Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091 SUSHRUTA SAMHITA COMPLETE TREATISE OF AYURVEDA- A REVIEW ARTICLE Madgundi Anand K1 Ade Jaykumar S2 Bhabad Pradeep R3 Jain Atul S4 1. Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Rachana Sharir, SGR Ayurved College, Solapur, Maharash- tra, India 2. Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Kriyasharir, SGR Ayurved College, Solapur Maharashtra, India 3. Associate Professor, Dept. Of Sanskrit Samhita, SMBT Ayurved College, Dhamangaon, Nasik, Maharashtra, India 4. Jain Atul S., Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Rachana Sharir,Vidharbha Ayurved College, Amarvati, Maharashtra, India. ABSTRACT Sushruta Samhita is one of the two most ancient, encyclopaedic & authoritative classical books of the Indian Medicine. The Sushrut Samhita expounded by Kashiraja Divodasa Dhan- vantari, compiled by Sushruta, supplemented by Nagarjuna & Chandrata is a classical work on Indian surgery. Sushruta Samhita is the creation of the sage surgeon of the first type. The extent Sushruta Samhita consists of six section with 186 chapters. But it was obvious that the original Samhita consisted of only five sections with 120 chapters. While the first five section deals almost extensively with surgery, the last section is designed to deal briefly with the other six branches of Ayurveda leaving out the toxicology. These six section are Sutrasthana (46 chapters), Nidanasthana (16 chapters), Shareer sthana (10 chapters), Chikista sthana (40 chapters), Kalpa sthana (08 chapters), & last Uttartantra (66 chapters). Sustrasthana provides the framework of surgery as the focal theme of the work. It also deals with preliminary mat- ters concerning medical study. Interesting aspects of this section which can be called as ‘first principle’ are the introduction to medical science especially surgery, medical education & training, the theory of therapeutic substances, & dietetics. Nidansthana concern with pathol- ogy, cause, symptoms of various diseases. Shareer Sthana is mainly devoted to anatomy & physiology. Chikitsastana is an elaborate account of therapeutics in various diseases. The supplementary section Uttarantra is pertaining to diseases & treatment of ear, nose, throat, paediatrics, general medicine, insanity & epilepsy with reference to supernatural aetiology & last four chapters of this section is general in nature, dealing with six tastes (Rasa), principles of hygiene, medicinal terminology & abnormal operations of the Dosha. The Sushrut Samhita is remarkable in concern with surgery hence Sushruta is known as father of surgery. Keywords- Ayurveda, Brahtrayyi , Nagarguna, Sushruta Samhita, Surgery. Sushrut Samhita is the main treatise and source of about surgery in Ancient India. INTRODUCTION: Sushruta Samhita is one of the popular Madgundi Anand K Et;All: Sushruta Samhita Complete Treatise Of Ayurveda- A Review Article treatise of the three Samhita i.e. websites related to Sushrut Samhita. All Brahtrayyi. It is expounded by Kashiraja matter is analyzed and attempt has been made to draw some conclusions Divodasa Dhanvantari, completed by Su- Structure & Content of Susrut Samhita. shruta, who was the son of Sage Vishvami- The Compendium of Sushruta tra and disciple of Divodasa Dhanvantari, Samhita is the comprehensive treatise which deals with the entire medicine disci- the king of Kasi & later redacted by Na- pline. For the sake of knowledge today’s garjuna. This treatise was called Shalya most of Sushruta Samhita is divided into Tantra and consisted of only 5 division’s two parts. Initial part composed of Pur- vardha which consists of Sutrasthana (46 viz. Sutra, Nidana, Shareer, Chikitsa and chapters),Nidansthana (16 chapters), Kalpa. Shalyatantra was later revised and Shareersthana (10 chapters), Chikisthast- supplemented and addition of Uttartantra hana (40 chapters) and Kalpathana (8 i.e sixth section with 66 chapters was chapters). The second part is called as Uttartantra or Uttarardha consists of 66 added. chapters. This part this part come across in This treatise deals with various details with different branches of medical branches of Ayurved as shalyatantra (sur- discipline viz Shalakayatantra (26 chap- gery), Kaumaryabhritya (paediatrics), ters),Kaumaryabhritya (13 chapters), Kay- Kayachikitsa (medicine). Of the commen- achikistha (21chapters),Bhutvidya taries on Sushruta Samhita, the most re- (3chapters) and Tantrayukh (4 chapters). nowned is that of Dalhana commentary Sutrasthana: The first section consists of named Nibhanda Samgraha written in the Sutrasthan containing 46 chapters. This 12th century A.D. Another commentary is section emphasis on various topics as such by Chakrapanidatta written in the 11th origin of Ayuryeda, description of different century, called Bhanumati and only a por- branches of