André Malraux: Literary Critic by Linda-Marie K. Kowalsky A Thesis presenEed Eo the University of Manitoba in partial fulfillrnent of Ehe requiremenEs for the Degree of Doctor of philosophy DepartmenE of French and Spanish University of Manítoba I.Iinnipeg, Manitoba I,linnipeg, Manitoba, 1988 (c) lin¿a-Marie K. Kowalsky, 19gg Permission ?ras been granted L'autorisation a êté accordêe to the National Library of à l-a Bibliothèque nationale Canada to ni crof i 1ur th i s du Canada de nicrofil¡rer thesis and to l-end or sell cette thèse et de prêter ou copies of the film. de vendre des exemplaires du film. The author (copyright owner) L'auteur (titulaire du droit has reserved other d'auteur ) se rêserve les publication rights, and autres droits de publication; neither t,he thesis nor ni la thèse ni de longs extensive extracts from ít extraits de ceIle-ci ne may be printed or otherwise doivent être iurprimês ou reproduced without his/her autrement reproduits sana aon written pernisgion" autorisatlon êcrite rsBN 0-3i-5-48131-5 ANDRE MALRAUX: LITERARY CRITIC BY LINDA.MARIE K. KOWALSKY A tlresis sr¡bl¡rittcd to tllc F-acrrlty of Graduate Studics of the U¡tiversity of Marlitoba in partial ful[illnte¡lt of the rcquire¡rerrts of the degree of DOCTOIì OF PI-I I LOSOPLIY o t9B8 Pcrnrissio¡r has been granted to tlìe LIBRARy OF THE UI.JIVER- SiTY OF MANITOBA to le¡rd or sell copies of tl:is rhesis. ro thc NATIONAL LIBRARY OF CANADA ro rnicrofiln¡ rtris thesis a¡ld to lend or sell copies oi the film, and UNIVITRSITY NllCROFILlvf S to publish an absrracr of this thesis. Thc author reserves otlrer publicetio¡r riglrts, anrJ ncither f.llc thesis nor extensive extracts frorn it may be prinieC or other- wise reproduced wjthout the tuthor's wrif.te¡r pernrissior:. TO MY HUSBAND, KENNETH ABSTRACT Although rnany books have skirÈed the subject of Malraux as a 1iÈerary criEic, this dissertation is a sysEematic and thorough examination of Malraux's orvn critical writings and particularly, Malrauxrs ideas about other wriEers, about literature in general and about his own purpose and procedures as a novelist. The Ehrust of critical studies has been to treat André Malrauxrs fiction as separate from his arÈ sÈudies and his political life. Rather than dividing Malrauxrs creativity into distinct periods , Èhis study considers Malraux, the man, the writer and the critic to be one and the same person whose thoughts evolve continuously throughout his lifetime. Malrauxrs critical writings cover a period of over fifty years (1919-75) and bear wiEness to the evoluÈion of a singular mind. Our division of Ëhe material into Een chapters corresponds r¡ith what e¡e perceive Eo be the principal periods in Malrauxrs literary career as rnarked by the publication of his major fictional works. Thus the Introductions Èo Chapters Two to Ten contain a brief discussion of the creative work that dictated t.he choice of books reviewed and coloured the interpreLation of these books. Chapter Two: The Pre-Indo-China Years begins with Lunes en papier (192I) before examining the 1922-23 critical writings; Chapter Three: Indo-China and After refers briefly to La tentation de lrOccident (1926) and Drune jeunesse européenne (1927 ) before analyzing the 1927 reviews; Chapter Four: 7928: A Banner 11 Year deals with Les conquérants (1928) and Royaume farfelu (192S) in relation Eo the 7928 critical writings; chapter Five: The Road Eo the Prix Goncourt presents La voie royale (1930) before Ehe lg2g-32 critical writings; Chapter Six: The Controversial Thirties opens wiÈh comments on La condition humaine (1933) and Le tenps du mépris (i935) before it examines the final reviews dating fron 1933-35; Chapter Seven: The Second I^Iorld War introduces Lrespoir (1937) and Les noyers de lrAltenburg (1943) before the essays of that period; chapter EighÈ: The Post-War Period briefly mentions Malrauxts film and art works before examining five prefaces to works written in the l950ts; chapÈer Nine: The Final Years (1970-75) dears with Ehe oraisons funebrès (rg7r) and the Antimémoires (1967) before analyzing the final five prefaces and Chapter Ten: Malrauxrs Posthumous Works (1976-77) deals with Le niroir des lirobes (1976) before it focuses on "Néocritique" (I976) and Lfhomme précaire et 1a lirEérarure (I977). Criticism was sinply an extension or annex of Malrauxrs creaEive activiEies and as such an important factor in his quesÈ for transcendence and his search for a literary technique appropriate to his goals and aspiraEions. A better understanding of Malraux the critic leads inevitably to a better understanding of Malraux the man, the novelist and the changing rvorld to which he bore r¡itness. 