ANTIoAPARTHEID NEWS ANTIoAPARTHEID NEWS The .Newspaper of the Anti-Apartheid Movement lop. Guerrillas take control in large areas of country Fighting sprea in Zimbabwe Rhodesia dz Gwelo etiyungia a 29 inyazura *CU 'E Umtali ds UK opos al gives comfort to Smith FOREIGN Secretary David Owen's announcement that he plans to cpnvene a cOnstitutional conference on Zimbabwe with US co-sponsorship has been greeted With scepticism in Britain and with opposition from majority opinion in Zimbabwe Nothing has changed since Britain celled off the Geneva conference four months ago because of the intransigence of the rebel regime. Last month in Salisbury Des Frost, the Rhodesian Front's chairman, said again that the white electorate must have the final say on any settlement proposals. So long as the British Govemment continues to talk to Smith, the regime will take comfort from Britain's failure to propose tougher international action against it. The regime's record shows that it will only give in when it is forced to by the advances of thi liberation movement. It follows that the way Britain can best contribute to a just settlement s to extend sanctions and show its support for the black majority by such measures as giving aid to Zimbabwean refugees and to commented on the latest proposal that it "totally rejected the USA cochairing such a conference" because this would "internationalise the Zimbabwe problem in which the super Powers would be involved". It added: "The Patriotic Front will never attend enother Geneva conference unless such a conference was to discuss a transfer of pewer from the minority regime to the majority. The proposal was also dismissed by Ndabaningi ;ithole, who headed another of the nationalist delegations in Geneva. He said that the proposals were "domet to falutre" because of Ian Smith's intransi. gence. "Smith is determined to maintain white supremacy."r he declared. "He is interested in the transference of the appearance of power to the black people, not the substance of power." The United African National Council, led by Bishop Abel Muzorewa, stated that it had not yet decided whether t attend the proposed conference - whether it did so would depend on its chances of success. Recent statements by leaders of the Rhodesian Front, it fThe guerrilla war in Zimbab- about 80 km south east of Salls- tea estates in eastern Zimbabwe neiihbouring African states. said, augured badly for this. wehagtnowspreatoalmost buryis underthe control of the have beern unable to harvest and The Zimbabwean,Patriotic Front the whole of the couItry - liberatiorn forces as far as education market their crops because of the and in soe rea white ad- and dippincattle are concerned. operations of the freedom fters face i uir ministration has broken Letters signed by ZANLA In an extensive area south of Shell and Bcq down. iZimbabwe African National Marandellgs, guerrillas have desEighteen months ago the war Liberation Almyl commanders troyed beerhalls end bottle stores into sanctions busting was more or-less confinedto north weregiven to headmasters totake owned bylocal councils THE Anti-Apattheid Movement has atoeLcedthet the evidence sub' eastern Zimbabwe - but now the to the district commissioner at The regime has been forced to Smith regime has designated four Wedza telling him that no school suspend its policy of moving people amlconsed Fo~reign Secretary David mitted to the inquiry should be operational areas where freedom fees would be paid unless he -in operational areas into "protected Owen's decision to set up a judicial made public. fighters are present. They are - collected them himself. When the villages" in at least three arega inquiry into allegation that the oil The inquiry was set upaftera Operations Hurricane in the north district comnmissioner and a - because the operations of the firms Shell end BP have been report published jointly by the east, Thrasher along the Mozam- security forces convoy set out to freedom fighters, together with the supplying oil to Rhodesia in con- Anti-Apartheid Movement and the bique border stretching west tour the schools at the end of resistance put up by the villagers, travention of the UK Sanctions aslemere Group charged that the. almost to Salisbury, Repulsein the January, they were ambushed by have made it impossible for the Order. oilcompanieswereinvolvedin southeast andTangentinthe freedomfighters planstogoahead. The Movement's Chairman, Bob sanctions bosting (April AA NEWS). west. According to estimates made Altogether, schools catering for A message suspending forced Hlulhes MP, commented that he "Shell and BP in South Africa" by by the illegal regime, there are now around 36,00 children hase been removals in two areas from the hoped that the investigation would Martin Bailey, is aai/able fromat least 2500 guerrillas fighting shut or are functioning outside the District Commissioner for the consider alltheafaalable eildence AAM, 89 Charlotte