Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol XLVII No. 16 August 21, 2016 www.philippinerevolution.net CPP declares Editorial ceasefire It's the economy atters concerning the economy are at the root and link the differ- THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE of ent crucial issues affecting the people. The people yearn for social the Communist Party of the and economic policy changes to set the economy into the course of Philippines and the National Mprogress from the long period of crisis and stagnation. Operational Command of the New People’s Army made Despite its progressive declara- NDFP and the GRP to integrate public on August 19 its order tions, the Duterte regime's eco- these in the agreements to be for a ceasefire to all NPA units nomic policies, in general, continue forged. They must insist that the and people’s militias in sup- to follow the neoliberal programs of economy is viewed and regarded port of, and to strengthen, the the past: attracting foreign invest- from the people's point of view and resumption of the peace talks ments, funding infrastructure that not from the perspective and in- between the National Demo- are meaningless with the persist- terests of foreign banks and their cratic Front of the Philippines ence of landlessness and low wages. trained bourgeois academics and and the Government of the In alliance and struggle with the technocrats. Republic of the Philippines. Duterte regime, the Filipino people They must assert that a healthy The unilateral ceasefire should push for substantive changes and progressive economy is meas- will take effect from 12:01 in economic policies and direction in ured not in terms of the GNP or a.m. on August 21 and will last order to solve their urgent and GDP, foreign direct or portfolio in- up to 11:59 p.m. on August 27 strategic problems. vestments or credit ratings. All to occur simultaneously with It is timely that peace talks are these merely measure how much the resumption of the talks in set to focus on the economy over foreign investments the Philippines Oslo, Norway. the next few months. The Filipino draws in but does not reflect the The declaration was made people must actively engage to un- concrete conditions of the people. hours after Benito and Wilma derscore their miserable social con- They must assert that the eco- Tiamzon walked free as the ditions and their demand for com- nomy must be understood from the 15th and 16th of the NDFP prehensive and substantial people's perspective and measured consultants which the GRP economic changes. in terms of the welfare of workers, released within five days. The people will play a big role to peasants and small employees and As per order, “During the achieve fruitful peace talks. They professionals. Do they have jobs? ceasefire period, all NPA units must assert their grievances and is- Do they earn enough? Do they have and people’s militia shall sues to the representatives of the enough land to till? Do they cease and desist from carrying out offensive military cam- paigns and operations against the uniformed armed person- nel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) of the Government of the Republic of the Philip- pines.” Nevertheless, “The NPA shall consider as hostile action to be continued on page 3 have sturdy houses, do they have economic theories promoted by the products, minerals and other raw water, electricity, communications IMF and its factotums to justify the materials. and other measures of decent liv- policies that condemn the economy It is the workers, peasants, ing? Can they avail of college educa- to chronic crisis under the semico- farm-workers and other productive tion? Are they provided with health lonial and semifeudal system. sectors who create wealth. But this services? For the toiling masses and pro- is appropriated by the ruling The entire people must become ductive sectors, questions of the classes. The toiling masses carry economic experts. They must shat- economy or the economic system the burden of widespread unem- ter the belief that studying the eco- pertain to ownership of the means of ployment, low wages, migration, nomy is only for experts and aca- production, the state of the means landgrabbing and others. demics. They must study of production, participation in pro- The people hope that the revolutionary theory and apply the duction or creation of wealth and Duterte regime's progressive as- study of economics to the concrete appropriation of such wealth. pect will grow stronger so it will experience of the toiling masses. Under the positively address their aspirations They must study, shred and re- current sys- for change. The people hope that pudiate neoliberalism and other tem, the Duterte will pursue his progressive means of declarations by pushing for land production are distribution even under CARP, end owned by the "endo" and other labor flexibiliza- big landlords tion