Convention Announcelllents Georgia FALL CON 3 While gaming is the overwhelming feature of the weekend, there will also be a miniatures paint­ CONFEDERATION (WORLD The Brigade Gaming Group announces its fall ing contest and a masquerade sponsored by lo­ SCIENCE-FICTION CONVENTION) convention - bigger and better than ever be­ cal stores, videos, and dealers. Games events fore. FALL CON 3 will be held on October 25th, will include an RPGA'" Network AD&D® Game Don't miss the famous world science-fiction 1986 in the Athenia Room of Greencroft Center Open Tournament, plus Runequest and Juniors convention at the Atlanta Hilton and Mariott, Au­ in Elkhart, Indiana. Featured events will include AD&D Game tournaments. gust 28-September 1, 1986. This year the con­ an RPGA'" Network AD&D® Game tournament, For more information write: Council of the Five vention features an RPGA'" Network AD&D® WWI Naval Minitures, Civil War Naval Mini­ Nations, POB 4086, Queenbury, NY 12801. Game Open Tournament , plus several other tures, WWII Land Battles, and several other Network-sponsored events. The Guest of Honor games. Admission is $5.00 at the door. will be Ray Bradbury. For more information, please contact: Mark North Carolina For judging information , contact: Rembert Schumaker, 1621 Frances Avenue, Elkhart, IN UNC GAMING CON Parker, P.O. Box 180866, Austin, TX 78718. 46516. Phone: (219) 294-7019. Phone: (512) 258-9917. Come to the University of North Carolina on No­ Kentucky vember 21, 22 & 23, 1986 for our annual gaming Illinois convention. This year, we feature an RPGA'" DEEP SOUTH CON 24 Network AD&D® Game Tournament, along with FRONTIER WAR 2.5 other role-playing, miniatures, and boardgame Come to the luxurious Galt House in Louisville, events. Miller Park Pavilion in Bloomingdale , Illinois will Kentucky September 26-28, 1986 for this tradi­ For more information, conta ct: Diane Case, be the site for this gaming extravaganza on Oc­ tional gaming/sc ience-fiction extravaganza! 608H South Chapman Street, Greensboro, NC tober 4 & 5, 1986. Frontier War 2.5 is sponsored This year, the convention will feature an AD&D® 27403. Phone: (919) 275-8808. by the Dungeon Masters' Association at Illinois Game Open Tournament and a MARVEL State University. Featured events will include SUPER HEROES'" Game Open Tournament, an AD&D® Game tournament sponsored by the both sponsored by the RPGA'" Network, plus a Ohio RPGA'" Network and the next installment of large huckster room, an art show and auction, a " The Danaggael Saga" AD&D Game tourna­ masquerade , a 24-hour hospitality suite, a film NOWSCON ment , plus miniatures and boardgames. Fees program, and much more. The Guest of Honor This wargaming convention will be held at the are $5.00 until Sept. 20th, or $6.00 at the door. will be David Hartwell. Brooklyn Armory on Friday and Saturday, Sep­ For more informat ion, contact: Frontier War For information on attending, contact : L&N tember 27 & 28, 1986. The convention will fea­ 2. 5, c/o Steven Miller, 511 W Mulberry, Apt 2, DeepSouthCon, P.O. Box 58009, Louisville, KY ture Naval Miniatures, Napoleonic Miniatures, Bloomington, IL 61701. Phone: (309) 827-7817. 40258. Strategy Games, and a 3-round AD&D® Game For judging information, contact: Rembert tournament sponsored by the RPGA'" Network. Indiana Parker, P.O. Box 180866, Austin, TX 78718. For informat ion, contact: NOWSCON, c/o Phone: (512) 258-9917. David C Grimm, 5501 Breckswood Oval, Broad­ CONTACT '86 view Heights, OH 44147. Phone: (216) 526- Come to CONTACT '86 at the Ramada Inn in Michigan 8233. Evansville, Indiana on October 17, 18 & 19, 1986. This gaming and science fiction extrava­ CONQUEST V GAME FEST EARTHCON VI ganza will feature RPGA'" Network tourna­ Come to Michigan State University in East The Holiday Inn - Independence in Cleveland ments (AD&D® Game, Masters AD&D Game, Lansing on November 15 & 16, 1986 for this MARVEL SUPER HEROES'" Game, Masters is the site for the 6th edition of this SF/Fantasy year's edition of CONQUEST. There will be Convention. Held on September 19 & 21, 1986. MARVEL SUPER HEROES Game, and the role-playing events, miniatures , and board­ TOP SECRET® Game). Plus, there will be Special guests will include Gordon R. Dickson games , plus an RPGA'" Network AD&D® Game and C. J. Cherryh. enough other events to exhaust even the most tournament , an auction, dealers, miniature stouthearted gamer! For information, contact : NEOSFA, POB 5641, painting contest, movies, and more. Cleveland, OH 4410 1. Guests include Frank Mentzer, Penny Petti­ For more information, contact: ConQuest c/o cord, David R. Palmer, Stanley Schmidt , Alan Phil White, 2300 North Grand River Ave, Lans­ Clark, and Bill and Judy Sutton. ing, Ml 48906. Oregon Activities include an art show, miniatures competition , movies, panels, and a special ban­ DUNGEON QUEST quet and brunch . Don't forget to bring your cos­ Nebraska Portland Community College will be the site for tumes for the masquerade! LIN-CON VIII For more information and/or game pre­ this RPGA'" Network AD&D® Game tourna­ ment. The tournament will be held on Septem­ registration forms, contact: R. C. S. F.A., P. 0 . Box Come to Lincoln, Nebraska on October 17, 18 & ber 27, 1986. (Tournament only - not an entire 3894, Evansville, IN 47747. 