26002 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 25, 1973 ANNUAL REPORT ON STATE OF SMALL BUSINESS row, after the two leaders or their desig- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Melvin A. Hove, of Iowa, to be U.S. marshal SEC. 8. The first sentence of subsection (a) nees have been recognized under the of section 10 of the Small Business A ct and standing order, there be a period for the for the northern district of Iowa for the term the first word of the second sentence of transaction of routine morning business of 4 years. (R eappointment) such subsection are amended to read as fol- Isaac George Hylton, of Virginia, to be U.S. for not to exceed 30 minutes with state- marshal for the eastern district of Virginia lows: "The A dministration shall, as soon as ments therein limited to 3 minutes. practicable each calendar year make a com- for the term of 4 years. (R eappointment) prehensive annual report to the President, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without J. Pat M adrid, of A rizona, to be U.S. mar- the President of the Senate, and the Speaker objection, it is so ordered. shal for the district of A rizona for the term of the House of Representatives. Such report of 4 years. (R eappointment) shall include a description of the state of DEPARTMENT OF STATE small business in the N ation and the several ORDER FOR THE SENATE TO PRO- Thomas R. Byrne, of Pennsylvania, a For- States, and a description of the operations of CEED TO CONSIDERATION OF S. eign Service officer of class 1, to be Ambas- the A dministration under this chapter, in- sador E xtraordinary and Plenipotentiary of cluding, but not limited to, the general lend- 1560 TOMORROW the United States of A merica to N orway. ing, disaster relief, Government regulation Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, U.S. POSTAL SERVICE relief, procurement and property disposal, I ask unanimous consent that following research and development, technical assist- John Y . Ing, of Hawaii, to be a Governor ance, dissemination of data and information, the transaction of routine morning busi- of the U.S. Postal Service for the term expir- and other functions under the jurisdiction of ness tomorrow, the Senate proceed to the ing D ecember 8, 1981. (Reappointment) the A dministration during the previous cal- consideration of S. 1560, the Emergency IN THE Am FORCE endar year. S uch report shall contain rec- Employment Act of 1971. The following officer under the provisions ommendations for strengthening or improv- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without of title 10, United States Code, section 8066, ing such programs, or, when necessary or objection, it is so ordered. to be assigned to a position of importance desirable to implement more effectively Con- and responsibility designated by the Presi- gressional policies and proposals, for estab- dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, lishing new or alternative programs. In addi- in grade as follows: tions, such". PROGRAM To be general ANTI-DISCRIMINATION AMENDMENT Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Lt. Gen. Samuel C. Phillips, xxx-xx-xxxx FR SEC. 9. Section 4(b) of the Small Business the program for tomorrow is as follows: (major general, Regular Air Force) U.S. Air Act is amended by adding after "The Admin- The Senate will convene at the hour Force. istrator shall not engage in any other busi- of 10 a.m. There will be a period for the Brig. Gen. Harold R. Vague, xxx-xx-xxxx FR, ness, vocation, or employment than that of transaction of routine morning business for promotion to the grade of major general serving as Administrator." the following new and for appointment as the Judge A dvocate sentence: "In carrying out the programs ad- for not to exceed 30 minutes, with the usual limitation of 3 minutes on state- General, U.S. Air Force, under the provisions ministered by the Small Business A dminis- of chapter 839 and section 8072, title 10 of tration, including its lending and guarantee- ments. the United States Code. ing functions, the A dministrator shall not At no later than 10:30 a.m., the Senate discriminate against any person or small will take up S. 1560, the public service IN THE ARMY business concern receiving assistance from employment for unemployed persons The following-named officer under the pro- the Small Business A dministration based on bill. Yea-and-nay votes may occur there- visions of title 10, United States Code, section sex, and the Small Business A dministration 3066, to be assigned to a position of im- shall give special consideration to veterans of on. portance and responsibility designated by the United S tates military service and the sur- At no later than 12:30 p.m., and pos- President under subsection (a) of section vivors of their immediate families.". sibly earlier, the Senate