Wellesley College Wellesley College Digital Scholarship and Archive The eW llesley News (1949- ) Archives 3-11-1965 The elW lesley News (03-11-1965) Wellesley College Follow this and additional works at: http://repository.wellesley.edu/wcnews Recommended Citation Wellesley College, "The eW llesley News (03-11-1965)" (1965). The Wellesley News (1949- ). Book 45. http://repository.wellesley.edu/wcnews/45 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives at Wellesley College Digital Scholarship and Archive. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eW llesley News (1949- ) by an authorized administrator of Wellesley College Digital Scholarship and Archive. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ews Vol. LVDI WELL&~LEY COLLEGE NEWS, WELLE.'ilLEY, MAS.'il~, MARCH 11, 1965 No. 19 Morality Question Requires VietNam Panel Rouses College· 1 Truth And Responsibility • ' by R u.I}' Metrailcr '66 Aud1enceOverflowsPopeRoom said. Sex is natural, of course, but in t!he human order it is the means by Ellen Boneparth '66 not just of procreation but of ee­ l menting the relationship between Last Friday's discussion of "The> man and woman. In our society to­ Issues of Vietnam" provided the ' day, efficiency is increasingly mak­ college cJmmunity with a rare op­ ing people feel dispensable. They portunity lo hear five faculty mem­ then seem to think t'hcy need sexual bers speak out in this great foreign I release to break out Cr:>m this im­ policy debate. personality, and tihis is making even The occasiun drew a tremendous sex today an impersonal, passive, crowd to the Pope Rcom where the r:lCChanistic filing. ~peakers' candid opinions and con­ flicting points of view held the audi­ Sexual intercourse, once the ulti­ ence's rapt attention until dinner mate in personal intimacy, is now time. Participating in tihe discussion practised as a means toward that were Mr. Warren Wagar of the His­ aeeper personal relationship. People tory Department, Mr. Sigmund must remember tihat personal rela­ At-eles of the Art Department, Mr. trons have a great effect on the whole Marshall I. Goldman of the Econom­ William Coffin of Yale discunes matrix of social relati:>nsips. Individ­ "Sexual Mystique." ics Department, Mr. Clifford Noll of t.ality must really be hallowed, per­ the Chemistry Department and Mr. William S. Coffin, c11aplain at Yale sonality be consecrated, everybody Phillip Phibbs of the Political Science University, opened tl)e Marriage Lec­ be respon<1ible for his or Iler own Department. ture Series Monday evening by say­ morality. "Release through sex is No One Viewpoint ing tihat there is no longer a general never a gcod solution," he said. If Mr. Wagar, who acted as chairman moral co:ie for our society. "In fact, out of concern for the other person of the panel, opened the discussion I don't fuink sexuality is a great one retrains, this is suffering for a b)' reviewing the various responses m 1ral issue today." good purpose. IJoth from the public and in the gov­ Unfortunately. when it comes to Social Situation Changed ernment to the Vietnamese crisis. By Barbara Elden 'H morality, so many otherwise intelli­ Sammy Wheeler '65, C:lief Justice, He showed that the split over U. S. Mr. Wagar addre11ea a packed room of students on the Viet Nam i11ue. gent people settle for half-truths, he (Continuetl on page Seven) policy was not along conservative­ liberal lines. By citing two polls in whiclh a large U. S. could avoid a confrontation U. S. represents fue " new imperia­ Government-Minded Juniors majority of Americans both desired with the Communist Chinese, it lists" in Southeast Asia, the forees negotiation and aoproved President would still have to face the North of tlhe status quo against the forces Johnson's condu( , of the war, Mr. Vietnamese army "w.hioh put the of change. He accused t!he U. S. of To Compete for Forum Post Wagar pointed out that "different Frenc'h to shame". "supporting a war of genocide and points of view may not necessarily Mr. Abeles stated that he did not an unwanted puppet regime" in Candidates in the election for !helped organize campaigns for minor be muh:ally exclusive." believe in the "oomino theory" for South Vietnam. Forum president to be held Thurs­ offices in Brookline last fall and War l\lust Be Ooncluded Southeast Asia, but suggested instead Support For U. S. Polley day are Rosemary Metrailer. Bar­ worked in the off-year elections Mr. Sigmund Abeles, a pacifist, that the neutrals really want to stay Mr. Goldman spoke out on Ameri­ bara Schrage and Rosdhel Holland, Uhere the preceding spring. was t!he first speaker. He agreed neutral but are forced to be Chinese can attitudes toward Southeast Asia. all class of '66. Roschel, who is from Pittsburgh, with U Thant's statement that "the puppets by U. S. intervention. Mr. He