Compassp The Official Magazine of Sun City Lincoln Hills October 2013 Why the Dues Myths About Aging and Increase?... page 2 Exercise... page 7 Nimble in Their Remembering Those Nineties... page 15 Who Have Served... page 17 Association News In is Issue Why the Dues Increase? Activities News & Happenings ................................. 9, 44 Board of Directors Report Ad Directory / Compass Advertisers ........................... 99 Gay Mackintosh, Secretary, SCLH Board of Directors Aging Well: Medicare ............................................. 11 Nobody likes a dues increase. And be- Capital Enhancement Aging Well: The Bs in Your Belly ............................ 11 lieve me, nobody likes one less than those Fund, the balance after Announcing Openings for Committee Members...... 19 of us on the Board who must explain why the capital projects ap- Association Contacts & Hours Directory ...................... 102 it’s necessary. proved for 2014. Our goal is to ensure suf- Board of Directors Report........................................... 2 At our September meeting we ap- ÀFLHQWIXQGLQJLQ5HVHUYHVWRVXSSRUWRXU Bulletin Board ..................................................... 39 proved raising our monthly Association property values and protect homeowners t:PV"SF*OWJUFE dues from $104 to $107 for 2014. We from special assessments. t$PNNVOJUZ1FSLT did this after deliberating long and hard The balance of 87 cents in dues per Calendar of Events ............................................ 3 over recommendations from our expertly household will support 2014 operations. Classes, Activities Department ................................... 56 staffed Finance Com- Despite substantial cost Our Dues over the Years Classes, Wellness & Fitness .......................................... 77 mittee, following three increases beyond our di- budget meetings open 1999 $83.18 rect control — in health $MVC"EWFSUJTFNFOU5IF1MBZFST(SPVQ Club Advertisement: Second Cup of Coffee ............... 11 to all homeowners. 2000 $86.45 insurance, workers’ Where will the $3 compensation, utilities Club News ............................................................... 23 2001 $97.00 dues increase go? We including water — staff Community Forums .............................................. 96 2002 $97.00 must provide now not in all departments have Community Standards .............................................. 9 2003 $97.00 only for 2014 operations done an outstanding Connections .......................................................... 3 2004 $97.00 but also for a healthy job of holding the line Day Trips & Extended Travel ........................................ 49 2005 $100.00 level of Maintenance Re- on expenses and imple- 2006 $101.00 %JTBTUFS1SFQBSFEOFTT1BSU5FO serves projected through menting initiatives to Election - Election - Election .......................................... 5 2042. 2007 $101.00 cut costs while enhanc- Entertainment .......................................................... 45 Every third year we 2008 $103.00 ing value for each of us. Finance Committee ................................................... 5 KLUHDQRXWVLGHÀUPRI 2009 $103.00 Fortunately for us Food & Beverage Department .................................... 4 Reserves experts, as 2010 $103.00 who must approve them, (PMG$BSU*OTQFDUJPOT required by law, to go 2011 $105.00 most everyone realizes *O.FNPSJBN through an exhaustive 2012 $104.00 that periodic dues in- *UhTUIF-BX on-site inventory of As- 2013 $104.00 creases are necessary to -JCSBSZ/FXT sociation assets with 2014 $107.00 maintain our commu- -JODPMO)JMMT(PMG$MVC a life expectancy of 30 nity’s extensive facilities, Neighborhood Watch ................................................ 21 years or less. The 2013 Browning Reserves programs, grounds, and amenities in the Nimble in Their Nineties!....................................... 15 Study anticipates repair and replacement face of rising costs at the level of quality Orienteering: Size Matters ..................................... 17 of some $15.5 million in assets over the we’ve come to expect. 1SPQFSUJFT$PNNJUUFF next 29 years. About $1.5 million of that Our dues remain remarkably low con- The Spa at Kilaga Springs ................................... 1 0, 22 had to be added this year to cover major sidering all we get for them. Since 2001, Upcoming Association-Related Meetings .......... 3 items whose useful life now falls under 30 they’ve gone from $97 a month to $107 Remembering Those Who Have Served ................. 17 years (like Angler’s Cove Dam) as well as in 2014, a 10.3% increase. That’s a $10 8FMMOFTT'JUOFTT(SJET WRUHÁHFWPRUHUHDOLVWLFUHSODFHPHQWFRVWV increase over 14 years. Meanwhile, the Wellness/Fitness News: Myths - Aging & Exercising ... 