The ESS MAY 10, 1956 publication. 1o# and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright GOOD SHEPHERD, PITMAN, N. J. T ERMITESwas necessary so damaged to replace the churchbeams, thatso ita thorough job was done, including a redec- orated sanctuary and chancel pictured here KENNETH HUGHES ON PARKER CASE I SERVICES The WITNESS SERVICES SIn Leading Churches i I For Christ and His Church j In Leading Churches 'IlE CAXTHEDRAL CHURCH 9 OF01 SIT. RIN 'TlHI DIXINE - SCHRIST CHURCH cArl1~ A U 112thl St. and Amsterdam XlMain & Church Sts. Ilatfordja} l S sndan: H-olv C ommuonion 7, 8, 9, 10; EDITORIAL BOARD Sunday: 8 annd 10:10 am. HfoIC M~ornintg Pracyer, Hloly Communion Smunion; 9:30, Church School; 11 a.m., S I .uitd Sermon, 11; Evenrsong and ser-- JoiiN PAIRMIAN Momning BnOwxN, Editor; XW. BI. SPOF- Prayer; 8 p.m., Evening Prayer. m oo, 4. Weekdays: Holy S Soat), jAlanagiug Editor; KENNE iii R. FORBES, Communion,. Mon. 12 ! I XWeerkdas : XMorning Prayer, 8:30: Holy noon; '1ue., Fri. and Sat., 8; 'fW., 11; ! 1 C omntunion, 7.30 (atnd 10 XWed.); GORDON C. GRAHAMI, RfERT HMIPSHIRE, Wed., Noonday Service, 12:15. I esrong, i. Daily Offices ace coral GEORGE 11. MIACMIURRAY, PAUL MOORE JR., iiThurs., 9; I JosiLpI 11. Ti rus, Columniiists; I except Motiday'. CLINTON J. CHRIST CUC KELW, Religioni and the .liad; MXASSEY Ii. THE HEAVENLY REST NEXV YORK Re:'. Gardliner Al. Day, StirPJIERD JR., ivring Lituirgy; losEPit F. Rector 5th Aeuat90ths Street I I I-ETCHlER, Problems of Conzscienice. R1ev. Frederic B. Kellogg, Chaplain Rei'. Johsn Ellis Large, D.D. SudyServices: 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. Sunda;: Holy Communion, 7:30 and 9 IWeekdays; XWednesday, 8 and 11 a.m. a.m; oonSeic anid Sermon, 11.9 'Thursdays, 7:30 a.m.- Thursdays and Holy Days; HoyCm publication. C'ONTRIBUTING. EDITORS: Frederick C. Grant, 1 ST. JOAN'S CATHIEDRAL Iice, 12. Daily: Mooing Prayer, 9; F. O. Ayres Jr., L. WV. Blarton, D. 11. Brown EeigPrayer, 5:30. I ver DENVER, COLORADO Da and Jr., R. S. Emrich, T. P. Ferris, J. F. IFletcher, C. K. Gilbert, C. L. Glenn, G. 1. ller, A. Re'. Harry W~atrs, Canon ST. BARTH OLOMEXW'S CHUtRCH C. L ichtenberger, C. S. Martin, 11. C. Miller, Park Avenue and 51st Street E. L. P'arsons, J. A. Paul, Paul Roberts, XW. MI. SSundav's: 7:30, 8r30, 9:30 and 11. reuse 8 and 9:30 a.m. Hloly Communion. Sharp, \V. 13. Sperry, XV. D. Spofford Jr., J. WV. 4:30 p.m. recitals. 9:30 and II am. Church School. Suter. S. E. Sweet, S. A. T1emple, XX'. N. XXVeekdas sHolly Communion, Wednes- for II am. Msomning Service and Sermon. WXelsh. day, 7:15; Thursday, 10:30. 4 p.m. Evensiong. Special Music. SHoly Days: IHoly Communion, 10:30. XXWeekday: Hloly Communion Tuesday at ! 