THE AMERICAN SEE PAGE 20 LET'S m in BY J. ADDINGTON WAGNER MAGAZINE NATIONAL COMMANDER OF THE AMERICAN LEGION FEBRUARY 1956 Near Washington 1863 OMlG nation... oho whiskey. .. OHIC reason^ One nation, America, has made one whiskey—SEAGRAM'S 7 CROWN— its overwhelming first choice, year after year. Why? For one reason: In every bottle of 7 CROWN, there is a quality and perfection of flavor that can be found today only in a bottle of SEAGRAM'S 7 crown. That is what makes and keeps it America's favorite. SEAGRAM-DISTILLERS COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. BLENDED WHISKEY. 86.8 PROOF. 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. ROAD BIRDS ... a series by Ethyl Corporation knows that driving calls for undivided attention. He keeps his eyes and mind on where he's going... is extra-careful when he's in traffic. The Smart Bird is also careful when it comes to buying gasoline. He buys premium gasoline. Premium gasoline has a higher octane rating that lets you enjoy full power. .gives greater driving pleasure. It's smart to use premium gasoline ETHYL COR PORATION . "BEST TRAILER Vol. 60, No. 2; February 1956 THE AMERICAN AVAILABLE!" I Says Richard E. Turner, LEGION Memphis, Tennessee MAGAZINE "I moved a lefrigciator from Georgia to Ten- Cover by Walter Baumhofer nessee. U-Haul just fit the need." Contents for February 1956 Wherever )ou move, a better-made U-haul tar- ries hiad safer more economitally. Rent a the and EXCERPTS FROM WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS 11 U-Haul at a ser\ ice station in your neighborhood ADVICE THAT SOME PEOPLE WOULD HAVE US FORGET. — return it to a service station u herei er yoii mot e. A U-Haul trailer rents for no more than an ordi- WHAT GENEVA MEANS TO US by Henry C. Wolfe 12 nary trailer — locally or one-uay tinyu here. THE REASONS FOR THE MEETING. AND THE RESULTS. Look In YELLOW PAGES of your HOW TO MAKE A BILLION! by Leslie Gould 14 phone book for this trademark LET US HOPE THAT VOU DON'T HAVE THE QUALIFICATIONS. heading, or coll WESTERN LINION by number and ask OPERATOR 25 IT DOESN'T WORK HERE by Merle Thorpe 16 for nearest U-Houl service station. COMMUNISM HAS BEEN TRIED IN THE U.S.A. AND FOUND WANTING. HAUL CATCHING MORE FISH WITH AN OUTBOARD by Roger Wright 18 AMERICA'S FINEST A KICKER MAKES THE BEST KIND OF TACKLE. RIHTAL TRAILERS W "LET'S TRY PATRIOTISM" Send for Free Booklet by National Commander J. Addington Wagner 20 How (o Move With a U-Haul' WHY COMMIES. COLLECTI VISTS AND ONE-WORLDERS HATE PATRIOTS. U-HAUL CO., Dept. AL2, Box 6728, Portland 66, Oregon WHAT HAS BROUGHT ABOUT TODAY'S RECORD CRAZE mon/tae FOLDING by Frank Rizzatti 22 BAMQUET SOME LITTLE-KNOWN FACTS ABOUT THIS CURRENT PHENOMENON. TABLES1 FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 24 THE AMERICAN LEGION'S APPROACH TO SPIRITUAL MATTERS. NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 31 Features SOUND OFF! 4 OUTLOOK 8 NEWSLETTER 29 EDITOR'S CORNER . 6 ROD AND GUN CLUB 26 PRODUCTS PARADE 46 If you are on the linard of ymir school or PARTING SHOTS 64 iTnuch. or on tlie linnse or pui'cliasins com- mit I i-p of your club or loduo. you will be intcr- cstcil in lliis modern. FoldiiiK Pedestal BanquPt Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not 'I'iilile. Write for catalog it special discounts. be returned unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. Monroe Co., 69 Church St., Colfax, Iowa The American Legion The American Legion Magazine Midwestern Executive and Editorial & Advertising Offices Advertising Sales Office Administrative Offices 720 fifth Avenue Center and Monroe Sifcels AfrnmiTA^yT Indlanopolis 6, liidiano Mew York 19, New York Bloominglon, Illinois Mm I BECOME AN EXPERT { Please notify the Circulation Dept., Publications Div.. P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis II it«n I 6, ind., of change of address, using notice Form 22-S which you may secure from Mtbuu your Postmaster. Remove your address label from the cover of magazine and the ..AUDITOR.. CP. A. paste it in the space provided. Give your latest membership card number and both your new and your old address, and notify the Adjutant of your Post. The demand Icir .skdied accountants--7«f« iimi women who really I now iheif hiisiness is increasing. National and state legislation IS requiring of business much more in the Wagner, way of Auditing, Cost Accounting, Business Law and J. Addington Nalional Commander, The Amertcon Legion, Indionopoiis 6, Indiono qualifica- Income Tax Procedure. Men who prove their The American Legion Cocreham, Baton Rouge, schiel L. Hunt, Austin, tions in this important field are promoted to responsible Publications Commis- La.; Clovis Copeland, Tex.; George D. Levy, executive positions. sion: John Stelle, Mc- Little Rock, Ark.; Paul Sumter, S. C; Dr. Knowledge of bookkeeping unnecessary. We train B. Downingtown, R. Leansboro, III. |Chair- Dague, Chorles Logan, you Irom ground