Engineering Standard Track CRN CS 220 RAIL AND RAIL JOINTS Version 1.7 Issued September, 2019 Owner: Manager Engineering Services Approved by: M Wright, Principal Track and Civil Engineer Authorised by: J Zeaiter, Manager Engineering Services Disclaimer. This document was prepared for use on the CRN Network only. John Holland Rail Pty Ltd makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be sufficient to ensure safe systems or work or operation. It is the document user’s sole responsibility to ensure that the copy of the document it is viewing is the current version of the document as in use by JHR. JHR accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the use of this document by any party, and JHR excludes any liability which arises in any manner by the use of this document. Copyright. The information in this document is protected by Copyright and no part of this document may be reproduced, altered, stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of JHR. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 1 of 47 CRN Engineering Standard - Track CRN CS 220 Rail and Rail Joints Document control Revision Date of Approval Summary of change 1.0 August, 2011 First Issue. Includes content from the following former RIC standards: C 2405, C 2447, C 2501, C 3200, C 3201, C 3361, C 5200, TS 3101, TS 3104, TS 3111, TS 3341, TS 3362, TS 3371, TS 3394, TS 3396, TS 3397, TS 3601, TS 3602, TS 3603, TS 3604, TS 3606, TS 3642, TS 3645, TS 3646, TS 3648, TS 3650, TS 3654, TS 3655, RC.2410, RC.2411, RTS.3602, RTS.3640, RTS.3733, RCSI.019, CTN 01/14, CTN 03/04 1.1 January, 2012 5.1.2 – Removal of limit on concavity of gauge face for recycled rail; – Expansion of requirement for flashbutt welds and joints to be free of defects to include all existing welds; – Reduced requirement to crow rail ends from 800m to 500m and limited crowing to closures less than 6m; – Installation of joints in turnouts in CWR track is not recommended 1.2 July, 2014 2.2 – Added reference; Various - Included note removing approval for 60 UIC rail because of incompatible foot size; 5.1.1 - Added reference to table of rail dimensions and properties for older rails; 5.1.2 – Table 3 inclusion of Category 2 53kg rail for use on Class 3G lines, Addition of requirement for field side of gauge face to be ground prior to transposing rail, Limited use of “French rail” to crossing loops where speed does not exceed 25kph, Added clarification to Figure 2; – Added explanation of limits of welding different rail sizes, Table 7 – Expanded table to include “Welding Group” specifying which rail sizes may be welded together; – Addition of recommended restriction on aluminothermic welds near transom top bridge ends , between sleepers of different types, or near slab track or rigid surface level crossings – Welds subject to additional degradation, Added limit on rate of change of rail head section; – Added reference to table of bolt hole size and location for older rails; 5.4.2 – Reduced limit on joints in concrete sleepered track from 30 days to 7 days.; – Figure 4 – clarification; – Clarification of selection and use of Benkler and Hercules Insulated Plate Joints; – Added restriction on insulated joints in transition between sleeper types, Changed 5m exclusion for insulated joints near transitions between sleeper types to mechanical insulated joints and insulated plate joints; 5.5.1 – Changed code of engine burn defect to match coding in CRN CM 224; 5.7.2 – Changed “alignment marks to Track Control Marks, Changed limit of requirement to install anchors; Appendix 2 – Added heading for Approved Head Repair Welds (Nil current) 1.3 June, 2016 Various - Changed ‘Principal Civil Engineer’ to ‘Principal Track and Civil Engineer’; Removed publication dates from standards references; Rewording for consistency and minor corrections; 2.1 - Added note regarding use of latest version of standards; 2.2 - Updated titles of CRN reference documents; 5.1.2 - Varied requirements for testing rails for re- use; Table 4 – inserted missing dimensions; clarified rail descriptions; - Table 7 - Include 50kg as approved rail for welding (omitted in error); included 47/50kg as approved junction weld; Added requirement for SC weld portions to be used when welding HH rail to SC rail; - Added ultrasonic testing of bolt holes as an alternative method for accepting rail ends for welding; - Changed requirements for joints in turnouts in CWR; 5.4.2 - Clarified time frame for permitted use of temporary joints; 5.4.5 - New section “Alternative fasteners” Included approval for use of Tracksure bolts (includes content from CCT 15/16 and CCW 15/030); 6.1.2 - Added milling as method for achieving rail profile; change “grinding” to “re- profiling” to allow other profiling processes; Appendix 1 - Added statement regarding need to seek advice from Principal Track and Civil Engineer before ordering certain products; Added space for Product Approval numbers; Changed name of “RailCorp Rail Fabrication Centre” to “Bathurst Rail Fabrication Centre” to reflect change of ownership; Included approval for use of Tracksure bolts (includes content from CCT 15/16 and CCW 15/030); Appendix 2 - Added space for Product Approval numbers; © JHR UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 2 of 47 Issued September, 2019 Version 1.7 CRN Engineering Standard - Track CRN CS 220 Rail and Rail Joints Included Part numbers and hardness for 2 weld kits; included 47/50 junction weld kit; Appendix 4 - Added space for Product Approval numbers 1.4 July, 2016 - Added new rail profiles, Appendix 5 - Added new rail profiles and updated existing profiles 1.5 February, 2017 Appendix 1 - Notified by supplier of change of trading name for Avdelok swage fastener systems, Addition of Lifting / Spreader Beam to approved product listing, addition of rail lifting clamps to table previously shown in CRN CM 221 1.6 November, 2017 Appendix 1 - Updates to supplier details, product numbers and drawings; Appendix 2 - Updates to supplier product details 1.7 September, 2019 See Summary of changes below Summary of changes from previous version Section Summary of change Inclusion that 60kg/m Head Hardened rail is not to be used in the CRN unless approved by the Principal Track and Civil Engineer 5.3 Included preference for junction rails over junction welds Inclusion of the allowance for the use of Robel Clamps for use as temporary joints Reiterate that the correct plates are to be used with Robel Clamps 5.7 Allowance for variation in Neutral Temperature with approval from the Principal Track and Civil Engineer 6.1.2 Additional commentary on desired rail profile characteristics; reformatted Table 12 to be clearer for rail template to be used in what scenario; Inclusion of reference to applicable CRN Standards for maintaining and applying this standard; Reformatting of tolerances into table format; Revised weld alignment tolerances to be consistent with AS 1085.20 © JHR UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 3 of 47 Issued September, 2019 Version 1.7 CRN Engineering Standard - Track CRN CS 220 Rail and Rail Joints Contents 1 Scope and application ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Methods of measurement .............................................................................................................. 5 2 References ................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 Australian and International Standards ......................................................................................... 5 2.2 CRN documents ............................................................................................................................ 5 2.3 Other references ............................................................................................................................ 5 3 Engineering authority .............................................................................................................................. 6 4 Design & performance criteria ................................................................................................................ 6 5 Allowable configurations ......................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Rail ................................................................................................................................................. 6 5.2 Rail welds .................................................................................................................................... 11 5.3 Junction rails ................................................................................................................................ 15 5.4 Rail joints ..................................................................................................................................... 15 5.5 Rail repair .................................................................................................................................... 22 5.6 Rail lubrication ............................................................................................................................. 23 5.7 Rail adjustment ...........................................................................................................................
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