AGRO-CHEMICAL TECHNICAL WITH BRAND NAME, APPLICATION, DOSE AND MODE OF ACTION INSECTICIDES / ACARICIDES / MITICIDES Technical Brand Name Application Dose / Acre Mode of Action ✓ Red mite of strawberry, cotton, cucumber, potato, 50-100 1. Abamectin 1.8% EC Vertimec (Syngenta), Tagmec 1.9 EC (Tropical), ABC 1.85% EC (KR) soybean, tomato and sweet melon ml/acre, 5-10 Chloride channel activators group. Acaricide ✓ Leaf miners of sugarbeet ml/pump Starthene (Swal), Orthene (Arysta), Missile (Devidayal), Megastar (MIL), ✓ It is particularly effective on severe infestations of Lancer (UPL), Oval (PI Ind.), Rasayan Phate (KR), Acefex (Excel), sucking and chewing insects of tobacco, sugarcane, Kingmax (Vimax), Asataf (TATA), Accent 787 (Sumil), Miltaf (IIL), Bheem cotton, chilies, vegetables, fruits and cereals. 300-400 (Kilpest), Tagace (Tropical), Lucid (Cheminova), Lion (SuperCSL), Sritaf ✓ It has low toxicity to mammals and does not harm gm/acre A versatile organophosphate group insecticide 2. Acephate 75% SP (Crystal), Ortain (Coromandel), Hilphate (HIL), Ample (Advance), Rythane beneficial insects. It is easy to use, being soluble in 20-25 with both contact and systemic action. (Ramcides), Corohamp (CAPL), Topsis (Atul), Molphate (GP), Top‘O’Top water. gm/pump (CGI), King Phate (KCS), Acesul (Sulphur Mills), Vega (PCCPL), Pace ✓ Green & Brown Leafhoppers, Brown Plant Hoppers (Nagarjuna), Topsis (Atul), Tremor (BioStadt), Ace (Canary), Willace ✓ ,L,L 5M58L TYF T0T0LIF H[JL R];LIF HLJFTGF lGI\+6 (Willowood), Chettak (GSP), Archa (Amber), Bhoochal 75 (AOL) DF8[P ✓ It targets Stem borer, leaf folder & BPH on Paddy. ✓ It has strong systemic molecule and is highly soluble and longer Belongs to the Organophosphates insecticide 3. Acephate 95% SG Hunk (TATA) duration control. It has less odour and hence easy to use. It has got a good synergistic effect with Buprofezin 25% SC against group. Its mode of action is Systemic rice BPH Manik (TATA), Ekka (KR), Rapid (Crystal), Rekord (DuPont), Active ✓ For Jassids, Thrips & Aphids 40-60 gm/acre & for It is world renowned insecticide of Neonicotinoids group for sucking insects. It controls the sucking (Devidayal), Award (MIL), King Prid (KCS), Acetacel (Excel), Aceta (UPL), whitefly 60-80 gm/acre in Cotton insects very effectively by its extraordinary Systemic Echo 797 (Sumil), Stona (Vimax), Lift (Indofil), Dhan Preet (Dhanuka), ✓ For Thrips & Aphids 40-60 gm/acre & for Whitefly 60-80 action. It has the ability to control the insects which Crop Pride (NACL), Sharp (IIL), Proud (Kilpest), Tagride (Tropical), Su- gm/acre in Chili 40-80 gained resistance against other insecticides. It is 4. Acetamiprid 20% SP Pride (SuperCSL), Scuba (Coromandel), Hilprid (HIL), Armour (Advance), ✓ DM,MDXL4 Y|L%; TYF ;O[NDFBLGF lGI\+6 DF8[ gm/acre compatible with other commonly used Insecticides and Acelon (CAPL), Albis (Atul), Quick (CLSL), Pounce (FMC), Molprid (GP), ✓ Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, Colorado Potato Beetle, Flea Fungicides. It persists in crops and hence has the ability Tada (CGI), Glide (Safex), Prima (Sulphur Mills), Patron (PCCPL), Ennova hoppers, Whiteflies, Fruit Moth, Leafhoppers, Leaf to control the hiding insects for a longer