Abbreviations A1B One of the IPCC SRES scenarios AIS Asociación Colombiana de Ingeniería ABM anti-ballistic missile Sísmica [Colombian Association for AA Auswärtiges Amt [Federal Ministry for Earthquake Engineering] Foreign Affairs, Germany] AKOM Afet Koordinasyon Merkezi [Istanbul ACOTA African Contingency Operations Training Metropolitan Municipality Disaster Assistance Coordination Centre] ACRS Arms Control and Regional Security AKP Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi [Justice and ACSAD Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones Development Party] and Dry Lands AKUF AG Kriegsursachenforschung [Study Group ACSYS Arctic Climate System Study on the Causes of War] (at Hamburg ACUNU American Council for the United Nations University) University AL Arab League AD anno domini [after Christ] AMMA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis ADAM Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies: Project Supporting European Climate Policy (EU AMU Arab Maghreb Union funded project) An. 1 Annex 1 countries (under UNFCCC) ADB Asian Development Bank An. B Annex B countries (under Kyoto Protocol) ADRC Asian Disaster Reduction Centre ANAP Anavatan Partisi [Motherland Party] AESI Asociación Española de Ingeniría Sísmica ANU Australian National University [Association for Earthquake Engineering of AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States Spain] AP3A Early Warning and Agricultural Productions AfD African Development Bank Forecasting, project of AGRHYMET AFD Agence Française de Développement APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation AFED Arab Forum on Environment and APHES Assessing Public Health in Emergency Development Situations AFES-PRESS Arbeitsgruppe Friedensforschung und API Annual Population Increase Europäische Sicherheitspolitik – [Peace APIICL Andhra Pradesh (one of 27 States in India) Research and European Security Studies] Industrial and Investment Corporation AFP Agence France Presse (French Press Limited Agency) APN Arab Group for the Protection of Nature AGO Agor Gauchar Oran APN Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change AGRHYMET AGRronomy HYdrology METeorology: Research Regional Centre for training and AR4 Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC application in agrometeorology and released in 2007 operational hydrology ARC Australian Research Council AGRHYMET CILSS body on agronomy, hydrology and ARC American Red Cross meteorology in Niamey (Niger) ARC/INFO (ESRI GIS software) agroBIO- DIVERSITAS Cross-cutting Network on ArcGIS Arc Geographic Information System DIVERSITY relationships between biodiversity and (computer software) agriculture ARIJ Applied Research Institute, Jerusalem AGY Adarsh Gaon Yojana (way towards Gandhi's ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations dream village) ATOL Assembling the Tree of Life (project) AIA Advanced Informed Agreement (in the ATT Arms Trade Treaty context of the Cartagena Protocol on AU African Union Biosafety (2000) to the CBD (1992)) AUS American University of Sharjah AIACC Assessments of Impacts and Adaptations to AYM Afet Yönetim Merkezi [Istanbul Climate Change (in Multiple Regions and Governorship Disaster Management Sectors) Centre] AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AIMES IGBP’s Analysis, Integration and Modelling B.U. Boğaziçi University of the Earth System project BADEA Arab Bank for Economic Development in AIP American Institute of Physics Africa BAHC Biospheric Aspects of the Hydrologic Cycle H.G. Brauch et al. (eds.), Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security, Hexagon Series on Human 1505 and Environmental Security and Peace 5, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-17776-7, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 1506 Abbreviations BAP Budget Allocation Process CBN Central Bank of Nigeria BASIC Brazil, South Africa, India, China CBO community based organization BBC (model developed by) Bogardi, Birkmann CBOL Consortium for the Barcode of Life and Cardona CCA climate change adaptation BCM billion cubic meters (volume unit) CCAD Comisión Centroamericana de Medio BCM/yr billion cubic meters per year (yield or Ambiente y Desarrollo [Central American capacity unit) Commission on Environment and BCPR Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery Development] of UNDP CCAFS (Challenge programme) Climate Change, BECC Border Environment Cooperation Agriculture and Food Security Commission (of NAFTA) CCC Greenhouse scenario simulation model BID Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo [Inter- developed by the Canadian Centre for American Development Bank] Climate BiH Bosnia-Herzegovina CCCCC Caribbean Community’s Center for Climate bio- DIVERSITAS Core Project on assessing and Change DISCOVERY monitoring current biodiversity, and CCEMA Climate Change, Environment and understanding and predicting its change Migration Alliance bioGENESIS DIVERSITAS Core Project on documenting CCIS Climate Change and International Security