10:30 a.m.; XWednesdays and Saints CIHRIST CHURCH required I Days at 8 a.:. Thursday at 12:10 l NDtANAPeOLIS, IND. I p.m. Orgain Recitals, Fridays, 12:10. THE W~ITNESS is published weekly from September 15th to June 15th inclusive, with Rev. John P. Craine, DD., Rtor for prayer. I he Church is open daily the exception of the first week in January and Rev. Afessrs. F. P. Williams, semi-monthly from June 15th to September 15th E. L. Conner lbv the Episcopal Church Publishing I CHIURCHI OF IlE HIOLY TRINITY Co. on Sun.: lIC. 8, 12:15, 11, 1st S. Family behalf of the XWitness Advisory Board. 1 316 East 88th Street 93;M. P. and Se., 11. Permission jNysy YORK CITY 'eekda's: II.C. daily 8, ex. Wed, and Fri. 7; 11. 1). 12:05. Noonday Ret'. Jaynes .1. P'aid, DOD., Rector Pravers 12:05. The subscription SSundavs: Iloly C'ommuinion, 8; Church price is $4.00 a year; in bundles for sale in I Office bours daily by appointment. Sho,9:30; Morning Service, 11; Eve- parishes the magazine 7sells DFMS. ning Prayer, 5. for hOc a copy, we wsill bill quarterly at c a / copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, August TRINITY CHURCHI - 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunkhannock, RvG. MiAMsI, FLA. Pa., under the act of m~arch 3, 1879. MXOUtNT SAINT ALBFAN RvG.Irvine Hller, S.T.D., Rector Sunday Services 8, 9:30 Church and 11 am. The Rt. Rer. Angus Du, B isliop 9 9 Theery ev.Francis B1. Sayre, Jr., TRINITY CHIURCHI 1 lieVery Deans SE VI C e3iCE_____________ Broaid and Third Streets COLUMtSto, OHtIa I Sunday 8, 9:30, Ibol' Comounion; I1, I ser. (generally ssith NIlP.Lit or proces- Rev. Robert IV. Fay, D.D. Episcopal sion) (I, S. HC); 4, EFy. XX'Vee~das: In Leading Churches I Bev'. A. Freeman Traverse, Associate I1IC. 7:30; lot.,12; E'.,4. Open da'ly, Sun. 8 HIC; 11 AIP; 1st Sun. H;Fri. the 7 to 6. 12 N, I IC; Evening, XXeekday, Lenten - of ST. STEPHEN'S CH-URCHII Noon-Day, Special services announced. 9 'Tenth Street, above Chestnut ST. PAUIL'S 9 jPIiLADELPHIAs, PENNA. CHIURCHI OF THlE INCARNATION 'I hie Rev. Alfred 1V. Price, D.D., Rector 3966 MckKinney Avenue ! Th Rev Gustav C. Afeckling, B.D., DALL AS 4, TEXAS j Archives - The Rer'. RoG~eorge iSSi.N.Y I..Cadigat 7 lie Resv. Edward E. Tate, Rector S Rector * Mnsetote arofHearing hle lRev'. Donald G. Smith, Associate T1he Rev. FredIerick I'. raft, Assistant Sunda,: 9 and 11 am., 7:30 pim. J-he Ret'. IV. IV. Mfahan, Assistant g The Ret'. E'dwiard11'. Xlills, Assistant Xlekaslon.. T ues., Wed., Thurs., Thle Rev'. J. Af. Washington, Assistant 2020. i. 123012:55 p.m. ISundav: 8, 9:20 tanl 11. Sundavs: 7:30, 9:15, 11 anm. & 7:30 Services of Spiritual Ilealing, Thurs., p.m. WXeekdays: XWednesdays & Holy oDavs: 11; Fri. - 12:30 and 5:30 p.m.- D~avs 10:30 a.m. i SI'. J\IES' CHIURCHI OF ST. MICIIAL 117- N. ILafavette CHRI17ST CIIURCII AND Sr. GErORGE Copyright SOOT II BEND. IND. 2nd Street ab~ove Market T he 1Rev. I. Thie Ret'. Robert 1F. Rlite ct.e:tor Franicis Sant, Rector I le I Whee theProtestant Episcopal Church lRev'. Alfred Alattes, Ali,,iister Sundae: 8. 9.15, 11. 'Toes.: Iloly Coin- ;~ saswXhr Founded of Edctiion mnunion, 8:15. 