1650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 31 municipalities, and school districts can be financed directly ness of the company, together with a list of stockholders, by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation; to the Com­ for the year ended December 31, 1933, which, with the ac­ mittee on Banking and Currency. companying papers, was referred to the Committee on the 1970. By Mr. PERKINS: Letter from Charles V. Bacon, District of Columbia. Mahwah, N.J., opposing the excise tax on coconut oil; also REPORT OF THE GEORGETOWN GASLIGHT CO. telegram from William King, Hohokus, N.J., opposing excise As in legislative session, tax on coconut oil and other imported oils; and a telegram The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from Albert Grundy, River Edge, N.J., opposing excise tax on from the vice president of the Georgetown Gaslight Co., coconut oil and copra; to the Committee on Ways and transmitting, pursuant to law, a detailed statement of the Means. business of the company, together with a list of stockholders, 1971. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of Munay & Flood, New for the year ended December 31, 1933, which, with the ac­ York City, favoring the passage of House bill 5632; to the companying papers, was refened to the Committee on the Committee on Agriculture. District of Columbia. 1972. By Mr. STRONG of Pennsylvania: Petition of Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Indiana County, REPORT OF THE CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO. Pa., favoring enactment of House bill 6097, to regulate the As in legislative session, motion-picture industry; to the Committee on Interstate and The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter Foreign Commerce. from the president of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone 1973. Also, petitions signed by 7,658 citizens of Armstrong, Co., trainsmitting, pursuant to law the report of tne com­ Cambria, Indiana, and Jefferson Counties, Pa., petitioning pany for the calendar year 1933, io be substituted for the the Congress of the United States to act at once to safeguard report submitted on January 9, 1934, in which report the the inherent rights of the American people relative to the operations of the company for the month of December were radio; to the Committee on Merchant Marine, Radio, and estimated only, which, with the accompanying paper, was Fisheries. referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 1974. By Mr. THOMASON: Petition of residents of the BALANCE SHEET OF THE CHESAPEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO. Sixteenth Congressional District of Texas, regarding the As in legislative session, broadcasting of certain radio programs; to the Committee The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter on Merchant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. from the president of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone 1975. Also, petition of residents of Leakey, Tex., urging Co., transmitting, pursuant to law, a comparative general repeal of the Economy Act; to the Committee on Appropria­ balance sheet of the company for the year 1933, which, with tions. the accompa,nying paper, was referred to the Committee on 1976. By Mr. WADSWORTH: Petition numerously signed the District of Columbia. relating to freedom of the radio; to the Committee on Mer­ chant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS 1977. By Mr. WERNER: Petition of citizens of the Second As in legislative session, Congressional District, South Dakota, requesting Congress to The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a telegram act at once to safeguard the inherent rights of the Ameri­ from Dr. Anna G. Franklin, of Tulsa, Okla., relative to the can people relative to the radio; to the Committee on Mer­ operations of the N.R.A. and her opportunity to make a chant Marine, Radio, and Fisheries. livelihood, which was referred to the Committee on Banking 1978. By Mr. WOLFENDEN: Petition signed by Robert and Currency. Gray Taylor, of Media, Pa., and 38 others, urging passage of He also laid before the Senate resolutions adopted by the the Costigan-Wagner antilynching bill; to the Committee on Independent Merchants Association of Oregon, commending the Judiciary. the attitude of the Senator from Idaho [Mr. BORAH] and the Senator from North Dakota [Mr. NYE] in their efforts to revive the operation of the Sherman Antitrust Law, which SENATE were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1934 He also laid before the Senate the petition of Charles McAdam, of Danville, Ill., praying for the passage of a Sen­ <Legislative day of Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1934) ate resolution instructing the Department of Justice to in­ The Senate met in executive session at 12 o'clock meridian, vestigate the Chicago Railways Co. receivership, and also on the expiration of the recess. the instigation of criminal proceedings in relation