biodiversity, its diversification, and the CCS Carbon Capture and Storage effects of human-induced changes CCS Consortium of Insurance Compensation bioSUS- DIVERSITAS Core Project on finding ways CD Compact Disc TAINABILITY to support conservation and sustainable use CD Conference on Disarmament of biodiversity CDC Centres for Disease Control and Prevention BJP Bharatiya Janata Party (national political CDC common-but-differentiated convergence party in India) CDERA Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response BMD Ballistic Missile Defence Agency BMU Bundesministerium für Umwelt, CDM Clean Development Mechanism Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit [Federal CDP Center for Disaster Preparedness Ministry on the Environment, Nature CDRN Citizens’ Disaster Response Network Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany] CEC Commission for Environmental BMVg Bundesministerium der Verteidigung Cooperation (of NAFTA) [Federal Ministry of Defence, Germany] CE-DAT Complex Emergency Database BMZ Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche CEDAW Committee on the Elimination of Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung [Federal Discrimination against Women Ministry for Economic Cooperation and CEDEAO Communauté Économique des États de Development, Germany] l’Afrique de l’Ouest [Economic Community BOLI Barcode of Life Initiative of West African States] BRIC Brazil, Russia, India, China CEDERI Centro de Estudios sobre Desastres y BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Riesgos (de la Universidad de los Andes, Bt Bacillus turengiensis Bogotá) [Centre of Studies on Disasters and BU Boğaziçi Üniversitesi [Boğaziçi University] Risks, University of the Andes, Bogota, Colombia] C coping CEDIM Center of Disaster Management and Risk C degree of Celsius Reduction Technologies, Karlsruhe ccapita University C&C contraction and convergence CEE/EEC European Economic Community C3 Command, control, communications CEHA Centre for Environmental Health Activities CABI Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences CEN Caribbean Environment Network International CENAPRED Centro Nacional de Prevención de CAMRE Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for Desastres [National Centre for the the Environment Prevention of Disasters, Mexico] CAP Common Agricultural Policy CENTED Centre for Technology, Environment, and CAPMAS Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Development (Clarke University) Statistics CEP Caribbean Environmental Programme CARE Child Care Aware CEPAL Comisión Económica para América Latina y CARICOM Caribbean Common Market el Caribe [Economic Commission for Latin CAS complex adaptive systems America and the Caribbean] CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies (think CBMs Confidence Building Measures tank, Brussels, Belgium) Abbreviations 1507 CERDI Centre d’Études et de Recherches sûr le CO2 carbon dioxide Développement International CO2e carbon dioxide equivalent CESR Center for Economic and Social Rights CONABIO Comisión Nacional de la Biodiversidad CEW conflict early warning [National Commission on Biodiversity, CEWARN Conflict Early Warning and Response Mexico] Network CONAM National Environmental Council (Peru) CF2Cl2 Dichlorofluorocarbon CONAPO Consejo Nacional de Población [National CFCl3 Trichlorofluorocarbon Population Council] CFCs chlorofluorocarbons CONAZA Comisión Nacional de Zonas Aridas CFE Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in [National Commission of Arid Zones] Europe (signed on 19 November 1990) Congress party (national political party in India) CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy COP Conference of Parties (of an international (European Union) environmental regime, e.g. of UNFCCC) CGCF Copenhagen Green Climate Fund COWI Consulting Engineers and Planners CGIAR Consultative Group on International (consultancy form, Denmark) Agricultural Research CPACC Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Global Climate Change CH4 methane CHP Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi [Republican CPCB Central Pollution Control Board People’s Party] CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment CHS Commission on Human Security (World Bank) CI Critical Infrastructure CPTEC Centro de Previsao de Tempo e Estudos CI Continental intercalaire Climaticos (Brazil) CIA Central Intelligence Agency of the United CRED Centre for Research on the Epidemiology States of America of Disasters (Université Catholique de CIBIOGEM Comisión Intersecretarial de Bioseguridad y Louvain, Belgium) Organismos Genéticamente Modificados CRIC Committee for the Review of the [Intersectoral Commission of Biosecurity Implementation (of UNCCD) and Genetic Modified Organisms] CRU Climate Research Unit (University of East CIE Centro de Información Estadística Anglia, UK) [Statistics Information Centre] CSIRO (Australia’s Commonwealth) Scientific and CIEMAT Centro de Investigaciones
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