PACIFIC L1NGUISTICS Se�ie� V - No. 17 HOLLE LISTS: VOCABULARIES IN LANGUAGES OF INDONESIA VOL. 1: INTRODUCTORY VOLUME (MATERIALS IN LANGUAGES OF INDONESIAJ No.1) W.A.L. Stokhof, ed., in cooperation with Lia Saleh-Bronkhorst Department of Linguistics Research School of Pacific Studies THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Stokhof, W.A.L. editor. Holle lists: Vocabularies in languages of Indonesia, Vol. I: Introductory volume. D-17, vi + 154 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1980. DOI:10.15144/PL-D17.cover ©1980 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. PACIFIC LINGUISTICS is issued through the Ling ui�tic Ci�cle 06 Canbe��a and consists of four series: SERIES A - OCCASIONA L PAPERS SERIES B - MONOGRAPHS SERIES C - BOOKS SERIES V - SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS EDITOR: S.A. Wurm. ASSOCIATE EDITORS: D.C. Laycock, C.L. Voorhoeve, D.T. Tryon, T.E. Dutton. EDITORIAL ADVISERS: B. Bender, University of Hawaii J. Lynch, University of Papua New D. Bradley, University of Melbourne Guinea A. Capell, University of Sydney K.A. McElhanon, University of Texas S. Elbert, University of Hawaii H. McKaughan, University of Hawaii K. Franklin, Summer Institute of P. MUhlh�usler, Linacre College, Oxford Linguistics G.N. O'Grady, University of Victoria, W.W. Glover, Summer Institute of B.C. Linguistics A.K. Pawley, University of Hawaii G. Grace, University of Hawaii K. Pike, University of Michigan; Summer M.A.K. Halliday, University of Institute of Linguistics Sydney E.C. Polome, University of Texas A. Healey, Summer Institute of G. Sankoff, Universite de Montreal Linguistics W.A.L. Stokhof, Jakarta L. Hercus, Australian National E. Uhlenbeck, University of Leiden University J.W.M. Verhaar, University of N.D. Liem, University of Hawaii Indonesia, Jakarta ALL CORRESPONDENCE concerning PACIFIC LINGUISTICS, including orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to: The Secretary, PACIFIC LINGUISTICS, Department of Linguistics, School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, A.C.T. 2600. Australia. Copyright (S) The Authors. First published 1980. Reprinted 1981. The editors are indebted to the Australian National University for help in the production of this series. This publication was made possible by an initial grant from the Hunter Douglas Fund. National Library of Australia Card Number and ISBN for complete set of volumes: 0 85883 213 5 National Library of Australia Card Number and ISBN for this volume: o 85883 214 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN NBL 1v l. THE HOLLE LISTS: INTRODUCTION AND INVENTORY 1 2. JUSTIFICATION 15 3. OBJECTIVES 17 4. THE NEW BASIC LIST: COMMENTARY 17 5. THE NEW BASIC LIST (NBL) 22 6. TRANSCRIPTION OF THE DATA 75 7. INDONESIAN INDEX 78 8. DUTCH INDEX 99 9. ENGLISH INDEX 120 10. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SWADESH ITEMS 141 NOTES 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY 146 MAPS SHOWING APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS OF THE LANGUAGES AND DIALECTS RECORDED IN THE LISTS A. EASTERN INDONESIA 148 B. WESTERN INDONESIA 149 111 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN NBL adj . Du . adj ectief adj ec tive alg. Du . algemeen general B brother bijvnw. Du . bij voegelijk naamwoord adjective D daughter derg . Du . dergelijke such(-like) , similar dgn . In . dengan with, by means of dll . In. dan lain-lain and others dst . In . dan seterusnya etc . e DU .een a, an , one e.derg . Du .en dergelij ke and the like enz . Du . enzovoorts etc . F father h. Du . het the H husband intr. intransitive iemd . Du . iemand somebody, someone jam In .jamak plural k.b. In . kata benda noun k.k. In . kata kerj a verb k.o. kind of M mother meerv . Du . meervoud plural o. older onoverg . Du . onovergankelij k intransit ive overg . Du . overgankelijk transitive S son subst . substantive trans. transitive tungg. In . tunggal singular iv v v. Du . van of, from, concerning , about , etc . versch. Du . verschillend different , separate vs . versus w wife y younger yg . In . yang who , which, that Z sister zelfstnw . Du .zelfstandig naamwoord noun Stokhof, W.A.L. editor. Holle lists: Vocabularies in languages of Indonesia, Vol. I: Introductory volume. D-17, vi + 154 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1980. DOI:10.15144/PL-D17.cover ©1980 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. 