Form 1- Allahabad State university at Saraswati High-Tech City, Naini, District- Allahabad Uttar Pradesh APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6) FORM 1 (I) Basic Information Serial Item Details Number 1. Name of the project/s Allahabad State University 2. S. No. in the schedule Schedule8 (a) 3. Proposed capacity/ area/length/ Total Plot Area : 485623.0 m2 tonnage to be handled/ command area/ Built Up Area:137629.12 m2 lease area/ number of wells to be drilled 4. New/ Expansion/ Modernization New 5. Existing Capacity/ Area etc. Not Applicable 6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category B2 7. Does it attract the general condition? Not Applicable If yes, please specify. 8. Does it attract the specific condition? Not Applicable If yes, please specify. 9. Location Saraswati High-Tech city, Naini District Allahabad State Uttar Pradesh 10. Nearest railway station/ airport along The nearest Railway Station is with distance in kms -Cheonki Railway station -3.63 Km, NW -Naini Railway Station,- 5.26 Km, NW -Karchana railway station -5.43 Km, S 11. Nearest Town, city, District Nearby places is Headquarters along with distance in -Sadwakalan– 0.84 Km, N kms -ChakDurgadatt– 2.27 Km, NW -Bharauha– 1.68 Km, N 12. Village Panchayats, ZillaParishad, Nagar Nigam Municipal Corporation, Local body (complete postal addresses with telephone nos. to be given) 13. Name of the applicant Vice chancellor, Allahabad university 14. Registered Address CPI Hostel complex, Mahatama Gandhi road, civil line, Allahabad (UP),India 15. Address for correspondence: CPI Hostel complex, Mahatama Gandhi road, civil line, Allahabad (UP),India Name Dr. Rajendra Prasad Designation (Owner/Partner/ CEO) Vice Chancellor Environmental Consultant- M/s Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow 1 Form 1- Allahabad State university at Saraswati High-Tech City, Naini, District- Allahabad Uttar Pradesh Address CPI Hostel complex, Mahatama Gandhi road, civil line, Allahabad (UP),India Pin Code 211001 E-mail [email protected] Telephone No. - Fax No. - 16. Details of Alternative Sites examined, Not Applicable if any. Location of these sites should be shown on a topo sheet. 17. Interlinked Projects None 18. Whether separate application of No interlinked project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission Not applicable 20. If no, reason Not applicable 21. Whether the proposal involves Not Applicable approval/clearance under: if yes, details of the same and their status to be given. (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980? (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? (c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991? 22. Whether there is any Government Not Applicable Order/ Policy relevant/ relating to the site? 23. Forest land involved (hectares) No. 24. Whether there is any litigation No. pending against the project and/ or land in which the project is propose to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders/ directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation, or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) Environmental Consultant- M/s Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow 2 Form 1- Allahabad State university at Saraswati High-Tech City, Naini, District- Allahabad Uttar Pradesh Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation No with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in No The total plot area of 485623.0 m2has land use, land cover or topography been proposed, under institutional land including increase in intensity of &the land has been made available at land use (with respect to local Saraswati high-tech city, Naini, District- land use plan) Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. as per G.O. No. 51/sattar-4-2017-B-5/2016 Dt. 03 january 2017 1.2 Clearance of existing land, No There is existing greenery at the vegetation and buildings? proposed project site, which will be retained along with proposed green area development. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes The total plot area of 485623.0 m2has been proposed, under institutional land &the land has been made available at Saraswati high-tech city, Naini, District- Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. as per G.O. No. 51/sattar-4-2017-B-5/2016 Dt. 03 january 2017 1.4 Pre-construction investigations Yes Pre- Construction Investigation regarding e.g. bore houses, soil testing? sub soil exploration and testing has been carried out at the proposed project site to study the pertinent physical and mechanical properties of soil underlying the site. 1.5 Construction works? Yes As per Building Plan 1.6 Demolition works? No The project site is a vacant land in terms of cement infrastructure; hence no demolition of building or any other concrete structure will take place at the project site. 1.7 Temporary sites used for No 300 nos. labours from different areas construction works or housing of will be engaged. During construction construction workers? period Labours will be allowed for staying in encampment. 