The Island Vegetarian Quarterly Newsletter of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii SUPPORTING HEALTH, ANIMAL RIGHTS, AND ECOLOGY Volume 21, Issue 2, April-June 2010 Inside this Issue Healthy School Meals Act to reward schools for Lunchroom Bulletin 3 Health Update 4 offering low-fat options In the News 6 Animal Rights Arena 8 School cafeterias across the country may soon serve more fruits, vegeta- bles, and healthy plant-based meals. A new bill in Congress would reward 20 Years of Veganism 10 school districts for offering plant-based vegetarian options and healthful Local Happenings 11 nondairy beverages. Making healthier options available would help schools TV & Radio Listings 11 fight obesity, comply with federal nutrition standards, and meet all chil- Kauai Events 12 dren’s dietary needs. Oahu & Maui Events 13 The Healthy School Meals Act of 2010, H.R. 4870, introduced in Calendar of Events 14 March by Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado, would reward school districts with Ask Dr. Bill 15 additional food aid if they offer most students plant-based vegetarian food choices every day. The bill, which has already drawn support from Rep. Book Reviews 16 John Conyers and thirty other cosponsors, would create a pilot program to Restaurant Review 18 provide select schools with high-fiber, low-fat vegetarian protein products Recipes 19 and nondairy milk options. Vegan Tidbits 19 “Schools want to serve healthy meals, but they need help from Con- gress,” says PCRM nutritionist Kathryn Strong, R.D. “The Healthy School Meals Act would give school cafeterias the power to offer more fruits, Public Lectures vegetables, and low-fat plant-based options. All students, including those who are vegetarian or lactose-intolerant, deserve healthful options in the DAN PIRARO lunch line.” “COMEDY, KARMA, AND KALE” Even students who choose a Tuesday, April 20th, 7 p.m. plant-based vegetarian meal option Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse once a week could reap important benefits: A typical veggie burger, ANN TANAKA for example, has the same amount “URBAN GARDENING” of protein as a hamburger, but only Tuesday, May 18th, 7 p.m. one-third the fat, no saturated fat, Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse no cholesterol, fewer calories, and more fiber. RORY FREEDMAN Congress will soon take up “GET REAL WITH SKINNY BITCH” reauthorization of the federal Tuesday, June 15th, 7 p.m. Child Nutrition Act, which helps Ala Wai Golf Course Clubhouse shape the school breakfasts and lunches served to 30 million chil- dren. More than 70% of schools See page 14 for more details, This vegan school lunch features a including Maui meeting times. See School meals, page 3 veggie burger and carrot sticks. the Island Vegetarian ◆April-June 2010 Page 1 I have found that vegan dishes Vegan unlimited are equal or superior in taste and by Scott Owen Snarr quality to their traditional counter- The Island parts, whether pizza, pasta, salads, ice cream, burgers, beverages, or “Does it feel limiting to be a vegan?” desserts. There are no limits to the Ve ge t ar ian asked a friend of mine. A fair ques- variety of delicious, satisfying dishes tion deserves a fair answer: Yes and that a vegan can have. But it often no, and it depends on how you look takes more time or determination to at it. The Island Vegetarian is published find or create them. quarterly by and for the members of the Eschewing any category of food In the long run, a balanced vegan Vegetarian Society of Hawaii. is by definition a restriction, but that diet can be even more satisfying than doesn’t necessarily translate to prac- a non-vegetarian one. And as more P.O. Box 23208 tical limitations. For example, the restaurants, chefs, caterers, hosts, Honolulu, HI 96823-3208 same friend who posed this question 808-944-VEGI (8344) airlines, food manufacturers, retail- won’t eat dog or dolphin (or a whole ers, neighbors, and event organizers range of other “meats”) but never Visit our website for a restaurant guide, become more vegan friendly, it will feels inconvenienced by that. TV and meeting schedules, demand less sacrifice. So why should I feel restricted newsletter archives, and more. But whether being vegan feels by swearing off cows, chickens, pigs, limiting is not the right question, be- [email protected] turkeys, fish, shellfish, dairy, and cause it has always been about some- VSH.org eggs? Because unlike dog and dol- thing more than “what’s in it for VegHawaii.org phin meat, these foods are found in me?” A better question is whether or most restaurant dishes and super- not it is worth it — not just for our market products. They are served at Board of Directors own health and pleasure, but also for nearly every banquet, barbecue, Interim President: Lorraine Sakaguchi the animals, the world, and future party, wedding, sports arena, and Vice President: Jim Brown generations. The answer is