1. THE HOLLE LISTS: INTRODUCTION AND INVENTORY Box 109 in the Manuscript room of the Mu seum Nasional , Jalan Merdeka Barat 12, Jakarta, contains a set of papers known as the Holle lists. Partly eaten by bookworms , partly fallen apart because of old age , it seemed time to do something about it . As early as 1880 the eminent authority and lover of the Netherlands 1 Indies and their peoples, K.F. Holle (1829-1896) inspired by Max Mu ller's The Outline Victiona�y 60� the u� e 06 Mi��iona�ie�, Explo�e�� and Student� 06 Language, proposed to prepare a short list of approxi­ mately 1000 lexical items for dispersion throughout the archipelago in order to obtain a more detailed knowledge of the linguistic situation of the Dutch colony . As a product of his time he aptly combined scien­ tific interests with utilitarian argument s: insight into language and dialect distribution obtained by means of interviews and wordlists would also fac ilitate the contact between the government and inhabitant s of areas hardly ever visited and "waar toch onze bemoeienis, willens of onwillens , zal doordringen" (Introduction to the first edition) . Sup­ ported by Het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen this plan was approved after some palaver by the colonial authorities in 1882, but it took twelve years to get a first booklet ready for distri­ but ion : Blanco woo�denlij�t uitgegeven op la�t de� �egee�ing van Ned. -Indie ten behoeve van taalvo��che�� in den Ned.- Indi� chen a�chipel, Batavia , Landsdrukkerij , 1894 . In 1904 the first edition was slightly mod ified (based on suggestions of N. Adriani and others), expanded with a few short sentences and reprinted . A third impression appeared in 1911 which did not differ from the second printing . Finally , in 1931 the list was published again , but now significant ly altered , expanded and provided with a different and better formulated introduction and a short questionnaire by S.J. Esser. It could be inferred from the repeated print ings that Holle 's idea has been quite successful . Indeed , from 1895 until 1939 we find short acknowledgements of receipt of completed or partly completed lists 1 Stokhof, W.A.L. editor. Holle lists: Vocabularies in languages of Indonesia, Vol. I: Introductory volume. D-17, vi + 154 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 1980. DOI:10.15144/PL-D17.1 ©1980 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A sealang.net/CRCL initiative. 2 scattered all over the Notulen (NBG ) and the Jaa�boek (JB) of the 2 Bataviaasch Genootschap . However, on pages 189-192 of Indone���che Hand� ch�� 6ten3 only 194 lists are registered, numbered from 4 up to and including 244 (which leaves us with the problem of what has become of the mi ssing 50 numbers ). Since then not much seems to have happened : a few lists reappeared , some others disappeared, some were borrowed and never returned and some just disintegrated and were eventually dusted away . Now, Anno Vom�n� 1979, an inventory of the contents of the box yields the following picture : NuIltler of the Name of the Ianguage/Dialect List accx:>rding aIXi/or the area �e it is Edition r-tmtioned in to the Museum's spoken Register Batak , Sipirok, Mandailing and Angkola area (N. Sumatra ) 1894 NBG .1895 , p.3 2 + 3 Batak. Sibolga (N. Sumatra) 1894 NBG.1895 , p.15 + 4* Batang Toru (W. Sumatra) 1894 NBG . 1895 , p.15 + 5 Batak, Mandailing and Batang Natal (N. Sumatra) 1894 + 6 Nasal , Kauer and Semendo (S. Sumatra) 1894 NBG . 1895 , p.35 + 7 CantJa (S. Celebes) 1894 NGB.1895. p.44 8* + 9* Taruna, (the island of) Sangir Besar (Sangir Talaud Islands) 1894 NBG.1895. p.45 + 10* Kei Islands (Moluccas ) 1894 NBG.1895. p.45 + 11 Malay , Mudih, Sibolga area (N. Sumatra) 1894 + 12 Lir TAlo. the island of Wetar, Hinakki , Mabasak, Haru. sa, Huhan. Derikun and HrrEdu (Moluccas , South Western Islands) 1894 NBG .1895 , p.55 + 13 Leti (Moluccas , South Western Islands) NBG .1895, p.55 3 + 14* Bonfia, E. Seram (Moluccas) lB94 NBG.1B94, p.55 + 15 Mantang, L:inggp., Riau (Sumatra) lB94 NBG.1B95, p.61 + 16* Masarete , (the island of) Buru Moluccas) lB94 NBG .1B95, p.69 + 17* Tontoli (N. Celebes) lB94 NBG.1B95, p.70 + lB Roti, Tennanu and BaI a dialect (Lesser Sunda Islands) lB94 NBG .1B95, p.70 + 19 Serawei dialect , Manna and Pasemah Ulu Manna, Bengkulu (S. Sumatra) lB94 NBG .1B95, p.B7 + 20* Serawei dialect , Seluma area, Bengkulu (S. Sumatra) lB94 NBG.1B95, p.B7 a. Limboto (N. CelebeS) - 21* } b. Umboto (N. Celebes) lB94 NBG . 1B95, p.B7 + 22 Elpaputih, Seram (Moluccas) lB94 NBG . 1B95 , p.B7 + 23 (The island of) Haruku (Moluccas ) lB94 NBG . 1B95, p.B7 + 24 (The island of) Enggano (S. Sumatra ) lB94 NBG .1B95 , p.100 + 25 Sarnasuru Paulohi , Elpaputih, Seram (Moluccas ) lB94 NBG .1B95, p.10l + 26 Amahei, Soahuku and Makar1k1, Seram (Moluccas ) lB94 NBG.1B95, p.10l + 27 Rurrakai , (Kairatu) Seram (Moluccas ) lB94 NBG.1B95, p.102 + 2B* Mafoor , Mansinam (Manukwari , New Guinea) lB94 NBG .1B95, p.l06 + 29* Galela, Halmahera (Moluccas ) lB94 NBG .1B95, p.106 + 30* Windesi (New Guinea) lB94 NBG .1B95, p.106 + 31 TontentJuan or Tonpakewa (N.
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