mentioned the traditional strains The girls are competing for an Pa., is a member of the Inter-Faith first casualty of any war is truth". Noll generally agreed with Mr. Ab­ of isolationism in tlhis country, our of!ice which was describe<! as "pri­ Board of Chapel and is working with IHe felt that realistically tlie U. S. eles' remarks, stating tlhat it is im­ concern !!hat the world love us, the marily administrative" by Missy the Northern Student Movement in bombing raids could only lead to possible to contain communism by spectre of atomic war hanging over Hutchins. '65, president of Forum the Roxbury tutoring prJgram. more bombing and that even if the military means. He observed that the us and our "cowardice from afflu­ this year. Missy added that "a For­ ence". Mr. Goldman felt t'hat fillese um president should be as interested p ._p attitudes cold not blind us to the two in politics as in !lldministration" ~nd ro essor basic policy questions we must face ought to be "someone who enJOYS Wires Pres. Johnson in Southeast Asia: Where are we go­ the process of organizing." ing to withdraw to and where are we going to stop? Mr. Phibbs stated ·.-"·y he felt m:;:~:;Ei"~.:.~:,:. To Protect Negro Demonstrators South Vietnam was imp~•tant to 'the U. S. He felt that the fall of South As a freshman, she was on the pub- by }ettn Kr"mer '66 Vietnam would increase the pressure licity committee; during her sopho- In protest against tile recent erup- 1 might well be interpreted as indiU- 1 Negroes. on ot'her Asian countries to yield to more year, ~1he head~ the Forum ! lions of violence in Selma, Alabama, erence or even complicity." Situation Justifie8 lnten•ention "national liberation movements" and Monthly Newsletter. This year she is Dan~ L. Germino. Associate Pnfes- He denounced t:he actions of Gov- Mr. Germino believes tlhat tllere is I v..ould vindicate the Chinese in their on the Formu Board, serving as head sor of Political Sc-icnce. has sent a ernor Wallace and his state tro:>pers ample legal and constitutional justi­ ideological struggle with the Soviet of publicity. telegram to President Johnson ask- 1 v >- ho are seeking to stop Rev. Martin fication for federal intervention. He Union. He supported t'he "limited spe­ . R.osemary is a political sc~ence ing him to take the appr~priate mea- Luther King's proposed fifty mile feels that the President has been too cific attacks of the U. S. on North n.aJor from Fort Wayne, Indiana, sures to prevent furtner attacks march from Selma to the capitol at slow to act and that Ille first inci­ Vietnam as a means to increase our specialiling in American govern- against Negro demonstrators. IMontgomery. Tile object :>f the Selma dents at Selma could have been advantage in negotiating with Ho r.1ent. This summer she will be in I In explaining his action Mr. Ger- March is to pe> 'tion the state gov- uvoided if there had been federal Chi Minh. Washington on the Internship Pro- mino stated that "to remain silent ernment tor voting rights for ma~als in Selma as Negro leaders The discussion closed with ques­ gram working for Senator Van~e had requsted. tions from the floor. It was unani­ Hartke ID-Ind.) She has already I He attributed the President's hesi- New Hews Ed1·'ors1 Launch Press Year n:ously agreed that the panel fur­ i.,ained some practical political ex-, 1 t&tion to take action to his concern nished the college community with periencc working in the campaign tor preserving the atmosphere of <• timely exchange of ideas concern­ last Call for the re-election of Massa- concensus. In criticizing what he ing U. S. foreign policy in Southeast chusetts Att:>rney General Br:>okc. J calls "a deification of concensus" Asia. Rosemary is also a repJrter for I Mr. Germino said that the idea of N~ws and vice-president of Newman concensus must nave some limits Club. and that Americans cannot tolerate Barn To Do Ibsen .. Active in NSA a concensus that makes r oom for Barbara Schrage, also a political Governor Wallace. 'Ilhis Friday and Saturday nights science major, has been especially the Wellesley College Theater will interested in tlhe activities of the Na­ Deplores "Nazl·llke Tactics" He deplored the brutality and present Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's tional Students Associaton. During House·. her sophomore year slhe was head of "Nazi-like" tactics" of tile local au­ thorities. He believes that the Negro The controversial nature of the the NSA, whicth at that time had a play, which deals with woman's role Forum officer, and the summer of demonstrators in t!his case are being treated like animals and that the In her home and her society, makes that year she attended an NSA con­ it especially interesting to Wellesley ference in Indiana.
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