policies, raise wages, put an and bourgeois end to relentless demolitions of compradors. In urban poor communities as well as collusion with to plunderous mining operations, foreign big cap- develop public health and education italists, they ex- services, trash K-12, subsidize rice ploit cheap labor- and food production and others. power and plun- Duterte must strengthen inde- der cheap pendent foreign policy in order to agricultural open opportunities for economic cooperation and sourcing of oil and other resources, capital for invest- ANG Contents ments and technology. Duterte's progressive de- Editorial: It's the economy 1 termination can be measured by Vol. XLVII No. 16 | August 21, 2016 how much he will strengthen his CPP declares ceasefire 1 ties with the national-democratic Ang Bayan is GRP releases NDFP consultants 3 forces through peace talks and published in Kamurayawan* 4 other forms of cooperation to pur- Pilipino, Bisaya, sue substantial economic and social Hiligaynon, NPA burns marijuana plantation 5 changes. Whether such changes are Iloco, Waray CPP pulls out of Duterte's campaign 5 extensive or not, other parts of the and English. ruling classes will surely be stirred NPA seizes 6 firearms in ComVal 5 It can be downloaded from the up, including Duterte's big compra- Philippine Revolution Web Central at No to Marcos’ burial at LNMB 6 dor and landlord supporters. www. philippinerevolution. net In the final analysis, funda- NPA's use of landmines is legitimate 7 mental changes in society and the Ang Bayan welcomes Harassment of communities continue 8 economic system will be attained contributions in the form of articles Paramilitary kills 2 Lumad activists 8 only through revolutionary change. and news items. Readers are Thus, the Filipino people must al- encouraged to send feedback and KMP and RMP officials arrested 9 ways strengthen and consolidate recommendations for improving our Negros Anti-Tiempo Muerto struggles 9 their independent political force newspapers. Send your messages to and look forward to overthrowing International Indigenous Peoples’ Day 10 [email protected] the old rotten system and building a Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee new democratic state that will pur- of the Communist Party of the Philippines sue socialism. 2 August 2 1 , 2 01 6 ANG BAYAN from page 1 GRP releases NDFP consultants; encroachments on the territ- ory of the people’s democratic Talks set on August 22 government by operating troops of the AFP and its he revolutionary movement and organizations advocating peace talks paramilitaries to conduct sur- Tcelebrate the release of 17 consultants of the National Democratic Front veillance, psywar and other of the Philippines and two political detainees. The consultants will attend the offensive operations that are formal resumption of peace talks in Oslo, Norway on August 22. labelled as “peace and devel- Last August 19, Benito Tiamzon ence last August 18, the released opment”, “civil-military”, and Wilma-Austria Tiamzon were consultants expressed gratitude to “peace and order” and “law released from Camp Crame after their lawyers, to the Filipino people enforcement” operations.” posting bail in four local courts. Por- and to organizations supportive of The CPP hopes that the ferio Tuna and Pedro Codaste were the peace talks. recommendation for a general also released along with Loida Mag- “The consultants will ensure amnesty for all political de- patoc who was detained in Bilibid. that socio-economic and political tainees will be discussed in Adelberto Silva, Ariel Arbitrario reforms which will benefit the people Oslo. The NPA and the CPP are and Eduardo Genelsa were released will be put forward during peace ne- also open to the possibility of a on August 18. gotiations,” said Jazmines. longer ceasefire after all Earlier, a large number of con- They also called for the immedi- political prisoners are re- sultants were temporarily released ate dismissal of all trumped up leased. on August 17. Among them were charges against them and other Concurrently, the NDF- Tirso Alcantara, Alan Jazmines, political detainees. According to Northeast Mindanao Region Renante Gamara, Ma. Concepcion them, their release proves that announced that the NPA will Araneta-Bocala, Ernesto Lorenzo Duterte is rectifying mistakes com- release the five prisoners-of- and Alfredo Mapano. Alex Birondo mitted by the past Arroyo and war currently under its cus- and Winona Birondo were also re- Aquino administrations. tody during the talks. The NPA leased at the same time. Meanwhile, The CPP warmly welcomed the captured the said police per- Kennedy Bangibang and Ruben Sa- release of 19 political detainees. sonnel in separate operations luta were released last August 16. They also hope for the release of in Surigao del Sur and Surigao Jaime Soledad who was detained other consultants in coming days.
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