time. It is safe (Nagarjuna), Albis (Atul), Wapkil & Rider (BioStadt), Antenna (Willowood), Miners, Plant Bugs for natural enemies of insect-pests hence; it is also Nize (GSP), Shourya (Amber) ✓ It also has ovicidal property. suitable for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme. 5. Alpha-Cypermethrin 10% Alfastar (Swal), Guru (UPL), Karfu (Kilpest), Safari (SuperCSL), Dash 5% 200-300 Contact and Stomach. Synthetic pyrethroid ✓ Bollworms in cotton WP WP (MIL), Dolphin (GSP) ml/acre group ✓ It is synthetic and It is effective against lepidopteran and Mig10 (Devidayal), Legend (MIL), Grand 301 (Sumil) Tata Alpha (TATA), sucking pest. (SFAZL >I/4 ,L,LvE]BZL C[l,IMYL; >I/4 Broad spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide Gem (Indofil), Nayak (IIL), Thrill (Tropical), Numethrin (Cheminova), Alpha 6. Alphamethrin 10% EC O/K[NS >I/P S5F;4 DUO/L4 S9M/4 0F\UZ4 NLJ[,F4 and has the capability of quick knockdown effect. (KR), Vasuki (CGI), Sixer (Sulphur Mills), Stop 10 EC (BioStadt), Alpha ;MIALG4 VF\AF4 DZRF\4 ZL\U64 EL\0F TYF VgI Synthetic pyrethroid group (Canary), Alfagold (CCIL) XFSEFHL DF8[f Hectastar (Swal), Rock (KR), Metastar (Sumil), Markar (Dhanuka), Super Star (IIL), Barnerr (Tropical), Conister (Coromandel), Centrix (Sulphur 35-40 7. Bifenthrin 10% EC ✓ R];LIF HLJFT VG[ >I/MGF lGI\+6 DF8[P Synthetic pyrethroid group Mills), Rockstar (Shivalik), Klintop (BioStadt), Wilthrin (Willowood), Viklap ml/pump (Amber) House hold insecticide. Synthetic pyrethroid 8. Bifenthrin 2.5% EC Swal Home (Swal) ✓ Home use group Jawaa (DuPont), Flotis (Bayer), Trust (Swal), Irvy (Dow), Devifezin ✓ Effective on Homopterous pests such as Plant Hoppers, Leaf hoppers, White Flies, Scales and Mealy Bugs. It’s an Its Thiazine group contact insecticide. It is an (Devidayal), Buprostar (MIL), Hillblaze (HIL), PI Bupro (PI Ind.), Applaud IPM compatible product. Less adverse effect on natural IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) New insect (TATA), Braun 111 (Sumil), Apple (Dhanuka), Phentom (IIL), Tagvoltage 9. Buprofezin 25% SC enemies and beneficial insects. Effectively controls green 50 ml/pump control agent to control stubborn rice pests. (Tropical), Tribune (Crystal), Ninja (Coromandel), KriMarch (KR), Cordon leaf hoppers and white back plant hoppers in rice. Inhibits moulting of nymphs and larvae. Inhibitors (Advance), Bravo (Sulphur Mills), Benj (Nagarjuna), Banzo (BioStadt), ✓ ,L,F T0T0LIF4 ;O[NDFBL T[DH DL,LAUGF ;RM8 lGI\+6 of chitin biosynthesis Jantar (Canary), Deligent (Willowood), Awaksh (Amber) DF8[P Carbamates group, Inhibitor of cholinesterase 10. Carbaryl 50% WP Devicarb (Devidayal), Kavin (KR) ✓ enzymes. Furadan (FMC), Starfuron (Swal), Sumo 3G (IIL), Prachand 3G (Kilpest), 11. Carbofuran 3% GR ✓ Carbamates group Furon G (Crystal), Fury (Nagarjuna) 12. Carbosulfan 25% EC Marshal (FMC), Aaatank (Dhanuka), Aayudh (Coromandel) ✓ Carbamates group Collected and Prepared By:- Jetshibhai A. Patel, (M.Sc. Agri.), Mo.:– 9824670382, E-mail:- [email protected], Last updated on:- 05th August, 2016 Page 1 Kitap 4G (KR), Kaardon 4G (UPL), Karvan (Devidayal), Caldan 4G (Dhanuka), Cartox (TATA), Corona GR (Sumil), Beacon GR (Indofil), Indian 4G (IIL), Kildon 4G (Kilpest), Fast 4G (Tropical), Sudan 4G ✓ For controlling Stem Borer,Leaf Folder and Whorl 13. Cartap Hydrochloride 4% (SuperCSL), Nidan 4G (Crystal), Parry/Ratna (Coromandel), Hilcarpet Maggot of Rice. Systemic and Contact. Nereistoxin analoques 8-10 kg/acre GR 4GR (HIL), Trixx (Advance), Grip (SulphurMills), Captor 4G (PCCPL), ✓ CLZFO]NF s0LPALPV[DPf TYF R];LIF 5|SFZGL group Nagarjuna 4G (Nagarjuna), Capsi GR (Atul), Dartriz 4G (BioStadt), Cartap HLJFTMGF lGI\+6 DF8[P 4G (Canary), Wiltap 4G (Willowood), Prithvi 4G (Amber), Eldan 50SP (CCIL), Paras 4G (AOL) Kitap 50SP (KR), Startop-50 (Swal), King Dan (KCS), Kaardon 50SP (UPL), Karvan Plus (Devidayal), Caldan 50SP (Dhanuka), Corona 50 (Sumil), Beacon SP (Indofil), Indian 50SP (IIL), Kildon (Kilpest), Fast 50 200-400 ✓ Stem Borer, Leaf Folder in Rice 14. Cartap Hydrochloride (Tropical), Sudan 50 (SuperCSL), Nidan 50SP (Crystal), Josh SP gm/acre & Systemic and Contact. Nereistoxin analoques ✓ 0F\UZDF\ UFEEFZFGL >I/4 5FGJF/GFZL >I/ TYF 50% SP (Coromandel), Hilcartap 50SP (HIL), Grip 50 (SulphurMills), Captor 50SP 20-30 group R];LIFGF lGI\+6 DF8[P (PCCPL), Capsi SP (Atul), Dartriz 50SP & Woktap 50SP(BioStadt), Mantar gm/acre 50SP (Canary), Wiltap 50SP (Willowood), Prithvi 50SP (Amber), Eldan 4G (CCIL), Paras 50SP (AOL) Preventing the buildup of the pest population. 15. Chlorantraniliprole 0.4% Ferterra (DuPont) ✓ New class of chemistry Anthralinic Diamides GR group ✓ Effective and long duration control of early and top 16. Chlorantraniliprole Preventing the buildup of the pest population. Coragen (DuPont) borer in sugarcane. New class of chemistry Anthralinic Diamides 18.5% SC ✓ TDFD 5|SFZGL C9L,L >I/GF lGI\+6 DF8[P group Urcouples of oxidative phosphorylation via 17. Chlorfenapyr 10% SC Intreprid (BASF), Lepido (PI Ind.), Record (Crystal) disruption of the proton gradient Non-systemic with contact, stomach & respiratory 18. Chlorpyrifos 1.5% DP Deviban 1.5 DP (Devidayal), Kilzex D & Kilzex 0.25% DP (Kilpest) ✓ action Strong contact, stomach & slight fumigant action. 19. Chlorpyrifos 10% GR Deviban 10G (Devidayal), Suldrin GR (SuperCSL), Hilban 10 GR (HIL) ✓ It Belongs Organophosphate Insecticide group. Krishan 20 (KR), Starban (Swal), Dursban (Dow), Megaban (MIL), Deviban ✓ It is commonly used in the control of Fruit Borers, Stem Borers and Leaf Eating Caterpillars on a wide range of Crops like 20 (Devidayal), Chloroban (UPL), ChloroKing (KCS), Banest 20 (Arysta), Cotton, Pulses, Oilseeds, Rice etc. Aphids, Ants, Armyworm, Tricel 20 (Excel), Uno 501 (Sumil), Lethal 20 EC (IIL), Sacban (Shivalik), Milly bugs, Chinch Bugs, Corn Borers, Corn Earworm, Corn Veermet (Vimax), Tafaban (TATA), Pyrifex (Safex), Gilphos (GIL), Crop Rootworm, Cotton Leafworm, Cutworms, Flea Beetles, Non-systemic with broad spectrum contact, Chlor (NACL), Mig-20 (Kilpest), Tagban (Tropical), Shreeban TC (SKSCC), Grasshoppers, Grubs, Lesser Cornstalk Borer, Locusts, Mole stomach and respiratory action with vapor 20. Chlorpyrifos 20% EC 50 ml/pump Classic-20 (Cheminova), Suldrin (SuperCSL), Kaman / Eldrin TC (Crystal), Crickets, Seedcorn Maggot, Sowbugs, Hispa, Leaf Roller, Gall action and a quick knockdown effect. It Belongs
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