No. 29 March 2015 International Newsletter Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan =Foreword= International Research Activities at RISH in 2014 Professor Junji Sugiyama Chair of the Public Relations Committee of RISH, Kyoto University In 2004, Director Prof. Hiroshi only at Kyoto University, but also re- Matsumoto launched a new interdis- searchers and groups across the coun- ciplinary Research Institute for Sus- try and around the world. Thanks to tainable Humanosphere, a coopera- the efforts of the faculty and support- partnerships. One good example is tive institute designed to serve as a ing communities, the Research Insti- our MOU with Nanjing Foresty Uni- hub for the discovery of creative solu- tute for Sustainable Humanosphere, versity in China, which was both re- tions for sustainable development. In Kyoto University, has successfully newed and extended. The committee the decade since, the institute has accomplished its mission by over- continues to encourage more produc- brought together researchers with ex- coming barriers across academic dis- tive partnerships as it helps strength- pertise ranging from wood science to ciplines through innovation and co- en the quality and effectiveness of radio science. The spirit of interdisci- operation. On June 6, 2014, RISH research on global issues. According plinary collaboration has expanded commemorated its 10-year anniversa- to Prof. Sanga-Ngoie, research and into partnerships with experts not ry. academic institutions in Africa and International activities have pro- South America are good candidates duced 19 cooperative Memoranda of for future partnerships. Understanding (MOU): seven with There are currently increasing foreign counterparts in Asian, three in concerns about social accountability Europe, and two with North Ameri- and the role of public information. can countries. In 2014, Prof. San- Now, at the beginning of 2015, we are ga-Ngoie Kazadi, Chair of the RISH ready to go another decade for seek- International Academic Exchange ing solutions for sustainable develop- Committee, evaluated and reactivated ment through interdisciplinary aca- Professor Lee (second left) and Assistant some of the sleeping MOUs by reas- demic activities of various disciplines, Professor Zhai: a graduate from RISH (leftmost) at the campus of Nanjing Foresty University signing new faculty for sustainable which is in the DNA of our institute. 1 International Newsletter =Overseas Visiting Scholar= Some reflections on my stay at RISH during the fall of 2014 Professor Lars Berglund Wallenberg Wood Science Center, KTH Royal Inst of Technology, Sweden RISH in Uji is such an interesting do not have enough time for thinking, place. It is one of the best institutes in reading and even writing, which I had the world for wood-related research, plenty of time to do at RISH. There but it is also a very peaceful location. was also time to discuss research with During my 3 months stay in the fall of colleagues. There are many strong 2014, not only did I learn new things scientists at high international level at tural design details. The exoskeleton about cellulose materials, but I also RISH, with highly original research of the tunicate sea animal is one ex- enjoyed many walks, jogging and ideas. It is interesting that many pro- ample, see figure. No man-made ma- biking tours in the Uji surroundings fessors work on fundamental prob- terial can even approach this level of and along the river. This included vis- lems and can focus on those problems sophistication. Maybe we can find its to the temples and many cups of for a long time. This is difficult in inspiration through studies of cell green tea. many Western countries, where exter- wall structure, and use the knowledge My host, Professor Yano, is a pio- nal funding has become too import- to design new materials suited for the neer in the field of nanocellulose ant. Perhaps RISH should also try to needs of humans. composites, and has had many visi- better exploit the unique competence I find Japan very interesting, but it tors over the years. My privilege was of its professors and researchers by takes time for Japanese people before not only to stay in his lab at RISH, but stimulating more collaboration within they will speak more sincerely to Gai- also to meet many of his Japanese RISH. International research is very jin-san. The politeness is almost un- colleagues at universities and indus- much about multidisciplinary collab- limited, and I was not used to inter- trial companies. As foreigners, we of- oration, and RISH offer unique com- pret the meaning of words from body ten find professional life in Japan binations of competence at very high language, tone of voice and details in quite formal. This time I learnt that level. the way words are selected. I went to there is also related social life in the Nanocellulose has become a very a meeting in Nagano of the Wood evenings. I also found out that it can strong international