FLEMING CO.SHOWCASE - -- A 11 4-H Classes (OPIN TO AlffRIMINC COUNTY YOUTll t Ht.OlD AND OlDlltJ • Items MUST entered on: July 18th at S-7pm and July 19th at 9am-12pm PDF File contains all CLASSES and RECIPES Cooperative ExtensionService Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extensionserve all people regardless of economic Agriculture and Natural Resources or social status and will not dlscriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political be!Jef, sex, sexual orientation, gender Identity,gender expression,pregnancy, marital Family and Consumer Sciences status,genetic !nformatlon, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disabillty. University of Kentucky, 4-H Youth Development Kentucky State University, U.S. Departmentof Agriculture, and Kentucky Counlles, Coopera1!ng. � �n•;� accomrnodatm:I Community and Economic Development LEXINGTON, KY 40546 9lU with prior notification. 輩讃鍔蓮誓S蔚 圏 鈴AI, 4_H 。A捕。R-ES 。r。 。。.。,ding ,。 ,h。 2。那Y5t。t。 F。ir s。。。,,r。ati。nS.鎗 OPEN CLASS CATEGORIES 輩出豊里嵩豊警護讐誓警手聖堂聖芋に ★ 繊細狐的加を調 Three CornmeaI Muffins: uSe the 「ecipe in this pu帥cation. Three pieces ofCoffeecake with Topping: Use the recipe in 4-H Cooking lOl, P. 59. Nuts are optionai. Three Chewγ GranoIa Bars (gluten-free): Use the recipe in 4-H Cool(ing lOl, P. 35. Three B「OWnies: Usethe recipe in 4-H Cooking lOl′ P. 67. Nuts a「e optiona上 Three Snickerdoodle Cookies: Use the recipe in 4-H Cooking 201′ P. 88. Ca具es 850 Halfofone 8’’or9’’layer Ri⊂h Chocoiate Cake (no icing): ¥ sethe recipe in 4-H Cooking 301, P. 116. 851 Half ofone 8’’or 9’’iayer Carrot or Zucchini Cake (no Icing): Use the recipe in 4-H Cooking 301, P. 119. May use carrots or zucch面. Pies 853 O=e Whole Doubie C「ustAppie Pie: Usethe recipes in 4-H Cooking401′ PP. 105 and 97. M∂yuSeSPice Vari∂tion ifdesired. Leavethe pie in the disposable pie pan. YeastBread 854 Three CinnamonTwists (no icing〉: Usethe recipe in 4-H Cooking301, PP. 42 and 44. 855 Three Soft PretzeIs: Use the recipe in 4-H Cooki=g 301′ P. 48. Use a=y O=e tOPPing listed. 856 One ioafOatmeai Bread: Usethe recipein 4-H Cooking401, P. 25. Bread Made in a Bread Machine 857 O=e io∂fHoneyWhoIe Wheat Bread made in a bread machine‥ Usethe 「ecipe jnthis publicattom May be l-POund loaf, 1 1/2 pound loafor2-POund loaf. CahdY 858 Three pieces Ciassic Chocolate Fudge (size‥ about one-inch square): Use the recipe in 4-H Cooking 401, P. 89. Nuts are optionaI. 総イ相同`h心血叩調 From 4-H CooI(ing lOl, Page 54 ingredients l l/3 cups a「l-PurPOSe flour 3/4 cup ro=ed oats, quick cooking or regula「 l/3 cup granuiated sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder l/4 teaspoon salt legg 3/4 cup milk l/4 cup oii . BakingTip: This 「ecipe is based on use ofa standard Size muffin pan. 1fa mini size Pa吊s used, 「educe the COOkingtimeto 9to ll minutes o「 until goiden 音・・ 、す∴ 1一 ●′ b「own. ・ Da「k ba畑g pan5 C○○k P「Oducts faste「 than iight COJo「ed pan5, 総l国務謎蔵 のαI励( 20】5少伽β〇〇両リアru5〔ee夕可励e U面e層IO′ 4’〃励0近々ocIpeふ`よ〇㌔ wI子方p卵竹男じlo′1 総′川面小関佃,帥 From 4-H Cooking 201, Page 49 Ingredients 2 cups a"-PurPOSe flou「 l tablespoon baking powder l tablespoon sugar