UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za prevodoslovje DIPLOMSKO DELO Lidija Poto čnik Maribor, 2012 UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za prevodoslovje Graduation Thesis IRISH ENGLISH: VOCABULARY AND PRONUNCIATION Diplomsko delo IRSKA ANGLEŠ ČINA: BESEDIŠ ČE IN IZGOVORJAVA Mentorica: Kandidatka: red. prof. dr. Nada Šabec Lidija Poto čnik Maribor, 2012 Lektorica slovenskega povzetka: Polonca Kolenc Ozimic, profesorica slovenš čine in sociologije What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First, I would like to thank my mentor, prof. dr. Nada Šabec for all her help, guidance, and advice. I would also like to thank her for giving me opportunity to hand out the questionnaire to her students. I would like to thank prof. dr. Michelle Gadpaille and prof. dr. Victor Kennedy for giving me opportunity to carry out the survey among their students. I would also like to thank my family for their support, help, and encouragement during my studies and while writing this graduation thesis. IZJAVA Podpisana Lidija Poto čnik, rojena 31. 5. 1988, študentka Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru, smer prevajanje in tolma čenje angleš čina in geografija, izjavljam, da je diplomsko delo z naslovom Irish English: Vocabulary and Pronunciation pri mentorici red. prof. dr. Nadi Šabec, avtorsko delo. V diplomskem delu so uporabljeni viri in literatura korektno navedeni; teksti niso prepisani brez navedbe avtorjev. Lidija Poto čnik Maribor, 14. 12. 2012 ABSTRACT English is a world language. In UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand it is spoken as a first language. There are numerous countries where English is spoken as a second language and in even more countries where English is spoken as a foreign language. Nowadays English is considered to be lingua franca of the world communication. There exist different varieties of English, and Irish English is one of them. English was brought to Ireland by the British in the seventeenth century. Therefore, Irish English is strongly influenced by Irish language which is the first official language in Ireland; English is the second. There are two main varieties of English in Ireland; Northern and Southern variety. Northern variety was historically influenced by the Scots English, and Southern Irish English developed under the influence of English English. Therefore there exist several varieties of pronunciation and differences in vocabulary. Of course, both Irish English varieties differ from British English in vocabulary and pronunciation and that is also emphasized in this graduation thesis. KEY WORDS: Irish English, British English, vocabulary, pronunciation, Irish language. POVZETEK Angleš čina je danes svetovni jezik. V Veliki Britaniji, ZDA, Avstraliji, Kanadi, na Irskem in na Novi Zelandiji je uradni jezik. V številnih državah govorijo angleš čino kot drugi jezik, še ve č pa je držav, v katerih uporabljajo angleš čino kot tuji jezik. V današnjem času je angleš čina postala lingua franca svetovne komunikacije. Angleš čina ima po svetu številne razli čice, ena izmed njih je tudi irska angleš čina. V sedemnajstem stoletju so Britanci na otok s seboj prinesli tudi angleš čino. Prav zato se je irska angleš čina razvijala pod vplivom irskega jezika. Ta je na Irskem prvi uradni jezik, angleš čina je drugi. Na Irskem se pojavljata dve razli čici angleš čine, in sicer t. i. severna in južna razli čica. Na severno razli čico je vplivala predvsem škotska razli čica angleš čine, na južno pa angleška razli čica angleš čine. To je vzrok za nastanek številnih razli čic izgovorjave in besediš ča. Seveda se obe razli čici irske angleš čine razlikujeta od britanske angleš čine v besediš ču in izgovorjavi, kar je tudi poudarjeno v tem diplomskem delu. KLJU ČNE BESEDE: irska angleš čina, britanska angleš čina, besediš če, izgovorjava, irski jezik. CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1 2 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 3 2.1 Theoretical part ..................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Empirical part ........................................................................................................ 3 3 PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................... 4 4 THE SPREAD OF ENGLISH ....................................................................................... 5 5 ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE .................................................................... 7 6 MODELS OF ENGLISH ............................................................................................... 9 6.1 GOERLACH’S AND MCARTHUR’S MODEL................................................ 10 6.2 KACHRU'S MODEL .......................................................................................... 11 6.2.1 The Inner Circle.......................................................................................... 12 7 IRELAND .................................................................................................................... 13 7.1 IRISH CULTURE ............................................................................................... 15 8 HISTORICAL AND POLITICAL BACKGROUND OF ........................................... 18 IRELAND ......................................................................................................................... 18 8.1 A BIRTH OF A NATION ................................................................................... 19 8.2 NORTHERN IRELAND..................................................................................... 21 8.3 GREAT FAMINE AND MIGRATIONS ........................................................... 22 8.4 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE ............................................................ 23 9 OFFICIAL LANGUAGES IN IRELAND .................................................................. 23 9.1 IRISH LANGUAGE ........................................................................................... 24 9.2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE..................................................................................... 27 10 ENGLISH IN IRELAND ........................................................................................... 28 i 10.1 VARIETIES OF ENGLISH IN IRELAND ...................................................... 29 10.1.1 Northern Irish English .............................................................................. 31 10.1.2 Southern Irish English .............................................................................. 32 10.2 IRISH ENGLISH VOCABULARY .................................................................. 34 10.2.1 Influence of the Irish language on Irish English....................................... 34 Irish Words Used in the English Language ..................................... 35 English Words of Irish Origins ........................................................ 38 10.2.2 Features of Irish English Vocabulary ....................................................... 41 Everyday English and Slang ............................................................ 46 Nouns ...................................................................................... 46 Proverbs ......................................................................................... 100 Food ............................................................................................... 104 Directions ...................................................................................... 110 “On the Road” ............................................................................... 111 Society ........................................................................................... 112 Politics ........................................................................................... 121 History ........................................................................................... 125 10.3 Irish English Pronunciation ............................................................................. 126 10.3.1 Features of Irish English Pronunciation ................................................. 129 Varieties of Southern Irish English................................................ 129 Phonological Characteristics of the Transition Zone ..................... 131 Features of English in Dublin ........................................................ 135 Features of English in Belfast ........................................................ 137 10.3.2 Received Pronunciation .......................................................................... 138 10.3.3 Comparison of Irish English Pronunciation and Received Pronunciation ............................................................................................................................. 140 10.3.4 Examples of Irish English Pronunciation ............................................... 142 11 CASE STUDY ......................................................................................................... 143 11.1 Questionnaire .................................................................................................
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