CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-7 HIMACHAL PRADESH PART VII TABLES ON HOUSES AND DISABLED POPULATION K. L. NEGI of the Indian AdmInistrative Service, Director of Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS-CENSUS OF INDIA 1981-SERIES 7- HIMACHAL PRADESH IS BEING PUBLISHED IN THE FOLLOWING PARTS Part Number Subject covered JA AdmlUlstratIve Report-Enumer?tlOn 1 For offlClld use only IB AdmlUlstratIve Report-TC' bulatlOn J IIA Generp I Popula tlOn Ta bles lIB PrImp ry Census AbstrC' ct III A General Economic T? bles (B-Sertes T? bles of fIrst prIonty) IIIB Generill Economic T,' bles CB-Senes Tables of second pnonty) IV A Socw.! and Culturill T? bles (C-Senes Tables of fust pnonty) IV B Socwl ?,nd Cultural Tilbles (C-Series Tables of second prtonty) VA MIgratIOn Tables (D-Senes Tables offm.t prlOnty) VB MIgratIon T(I bles (D-Senes Ta bles of second PrIOrIty) VIA FertIlIty Ta bles (F-Senes Ta bles of fIrst PrIOrIty) VIB FertIlIty Ta bles (F-Scnes Ta bles of second priOrIty) VII Tables on Houses and DISC! bled PopulatIOn (H-Senes Tables) 'Present volume' VIII A Household Tables (HH-Senes Tables except Tables HH-17, HH-17 SC and HH-17 ST) VIIIB Household Tables (T(lbles HH-17, HH-17 SCand HH-17 ST) VIIIC Household Tables (Report on Households) IX SpecIal Tablec; on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled TrIbes XA Town DIrectory XB Survey Reports on Selected Towns XC Survey Reports on Selected VIllages XI Ethnographic Notes and SpecIal Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled TrIbes XII Census Atlas GOVERNMENT OF HIMACHAL PRADESH PUBLICATIONS-DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOKS XIII A DIstrIct Census Handbook-VIllage and Town DIrectory XIII B DIstrIct Census Handbook-General PopulatIon Tables (Tahsll(lnd Town levels) and VIllage and Townwlse PrImary Census AbstrC!ct& (Parts XIII A (lnd XIII B of DIstrIct Census Handbooks are being combllltd In one volume for each. dIstrIct). CONTENTS Pages ADMINISTRATIVE MAP PREFACE v IMPORTANT STATISTICS INTRODUCTION 1-9 Census Houses: Analysis of Data 11-2.t Disabled Persons Analysis of Data 25-2'9 Table H-l Census Houses and the uses to which they are put 32-33 Table H-2 Disabled popul~tIon by type of disabilIty 34-41 Appendlx-! Houseltst-Census of Indw, 1981 42 Appendix-II EnterprIse lIst-Census of India, 1981 43 App::ndlx-III Instructions to enumerators for fillIng up 44-69 the househst ~.nd enterpnse Itst Appendix-IV NotIOnal Map ofa VIllage 71 Appendlx-V Layout sketch of a Village 73 Appendix-VI List of Agents 75-86 iii I I I I HIMACHAL PRADESH ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS ~ 0 1981 ~ .r-' ..,.,,'\_ .•./7. Ir / .,"\.. Boundaries ~ )'.KllAR ,." \ International o M State 33 'r- ... r'~' (PANGll • • S LI n .. /'\ I District -;:'../ '.. '. ) >--', Tahsil/Sub-Tahsil \ v '.:: ( ,) '-. .,/./.. \ Km 20 10 0 20 40Km ~ ... T~A '(-'V ........ ../ i .......... ·r '\ \ \· .. ·.~.~.AURAHl \ UDAIPUR )-9 .A I' SAl-~N~'" . 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UR .- i... • .tNI ... / ........... '1SANGLA ""'" '\ ( c'} \ .... "Ii"', ". KARSOG r-'''''''' ,.,...... .... .... \,..... ,.,.. i/I. "jlA'SP U ~ . \ ., /N:~~RJi ...... ·1. ......................... \1 . •J\4~SwAR~AT ( \'-•.;_ ._...j~~MHARs.A.!~.,.,,· .• r- '\... JI (NAINA OEVIlV.).'" _",..' \....... -..sEONI./ '._.;.....' RO,HRU _/."" '\. _.......... \ _y (/ . '''; .", '5 ff 1\ M L A r ..__... <:,.:. \ AR:l ......... -..... ..i. THEOG ... .i"·"/·""""'/'"·-· i i ·;KOTK~~I R A \. ~ '7 ,... -.'RAM~,HAHR!\ .. {. , \... : OEORHA j' n D ._. .) ¥" ,.' 'I'" G.. .,..... ',.A SHIMLA ··:.. • -J S . • ....... ) ... .,. \. \ I .... ·.. ;u.~eBAll E _ 310 ~ALAGARH} K~·iioi.;H~"r. '. ''''. .. t·.... .} '''\ < ',,5 OJ L \A ·'·· .. 'N"\. .r i CHAU:.~l .~ '''''\'''KASAULI '. Ii'" r i. \ NERUA l: n. -, .-".' S6C\N'lRAJGARH\"1 C • l,s' "(, \...y \.. ':' _,..' ...' .... /..J' ) '~J SARAH~~\.r 'yi ..,...",.