'Thursdas', I oly Com- 'I he P~er. IDonald Stauii er, Asst. antd munion, 9:30. Friday', Hloly Comn- College C'haplaiin 9munion, 7. * Sundav Servsices, 9 and 11. Sndas: 9, 9:30, 11I a.in., H igh- I !N undas Prayers \XVeekdavs. S. hool. 4:30 p. in.; Cantrrbury Club, Church open dailv 9 to 5. 7:o p. m. 1! PRO CAXTHEDRALI OF THlE HIOLY ! ' ~ TRINITY ST. PAUL'S CATHIEDRAL 51S. 1OHN'S CHURCH Shelton Squaire PARSt, FRANCE BUFFALO. NEW Y'ORK j 923, As'enue George V' I VASHiINr.TON, D. C. V Ret'. Philip F. McNair, D.0., Deani Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 i ~ Lafavette Square I Boulevard Raspail ! a~ioi llitrhellfHaddad: The Rev'. T7 le R1ev. C. Leslie G;lenin, Rector 1. D. Furlong Student and Artists Center 9 7he lier'. Frank Rl. INilson, Asst Stun., 8, 9:3n, II; Mon., Fri., Sat., The Rt. Rev. Stephen Keeler, Bishop- H.C. 12:05: Toes.. Thurs., H.C. 8 am. - TlsVr e.Sturgis l Lee Riddle, 1 iuraa 8. 9:30. 11, 4 and 7:30 p.m. mrcn Deanfo $Daily, 12 noon wi'th sermon WXed., Fri. prayers, sermon 12:05; Wed., H.C. 7 77:30; l1C. did at 7:30. am., 11 a.m., Healing Service 12:05. i MAY 10, 1956 VOL. 43, NO. 16 The WITNESS FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Tukhanoek, Pa. Story of the Week Associated Press wanted the Henry Parker Asked to Leave story and called Bishop Car- ruthers. There are always two South Carolina Mission sides to every story. publication. Bishop Carruthers' Story RECTOR OF HIS HOME PARISH GIVES DETAILS and Hle "had not intended" that OF CASE WHICH MAY BECOME FAMOUS this matter receive any public- reuse ity. "The publicity originated for By Kenneth Hughes doctrine, discipline and worship elsewhere," he says. (For Church. Rector of St. Bartholomew's, of our naivete the bishop wins all the It was our understanding marbles. Whence and why the required Cambridge. Mass. that Henry Parker was doing publicity originated is im- * Last June our parish gave well in the promotion of the portant, and we shall come to one of its sons, Henry Levy Lord's work in the South Caro- this in a moment). lie denies Parker, to the ministry of our lina vineyard. We heard from that Henry Parker's NAACP Permission Church. Our vestry signed many and diverse sources, in- activities had anything to do and sent papers to the bishop cluding the National Council, with his dismissal, but both DFMS. and standing committee of the of his diligence in this re- the Orangeburg Times and / diocese saying that he is "a spect. We took a justifiable Democrat and the Charleston fit person" to serve in that pride in these reports. Of News and Courier for April 7 Church capacity. I presented him for h i m his congregation, as quote the bishop as saying, ordination. Soon our vestry late as April 17, had this "his (Parker's) NAACP activ- will again have to sign papers to say: "his services have ities could have been a faucet saying the same thing for his added materially and spiritual- Hie said that Episcopal in the matter." advancement to the priesthood.
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