Ayurveda and its significance. tion of it is available now. As per Dal- In this section Sushruta has stressed to un- hana, commenter of Sushruta Samhita, derstand the text thoroughly so that the sage Nagarjuna was the pratisamskarta of physician should be expertise on his speci- Sushruta Samhita or redactor of this sam- alities. The topic enlights on pre-surgical hita. Emendation or Pathashudhi of Su- preparative measures as such sterilization, shruta Samhita was done by Chandra- fumigation, preparation of patient etc. De- datta, the son of Tisata. Divodas and his scription of various surgical appliances, disciple are historical sage physicians; instruments, their names, shapes, and probably belong to 1500 B.C.and 1000 methods of use are also described. Impor- B.C.Sushruta was renowned as father of tance of practical training by performing Surgery. surgical acts on dummies according to the MATERIALS & METHOD situation is been nicely explained. Su- This is conceptual type of research. shruta has explained qualification of the All sorts of references has been collected surgeon before he enters the profession and compiled from various available Ay- and code of ethics has been explained. urvedic classics texts like Sushrut samhita This section also contains descrip- and available commentaries on it. Re- tion of preparation of medicines like’s al- search article is also searched from various kalies, cautery procedure, application of 654 www.iamj.in IAMJ: Volume 2; Issue 4; July - August-2014 Madgundi Anand K Et;All: Sushruta Samhita Complete Treatise Of Ayurveda- A Review Article leeches, draining wounds. Technique of each and every structure like bones, or- bandages, dressing methodology, man- gans, skin layers, sense organs is seen in agement of wounds and ulcers are de- this section. In this section one of the im- scribed here. Prognosis of diseases, wound portant chapter is about Marma shareer. and ulcers are explained according to the Marma is the vital part of human body sign and symptoms seen. Over all in sec- which is important from surgical point of tion basic principles as such code of con- view. Description of circulatory system, duct of Vaidya, introduction to instru- artery, veins, therapy of venus section, use ments, their uses, preparation of antiseptic of venus section in treating various disor- medicines, methods of bandaging, dress- ders is been anatomically explained. ings, prognosis ,seasonal regimen and Chikitsasthana: This section consists of therapeutic dietary chart. Shalya is defined 40 chapters, deals with description of vari- in terms of extraneous matter that is intro- ous disorders. Treatments of various dis- duced into body. Diseases are classified & eases such as ulcers, wounds, fractures, prognostics details are mentioned. Drugs haemorrhoids, & diseases of nervous sys- are classified & their curative merits speci- tem are explained in details. In this section fied. systemic diseases, urinary disorders, skin ailments, diabetes, abscess, abdominal dis- Nidansthana: This section consists of 16 orders, mouth ulcers, swellings ,minor chapters dealing with aetiology, patho- ailments is explained in respective head- genesis, sign and symptoms of diseases ings. Rejuvenation and virilification are which are exclusively important than sur- also described here. Preparation of medi- gical diseases. Diseases as such neurologi- cated oils, baths, purgatives, syringes, cal disorders (Vatavyadhi), ano-rectal dis- enemas, inhalations and gargles is ex- eases, renal calculi and urinary system, etc plained in pharmological way. along with diseases which are often ig- Kalpasthana: This section deals with nored but form the main causative factor Toxicology part of Ashtang Ayurved for major diseases are well explained in (Eight divisions of Ayurved).This section Shudra roga chapter. deals with effects of poisonous foods, Shareersthana: This section contains 10 vegetables, minerals, various poisons of chapters which exclusively explain funda- animals and inanimate origin. Along with mental and basic concepts of human anat- its ill effect, symptamatology of poisonous omy, physiology, embryology and genet- effects along with its treatment is elabo- ics. Here evolution of human body through rately described here. Description of snake metaphysically activity i.e.24 Tatva (con- bite; bites of animals like rat, dogs, and stituents) is explained. Description of qual- jackals have been described along with its ity of semen, fertilization. menstrual cycle, treatment and drugs to be used. Interesting ovulation, have been explained from em- topic in this section is loud sounds of the bryological view. Concept of sex determi- drum smeared with antidotes are capable nation, foetal development, factors respon- of destroying
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