11r ACKNOI^ILEDGEMENTS The completion of Ehis study, whích required uany years of research, r.ras achieved through the dedication and moral support of certain people in particular. My deepest appreciaËion for encouragement and critical evaluation is due to my thesis advisor, Dr. E. Marantz, who showed patience in reading and in correcting the manuscript. Dr. Marantz ts guídance, suggesÈions, counsel and most importantly, her enthusiasm for this project, proved invaluable. I wish to express my grateful appreciation to the other members of my com-iEtee, Dr. C. A. E. Jensen, professor A. Joubert and Dr. H. Heller, Department of History, who accepted to read this work and give their comments. I thank Dr. Robert S. Thornberry, DeparËment of Romance Languages, University of Alberta, who was the external examiner, for his critical appreciation of my dissertaEion and for his dedication to the study of André Malraux. Above all, I r¡ish to acknowledge ny husband, Kenneth, for his constant encouragement and loyal support and ny son, Kenneth Junior, for providing a vibrant, sometimes chaotic but arways happy environment. 1V TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 11 ACKNOI"TIEDGEMENTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xi GENERá,L INTRODUCTION 1 NOTES 20 I. MALRAUXIS IN]TIATION INTO THE LITERARY WORID 22 Introduc Eion 23 La Connaissance (1920) I.1. "Des origines de la poésie cubistert 32 I.2. 'rTrois livres de Laurent Tailhade" 37 Editions KRA; Edirions du Sagittaire Action (1920-22) I.3. "La genèse des Chants de Maldororrl 41 I-.4. 'rA. BreEon and P. Soupault: Les champs nagnéEiquest' 46 trAndré I.5. Salmon: La négresse du Sacré-Coeur and 51 Lt ent,repreneur d t illuninationsrr rrAspects t I . 6. d André Gide" 54 Conclus ion 61 NoEes 63 II. THE PRE-INDO-CHINA YEARS 70 InEroduction: Malrauxrs Early Creative I{orks: Lunes en 71 papier (1921). The N.R.F. (1922-23) v TABLE OF CONTENTS II.1. t'Count Gobineau: Lrabbaye de Typhaines" 75 11 .2. trMax Jacob: Art poétiquen 78 II.3. 'rMénalque" 82 II.4. rrMac Orlan: Malice" 86 rrCharles II.5. Maurras : Mademoiselle Monk suivi de Invocation à Minerverl 89 Conc lus ion 94 Notes 96 III. INDO-CHINA AND AFTER 99 InEroduction: Indo-China (1923-24): Lrlmpartial; Le Courrier Saigonnais. Indo-China ( 1925-26): Lrlndochine; Lrlndochine Enchalnée. La tentation de lrOccident (1926). Drune jeunesse européenne (1927). rhe N.R.F. (1927) 100 III.1. "Fernand FleureE: HisEoire de 1a bienheureuse 104 Raton, fille de ioie" III.2. "Henri Massis : Défense de I rOccident" 106 III.3. "Paul Morand: Bouddha vivantrt 111 III.4. "Charles Sorel: Histoire comique de Francion" r74 Conc 1us ion 118 Notes 119 vl- TABLE OF CONTENTS IV. 1928: A BANNER YEAR T2I Introduction: Malrauxrs first novel, Les conquéranEs and Royaume farfelu. The N.R.F. (1928) r22 IV.1. rrMarcel Arland: Où Ie coeur se partagerl r25 ttGeorges LV.2. Bernanos: Ltimposturerr 130 IV.3. "The Marquis de Sade: Contes, historietÈes et fabliaux and Dialogue drun prêtre et drun moribondrr I34 IV.4. "Louis Chevasson: Lettre du Prestre Jehan à lrempereur de Romerl 140 IV.5. "Franz Hellens: L'enfanÈ et 1récuyère[ r44 ItAlexandre IV.6. Vialatte: Battling 1e ténébreuxrt 147 Conc lus ion 149 No Ees I50 V. THE ROAD TO THE PRIX GONCOURT 754 Introduc t,ion : La voie royale ( I 930 ) ; The N.R.F. (1929-32) 155 rrHermann V.1. Keyserling: Journal de voyage drun philosopherl 158 V.2. "Pierre Véry: Pont-Egaré't 164 V.3. I . t'La question des ConquéranEsrr I67 V.3.2. "La révolution étranglée" 773 V.3.3. "Réponse à Trotsky" 176 rrlntroducEion V.4. à 'Jeune Chine'" 787 V.5. "D.H. Lawrence et 1rérotisne: A propos de Ltamant de LadY ChatLerlevrl 792 v11 TABLE OF CONTENTS ttFranz V. 6 . Hellens: Documents secretsrt 207 t'Louis V.7 . GuiI loux: En marge drH)rménée!l 215 Conc lus ion 220 Notes 227 VI. THE CONTROVERSIAI THIRTIES 228 Introduction: La condition humaíne (1933); Le Èemps du népris (1935); The N.R.F. (1933-35) 229 I'I^lil1iam VI.1. Faulkner: Sanctuary'r 232 VI.2. "Michel Matveev: Les traquésrt 248 VI.3. "Jean Guéhenno: Journal dtun homme de 40 ans" 254 VI.4. 'rIlya Ehrenbourg: Sans reprendre haleinerr 263 I'André VI.5. Gide : Les nouvelles nourrituresrl 272 rrAndré VI.6. Viollis: Indochine S.O.S.r' 284 VI.7. "Louis Guilloux: tl-e sens de la mortr: Sang noir" 289 Conc lus ion 294 NoÈe s 295 VII. THE SECOND I.TORLD I.¡AR 302 Introduction: Lrespoir (1937 ); Les noyers de ItAlÈenburs (1943); Essays 303 VII.1. trTableau de la littérature française: xvt le-xvll te sièc1esil 305 VII.2. rrl.aclos: Les liaisons dangereusestt 309 v111 TABLE OF CONTENTS t VII.3. "N étaít-ce donc que cela?" 323 Conc 1us ion 351 Notes 353 VIII. THE POST I{AR PERIOD 359 Introduction: Esquisse dtune psychologie du cinéma (1946); Saturne, essai sur Goya (1950); Les voix du silence (1951); Le rnusée inaginaire de la sculpture mondiale (1952, 1954); La méramorphose des dieux (1957 ); Le rausée imaginaire (1963); Five prefaces 360 t !océan" VIII.
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