Accommodation A 395 Index Page numbers in bold indicate extensive coverage of the subject A Aqueduct, 220 central, 274 cerebral (of Sylvius), 10, 132, cerebellar Accommodation, 362, 363 134, 282 inferior negative, 362 Arachnoidea mater, 290 anterior, 272 positive, 362 spinal, 64 posterior, 272 Acetylcholine (ACh), 26, 148, Arbor vitae, 10, 154 superior, 272 296, 316 Archicerebellum, 152 cerebral nicotinic receptor, 30, 31 Archicortex, 208, 232–237,336 anterior, 272, 274, 276 Acetylcholinesterase, 28, 148 rudimentary, 336 middle, 272, 274, 276 Adaptation Archipallium, 208–210 posterior, 272, 274, 276 light–dark, 362 Architectonics, 246 choroidal near–far, 362 Area(s) anterior, 272, 274, 276 Adenohypophysis, 200 association, 210 posterior, 276 Adhesion, interthalamic, 10, auditory ciliary, 350 174 primary, 384 anterior, 350 Adrenergic system, 296 secondary, 384 posterior Agnosia, 252 Broca’s motor speech, 250, long, 350 visual, 338 251 short, 350 Agraphia, 264 cortical, 246, 247 communicating Alexia, 264 dorsocaudal, 194 anterior, 272 Allocortex, 246 entorhinal, 226, 230, 234, posterior, 272, 276 Alveus, 232, 234, 236 246 frontobasal Alzheimer’s disease, 32 motor, 180, 250, 251 lateral, 274 Ampullae, membranous, 372 motosensory, 248, 250 medial, 274 Amusia, 264 of origin, 210 hyaloid, 346 Amygdala, 174, 176, 218, olfactory, 172, 176, 214, 230 hypophysial 228–231 optic integration, 256 inferior, 200, 274 subnuclei, 228 orbitofrontal, 248 superior, 200, 272, 274 Analgesia, 68 parolfactory, 336 insular, 274 Anesthesia, 74 periamygdalar, 226, 230 intercostal, 60 dissociated, 68 postcentral, 252, 253 labyrinthine, 272 Angle postremal, 44, 288, 289 lumbar, 60 iridocorneal, 348 precentral, 248, 249, 250, ophthalmic, 272, 274, 350 medial, of the eye, 342 251 paracentral, 274 Annulus, fibrocartilaginous, motor, 180 pericallosal, 274 366 prefrontal, 248 pontine, 272 Ansa premotor, 248 radicular, 60 cervical, 72 preoptic, 230 large, 60 deep, 70, 72, 112 prepiriform, 226, 230, 240 recurrent artery of Heubner, superficial, 122 projection, 246 272, 276 lenticular, 174, 192 sensorimotor, 248, 250 retinal, central, 350 subclavian, 298 sensory postcentral, 180 segmental, 60 Antrum, mastoid, 368, 370 septal, 336, 338, 339 spinal Aortic arch, 116 striate, 222, 224, 256, 358, anterior, 60 Aperture 360 posterior, 60 lateral, 100, 284 subcallosal, 214 subclavian, 116, 272 median, 100, 284 termination, 210 sulcocommissural, 60 Aphasia vestibular, 100c, 44, 272–277 temporal, 274 motor, 250 basilar, 272, 276 trabecular, 200 sensory, 250, 264 callosomarginal, 274 vertebral, 60, 272 Apparatus carotid, internal, 104, 272, spinal branches, 60 lacrimal, 342, 343 274, 275,370 vestibular, 366, 378 396 A Astrocytes (-f) Astrocytes, 42, 43, 44, 158 lateral, 178–180, 186, 187, Bundle fibrous, 42, 43 190, 220, 258, 358– Arnold’s, 166 protoplasmic, 42, 43 360 forebrain, medial, 196 Astroglia, 42 medial, 132–134, 178–180, Meynert’s, 132, 176 Auricle, 366, 367 186, 187, 190, 384, 385 papillomacular, 354 Autonomic nervous system, 2, Herring, 204, 205 Schütz’s, 108, 110, 134, 144, 294–305 Luys’, 174, 192 196, 332 central, 294 mamillary, 10–12, 134, 144, Türck’s, 166 peripheral, 296, 302–305 170, 174, 175, 178, 