7 Additional investment is therefore neces- Consumer Price Index has risen 32%. Had sary to boost Reserves funding. our dues kept pace with other prices, we On the cover So $2.13 of our $3 dues increase is would now be paying $128 per month — Members of the Country Couples dedicated to Maintenance Reserves. To well over the $107 we’ll pay next year. Dance Group enjoyed an afternoon further bolster Reserves without impact- Even at $107, does anyone think we’re of festivities in Old Town Sacramento ing dues, the Board voted to immediately not getting a great bargain here? during Gold Rush Days and took a contribute $171,000 from the Building/ minute for this photo taken by Dolly Schumacher James. Members of the Your December Association Dues Statement group say “it’s more than taking dance Your December Association Dues state- TXDUWHUO\GXHVSD\PHQWRI,I\RXSD\ lessons, it’s a comfortable, friendly ment will include the new amount due for by check please enclose the new amount. We social environment. See pages 27 and WKHÀUVWTXDUWHURI,I\RXSD\\RXU ZLOODXWRPDWLFDOO\FKDQJHWKHTXDUWHUO\GXHV 61 for more information about group TXDUWHUO\GXHVZLWK\RXUEDQN·VELOOSD\PHQW payment for homeowners who use our Preau- and dance classes. service, please change the amount to the new thorized Electronic Payment Service. 2 October 2013 Compass Association News Connections Calendar of Events Jeannine Balcombe, Senior Director of Lifestyle and Communications October 15-November 20 ast month I had the opportunity to Club in Roseville, Glen- Date Event Page # show off our community and meet brooke in Elk Grove, 10/15 i0VS3FHJPOhT8BTUF.BOBHFNFOU1SPHSBNw31 Lwith Kelly Leone, Pulte Group’s new Woodbridge in Mante- 10/15 e-Waste Recycling 41 National Del Webb Lifestyle Manager, ca and Sierra Canyon in 10/15 New Resident Orientation 41 along with our Northern California Del Reno. Our community 10/16 Home, Health & Business Showcase 41 Webb colleagues at Sun City Roseville, The has much to be proud of, from its gorgeous 10/16&17 Auditions January 2014 Vaudeville Show 36 and well maintained facilities and 10/17 4QFBLFSCrazy Razor Author, Vietnam Navy Vet 36 community Open Spaces, fun 10/17 Community Forum: Roseville Railroad Explosion 96 Sports Bar and fabulous dining 10/17 Concert: Shady Rill 47 options at Meridians, to its rich 10/19 Bus Trip: Santa Cruz/Roaring Camp Railroad 55* Lifestyle offerings and active adult 10/21 (FOFBMPHZ.FNCFST4IBSF'VMöMMNFOUT29 community. I was proud to join in 10/21 Document Destruction 41 discussions about what makes Sun 10/22 'BMM'BTIJPO4IPX i(PMEFO"VUVNO%BZTw49 City Lincoln Hills stellar among 10/22 Bus Trip: Ferry to San Francisco Shopping 55* other Del Web communities, and 10/23 11, 96 to share lessons learned that will 'PSVNi#FMDIBOE#VSOw help to maintain the high expecta- 10/23 $BSFHJWFST4VQQPSUi(VJMUWT3FHSFUw23 tions of the Del Webb brand and 10/23 Bus Trip: Apple Hill Wednesday 55* its Sun City communities. 10/24 5IF/FUIFSMBOETi5VMJQNBOJBw28 When walking and driving 10/25 .VTJD(SPVQ0QFO.JD/JHIU32, 41 through our community, it is 10/26&27 1MBZFST(SPVQ3FBEFST5IFBUFS33 evident residents are enjoying the 10/28 i5IF"OBIJ.JOFJO#PMJWJBwTPVSDFPG"NFUSJOF29 quality and variety of programs 10/29 Comedy Night at KS: Steve Smith 46 and services offered by staff and 10/29 Bus Trip: Apple Hill Tuesday 55* volunteer clubs and organizations. 10/31 'PSVNi3PBENBQUP.FEJDBSFw11, 96 Needless to say, Sun City Lincoln 11/01 Concert: Eric Kunze 47 $XWXPQRQWKHJROIFRXUVH Hills shines, and we are proud that 11/04 ,4BUUIF.PWJFTi5IF(SFBU(BUTCZw41 Photo by Tony Machado others take note of our success and 11/05 #VT5SJQi1SJTDJMMB2VFFOPGUIF%FTFSUw #VT 53 Please see “Connections” on page 96 11/06 i"TUSPOPNZ"QQTw23 11/07 i&NFSHJOH(SPXUI.BSLFUT .BSLFU4USBUFHZw30 Upcoming Association-Related Meetings: Date, Time, Place 11/07 /FJHICPSIE8BUDI"OOVBM.UH%FTTFSU1PUMVDL21, 32 October 15-November 30 11/07 Bus Trip: San Francisco Exploratorium 51 New Resident Orientation 5VFTEBZ 0DUPCFS 1. 4PMBSJVN 11/07-09 1MBZFShT(SPVQi+PIOOZ.FSDFShT.BOEZw33, 45 Finance Committee Meeting ...................... Wednesday, October 16, 9:00 AM, Solarium 11/09 4VQFS4FOJPS-VODIFPO15, 41 Golf Cart Registration5IVSTEBZ 0DUPCFS /PWFNCFS ". 0$-PEHF 11/11 Veterans Day Ceremony 17, 41 Board of Directors Meeting5IVSTEBZ 0DUPCFS ". 0BLT(BCMFT)FJHIUT 11/12 /FFEMF"SUT#SFBLPVU(SPVQT1SFTFOUBUJPOT32 Board of Directors Special Meeting5IVSTEBZ 0DUPCFS ". 0BLT(BCMFT)FJHIUT 11/12 #VT5SJQ4QFBLFS4FSJFT "M(PSF55* Board of Directors Executive Session ........ Thursday, October 17, 11:00 AM, Multimedia 11/13 i5IF.BHJDPG(PPHMFw27 ARC/Architectural Review Committee ...... Monday, October 28, 9:00 AM, Heights 11/14 i"HJOHBOE-PX7JTJPOw28 Elections Committee
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