University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 7-20-1994 Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 40, July 20, 1994 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 26 No. 40, July 20, 1994" (1994). Central Florida Future. 1241. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1241 unt llown the Charlotte Rage - Spf?rts, page 12 Central Florida Future Vol. 26 •No. 40 Serving the University of Ce_ntral F,lotida ~irice_ 1-96~ · . :, .:./· ~. '.-\~·~.:~_·:::; ·-~:--~:. ·::._ ~~_ ly ¥9~:~:! 9?4-~: • r ._ • •.. r '• .r,,t;.,.. .-. -!~· • .. • < '• < 9 - Parking fee to rise, but not yet by ALYCIA SEVERSON hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. student ing to the Master Plan, the campus Staff writer drivers can be seen cruising the will need another garage before parking lots in search of a place to then. The good news is, forthe first park. Both Patton and Gutch, who time in four years, there will be no If all goes as planned, by the recently served on the Alternative increase in the parking decal fee turn of the century there will be Parking Strategy sub-committee, this fall. over 40,000 students at UCF - recommended several other alter­ The bad news is, the price almost twice the amount there is natives to afeeincreasethatseemed will go up next year and will con­ now. to fall on fixed minds. tinue to rise yearly until at least According to the transporta­ Patton said he felt the best 2008. tion elementofUCF' sM~ter Plan, short-term solution was to provide This could mean a $85 park­ most of these students will be com­ parking by the UCF Arena at re­ ing sticker by fall 1997. muters and therefore an "aggres­ duced rates. "I think students who Of course, any increase is sive fee structure" is needed to en­ do not mind the walk (or a bus ride) contingent on the parking garage sure adequate campus parking. to the campus area could pay less plan UCF's Parking and Traffic When translated, this means that for parking," he said. Advisory Committee chooses to next year's students must begin to Other alternatives include endorse. The committee is working pay for the parking garages of the a separate garage sticker or fee, to develop a long-range parking distant future. limitedparkingforon-campusresi­ plan to accommodate UCF' s in­ A parking decal price in­ dents, car pooling and more meters creasing student population. crease seems appealing because for short term parking without a At the last committee meet­ previous increases have generated sticker. Many of these options, ing, three parking garage plans were enough revenue to begin construc­ such as Arena parking and limited presented. The three plans each tion on one parking garage right access parking, are already offered called for either one, two, or four now. at other state universities. parking garages, and each would This "One Garage" plan is Richard Turkiewicz, com­ be funded by a corresponding in­ what Student Government Presi­ mittee member from the UCF Po­ crease in parking decal prices. dent Darin Patton and Vice Presi­ lice Department, said that these al­ Each option - and almost dent Kevin Gutch recommended to ternatives are "no comparison as an each committee member - made the Advisory Committee. offset to an increase in the price of one thing quite clear: students are "Most options include a parking decals." Earlier this spring, the largest source of revenue avail­ prettydrasticpriceincrease,''Gutch Turkiewicz presented this commit­ able. said. "Tuer are other options to tee with his view of the school's As committee member look at. We've got to take the time parking situation. At the time, the Louise Friderici of Handicapped to research them." committee voted against a decal SWANCEY /Future Student Services said, ''The truth Under the One Garage plan price increase. is, if you want to increase revenue there will be a decal price increase This summer, Dr. John then charge the students, there are of 13 percent to serve as a trust fund Bolte, Director of Finance at UCF, Hulk Hogan was named the new World Championship more of them." for the next garage. This plan does presented a "Four Garage" plan Wrestling heavyweight champion after he beat Rick Flair at Parking at UCF is clearly a not allow for the next garage to be Orlando Arena Sunday night during "Back at the Beach." problem. At any time between the built until 2002; however, accord- See PARKING, page 2 UCF engineers UCF graduate makes it to the movies plan to visit Jordan D UCF graduate Bob by OMAR DAJANI