194, Axolemma, 36 198, 202–204, 218, Axon(s), 18, 36 232–234, 336 C collaterals, 18 peduncle, 196 corticofugal, 162 Nissl, 18, 22, 156 Calcar avis, 256 hillock, 18 orbital fat, 342 Calyx, nerve, 380 terminals, 18, 24 pacchionian, 290 Canal(s) transport, 28 pineal, 176 Alcock’s, 96 Axoplasm, flow of, 28, 29 restiform, 100, 108, 120, 154, carotid, 104, 370 164 central, 8 subthalamic, 218 facial, 122, 370 B tigroid, 18 hypoglossal, 104, 112 trapezoid, 110, 120, 382 mandibular, 126 Balance, 366, 386 anterior nucleus, 382 musculotubal, 370 organ of, 378, 379 posterior nucleus, 382 outer ear, 366 see also Ear vitreous, 346 pterygoid, 122, 128 Band Boutons, 18, 19, 24 pudendal, 96 Baillarge’s, 242 see also Synapses Schlemm’s, 348 diagonal, of Broca, 226, 336, Brachium conjunctivum, 100, semicircular, 372 338 154, 166 lateral, 370 Giacomini’s, 226 Brachium pontis, 100, 110, 154, spiral, of the cochlea, 372 Vicq d’Azyr’s, 174, 182, 194, 166 vertebral, 48 196 Brain, 4, 6–15 Canaliculus(i) Barr body, 18 age-related atrophy, 8 ependymal, 288 Basal membrane, 62 axes, 4, 5 lacrimal, 342 Bladder, urinary, 300 Forel’s, 4 mastoid, 114 Blind spot, 350, 360 Meinert’s, 4 tympanic, 118 Blood vessels, 44, 45, 272–281, development, 6, 7, 14 Capillaries, 44, 45 290 divisions, 4, 6 endothelium, 44 eye, 350, 351 emotional, 336 Capsule hypophysis, 200, 201 evolution, 14, 15 external, 216 spinal cord, 60, 61 function, 310, 311 extreme, 216 visualization, 266 gyrencephalic, 210 internal, 174, 192, 216, 224, Blood–brain barrier, 44, 288 lissencephalic, 210 260, 261 Blood–cerebrospinal fluid bar- mantle, 208 Carpal tunnel syndrome, 76 rier, 44 olfactory, 226 Cartilage, tubular, 366 Bochdalek’s flower basket, 284 visceral, 336 Caruncle, lacrimal, 342 Body(ies) weight, 8 Catecholamines, 26, 148 amygdaloid, 174–176, 196, Brain stem, 4–12, 32, 100, 101, Cauda equina, 48, 64, 65 218, 219, 228–231, 132, 136, 180 Cave, trigeminal, 290 238, 336 divisions, 4 Cavity subnuclei, 228 histochemistry, 148–149 subarachnoidal, 346 basal, 286 Brown–Séquard’s syndrome, trigeminal, 104 cavernous, 96 68, 69 tympanic, 118, 366, 368–371 cerebellar, 152 Bulb promontory, 370 anterior lobe, 152 Krause’s end, 324 Cecum posterior lobe, 152 olfactory, 6, 12, 32, 102–104, cupular, 372 ciliary, 346, 348, 349 176, 208–214, 226, vestibular, 372 geniculate 227, 230, 231,334 pontine, 110, 132 Convolutions (-h) C 397 Cell(s) taste, 330 Cleft(s) amacrine, 352 tufted, 230 subneural, 316 anterior horn, 320 tympanic, 370 synaptic, 24 axo-axonal, 32 Center Clivus, 104 basal, 330 cardiovascular control, 146, Cochlea, 366, 372, 374, 375 basket, 156, 158, 159, 160, 147 frequency analysis, 374 236, 244 ciliospinal, 128 osseous, 372 GABAergic, 32 depressor, 146 Collaterals, Schaffer, 236 Bergmann’s glial, 158 inhibition, 146 Colliculus(i) Betz’s, 248 respiratory control, 146, 147 facial, 100, 110 Cajal–Retzius, 212, 244 semioval, 222 inferior, 100, 132, 382, 383, complex, 256 speech (Wernicke’s), 250, 384 cone cells, retina, 352–356 264 brachium, 186 endothelial, 40, 44 Central gray, 132, 134 superior, 100, 134–136, 144 Fañanás, 158 Central nervous system, 2, 3 Column(s) ganglion, 358 Cerebellum, 4–12, 32, 100, anterior, 50 geniculate, 358 152–167, 