Spain Palencia CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 TRIPS ROUND THE CITY The cathedral district 4 The sights of Palencia 7 Other places of interest 9 IRELAND TRIPS ROUND THE PROVINCE Dublin The Road to Santiago 10 The Romanesque route 13 From Cerrato to UNITED KINGDOM Tierra de Campos 16 London LEISURE AND SHOWS 19 MAP OF THE PROVINCE 22 USEFUL INFORMATION 24 Paris Ca ntab rian FRANCE Sea n a e c O c ti n a tl A F F PALENCIA Lisbon Madrid PORTUGAL Sea ranean diter SPAIN Me C TURESPAÑA Secretaría de Estado de Comercio y Turismo Ministerio de Economía Ceuta Text: Javier Tomé Translation: Hilary Dyke Melilla Photographs: Turespaña Picture Library Design: PH color, S.A. MOROCCO Printed by: Gaez, S.A. Rabat D. L.: M-28473-2001 NIPO: 380-01-033-6 Printed in Spain First edition OVIEDO 130 Km SAN VICENTE DE LA BARQUERA 76 Km SANTANDER 61 Km Pontón 1290 1609 Escudo San Glorio CANTABRIACorconte 1011 Motorway Peña Prieta 2175 Palombera Emb. del Barriedo Espinilla 1260 Riaño 2536 Piedrasluengas ALTO Ebro ExpresswayPuebla de la Reina Casavegas de Lillo Camasobres CAMPOO National road Emb. de Cardaño Riaño Boca de Reinosa Km LOGROÑO 115 Primary basic network road Huérgano de Arriba San Salvador Valdecebollas Secondary basic network road 2450 de Cantamuda Arija Vidrieros 2136 Salcedillo Local road Emb. de Emb. de Cervatos Soncillo Camporredondo Requejada Brañosera Railway Monteviejo Triollo Pozazal Besande Emb. de 1433 Cervera Barruelo 987 Carrales Road to Santiago Cervera-Ruesga Boñar de Santullán 1020 P State Hotel (Parador) Emb. de 1993 de Pisuerga Velilla Salinas Monument Compuerto Matamorisca La Vecilla Peña P Rueda Sabero del Río Carrión Peña del Fraile Redonda Historical ruins 1835 Aviñante Escalada 2450 Emb. de Panoramic view Cantoral Barrio de Aguilar Cezura Cistierna San Pedro Nautical sports centre Santibáñez Dehesa Guardo de Montejo Aguilar de Camp site de la Peña Perazancas Campóo Lastrilla Olleros de Revilla de Berzosilla Mantinos Cozuelos Pisuerga Pomar de Ojeda Sedano Vegas Congosto Olmos de Mave Tubilla Ambasaguas 1059 de Valdavia Bascones Ojeda del Agua Villalba de Ojeda Basconcillos de Curueño Becerril del del Tozo de Guardo La Puebla Carpio de Valdavia Dehesa de Amaya 627 Almanza Romanos Lavid de Alar Buenavista Ojeda del Rey 1373 Humada de Valdavia Sotobañado Gradefes Renedo de y Priorato Valderaduey BURGOS Villaluenga Villaeles Herrera de Villota del Membrillar Pisuerga Sotresgudo 625 Villazanzo de Páramo de la Vega de Valdavia Sta. María La Nuez Valderaduey Calahorra de Arriba del Río de Boedo Saldaña R LEÓN 45 Km Santervás Villnuño ío Villadiego de la Vega de Valdavia Mansilla LEÓN Lobera Pedrosa de la Vega 611 de las Mulas Villarrodrigo LA VALDAVIA Cea de la Vega Renedo Castrillo a de la Vega Santillana Bahíllo de Villavega e C de la Vega Melgar de 22 El Burgo Ranero Villambroz La Serna Sasamón Sotopalacios 23 R Fernamental í Osorno o lla 231 Villasarracino sti Villanueva Santas Martas a 141 Km SORIA LEÓN 45 Km Terradillos de C 120 de Argaño los Templarios Santillana Las Cabañas Carrión de de Campos de Castilla Villasandino Sahagún 120 los Condes Castrotierra Villalcázar Requena Lantadilla Grajal de Quintanilla de de Sirga 957 Calzada de Arconada de Campos Campos la Cueza Itero de Castrojeriz Escobar de los Molinos la Vega BURGOS Campos Lomas Frómista Melgar Cervatos de Villamuera de la Cueza Boadilla n de Abajo la Cueza nzó Arcos y Villoldo del Camino rla e Villada 901 A u Sarracín d Añoza C Támara ra Cisneros a Amayuelas Astudillo Pampliega e Villalumbroso rr ld ió a Mazuecos de Villadalvin n 620 V Valbuena de Valdeginate e Mayorga d Pisuerga Amusco P Sta. María Río Herrín Frechilla Becerril Ribas de i Paredes s del Campo s Dehesa de de Campos de Campos Campos Valdespina u o Villalón de Nava Matanza e Villodrigo Becilla de p r de Campos g m Valderaduey a a Monzón Escuderos Villafrades l Palenzuela C Villaumbrales a Cordovilla o de Campos Villajimena Rí Villahoz de Campos Fuentes n la Real Valderas de Nava a 601 Cuenca Grijota C 611 Valdeolmillos Quintana de Villamediana del Puente de Campos Castromocho Cobos Villarramiel Mazariegos ío 610 Tabanera de Cerrato Lerma R TIERRA DE l a Villamartín Villalobón Torquemada de Cerrato n CAMPOS Tamariz a de Campos C Boada Villanueva de Campos Torremormojón PALENCIA Valdecañas Royuela de Espinosa de Campos Magaz de Cerrato Franco de Cerrato del Campo Villamuriel N Villerías Santa Cecilia de Cerrato Villaviudas Villamayor Villanueva de del Alcor Venta de Baños Baltanás San Mancio San Isidro de Campos Ampudia de Dueñas Baños de Cerrato V ALLE DEL Antigüedad 854 Monte Dueñas Hontoria de CERRATO Villafruela Villalpando Medina Montealegre de la Torre Cerrato Cevico Navero de Rioseco Valle de Cerrato Quintanilla de 620 Tórtoles BENAVENTE 12 Km BENAVENTE Cevico de la Torre de Esgueva Villabrágima Trigueros