Price £3.00 (free regular customers 19.09.2021) Summer 2021 BUTTERFLIES & INSECTS O N S T A M P S PHILATELIC SUPPLIES (M.B.O'Neill) 359 Norton Way South Letchworth Garden City HERTS ENGLAND SG6 1SZ (Telephone 0044-(0)1462-684191 during office hours 9.30-3.-00pm UK time Mon.-Fri.) Web-site: www.philatelicsupplies.co.uk email: [email protected] TERMS OF BUSINESS: & Notes on these lists: (Please read before ordering). 1). All stamps are unmounted mint unless specified otherwise. Prices in Sterling Pounds we aim to be HALF-CATALOGUE PRICE OR UNDER 2). Lists are updated about every 3 months to include most recent stock movements and New Issues; they are therefore reasonably accurate stockwise & 100% pricewise. This reduces the need for "credit notes" or refunds. Alternatives may be listed in case items are out of stock However, these popular lists are still best used as soon as possible. Next listings will be printed in 3, 6, 9 & 12 months time; please say when next we should send a list. 3). New Issues Services can be provided if you wish to keep your collection up to date on a Standing Order basis. Details & forms on request. Regret we do not run an on approval service. 4). All orders on our order forms are attended to by return of post. We will keep a photocopy it and return your annotated original. 5). Other Thematic Lists are available on request; Birds, Mammals, Fish, WWF etc. 6). POSTAGE is extra and we use current G.B. commems in complete sets for postage. INLAND RATES: 1st Class £1.00 is recommended on orders under £75.00; "Insurance + Rec.Delivery" £2.50 (can be used on bulky orders up to £150). Special Delivery Post £6.50 (recommended on orders over £150) OVERSEAS RATES: these rates START at ............................... EUROPE ....Airmail £2.90; Insured £8.90+ (depends on weight & value) REST OF THE WORLD ..Airmail £3.90+ or Insured £9.80+ (depends on weight/value) 7). INSURANCES: all deliveries are insured whether by Special Delivery Post (£6.50) Recorded Delivery Post" (£2.50) or 1st Class Post which is recommended on orders under £75.00. Overseas Insured covers up to £500.00 of goods. 8). PAYMENT: this can be by £ Sterling cheque or postal order to M.B.O'Neill. Bank transfer GBP £ to Santander Bank, Sort code 09-01-33 Account No.70184408 M.B.O’Neill All Debit Cards are now accepted: Delta, Switch, Connect, (add Start date/issue No.) Or the following Credit Cards: (please add card EXPIRY DATE & 3 digit security code), VISA Barclaycard, ACCESS, Mastercard, EUROCARD (include Expiry Date and CVC number;). PAYPAL PAYMENT: simply send them your details using our email address above. EXCHANGE RATES: £1.00 Sterling = US$1.35 (US$ cash, or pay by VISA or credit cards) EXCHANGE RATES: £1.00 Sterling = €1.15 (Euros cash, or pay by VISA or credit cards) 9) Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Reference numbers are used to aid identification, S.G.No's.). A number of additional numbers are added each month. Our prices are also in Sterling, (£). Michel or Scott catalogue numbers are used for those countries where Gibbons is behind in listings. 10). Overseas customers (outside the E.C.) may deduct 15% discount. 