(· "1 .~AC~HADJ\; " • • ....;.... \ SHALAI\ ..... '\ ...... ::' DAOAHU, ,\ -,. ! ·.. ·... '(IlENUKA) .. ::...................... ,... )NAHAN ... ': ..... / . @ .... ?. Headquarters .L'-...s 1 ':R M A U R': J;.. :' PAONTA,SAHIB ./"-<., State ...................... ~ '<I --~.e,.\ ("' .../ District ..................... ® J\I . \) 4 7 Tahsil/ Sub-TahSil· ......... , WHERE THE NAME OF TAHSIl/SUB·TAHSll DIFFERS FROM ITS HEADOUARTER'S ~AME THE FORMER HAS BEEN WRITTEN WITHIN BRACKET I I 1 I o 76 East of Grnnwlch Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the surveyor General of Indio· PREFACE Next to food and clothing the basIc needs of human bemgs are good health and a comfortable shelter to live m A house not only caters to the residentIal requirement but It IS also pressed mto multifarious uses. Conttnuous growth of populatIOn raIses a demand for more houses. Housenumbenng and housellstmg serve the frame for conductmg populatIOn count and this tradi­ tion has been retamed tn the current census as well Smce 1961 Census a ulllform houseltst IS bemg canvassed to collect certam basic data on housmg and an analytIcal report on housmg and establtsh­ ments was brought out as one of the publtcatlons of 1961 Census The pattern of the 1961 Census househstmg operatIOn was followed III the 1971 Census as well With certa1ll1mprOvements tn the case of houses used as establtshments which were covered by a separate schedule called the estahshment schedule III which useful particulars on all establtshments·mdustnal, trade and other establishments were collected DUrIng the 1981 Census, houseltst was made more SImpler as some of the data relatmg to houses Vis-a-VIS to households was collected m the household schedule The data relating to enterpflses was collected tn the Enterpnse LIst Apart from thIS, househst also contamed mformatJon on disabled and handicapped persons ThIS InformatIOn has been collected for the first time after Independence and It WIll help the Government as well as the planners III formulatmg welfare schemes for the betterment of such unfortunate persons of the SOCIety. The mformatlOn contamed m this volume WIll be of Immense help for the Government, planners and Research Scholars and we shall feel amply rewarded if It comes upto their expectatIOns Shft K L Negl, I It S, the DIrector of Census OperatIOns deserves all credit for the success of the 1981 Census OperatIOns III Himachal Pradesh. He had to leave the organisation for takmg up other Important assIgnment before the plesent volume could be made ready for the press. We are deeply llldebted to Shri P Padmanabha, I AS. ,the RegIstrar General and the Census CommiSSioner, India for all the help, gUidance and encouragement given by hIm for the completion of thI s stupendous task HI S devotIon to work has always been a source of InSpIration to all of us. OUf thanks are also due to Shn V.P. Pandey, Jomt Registrar General and Shn.K;.K Chakravorty the then Deputy Registrar General for glVlng us ungrudgmg aSSIstance and guidance from tlmc to tIme m the fulfilment of thIS task The tables/statements were scrutmised by Shn S K BhandarI, Inves­ tigator. The charts/diagrams were prepared III the cartographIc sectIOn led by Shd K S. Thakur, Semor Geographer and the book was seen m the press by dedicated Proof Readers lead by Shn J C. Gautam, Prmtmg Inspector SjShn Plare Lal, Stenographer and Glan Chand, Jr Stenographer shared the burden of typmg work We are also grateful to the Government of Himachal Pradesh but for whose dIrect lllvolvement It would not have been pOSSible to carry out successfully the 1981 Census Operations III the State. Shn P Oommen, Deputy Controller, U.T. AdmIlllstratlOn Press, Chandlgarh and hIS dedIcated staff deserve all praise and speCial thanks for the zeal shown ID the pnntmg of thiS report. K.C. SURI, Dated,
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