thereto, THE JOURNAL which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. CAPPER presented a resolution adopted by the On request of Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas, and by unani­ mous consent, the reading of the Journal for the calendar Woman's Christian Temperance Union, of Los Angeles, days January 27 and January 30 was dispensed with, and Calif., favoring the passage by Congress of a resolution pro­ the Journal was approved. posing an amendment to the Constitution for the purpose of excluding aliens in counting population for apportionment MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE of Representatives among the several States, which was A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Haltigan, one of its clerks, announced that the House had REPORTS OF COMMITTEES passed a bill (H.R. 6604) to establish the composition of the United States Navy with respect to the categories of As in legislative session, vessels limited by the treaties signed at Washington Febru­ Mr. CAPPER, from the Committee on Claims, to which ary 6, 1922, and at London April 22, 1930. at the limits pre­ was referred the bill (S. 85) for the relief of Paul J. Sisk, scribed by those treaties; to authorize the construction of reported it with an amendment and submitted ai report certain naval vessels; and for other purposes, in which it (No. 246) thereon. / requested the concurrence of the Senate. Mr. STEPHENS, from the Committee on Claims, to which was referred the bill (S. 2053) for the relief of Capt. L. P. INCOME TAXATION Worrall, Finance Department, United States Army, reported Mr. McKELLAR. I wish to give notice that tomorrow as it without amendment and submitted a report (No. 247) soon as I can obtain the floor I expect to address the Senate thereon. briefly on the subject of income taxation. Mr. CONNALLY, from the Committee on Public Buildings REPORT OF WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT CO. and Grounds, to which was referred the bill CS. 1804) to As in legislative session, authorize the transfer of certain real estate by the Secretary The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter of the Treasury to C. F. Colvin in settlement of the North­ from the president of the Washington Gas Light Co., trans­ field, Minn., post-office-site litigation, and for other pur­ mitting, pursuant to law, a detailed statement of the busi- poses, reported it without amendment. 1934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1651 1m.Ls INTRODUCED appropriation bill the matter commencing with line 2 on As in legislative session, page 10, down to and including line 10, on page 45, and to Bills were introduced, read the first time, and, by unani­ insert in lieu thereof a substitute covering appropriations for mous consent, the second time, and referred as follows: the Bureau of Indian Affairs, intended to be proposed by By Mr. BORAH: them to House bill 6951, the Interior Department appropria­ A bill (S. 2544) for the relief of William T. Putman and tion bill, which was ref erred to the Committee on Appro­ John A. Peterson; to the Committee on Claims. priations and ordered to be printed. By Mr. McNARY: HOUSE BILL REFERRED A bill (s. 2545) to extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Columbia As in legislative session, River at or near Astoria, Oreg.; and The bill <H.R. 6604) to establish the composition of the A bill .<S. 2546) to amend the act entitled "An act to United States Navy with respect to the categories of vessels authorize the construction of certain bridges and to extend limited by the treaties signed at Washington, February 6, the times for commencing and completing the construction 1922, and at London April 22, 1930, at the limits prescribed of other bridges over the navigable waters of the United by those treaties; to authorize the construction of certain States ", approved June 10, 1930; to the Committee on naval vessels, and for other purposes, was read twice by its Commerce. title and referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. By Mr. ERICKSON: TAX ON OIL AND GAS A bill CS. 2547) to amend section 92 of the Judicial Code Mr. DAVIS. Mr. President, as in legislative session, I relating to the Federal judicial district of the State of ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD at this Montana; to the Coµunittee on the Judiciary. point and appropriately referred three communications from By Mr. FLETCHER (by request): residents of Pennsylvania relating to the oil industry. The A bill CS. 2548) authorizing and directing the Commis­ first, written by Hon. Frank E. Baldwin, auiitor general of sioners of the District of Columbia to place on the pension Pennsylvania, and the second, written by Mr. J. R. Livezey, rolls the name of Theodore U. Cargill; to the Committee express alarm and protest against the report that the Sec­ on the District of Columbia. retary of the Treasury is recommending elimination of the By Mr.
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