdoor or m andatory ou tlays have passed tember 28 would be to increase budgeted gressional action to date on 1974 bu dgeted or are pending in one or both H ouses of Con- outlays follows: gress. 1974 outlays by about $2.8 billion. This, H ou se action on 11 su ch m easu res wou ld together with certain revenue actions, Estimated 1974 Appropriation bills: outlay impact increase fiscal 1974 budget outlays by about would have the effect of raising the es- Regular 1974 bills: (en millions) $1.3 billion. Senate action on 14 such m eas- u res wou ld increase bu dgeted 1974 ou tlays timated deficit for fiscal 1974 by more Agriculture +250 than $3 billion. at least $3.4 billion, inclu ding abou t $2 bil- Interior +75 lio n fo r so cia l secu rity in crea ses. The u n - In addition, a number of significant Pu blic Works +20 determ ined ou tlay effect of increased con- actions are as yet incomplete which may Transportation -3 0 tract au thority is exclu ded. materially affect the final impact of con- District of Colum bia - 3 The scored backdoor or m andatory im pact gressional action or inaction in this ses- 1973 supplemental bills (1974 out- +557 of these pending legislative bills inclu des the sion. The report points u p the m ajor lay im pact) fo llo win g m ajo r am o u n ts in excess o f the areas of pending action in both legisla- budgeted outlays: Su btotal, appropriation bills_ +869 tive and appropriation bills. [In millions of dollars] The excerpts from the September 28 report that I am inserting here include L e g is la tive b ills -b a ckd o o r a n d m andatory: House Senate the scorekeeping highlights from the text Fo o d s ta m p a m e n d m e n ts (P.L . and the main scorekeeping table. These 93-86) +724 Civil Service minimum retirement (in- excerpts follow: R epea l o f "b rea d ta x" (P.L . 93- cluding social security increase) +172 +2, 250 EXCERPTS FROM 1974 BUDGET SCOREKEEPING 86) +400 Mass transit operating subsidies +400 +400 School lunch +129 +300 REPORT No. 7, AS OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1973 Federal em ployee pay raise, Oct. Federal employee health insurance +234 INTRODUCTION AND 1974 SC ORE KEEPING 1, 1973 (S. Res. 171) +358 Veterans pensions +208 +172 Veterans drug treatment +144 HIGHLIGHTS W elfa re-m ed ica id a m en d m en ts P.L. 93-66) +122 Budget outlays (expenditures) Unem ploym ent benefits extention REVENUE LEGISLATION The impact of congressional action through (P.L . 93-53) +116 Septem ber 28 on the President's fiscal year Veterans national cem eteries (P.L . The J u n e 1 b u d ge t re vis io n s e s tim a te 1974 budget outlay requests, as shown in this 93-43) +110 revenu e for fiscal 1974 at $266 billion. This report, m ay be su m m arized as follows: S o cia l S e cu rity-lib e ra lize d in - is an increase of $10 billion over the original com e exem ption (P.L . 93-66) +100 January estim ate of $256 billion. Com pleted [In millions of dollars' Winema forest expansion (P.L . 93- legislative actio n to d ate, has the effect o f 102) +70 reducing 1974 revenue estimates by $492 mil- lion, as follows: House Senate Enacted Veterans dependents' health care (P.L . 93-82) +65 Railroad Retirement: decrease of $612 mil- Airport development (P.L . 93-44) _ +15 lion due to failure to provide additional trust 1974 budget outlay (expenditure) RE A-rem oved from bu dget (P.L . fu nd receipts requ ested. estimate 268, 671 268, 671 268, 671 Congressional changes to date 93-32) -1 46 S o cia l secu rity wa ge ta xes: in crea se o f (committee action included): $120 m illion in tru st fu nd revenu e du e to a Appropriation bills: Subtotal, legislative bills____ +1, 934 wage base increase. Completed action +663 +990 +869 Pending action +399 -5 4 DEFICIT POSITION Legislative bills: Total, 1974 ou tlay im pact of Completed action +1, 215 +2, 118 +1, 934 The 1974 budget deficit, as revised June 1, Pending action +1, 288 +3, 390 completed congressional ac- is estim ated at $2.7 billion-a decrease of $10 tion +2, 803 billio n fro m the original January estimate 34008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 1"2, 19·73 of $12.7 billion. Although there has been BUDGET AUTHORITY (APPROPRIATIONS AND OTHEB House Senate Enacted Indication that further revision 1n the deficit OBLIGATIONAL AUTHORITY) projection 1s possible due to revenue adjust­ The impact of congressional action legislative bills: ments, this 1s the latest offi.cial estimate.
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