Hérmedes Cubillas de Escala 1 : 800.000 Alba de Cerrato de Cerrato Cerrato 0 10 20 30 Km Cigales Valoria La Mudarra Mucientes la Buena 882 Castrillo San Pedro Castromonte Esguevillas CARTOGRAFÍA: GCAR, S.L. Cardenal Silíceo, 35 de Juan Tel. 91 416 73 41 - 28002 MADRID - AÑO 2000 Latarce V ALLADOLIDde Esgueva Fombellida TORDESILLAS 20 Km VALLADOLID 40 Km VALLADOLID 37 Km ARANDA DE DUERO 10 Km INTRODUCTION ituated in the north-central Cerrato, territories laden with Spart of the Iberian Peninsula, legend and tradition. the province of Palencia covers a The inhabitants of the province surface area of 8,035 km2. of Palencia, numbering 179,623 Although it is timeless and bleak according to the 1998 census, in appearance, all nature of enjoy a Mediterranean-type smells, colours and histories are climate with long but tolerable blended into its soil. Not for winters and dry, hot summers. nothing did civilisations more Generally speaking, rainfall is ancient than the Roman eagles low, resulting in wooded scenery settle in these parts, made up of in the north and scrubland in the three clearly-distinguished rest of the province. geographical units: the Sitting on the vast plain of Tierra mountainous region, of awe- de Campos, on the banks of the inspiring panoramic beauty with River Carrión, the city of 1 its steep, rough outline; the Palencia now has a population of moorland, where ruggedness 79,745. This strategic enclave of changes into gently rolling rail and road communications, plains; and lastly, the sheer just 240 km from Madrid, is the flatness of Tierra de Campos and capital of a province which, Scenery. Vidrieros importance as a political centre, playing a decisive role in the layout of Castile. The reign of Alfonso VIII would be fundamental in the attainment of the greatest glories of mediaeval Palencia. Chosen as a place of residence for royalty, it was here that the country's first university River Carrión. Carrión de los Condes was founded in 1208. Joining the rebellion of the comuneros (followers of the since 1983, has formed part of party defending the communities the Autonomous Community of of Castile), Palencia's Tierra de Castile and León, the largest Campos would provide the region in Europe. A lively city setting for the conflict, which which has travelled far in time, was finally stamped out by receiving a heritage of old central power. From then on, the stones, engravings and paintings, area would lapse into a period Palencia is like a silent epic tale characterised by a degree of of art and culture. social submissiveness, in which its 2 people concentrated on their usual farming and cattle-breeding Historical background activities. It was hoped to alleviate this situation with the alencia's history goes back to opening of the Castile Canal, PPthe days when the the purpose of which was to link Celtiberian tribe known as the the area with the coast for the Vacceos settled there. Included in export of Castilian produce. the province of Tarraconensis However, modernity and the afterthe inrush of the imperial true economic boom would not legions, it was the Romans who arrive until the twentieth century chose what was then called was well under way. Pallantia as the regional capital. The motto on the city's coat of With the arrival of Theodoric II arms reads: Palencia, arms and in 457 A.D., the presence of the science, an outright declaration Visigoths brought prosperity to of principles for this very special the area and the Gothic Fields treasure, a key reference in became Spain's main supplier of Spanish history. grain in that period. Having been reconquered by the Christians after the short stay of the Arab forces, the city gained Tierra de Campos TRIPS ROUND THE CITY As times of admission to cathedral. A number of remains buildings of cultural interest are belonging to both constructions subject to seasonal variations, can still be seen in what is now visitors are advised to enquire the Crypt of San Antolín. at the museums or appropriate The cathedral as we know it tourist office once they are in today was commenced in 1321 the area. and, among its countless treasures, we might mention the magnificent high altarpiece with THE ATHEDRAL C sculptures by Felipe Vigarny and DISTRICT paintings by Juan de Flandes, true masterpieces of the Castilian alencia's roots are best Renaissance. The retrochoir, PPreflected in Las Puentecillas lavishly decorated in the style of (1), a bridge of Roman origin the period of Isabel II, was built which was rebuilt in 1525. The by Juan de Ruesga. Also of bridge looks across to the particular note is the railing, with capital's most characteristic its medallions and coats of arms, 4 monument, the cathedral (2). which runs along the front of the Rightly called the unknown choir.
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