l/2 teaspoon salt l teaspoon powdered mustard l/2 teaspoon garlic powde「 l egg, Slightiy beaten lcupm順 1/4 cup o了i l/2 cup shredded chedda「 cheese 絢圃蹴 鞠んで20I5匂′栂的αセリ7近事〔蝕`少かβ unIye僻Iか すIIIInoI支βe〔時e ll鈍d博I功pe肋I簿l肌 緒川l如両肌で同調柵 From 4-H Cooking 201, Page与O lngredients 2 cups訓-PurPOSe flour l tablespoon baking powde「 3/4 teasp0On Salt l/3 cup butter or margarine, Chiiled 3/4 cup low-fat milk Extra fiour for kneading 総l回読繍 C〇秒的庇20重より瓜e β0の通す「山競跨り飢e U柄e「ガリ ケI肋oほ加で毎かaed所以pe刑場IoI!. 総研一同話伽時間- lngredients 3 cups selfLrising flour l teaspoon orange peeI, g「ated l cup dried cranbe而es 報国聞 (or subs証ute raisins for drled cranber「ies) √丁、 1/3 to l/2 cup buttemiik l/2 cup suga「 l/2 cup cold butte「 legg 囲い Order of Work l. Prehe∂tOVen tO 400 degrees F. Lightlycoatcookie sheetwith cooking spraY. 2. ln a iarge mixing bowしcombi=e fIour, Sugarand or∂nge Peel. Mixwe「I. Cutin bul±e「with a PaSt'γ biender o「fo「k until m証ure resembles coarse crumbs. GentIy stir in cranberries (or 面5了ns). 3. Place egg in a l-CuP meaSuring cup and beatwe旧いthe same measuri=g CuP, add butte「milk to make 2/3 cup. Add to fiour mixtu「e and stir gently until dry ingredients begin to cling together, do notadd more liquid. 圏の 4. P「ess dough gentlytogethe「on a =ghtlyflou「ed surfaceto form a ba用Divide dough in haIf. ▼〇〇 Place both haives on a greased cookie sheetand fiatten each into a 6-inch round. Cuteach 、、 into 8 wedges. Separate wedges s「ightly, tO about l/2 inch apart 、暮す●’告’’告1「 5. Bake at4OO degreesfor20to 25 minutes oruntil golden brown. CooI on cookie sheet5 minutes befo「e serving. Nutrition Facts per Wedge: 150 caiories, 6 g fat (36%), 22 g carbohyd「ates, 3 g protein 園田 で甲 緒川loo・掴巾調・ Order ofWork l. P「eheatoven to 450 degrees F. SpraYa 12-CuP mu笛n tin with non-Sticksprav. 2. ln a sma‖ bowl, beattheeggslightiy. 3. Measu「e the rema面ngingredientsand pou「them into a Iarge m蘭ng bow上 4. Add the beaten eggtothe Iarge bowi. 5. Mixjustenough to biend the ingredients but isst肌umpy. (1fthe batteris smoot申t has probablY been mixed toomuch.) 6. Fill the spr∂yed muffin cupstwo-thirds fu= ofbatte「. Do not use pape「orfoi=iners. 7. Bake ∂t450 degrees Ffor15 to 20 mi…teS Oruntil golden brown. Nutrition Facts pe「 Mu惰n: 240 calories, 10 g fat, 640 mg sodium, 33 g ca「bohydrate, 3 g航er, 5 g protein, 30 mg choiesterol Baking巾p: *Be sureto read the package to makesurethatyou a「e using 5e佐r高/ng commビ0/m扉. 1t is usually packaged in a bag that is sim出e「to that in which fiou「 is so旭. Sei証鉦g co「nmeaI m諒 has flour and leavening already added. (Boxed corn muffin mix like that made by」iffy is notthe 癌二、二千 app「OP「iate p「oduct to USe in this recipe.) 絡1旧卸小皿佃柳 From 4-H Cooking lOl, Page 59 Yleld: 9-12 servings Ingredients Equipment Topping: Non-Stick cooking spray 1/4 cup firr面y packed b「own sugar 臼ou「5惟e「 l teaspoor¥ Ci…amOn Waxed pape「 l tabJespoon a=-PurPOSe flour Measuring cups l tablespoon butte「 or marga「ine Spatuia or knife l/2 cup chopped nuts (optional) Measuring spoons Mixing bowIs, 1 large, 2smali Co竹eecake ba請e「; PastrY blender orfork 1 egg Whisk or fo「k l/2 cup granulated sugar 之mix活g sp○○n5 l/之cup m冊 5c「ape「 2 tabiespoons melted fat or oi1 Sm訓pan for melting fat 1 cup sifted all-Pu「POSe flour Baking pan (8’’x8’’) l/之teasp○○n 5ait Wire rack 2 teaspoons baking powder Hot pad5 聞聞 9 p了eces 12 pieces Order of Work 1. Makethetoppingfirst. Measu「ethe brown sugar′ Cinnamon/ and flourinto the smali mixlng bowi and mixwel上 2. Measurethefat. Cut it into the flour-Sugar-Cinnamon mixtu「e. Asksomeonetoshowvou howto dothis. 