on all gathering of people. When dining Secretary: William Harris, M.D. counts an absolute yes! Treasurer: Mel Hertz, MBA, CFP out, I’m limited to certain menu Webmaster: James H. Thompson items from certain restaurants. At Newsletter Editor: Scott Owen Snarr special events either the host makes Directors: Karl Seff, Ph.D. special accommodations for me, or I SUBMISSIONS Laurelee Blanchard make special accommodations for Patrick Moore myself. And in many situations no The Island Vegetarian wel- alternatives are offered. So it’s not comes letters to the editor. We Newsletter Committee only limiting — at times it’s down- also welcome book, movie, and restaurant reviews and articles Scott Owen Snarr right frustrating. But that doesn’t tell the whole about various aspects of vege- Alida Rutchick, M.Ed. tarianism of up to 500 words. William Harris, M.D. story. Although being vegan can be All submissions must be ac- Mahalo limiting in the context of culture, it companied by a full name and to all our volunteers! need not be limiting in an absolute phone number. We reserve the sense. It does not mean settling for right to edit for accuracy, clarity, monotonous meals or deriving less length, and relevance to the mis- The opinions expressed in this newsletter enjoyment from eating. On the con- sion of our organization. are those of the writers and not necessarily trary. My self-imposed restrictions The submission deadline for those of the Vegetarian Society of Hawaii. have forced me to think outside the the next newsletter is June 1, box, exposing me to a much greater 2010. Please send submissions The information contained in this newslet- (electronically only) to: ter is for educational purposes. It is not variety of flavors, textures, and dishes than I ever experienced as a intended as medical advice, and it is not [email protected] intended to replace the advice of a quali- meat eater. I believe that most vet- fied, licensed medical practitioner. eran vegans could say the same thing. Page 2 the Island Vegetarian ◆ April-June 2010 “This study confirms the current and escalating national concern with Lunchroom Bulletin children’s health and underscores the need to educate children about how to make healthy eating and lifestyle Children who eat choices early on,” says Elizabeth School meals, continued from page 1 Jackson, M.D., MPH, assistant pro- school lunch more fessor of internal medicine at the U-M serve meals too high in saturated fat Health System. “Although this study to comply with federal dietary guide- likely to be overweight doesn’t provide specific information lines, according to the government’s on nutrient content of school lunches, own School Nutrition Dietary As- Middle school children who regularly it suggests there is a real opportunity sessment Study. About 86% of school eat school lunches are more likely to to promote healthy behaviors and eat- districts do not offer alternatives to be overweight or obese and develop ing habits within the school environ- dairy milk. poorer eating habits compared to ment. This is where kids spend a ma- The proposals in the Healthy those who bring lunches from home, jority of their time.” School Meals Act have drawn support according to a new study by the Uni- Researchers looked at sixth grad- from school food service directors. versity of Michigan (U-M) Health ers’ self reports of physical activity Gary Petill, director of food services System. Although previous studies and sedentary behaviors in addition to for San Diego Unified in California, have looked at the nutritional content dietary habits. They also collected says his district struggles to afford of school information on students’ fresh fruits and vegetables. “We need lunches, this height, weight, blood strong federal programs that make it study assesses “[T]here is a real op- glucose, and cholesterol easier for schools to provide options the impact of portunity to promote levels. for plant-based meals,” Petill wrote in school lunches There are other poten- a letter to Congress. “This would en- healthy behaviors and on children’s tially confounding issues courage healthful eating patterns that eating behav- eating habits within the that Jackson and her are high in fiber, low in fat, and virtu- iors and overall team are teasing out. ally cholesterol free.” school environment.” health — a More research is needed Vegetarian school lunch options critical issue amid skyrocketing rates to better understand whether healthier are also supported by the American of childhood obesity, which can set school lunches will lead to healthier Medical Association, the American the stage for future heart disease and behaviors among school-aged chil- Public Health Association, and celeb- premature death. dren. rity parents such as Tobey Maguire A team of U-M Cardiovascular Additionally, children who bring and basketball star John Salley.
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