1.8 Above ground buildings, Yes As per building plan structures or earthworks including (During the project construction phase, linear structures, cut and fill or excavation will be required only during excavations construction of foundations. However, the soil excavated will be reused for Environmental Consultant- M/s Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow 3 Form 1- Allahabad State university at Saraswati High-Tech City, Naini, District- Allahabad Uttar Pradesh Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation No with source of information data backfilling, landscaping and the fertile top soil will be reused for horticulture purpose) 1.9 Underground works including No Not applicable mining or tunneling? 1.10 Reclamation works? No Not applicable 1.11 Dredging? No Not applicable 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not applicable 1.13 Production and manufacturing No It is a construction of Allahabad State processes? University; hence no production and manufacturing processes shall be carried out. 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or Yes Separate raw material yard will be materials? made. Cement will be separately stored under cover in bales. Sand will be stacked nearby under tarpaulin cover. Bricks and steel will be laid in open. The raw material yard will be located within the project site. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal Yes A210 KLD STP has been proposed for of solid waste or liquid effluents? the treatment of waste water generated from the domestic requirement &30 KLD ETP for the treatment of laboratory& canteen within the proposed project It is depicted in water balancing chart of conceptual plan in chapter no. 6 (Environment Management Plan) Solid Waste Management Plan is also enclosed in Conceptual Plan. 1.16 Facilities for long term housing of No Labors from different areas will be operational workers? hired. During construction period Labours will be allowed for staying in encampment. Proper Sanitary Facilities like Temporary Toilets etc. will be provided & treatment will be done using septic/soak pits. 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during No No, New roads, rail or sea traffic will construction or operation? be hired. 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or No No alteration in existing transport other transport infrastructure infrastructure is anticipated. Environmental Consultant- M/s Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow 4 Form 1- Allahabad State university at Saraswati High-Tech City, Naini, District- Allahabad Uttar Pradesh Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation No with source of information data including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing No The project site has good road transport routes or infrastructure connectivity leading to changes in traffic NH76 (Mirjapur road)-0.03 Km, W movements? (approach road) NH 27- 5.17 km, W Karma road-2.07 Km, W Kohadarghat road-5.28 Km, S Forming nexus around the site. No such closure or diversion of existing transport will be done. 1.20 New or diverted transmission No No new or diverted transmission lines lines or pipelines? or pipelines will be done. 1.21 Impoundment, damming, No No impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other culverting, realignment, or other changes to the hydrology of change to the hydrology of surface watercourses or aquifers? water courses or aquifers is proposed. 1.22 Stream crossings? No No Stream is crossing at project site. Ganga River at 3.16 Km in E direction is the nearest surface water source available at the present project location. 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water Yes Ground Water: It is estimated that from ground or surface waters? approx. 346.59 KLD of water will be required in proposed project. Water requirement shall be met through tube well. 1.24 Changes in water bodies or the No Surface drainage will not be affected land surface affecting drainage or with the proposed project. run-off? 1.25 Transport of personnel or Yes Transport of personnel or materials for materials for construction, construction, operation, or operation or decommissioning? decommissioning shall be done by road transport. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or No Not Applicable decommissioning or restoration works? 1.27 Ongoing activity during No Not Applicable decommissioning which could have an impact on the Environmental Consultant- M/s Sawen Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow 5 Form 1- Allahabad State university at Saraswati High-Tech City, Naini, District- Allahabad Uttar Pradesh Details thereof (with approximate S. Information/Checklist Yes/ quantities /rates, wherever possible) No. confirmation No with source of information data environment? 1.28 Influx of people to an area in No 300 nos. labours from different areas either temporarily or will be engaged.
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