2nd floor, Beltron Bhawan, Shastri Nagar, Patna - 800 023" Ref" No. - 9+ Patna, Date:- 2+'D+'19 A meeting of SEIAA was convened on 18-04-2019 and l9-04-2019. Following members were present in the meeting:- Present :- l" Shri B.N" Jha, - Chairman 2. Dr" Nityanand Singh Maurya - Member 3. Shri Surendra Singh - Member Secretary. Agenda Item No.-l The SEIAA observed that--- (a) The proposal has been deliberated and considered in its meeting of SEAC on 25-01-2019, and 29th & 30th March, 20lg.In the last meeting, the SEAC recommended proposal for grant of Environmental Clearance (EC) with specific conditions proposed by SEAC in its ,annexure of the proceedings dated A5-04-2019. (b) The SEIAA wanted certain clarification regarding capacity enhancement and its was informed that the same shall be met by increasing number of batches of charge usually from l0 to 12 in 3 shifts" The SEIAA resolved to grant Environmental Clearance (EC) for 7 years with additional condition that l. Entry inside the plant premises to all the workers I labours / Supervisor / Manager shall only be given after having all personal protective gears. Page 1 of L1 a 2" The Project Proponent shall maintain regularly the material balance and shall be reported and shown as and when asked for" [email protected]. A: Jamui & Lakhisarai 34 proposals (applications ) for 34 mine plots are under consideration for grant of ToR; 7 on Barnar river,22 on Kiul, and 5 on Ulai river. As per Notification of Govt" of Bihar, Deptt. of Mines and Geology, so €o-zl\'q gq (wo)o+713-2214/Yq, qdqT, ft0. 27.08.13, called " New Sand PQ!iey'';portionofoneriveriscalled..9@'',andallthestretchesofalldifferentriversinone district constitutes one unit for settlement of sand mining in the said district; however Jamui and Lakhisarai district together is considered one unit for convenience of settlement depending upon various factors detailed by GoB in the said policy. Project Proponent has submitted duly approved mine plan for whole unit. He has also submitted a list of mine plots in the unit identified/approved by Department of Mines & Geology together with estimated quantity of minable minerals mine plot wise with geo-coordinates etc. The SEIAA observed the followings:- 1" Letters of Intent for settlement of lease was given vide No; 337 dated. 22.07 .2016 and No; 3 17 tlatcd. 2'3.U7.2U l0 ul'Dlstllut rnaglstfate Jalrul alcl Lakhlsarul Dlstnui respeL:trvcly" 2" Mining plan for the unit was approved by the Deptt. Of mines vide their letter No" 7666 dated 29.06.2017. Page 2 of 11 3. The Project Proponent had applied online for few proposals seeking grant of ECI from SEIAA in the last days of July 2017 when the SEIAA/SEAC was non-existent in Bihar due to expiry of its/their tenure. 4" Projeet Proponent was advised by the SELAA in 2nd week of Aug 2017 to make application before central ministry" Vide circular, dated" 23.10.2017 of MoEF&CC all concemed were made known that in the absence of duly constituted SEIAA/SEAC the applications for grant of EC shall be oonsidered at central level. The Project Proponent neither acted as per advice of the SEIAA nor perused his applications for grant of EC further. 5. The Project Proponent presented some fresh batches of applications in the month of September and October. 2018 to the SEIAA" Applications were processed, scrutinized , scoping and appraisal etc. were done in the month of Nov. 2018. The SEAC after due processing recommended the applications for grant of EC under B2 Category" 6" The Hon'ble NGT vide its order dtd: Il-12-2018 made the notification of MoEF&CC, dtd 15- 01-2016 inoperative on the basis of which the proposals were initially assessed/appraised and recommended. Accordingly the SEIAA in its sitting of Jan. 2019 resolved not to grant EC in the light of NGT order. The SEAC subsequently also withdrew its recommendations of grant of EC to these proposals in the light of NGT order. 7" The project Proponent was informed about the above rejections with reasons. 