11). All list prices are in Pounds Sterling (£) – you may convert at the above rates 1 Recent additions & new issues include: Aitutaki, Armenia, Bulgaria, Cook Is., Czech Rep., Gambia, Germany, IOM, S.Korea, Niuafo’ou, Palau, Rarotonga, Tonga, Bosnia Srbska, CARep. Mi#5634 & 2020, Dominica ‘69, Finland, Grenada, Guernsey, Liberia, Luxem. SPECIAL OFFERS: are listed throughout this price list and boxed to highlight them! Afghanistan 1996 Moth SS: abraxas grossulariata souvenir sheet, was £4.50 2.50 Afghanistan 1998 Bflies SS: Aglais urticae souvenir sheet, Special offer was £3.95 1.75 Aitutaki 2008 W.W.F. Blue Moon Butterfly (4v): Hypolimnus bolina, SG723-6, Cat.£12.00 5.90 Aitutaki 2018 Bflies (4v shtlt): Charaxes cithaeron, Hypo bolina, Lycaeides Melissa samuelis, Danaus plexippus, 14.40 Aitutaki 2020 Bflies (4v):Gt Purple Hairstreak, Red Admiral,Holly Blue & Cryptic Wood White 14.90 Aitutaki 15.06.2020 Bflies (4v shtlt): Great Purple Hairstreak, as above but larger designs 14.95 Aland 2012 Dragonflies (2 values): Aeshna cyanea, Sympectrum, sp., SG373-4, Cat.£8.00 3.90 Alderney 1994 Bflies (5v from the defin set); Colias croceus, Inachis io, Zygaena filipendulae, Polyommatus icarus, Saturnia pavonia, SGA63 etc., 1.90 Alderney 1994 Common Blue 16p booklet pair imperf.on left & right, SGA70a X 2, 0.90 Alderney 1994 Insect cards 8 cards): 6 Spot Burnet, Clouded Yellow, Common Blue, Blue-tailed Damselfly, Peacock bfly, Bumblebee, Great Green Bush Cricket, Emp.Moth, 3.50 Alderney 1996 Cats (6v): one has a Red Admiral featured, SGA89-94, 3.75 Alderney 1996 Cats (6v sheetlet designs as above,) MSA95 3.90 Alderney 1997 Small Tortoiseshell 18p definitive value (1v) SGA70b 0.35 Alderney 1997 Sand-digger Wasp definitive value (1v): SGA72c 0.48 Alderney 1997 Fauna (3 x postalcards): 1.20 Alderney 2008 Bflies(6v shtlt)MS335: Hipparchia semele, Callophrys rubi, Pararge aeg., Pararge aegeria, Polyommatus, 6.75 Alderney 2009 Bees (6v): Tawny/Bug Mining Bees,Early Bumblebee,Cuckoo,SGA356-61 5.90 Alderney 2009 Bees (6v shtlt)MSA362: Tawny/Bug Mining Bees,Solitary/Honey Bees, 5.95 Alderney 2012 Tigers Moths (6v): Ruby, Cinnabar, Cream Spot, Garden, Jersey, SG460-5, 6.70 Alderney 2012 Tigers Moths (6v shtlt)MS466: Ruby, Ermine Buff, Cinnabar 6.75 Alderney 2013 Beetles (6v): Rose Chafer, Oil & Burying, Green Tiger Beetles, Netocia moro, May Bug or Cock Chafer, SG481-6 6.75 Alderney 2013 Beetles (6v shtlt)MS487: Cock & Rose Chafers, Oil & Burying Beetles, 6.80 Alderney 2014 Ladybirds (6v): 2-Spot, 7-Spot, Orange, Harlequin Ladybirds, SG508-13, 7.10 Alderney 2014 Ladybirds (6v shtlt)MS514: designs as above, 7.15 Alderney 2016 Longis Nature Reserve (6v): one Glanville Fritillary, (+ Pipit, flora, SG567-72 6.90 Alderney 2016 Longis Nature Reserve (1v); Glanville Fritillary from the above set, SG568, 1.50 Alderney 2016 Longis Nature Reserve (6v shtlt)MS573: Glanville etc. designs as above 6.95 Andorre Fr 2019 Cardinal Butterfly (1v): Argynnis pandora, 2.40 Angola 1998 Bfly (& Fungi) MS1283a-c: Uraneis ucubis, Thecla betulae Euphaedra neophron three souvenir sheets, Cat.£23.00 14.75 Angola 2018 Bflies (4v): Applegreen Swallowtail, Large Fairy Hairstreak, Common Green Charaxes, Michel#1926-9 7.90 Angola 2018 Butterflies SS: Junonia sophia souvenir sheet Michel#1930 7.95 Angola 2019 Bflies (4v): Junonia sophia – Little Pansy, Angola White Lady, African Giant & Giant Blue Swallowtails, 7.90 Angola 2019 Bflies SS: Common Grass Yellow souvenir sheet 7.95 Antigua 1985 Bflies MS933: Caerois gerdrudlus souvenir sheet, 4.30 2 Antigua 2001 Rijksmuseum (6v shtlt): Van Huysum Still Life has butterflies on, SG3268-73, 4.50 Antigua 2005 “Insect” = Bfly MS3878: Cramer’s Mesene phareus butterfly souvenir sheet, 3.80 Argentina 2001 Apiculture (4v): Bees, Honeycomb, bee-keeper, clover, SG2826-9, Cat.