Zlatkiss is the founder Staff writer and head of American Seven UCF engineering professors have Video Network: ''Your been invited to participate in an international science and technology conference to be held 16,000 Movies in Amman, Jordan, from July 28 through Superstore." Aug. 6. The annual conference of the Net­ work of Arab Scientists and Teclinologists by OMAR DAJANI Abroad will feature technical workshops, Staff writer panel discussions and field trips. "The College of Engineering, in sup­ If inventing the Chip-clip solved the port of Dr. [John] Hitt's goals for the year problem of stale potato chips, then Bob 2000, has been working diligently on many Zlatkiss thought he -could solve the prob­ international programs," said Dr. Martin lem of bad service at video rental stores. Wanielista, dean of College of Engineering. Now with 12 stores and a customer ser­ "This conference provides us with an­ ROSE/Future vice-oriented policy, he thinks he is well on Bob Zlatkiss sits among the top renters in his American Video Network other vehicle in which we can share much of the way of achieving his dream. store at University Boulevard, a store which employs 12 UCF students. the research activities and teaching that we do "In 1985 I was shopping at this video throughout the college of engineering." store, and this guy was acting like he was gives good service do?" ''The first six months we were doing The conference, scheduled during doing everyone a favor. He wasn't caring Zlatkiss had an idea. The UCF political $15 or $20 a day in business, we really had Jordan's Science Week, will bring together about the customer," said Zlatkiss, 36, science graduate used $20,000 he had saved no customers." hundreds of engineers and scientists from president and founder of American Video selling dust-mops and opened his first store at Then Zlatkiss mixed the skills he Network. "If this guy could do it, and he's the comer of Curry Ford Road and Semoran See ENGINEERS, page 2 giving bad service, what could a guy who Boulevard. See VIDEO, page 2 News 1-3 Opinion 4-5 Classified 6 Up close with WUCF' s Scary Mary - p. A3 Axis 7-10 Sports 11-12 2 •July 20, 1994 • • Fonner UCF student now Engineers take science overseas ENGINEER, from • heads up 16.000 Videos page1 VIDEO, from page 1 lars in annual sales with a single digit turnover rate. over20 countries. • learned at UCF with h.ts experience According to Steve Zlatkiss, Areas of focus selling dust-mops and began liter­ his brother's years at UCF were fun­ will include com­ ally knocking on people's doors, filled and exciting. "I once ran away putation applica­ • offering free memberships when from home when I was 15. So I went tions, earthquake others were charging for them and to the UCF campus looking for my engineering, agri­ throwing in two free movie rentals. brother and walked up to a girl and culture sciences • "Once you get customers to asked her 'Do you know Bob and pharmacol­ come into the store and give them Zlatkiss?' and she said 'Oh, Disco ogy. what they want, it's like a snowball Bob - his phone number is in the Among effect; people like to shop where bathroom.'" the sponsors of • their friends and families shop." Zlatkiss prides himself on the the conference Zlatkiss subscribes to a two­ commitment to satisfy the needs of are the National tier approach to service; service to all customers. Science Founda­ • customers and to employees. "There's nothing we won't tion, University oflllinois and the ROSE/Future "Wedon'thaveemployeesat buy," he said. That includes epi­ Engineering professors Dr. Essan Radwan, Dr. Majid Belkerdid and Dr. United Nations our stores," said Richard Karn ow, a sodes of The Honeymooners, Dark Harley Myler will be attending the AST A conference in Jordan. • partner of Zlatkiss and manager of Shadows and I Love Lucy. Each Educational, four of the 12 stores. "We have American Video Network is about Scientific and Cultural Organiza­ Headquartered at the Univer­ dation, based i~ Washington, D.C., associates and co-workers." 10,000 square feet large and carries tion. Other sponsors include Middle sity of Illinois in Urbana­ and the World Bank are sponsoring • The trio partnership, which atleast 16,000movies.Zlatkisssays Eastern and European universities Champaign, its main goals include the research and development of also includes Bob Zlatkiss' younger currently each store has about30,000 and technical institutes. promoting research and develop­ such matters.
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