8. Now the proposals have been received afresh from the Projeet Proponent in Bl category in place of category 82 applied previously. The SEAC has again done the scfutlnllscoptttg/oppt^oisols ond its reeommcudation for grant of ToR rrs pCIr ordcr of NUI dld" ll-12-20I8 and procedure applicable to B 1 category" Page 3 of 11 9. The Project Proponent made request before the SEAC to accept the data collected by them in the period December 2018 to February 2019 for preparation of EIA report" The SEAC accepted their proposal for submission of data collected so" Now again the proposals are before SEIAA for its consideration for issuance of ToR. The SEIAA discussed the proposals and was not fully convinced as to how all the sand aggradations which is a natural process in all river courses/stretches of both the districts everywhere are in areas less than 25 ha; to be more adjact around 23 ha. As the rnine plots are ultimately approved by the Department of Mines the SEIAA resolved to grant ToR as per recommendations of SEAC for all the proposals of Jamui & Lakhisarai listed below. Agenda Proposal No. Name of Ghat Area Name of District No. River 2. File No" - SIA/1(a)/558/18)" Garsanda Sand Kiul Online Proposal No":- 24Ha Jamui Ghat River srA/BR/MrN/3096 I /20 I 9) J" File No" - SIA/1(a)/559/18)" Kendua Balu Barnar Online Proposal No.:- 23 Ha Jamui Ghat River srA/BR/MrN/3 096 8/2 0 1 9). 4" File No. -SIA/l(a)/561/1 8). Barnar Online Proposal No.:- Sono Balu Ghat 2I Ha Jamui River s IA/BRA4rN/3 | 027 I 20 19\ " 5" (File No. -SIAI r(a) / s 63 I | 8). Smarak Sand Kiul Online Proposal No.:- 22Ha Jamui Ghat River SIA/BR/MIN/ 3 1025 I 20 19\. 5. File No. - SIA/1(a)/564118). Badibag Sand Kiul Online Proposal No.:- 24Ha Jamui Gha River srA/BR/MrN I 3 09 42 I 20 1 9\. File No. -SlA/l (a)/5 69/ 18). 23.5 Barnar Online Proposal No":- Judsi Balu Ghat Jamui Ha River srA/BR/MrNl3 0998/20 I 9 o Fihr Nr'r -SIA/l (rr)/i7lll | f, ) Uhurghuru und 23.5 Ulut Online Proposal No.:- Jamui Amba Sand Ghat Ha River srA/BRA4rN/3 09 s 9/20 I 9 9. File No" -SIA/l (a)/5 7 5 I 18). Ghanshyamthan Bamar Online Proposal No.:- Koluha Balu 24 Ha Jamui River s rA/BR/MrN/3 097 2 I 20 19 Ghat Page 4 of 11 10. File No. -SIA/1 (a)/57 6l 18). Katauna Sand 22.5 Kiul Online Proposal No.:- Jamui Ghat Ha R.iver srA/BR/MrN I 309 6s /20 | 9 lt File No. -SIA/1(a)/s77 I 18). Online ProposalNo":- Dumri Sand Barnar stAlBR/MrN/30943/20 I 9 24Ha Jamui Ghat River t2" File No. -SIA/l(a)/s78l1 8)" Gausala Sand Ulai Online Proposal No.:- 24Ha Jamui Ghat River SIA/BzuMTNB096612A19 13. File No. -SIA/1 (a)/5 7 9 I I8). Kiul Online ProposalNo.:- Parsa Sand Ghat 24Ha Jamui River srA/B R/MrN I 3 | 024 / 20 | 9 14" File No. -SIA/l (a)/s80/1 8). Sair and Ulai Online Proposal No.:- Pandeydih Sand 24Ha Jamui River SIA/BRA4IN/3 099 5 I 20 T 9 Ghat 15" File No. -SIA/l(a)/58 1/l 8). Kendih Sand Kiul Online Proposal No.:- 23 Ha Jamui Ghat River s rA/B R/MrN I 3 09 6 s I 20 1 9 16. File No. -SIA/ I (a)/s 82/ 1 8) " Nariyana Chacho 21.5 Kiul Online ProposalNo.:- Jamui Sand Ghat Ha River s IA/B R/MIN I 3 09 4 5 I 20 | 9 t7" File No. -SIA/l(a)/583/l 8). Ulai Online Proposal No.:- Balio Sand Ghat 23 Ha Jamui River srA/BR/MrN / 309 49 I 20 1 9 18. File No. - SI Al | (a)l 58a I 1 8) " Panbarwa Balu Kiul Online ProposalNo.:- 22 Ha Jamui Ghat River srA/BR/MrN /3 r02r t20 t9 t9" File No. -SIA/l (a)/585/l 8)" 20.5 Kiul Online Proposal No.:- Bihari Sand Ghat Jamui Ha River srA/B R/MrN I 3 09 s 0 / 20 1 9 20. File No. -SIA/l (a)/s86/1 8). Satgama Sand 23.5 Kiul Online Proposal No.:- Jamui Ghat Ha River srA/B R/MrN I 3 0999 I 20 1 9 2l File No. -SIA/l (a)/588/l 8)" Bannar Online Proposal No.:- Auria Sand Ghat 24Ha Jamui SIA/BzuMINI30960I2019 River 22. File No. -SIA/l (a)/589/l 8). Balthar and 22.5 Bannar Online ProposalNo":- Hanjro Sand Jamui Ha River S lA/B R/lvIIN I 1 09 7'-\ I 20 | 9 Chal. z'.J" Filc ldL," -SIA/ l(a)i59li l8). Kiul Online Proposal No.:- Pakri Sand Ghat 24Ha Jamui River s rA/BR/MrN I 3 | 026 I 2A 1 9 24" File No. -SIA/1 (a)/5 921 18). 23.5 Kiul Online Proposal No.:- Bhour Sand Ghat .lamui Ha River s rA/B R/MrN I 3 09 62 I 20 | 9 Page 5 of 11 25" File No. -SLAi l(a)/s93/18). Jaljoga Sand Kiul Online Proposal No.:- 23 LIa Jamui Ghat River srA/BRA4rN/30983120 1 9 26 File No. -SIA/l(a)/595/1 8).
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