210, 222– anterolateral, 50 glitter, 42 224, 312 Burdach’s, 326 Golgi, 156, 158, 159, 160 cortex, 156–159 Clarke’s, 164 granule, 158, 159, 160, 230, tentorium, 290 color, 258 236, 242 vermis, 12, 152, 153, 162 dorsal, 50 hair Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 4, 8, Goll’s, 326 inner, 376, 377 48, 266, 282, 286 lateral, 50 outer, 376, 377 circulation, 282 ocular dominance, 258 vestibular, 380, 381 Cerebrum, 4 orientation, 258 horizontal, 352 falx, 290 posterior, 50 hypercomplex, 256 Chemoarchitectonics, 148 projection, 258 Martinotti’s, 244 Chemoreceptors, 118, 330 ventral, 50 mastoid (air), 366, 368 Chiasm, 176 vertical, 242, 243 Merkel’s touch, 322, 323 optic, 10–12, 102, 170–172, Commissure, 196 Meynert’s, 256 178, 194, 202–204, anterior, 10, 172–174, 178, mitral, 230, 334 216, 230, 358, 359 194, 216, 217, 224, nucleus, 18, 22 Choline acetyltransferase, 28 225, 230, 231, 232 periglomerular, 230 Cholinergic system, 296 epithalamic, 134, 176 phalangeal Chorda dorsalis, 4, 100 Gudden’s, 384 inner, 376 Chorda tympani, 122, 130, 368 habenular, 176 outer, 376 communicating branch, 130 of the fornix, 234 pillar Choroidea, 342, 346, 350, 354 posterior, 176 inner, 376 Cilium(a) Probst’s, 382 outer, 376 connecting, 356 supraoptic, inferior, 384 Purkinje, 156, 157, 158–160 olfactory, 334 supramamillary, 134 pyramidal, 234–236, Cingulum, 234, 262 white, 50 242–244, 248 Circle Computed tomography (CT), giant, 248 arterial, of the iris 266–268 radial glial, 212 greater, 348, 350 Conduction receptor, 334 lesser, 350 saltatory, 40 Renshaw, 52 of Willis, 272 velocity, 40 rod cells, retina, 352–356 Cisterna ambiens, 282 Cone(s) satellite, 42, 62 Cistern(s), 282 medullary, 48 scavenger, 42 cerebellomedullary, 282 retinal, 352–356 Schwann, 36–38, 40, 304 chiasmatic, 282 Conjunctiva, 342 simple, 256 interpeduncular, 282 Connective tissue, 64 stellate, 156, 158, 160, 242, marginal, 22 endoganglionic, 62 256 subarachnoid, 282 Contrast radiography, 266, 267 supporting, 330, 334, 378 Claustrum, 216–220, 224, Convergence, 362, 363 Deiters’, 376 228 Convolutions, 214 glial, of Müller, 352, 354 Clawhand, 78 Heschl’s, 180, 186, 214, 218, 254, 255 398 C Cord(s) (-l) Cord(s) sensory, 210 anterior, 372 lateral, 70, 71, 74–76 somatosensory, 252 lateral, 372 medial, 70–74, 78–80 striate, 256 posterior, 372 posterior, 70–74, 80–82 subplate, 212 uniting, 372 vocal, 117 ventricular zone, 212 utriculosaccular, 372 see also Spinal cord visual, 180, 210, 224, 246, Dura mater, 104, 290, 291 Cornea, 346, 348, 349 256–259 spinal, 64 Corona radiata, 178, 260 see also Area(s) Dynein, 28 Corpus callosum, 6, 10, Crest 170–174, 178, 208, ampullary, 372, 378, 379, 386 216–220, 222, 223, neural, 62 E 224, 260–262 Crown, ciliary, 348 development, 7 Culmen, 152 Ear, 366–387 rostrum, 262 Cuneus, 180, 214 external, 115, 366, 367 splenium, 220–224, 262 Cup, optic, 346 inner, 366, 367, 372–381 transection, 264 Cupula, 372, 378 middle, 118, 119, 366, 367, Corpus striatum, 180, 314 Cytoarchitectonics, 246 368–371 Corpuscles Cytoplasm, 22, 36 vestibule, 372 bulboid, 324 Eardrum, 366–372 Golgi–Mazzoni, 324 Embolism, 276 lamellar, 324 D Eminence Meissner’s
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