will resume the 3066, in grade as follows: consideration of S. 372, the campaign Mr. CRANSTON. Mr. President, I move To be lieutenant general reform bill. Yea-and-nay votes will occur M aj. Gen. W illiam Edward Potts, that the Senate disagree to the amend- on amendments thereto. xxx-xx-x... ment of the House on S. 1672 and ask for xxx-... , U.S. Army. a conference with the House on the dis- THE JUDICIARY agreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, Joseph T. Sneed, of California, to be a U.S. and that the Chair be authorized to ap- ADJOURNMENT TO 10 A.M. Circuit Judge, ninth circuit, vice Frederick G. Hamley, retired. point the conferees on the part of the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Senate. if there be no further business to come The motion was agreed to; and the Pre- before the Senate, I move in accordance siding Officer appointed Mr. SPARKMAN, with the previous order that the Senate CONFIRMATION Mr. PROXMIRE, Mr. STEVENSON, Mr. CRAN- stand in adjournment until 10 a.m. to- Executive nomination confirmed by STON, Mr. TOWER, Mr. TAFT, and M r. morrow. the Senate July 25, 1973: WEICKER conferees on the part of the The motion was agreed to; and at 6:49 Senate. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR p.m., the Senate adjourned until tomor- Julius S hiskin, of M aryland, to be Com- row, Thursday, July 26, 1973, at 10 a.m. missioner of Labor Statistics, U.S. D epart- ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF ROU- ment of Labor, for a term of 4 years. TINE MORNING BUSINESS TO- (The above nomination was approved sub- MORROW NOMINATIONS ject to the nominee's commitment to re- spond to requests to appear and testify be- Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Executive nominations received by the fore any duly constituted committee of the I ask unanimous consent that on tomor- Senate July 25, 1973: Senate.) EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A CONGRESSMAN'S MAILBAG—A the article is our esteemed colleague and Within the California congressional dele- LINK WITH CONSTITUENTS my personal friend, Congressman JOHN gation, JOHN commands the respect and ROUSSELOT of San Marino, Calif. admiration of his colleagues and is con- HON. WILLIAM M. KETCHUM Congressman ROUSSELOT is an ener- sidered one of the delegation leaders. getic and dedicated individual who OF CALIFORNIA The following article is a compliment exemplifies the very essence of public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to Congressman ROUSSELOT and his per- service in America today. A man of tire- formance as a Member of Congress: Wednesday , J u ly 25, 1973 less energy, he serves the people of Cali- THREE HUNDRED LETTERS A W EEK —A CON- Mr. KETCHUM. Mr. Speaker, I am fornia's 24th Congressional District in GRESSMAN'S MAILBAG-A LINK W ITH CON- pleased to call to the attention of the an exemplary manner. I personally re- STITUENTS Congress today a newspaper article spect the advice and counsel of JOHN (By Andrew Knox) which appeared in the Daily-News Post ROUSSELOT and appreciate his assistance Congressman John Rousselot receives every and Monrovia News Post. The subject of during my first 7 months in Congress. kind of letter you can image. T hey are let- July 25, 1973 EXTENSIONS 'OF REMARKS' 26003 ters concerning people's problems, or thank The congressman gave a speech before the commend this brief editorial to the at­ you letters for things he h.as accomplished economics and government classes at Glen­ tention of all Senators. I ask unanimous for them. dora High School recently. In the thank you Some of the letters concern people's prob­ letter, a teacher wrote: consent that the editorial be printed in lems with federal agencies, with the armed "I tell my students that you are a good ex­ the Extensions of Remarks. services, the internal revenue services, and ample of how good government works," the There being no objection, the editorial the legislature, H. Donald Harper, the con­ teacher stated. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, gressman's administrative assistant, said. He received letters from other elected offi­ as follows: The letters come in to his offices in Ar­ cials as well. A SIMPLE KINDNESS cadia, Lancaster and Washington, D.C. at William Timmons, an assistant to President Senator Hugh Scott, the Senate minority the rate of a.bout 300 each week. Nixon, wrote a letter in behalf of the chief leader, is almost a caricature of most peo­ "We do not support federal welfare laws, executive for Rousselot's remarks when a ples' image of a professional politician. but the congressman helps his constituents group of youths attempted to disrupt the op­ That and his spirited advocacy of his be­ who need this type of service," Harper eration of the federal government in 1971.
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