£13.00 5.50 Argentina 2012 Butterfly - Agrius narcissus (1v): SG3497, 1.75 Argentina 2017 Bflies (2v): Strymon eurytulus, Morpho epistrophus argentines, 12.90 Argentina 2017 Bflies (2v): Strymon eurytulus, Morpho, fine used also available, 9.90 Armenia 28.12.2020 Flora/Fauna (2v): Tomares romanovi butterfly & Ophrys apifera orchid, 4.90 Aruba 2014 Bflies (12v;2 sheetlets)MS787-8:Papilio cresphontes, Attacus atlas, Cat.£68.00 23.95 Aruba 2015 Bflies (10v block): Colias hyale & palaeno, Carchrodus lavatherae & flocciferas, Euchloe ausonia, Ochlodes venatus, Pyrgus fritillarius,SG828-37, Cat.£57.50 22.95 Aruba 2016 Bflies (8v): Jacoona amrita, Agrius caludina, Graphium weiskei, Aglais io, Arginnis paphia, Eunica eurota, Papilio glaucus & palinurus,SG883-90, Cat.£31 17.75 Aruba 2020 Bflies (4v): Pachliopta aristolochiae, Papilio rumanzovia, ,Battus polydamus, Hypna Clytemnestra, 13.30 Ascension* 2011 Peonies (4v shtlt)MS1108: butterflies in the border, 3.75 Australia 1991 Insects(4v)Hawk Moth,Jewel Beetle,Grasshopper,Cotton Bug,SG1287-90, Cat.£5.00 2.15 Australia 1994 Zoos (5v);2 bflies;Hebemoia glaucippe,Argyreus hyperbius,SG1479-83, Cat.£6.50 2.37 Australia 1994 Zoos MS1484: sheetlet (5v as above with border), Cat.£4.00 2.40 Australia* 1994 Butterflies Hebemoia glaucippe,Argyreus hyperbius value from Zoo set (1): SG1482 0.65 Australia 1997 Fauna defs (4v; one value bfly "Big Greasy"!,(+croc):SG1679,1680, 1684-85, 10.75 Australia* 1997 Butterfly value only – Cressida Cressida (Big Greasy) from above set(1v):SG1685 1.05 Australia 1998 B.(5v): Chaetocneme beata, Papilio ulysses joesa, Cethosia,SG1810-4, Cat.£3.00 1.50 Australia 1998 Bflies as above but sheetlet of 2 sets (10v): SG1810-4 X 2, Cat.£6.00 3.00 Australia 1998 Bflies (5v: self-adhesive designs as above), perf.12., SG1815-9, 1.60 Australia 1999 "Small Pond" (6v): has a Dragonfly, (+ kingfisher, 4 frogs, SG1907-12 2.25 Australia 1999 "Small Pond" (6v shtlt)MS1913: contains a Dragonfly, etc., 2.30 Australia 2003 Insects (6v): Ulysses bfly, Fiddler Beetle, Ladybird, Damselfly,Gum Moth,SG2326-31 2.65 Australia 2003 Insects (6v;self-adhesives): Bfly, Fiddler Beetle, Damselfly etc., above, SG2333-8 2.75 Australia 2003 Insects (6v shtlt) MS2332: Bfly, Ladybird, Damselfly, 2.70 Australia 2009 Micro-Monsters(6v shtlet)MS3241):Jumping Spider, Ant, Wasp,Mantis, Beetle, 4.90 Australia 2013 Carniverous Plants (4v): one bfly, ant, fly, toad SG SG4039-42 Cat.£5.00 3.10 Australia 2013 Carniverous Plants (4v): one bfly, ant, fly,self-adhesives, SG4043-46, 3.95 Australia 2014 Things That Sting (6v): Bull Ant, European Wasp, Fish, SG4243-8, Cat.£8.50 5.75 Australia 2014 Things Sting (6v shtlt)MS4249: Bull Ant, European Wasp, Lion Fish, Cat.£8.50 5.80 Australia 2016 Bflies(4v): Cairn’s Birdwing, Chequer Swallowtail, Pale Triangle,SG4570-3 7.90 Australia 2016 Bflies (4v shtlt)MS4974: Bordered Rustic etc., all 4 as above + border, 7.95 Australia 2016 Bflies (4v): self-adhesives ex-bklts, above designs, SG4575-8, 8.25 Australia 2016 Bflies (3v): self-adh.
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