19, 1986 for our annual game convention. This year, our special guests will be David " Zeb" convention. Entrance fee $5.00 pre-reg, $7.00 PENTACON II Cook, senior designer for TSR, Inc. and his wife at the door. Helen, both natives of the Lincon area. Gaming For more information, contact: Errol Farstad, The Northeastern Indiana Gamers' Association events will include miniatures, boardgames, 2295 SW 219, Aloha, OR 97006. Phone: (503) Inc. presents another wargamers' convention at miscellaneous role-playing events , and an 649-2626. Grand Wayne Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana on RPGA'" Network AD&D® Game Tournament. Saturday, November 15, 1986. The convention For more information, contact: Hobby Town opens at 9:00 A.M. and runs until midnight. East Park Mall, 220 North 66th Street, #228, Lin­ Once again, the convention will feature an Canada coln, NE 68505. Phone: (402) 464-2858. RPGA'" Network AD&D® Game Open Tourna­ SPECTRUM '86 ment, plus the usual selection of role-playing events , miniaturesSample, boradgames , and other New York Sp ectrumfile, an annual event of international sta­ games. Pre-registration is $2.00 until October COUNCIL OF FIVE NATIONS XII tus, will be held on October 31 through Novem­ 31, 1986 or $3.00 at the door. The first 250 pre­ ber 2, 1986. Events ranging from boardgames registrants will receive a gift worth more than Our 12th annual convention will be held on the to role-playing tournaments draw gamers from the price of admission! Union College campus in Schenectady, NY on western Canada and the United States. For more information , contact: Mike Durant, October 24, 25 & 26, 1986. Once again, the con­ For more information, contact: UR/GA, c/o 1201 Swinney, Ft Wayne, IN 46804. Phone: vention is sponsored by the Schen ectady Student Union Bldg., University of Regina, Sas­ (219) 422-9964. Wargamers and the Union College Gamers. katchewan, S4S 0A2, Canada. POLYHEDRON .. Sample file Contents Special Module Feature 9 Ra vager - by Jeff Grubb. A bandit leader kn own only as "Th e R avager " is reported to be immortal. Six player characters mu st find the secret of his power before his armie s bring destruction to th e desert kingdom s. Features 6 Nienna & Fri end s - by Chri stoph er S. J ones. Our cove r story is an other in stall­ ment of "N ew Ro gues Gallery." If yo u need a few interesting NP Cs for yo ur cam ­ paign, try this uniqu e group. 9 In Sea rch of a I 2th -level M age - by R oger E. Mo ore. A dem ographi cs stud y of the average AD&D ® Gam e camp aign world. 10 In Defen se of the Lowl y Fighter - by Brian L eikam . Ha ve plain old fighters disapp eared from your D&D ® Gam e camp aign ? H ere's one memb er's sugges tions for keeping the light er a viable ch aracter choice. 24 Beware the New Golems - by J eff M artin. If yo ur players are tired of fighting the sam e old go/em s all the tim e, try the new ones present ed here! 26 Littl e Miss Sure Shot - by Preston Shah. Anni e Oakl ey, a fam ous lady of the old west, is develop ed as an NPC for the BOOT HILL ® Gam e. 28 Th e GAMMA WORLD ® Game : New & Old - by J ames M . Ward. Previews of About the Cover the upcomin g revision from the author 's notes. Thi s issue's cover depicts Nienn a, a half­ drow character deve loped by memb er C hristopher S. J ones, and her friends and Departments family. For de tailed descrip tions, sec the 5 Notes From HQ - by Penn y Pettieord "Ne w Rogues Gallery" article on page 6. Cove r art by R oger R aupp. 23 Fletcher's C orn er - by Mi chael Przy tarski . H alf-elves : H ow to breed for po we1: A lighth earted look at line age. Thi s one's all in fun . 24 Dispe l Confus ion - by Penn y Petti cord. 30 T he C ritical Hit - by Errol Farstad. A review of the TIMEMAST ER™ Game. POLYHEDRON"' Ncwszinc (the official nc....,slcucr ofTSR, lnc.'s however, any use of such copyr ighted ma1eri,ll in the submission 1 POl _\'HEDROi\' " ROL E PLAYING GAME ASSOCIAT ION " Nccwork) ;, beyond 1he newszine without TSR 's further prior wrinen ,1pproval published hi-mom hly by TSR., Inc .
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