research area, Physics Society. The discussions with be very informal and enjoyable, to with around 1000 international scien- Professor Okano and Nakatsubo were say the least. tific publications per year. A very pos- very interesting. For the first time, it The contrast between my every- itive effect is that many researchers was also possible to speak at length day work in Sweden and my time at from different fields of chemistry and with the usually very shy wood sci- RISH could not be greater. In Sweden of materials have joined the commu- ence students. It was fascinating, I travel frequently, participate in nity. However, it also means that young students have a strong interest meetings and help students with their many nanocellulose researchers have in what it is like to live in a country PhD-thesis work. As a consequence, I a weak interest in wood science. This such as Sweden. This was also the is different at RISH. In Japan as a case for the students attending my whole, there is a strong general inter- lectures in Uji. Not only were they est in wood and paper for esthetic rea- very curious, but they also treat the sons, as you can tell from small de- teachers with a level of respect, which tails such as the decorations in better is unusual in Sweden. We also visited restaurants. Many researchers at several companies in fields such as RISH also have a sense of wonder wood plastic composites (Misawa and even admiration for structural as- Home, Nagano), fiberboard materials pects of wood and cellulose, and this (Daiken Kogyo, near Okayama) and is less common in the West. Perhaps wood-based nanocellulose (Oji Pa- this is the most important thing I per, Tokyo). The level of technology An interesting example of how nature is using learnt this time. For example, the was shockingly high, much superior cellulose: the protective skeleton of a tunicate plant cell wall is close to a miracle in to similar companies in Sweden. The sea animal is part of Prof Sugiyama’s collection at RISH. terms of its molecular and nanostruc- interest in knowledge and research 2 No. 29 March 2015 even at fairly small companies is very people living in certain areas, it anese pottery is impressive. A visit to encouraging. It seems many smaller looked very similar to small villages Sagawa art museum strengthened our Japanese companies should make in Northern Sweden. My family also impression. more efforts to export its products. visited, and one of the funniest mo- The stay at RISH has been one of Perhaps the most interesting pri- ments was when my wife talked to the most important professional peri- vate trip was to the island Shikoku. sumo-wrestlers in Kurashiki. Since ods for me, for which I am grateful to Foreigners tend to think of Japan in she is a pottery artist, we visited many RISH. The quality of the people, the terms of cities such as Tokyo and pottery artists in the Kyoto area. The kindness of my hosts, the focus on Kyoto. At Shikoku, I realized not most incredible meeting, thanks to Dr wood-related research and the peace- only that the Japanese countryside is Yokoyama, was with Raku Kichizae- ful surroundings in Uji made the stay beautiful. There are also very few mon XV. The cultural richness of Jap- unforgettable. =Overseas Visiting Scholar= Report by Overseas Visiting Researcher University Research Professor Danny Summers Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada It is always a great pleasure to tromagnetic wave with radiation belt visit the Research Institute for particles. Such wave-particle interac- Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto tions can be key in controlling the University. My visit to RISH during structure and dynamics of Earth’s ra- March-August, 2014, was particular- diation belts. We investigated “plas- hiss is actually a coherent emission ly rewarding. I collaborated with maspheric hiss”, which is an electro- with complex fine structure. That is, Professor Yoshiharu Omura and his magnetic whistler-mode wave occur- plasmaspheric hiss appears as dis- students on problems related to the ring in the cold, dense plasmasphere, crete rising tone and falling tone ele- Earth’s inner magnetosphere. typically at frequencies in the range ments (see Figures 1 and 2). By Specifically, we are interested in the from about 100 Hz to several kHz. means of waveform analysis, we interaction of various types of elec- Hitherto, plasmaspheric hiss has been identified amplitudes, phase profiles regarded by the space physics com- and sweep rates of the rising tone and VAP-A (a) 3000 10-4 munity as a broadband, structureless falling tone elements. Our study re- 2500 incoherent emission. By examining sulted in the publication of what we 2000 10-5 /Hz 1500 2 burst-mode vector waveform data consider to be an exciting, seminal nT -6 frequency[Hz] 1000 10 from the EMFISIS instrument on the paper in the Journal of Geophysical 500 0 10-7 Research (Space Physics).
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