up, or according to your individual Pa.; John E. Drinkard, Keokuk, Iowa; William manl; Dan W. Emmett, needs. Low cost; easy terms. Cullman, Ala.; Dove H. P. Roon, Plymouth, Oakdale, Calif., ond Send for Free illustrated book describing the LaSalle Fleischer, St. Louis, Pa.; Emmet Sofay, Rev. Milton B. Faust, Accounting training and the opportunities in this highly Mo.; Samuel J. Gor- Jacksonville, Flo.; D. L. Salisbury, N. C. (Vice profitable licld. MAIL COUPON TODAY. man. West Hortlord, Seors, Toledo, Ohio; Arm- Chairmen); Lang Conn, Earl C. Hitch- Horold A. Shindler, LASALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY strong, Spokane, Wash.; cock Glens Falls, Newburgh, Ind.; Ray- Charles E. Booth, Hunt N. Y Eorl L. Meyer, mond Fields, Guymon, Institution A Correspondence ington, W. Vo.; Roland Alliance, Nebr.; Her Oklo. — 417 S. Dearborn Street————— — Dept. 2361 HR, Chicago 5, III. Puhliihei A rt Editor A dreiti<.tn^ Director James F. O'Neil Al Marshall Fred L. Maguire Please send me Free Book "Ac- 4 siociate Editor Publiihcr /:.r>ffr;i A dv. Afj^r. countancy, the Profession That A Sit. to Irving hierschbein Frank Lisiecki WilliamM. DeVitalis Pays" —without obligation. Edtton.tl ,4 fits. Editor Edward W. Atkinson Detroit .idy. Kep. n LiiSalli- Af-eiiiintifiK Joseph C. Keeley Alda Viorengo Adv. Sales Assoc. LI Law: LI,.H. I).-Kr<«- .l/.jn.JK'^K Editor M ;(/ Ci),i(( .A dy. Rep. liiiHitirNH James F. Barton t I Maiia^eiiii'iil Robert B. Pitkin Indianapolis, Ind. The Eschen Company L I SalrHiiiaiiHliip I j I ikIuhI rial IMariaKi-tiieiil and is The American Legion Magozine is the official publication ot The Americon Legion KoreiiianKhi[> L) owned exclusively by The Americon Legion. Copyright 1956 by The American Legion. Pub- Tralli*- aii<l 'rraiis|>(»rl a I author- CI lished monthly at 1100 W. Broodwoy, Louisville, Ky. Second doss mail privileges G St(-iif»^ra|>hic-S<-cr(*larial Truitiing ized ot Louisville, Ky. Price single copy, 15 cents; yeorly subscription, $1.50. Non-member subscriptions should be sent to the Circulation Department of The Americon Legion Mogozine, Name Age. P. O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, Ind. AJJress OVv, 7.one, Slate 2 • THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE FEBRU.\RV \9ib ! How to avoid dry, unruly "panda hair" New greaseless way to keep your hair neat all day Hunting for a greaseless hair tonic? NEW VITALIS MESSY OILS New \'italis tames hair with V-7, the unique grooming discovery that's not a mineral, vegetable or animal oil. You can use it every day— yet never have an over-slick, plas- tered-down k)ok. "TISSUE TEST" PROVES GREASELESS VITALIS What's more, Vitalis protects your hair and scalp hand- OUTDATES MESSY OILS. In an independent testing lahoratoiy, Vitalis and leading somely from dryness. And tests show it kills on contact cream and oil tonics were applied in the germs man\ doctors associate with infectious dandruff. nonnal way. Hair was combed and then wiped witli cleansing tissue. Unretouched Try new Vitalis with V-7. You will like it. (And so will photographs above show the difference in results your mate.) New VITALIS Hair Tonic With V-l NE PRODUCT OF BRISTOL-MYERS much space as Aliss Pels devoured. I am merely one of the millions of vet- erans whom you reactionary blue shirted fascists DO NOT represent and never will so long as men of in- tegrity continue to oppose fanatic ex- tremists of cither left or right in the fight to protect our rights of the indi- \ idual. Wc will not conform to your strait jacket! Your magazine is but an ugly reflection of your narrow- minded, narrow-brained selves and 1 note that >ou offer to print letters w ithout the signature of the writer . ver\' indicative of your moral and ethical dcl)ilit>\ I.asrK', my fascist, blacklisting, guilt b\' association bigots, I defy \ ou to tr> \ our best to smear me in any of the myriad meth- ods at your disposal. In the past I ha\ e belonged to the Boy Scouts, Metho- (.list Church, and Masonic Temple. That should be enough ammunition to give ) <)u a good start. I have no EXPERT TESTIMONY fear that this will be printed in your magazine because as iti all spineless Sir: General .Mark Clark, speaking to organizations everyone must agree 13,000 school teachers in Alilwaukcc. u ith your point of view. received an ovation \\ hen he said, "I ^Vilianl \l. Jacknian believe in our Constitution. 1 do not Cobleskill, N. Y. believe in a world government. I do not believe our government should be subordinate to any other government. WANIS IN W e should have more United States Da)'s and fewer United Nations Days." Sir: W hat a crying shame that men He is one of the great generals who entering the service afrer July 27, 1953, testified under oath that we were should be excluded from your mem- prohibited from w inning the Korean bership! In my estimation The iVmeri- war by the United Nations.
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