3. Add …tS "you a「e usingthem) a=d mixwe=. Settoppingaside until you need it. 4. P「eheattheovento37与OF. 5. Lightlyco∂tthe baking panwith non-Stick cookingspray. 6. B「eakthe egg into the mixing bowl, and beatwith a whisko「fork. 7. Add the sugar, miik, and meIted fatoro冊o the egg, and stiruntil all is mixed. 8. Siftthefiouronce声hen measure it. Add to second sma= m蘭ng bowl. Add saltand baking powde「. Sti「flou「 mixture. 9. Add flourmixtu「eto the egg m椋ure′ andsti「only until d「yi=g「edientsarewet. The batterw紺ooklumpy. Too much mixing c∂uSeS tUnneis. 1O. Putintothe prepared pan. (Usethe rubberscrapersothatyou won’twaste batter.) 11. Usethe m函ngspoon to sprinkie thetopping evenlyoverthetop ofthe batte「inthe pan. 12. Putintothe preheated oven. Bake about25 m血tes. The coffeecake w用spring bake when lightlytouched and begin to pu= awayf「omthe edge ofthe pan when itis done. Thetop w川be a golden coio「dotted w軸the dark b「own toppi∩g. ユ3.鴫keoutoftheoven. A(low pan to cool▼ Cutcakeinto pieceswhile itisstil間the p∂∩・ uSe furnerでO rernOVe Cake piecesfrom the pan. Serve warm. 緒言国言上¥-・・-、・ ∽砂子励f20I5匂y帥e β○○Id少’77甘地節句調e UnIye府Iか げIllIno応βe`解り臓d wI亡母er爪応〆肌 総1川和面的で同調・ Afte「the cake has completelY COOled, Place three pieces on a disposable piate. (At least one pj維w前席eォside o「 c。「ne「 悪罵嵩三三ti。 。ag. Baked p「oducts by M画しege「 & Alec Sk周ne「 Phot°g闘Ph! bγ M訓はha Weich 総イ用的小関時間" 鈎国際薫るba“ のかIぴ`20I5少伽e βo《〃dヅ7了u∫ ○○3功で万e UnIγe庸Iゲ イl〃Ino厄伽`巾e uj訪w海pe即応Ion 術中周回肌小関 From 4-H Cooking lOl, Page 67 Yleld‘ 16 squares 1ngredients Equipment l/2 cup s肺ed alトpurpose flour Non-5tick c○ok活g sp「aY l/3 to l/2 cup cocoa FIour sifter l/3 cup butte「 or marga「ine Waxed paper (not 「educed f∂t) Measlwing cups 1 cupgranulated sugar Knife 。r SPatula Z egg5 Measuring spoons 1 teasp○○n va間a Mixing bowI l/2 cup chopped nuts (optional) Mixing 5P○○n Sma= microwave-Safe bowl for melting f∂t Smail bowI Sc「a pe「 Ba剛g pan (8’’x 8′’o「9’’x9’’) Hot pads W行e 「acks 総l圃閑 の〃I研き20重与り小暗β0α「d q手丁几l高倉鋳りI伽e uれ事′e鴫Iり′ ‘ゾ///Ino/s舟ec/pe昨ed w肋pe同的on 緒川他面臨旬間↑ From 4-H Cooking 201, Page 88 Ingredients l l/2 cups5uga「 l cup butter or margarine, SOftened l tea5P○○n Van川a 2 eggs 2 3/4 cups al申urpose flour 2 teaspoons cream oftartar l teaspoon baking soda l/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons suga「 2 tea5p○○n5 C血namon 畢二“章二 鈴l国滋薄覇 の野竹庇20I5小切e β00Iすり7巾∫飯“〆恥u岬ly卵Iり すIIIlno応加`事β耳鼻〇㌔ w偏pe加麿Ion 総研他面的叩同調 From 4-H Cooking 301, P. 116 ingredients 3 one-OllnCe SquareS unSWeetened baking choc。iate, meited l teaspoon aI巾urpose flou「 3 cups sifted c∂ke flou「 l/2 teaspoons salt* 3 teaspoons baking powder l l/4 cups unsalted butter* 2 1/4cups5ug∂「 l te∂SPOOn Vanilia 4 eggs Icupm順 Order ofWork l.
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