St, Londor inside Zimbabwe - the highest control of the white administration, Chipinga area near the Mozambique And would be held in public. He WlP 2DO. Price 35p plus postage. -totalever, accordingtotheSalisburytrret- border noted that the sale of cattle, In the east a big area stretching pondent of the FinancialTimes. there had been prevented because A from Jnyazura district to Wedza, He also says that the owners of of an outbreak of foot and mouth .disease - presumably because the normalveterinaryserviceisunable Z W t o tooperate. M1 7 0 In Manicaland 4000 people recently deserted their homes and A went to Salisbury and Umtali, rather than move into the "protected villages" setup for them by therPgima. .T In thelHippo Valley area L goerrillas have been systematically JZ destroying the high fencesbuilt by P bya thesecurityforcesaroundnew deadaen oteh gisofreomiqes - 'protected villages", so that it has beenimpissiblefortheregimeto 1 move people into-thviwm, ACTION -NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Britain Haringey HARINGEY Anti-Apartheid Group held a public meeting on April 4 on "Smith and Vorster: Partners in Oppression". Zimbabwean Johnson Ndhlovu said that the whole rationale behind the Anglo-American "initiatives" implied the lack of recognition that the Zimbabwean people had the right to decide for themselves how they should be governed. John Matshikiza, speaking on behalf of the African National COngress of South Africa, examined the economic links between the Smith and Vorster regimes. On Saturday May 7 from 10 am to 4 pm the Group is planning to distribute leaflets about the situation in Zimbabwe at Muswell Hill -Broadway, as well as selling ANTIAPARTHEID NEWS. Itis also to arringe interviews with Zimbabweans in the local press as part of the May 9-14 Week of Action on Zimbabwe. The Group has written to other local organisations suggesting that they hold meetings to mark the anniversary of the shootings in Soweto last June and offering speakers and films. It is also holding a film evening, organised jointly with a local film society, in Tottenham in June, Contact: Margaret Ling, 8 g Venetia Rd, London N4, tel 348 6657. Cardiff CARDIFF Anti-Apartheid Group will hold an all-day conference on Southern Africa on Saturday May 28 at the Committee Rooms in the Empire Pool, Cardiff. The speakers will include representatives of the Southern African liberation movements, and trade unionists and MPs. The Group held its AGM on April 29 in Friends Meeting House, and heard Peter Haln asa guest-speaker. It is planning to hold regular meetings on the third Friday of every month at Friends Meeting., House Further information: Farida Hussein, 43 Ladysmith Road, Penylan. Cardiff. West London WEST London Anti-Apartheid Group will hold a public meetisg on Zimbabwe on Wednesday May 11 at 8 pm at Westway Luncheon Club, Ladbroke Grove, as part of the Week of Action on Zimbabwe, May 9-14. The Group has also stepped up its work of fund raising for the national Anti-Apartheid Movement in response to the urgent need for funds. It asks supporters to contribute saleable bric-a-brac for its stall in Portobello Market on the last Saturday of every month. It is also planning a wine and cheese party at the Workers Music Association Hall, Westbourne Park Road, on Saturday June 18, to raise funds for ZIMA (Zimbabwe Medical Action) and SWAPO's Medical Aid Appeal. Contact: Peter Jones, 92A Heather Park Drive, Wembley, Middx, tel 902 2117. Bristol BRISTOL Anti-Apartheid Group held a public meeting on March 1 on the situation in Zimbabwe after the breakdown of the Geneva talks. It was addressed by speakers from ZANU and ZAPU. As a result of the meeting the group is planning to raise funds for ZIMA (Zimbabwe Medical Action). The group also supported a meeting-on Southern Africa ,arranged by 'Socialist Challenge' on March 8, at which the speakers were a representativ# of the African National Congress of South Africa and Pat Jordan. Contact: Hedley Bashforth, 74 Cumberland Rd, Bristol 1. Sussex SUSSEX University Anti-Apartheid Group held a Week of Action in support of SWAPO in March. During the week 185 was raised towards SWAPO's medical kits appeal and a meeting was held with SWAPO's new representative in Western Europe, Shapua Kaukungua as speaker. Norwich NORWICH Anti-Apartheid Group is planning a public meeting on Namibia on May 3 at 8 pm in the Central Library, Norwich. The speaker will be Barbara Rogers. In March the group held a meeting on Zimbabwe with a Zimbabwean speaker. A collection was taken for material aid for refugees from Zimbabwe. Contact Tony Trew, Norwich AA Group, 169 College Road, Norwich NR2 3JD. GLC THE Greater London Council has decided to stop buying South African goods When current contracts run out in June. Its decision was taken as a protest against apartheid and to show support for the black majority in South Africa.
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