Regd. No. NE 907 !The Mizoram Gazette , Published by Authority ... --'Y"OT},X'- -Au"wffi'ldiy-i4.8.81 Sf"Vam 2r,--S.E. i903IS.ue N-O:-33 --- .� .Government of Mlzoram � $'- 'PART I Appointrnents. l"ostln9s. Transfers, Powers, Leave and other . ' I ,... ... -'l...Personal Notices and Orders. "� ... • NOTIFICATION , No, A, 19011 / 1/8()-APT(A). the lot Augus, 1981. Till: Lt. Governor (Admini.trator) of Mize.am i. pleased to sanctiOl:ed c;�tcu ,ion of Commuted Leave on ....: . >u.l ground .sanct;oned under this Depart· ment's Notification eve;; number dated 24.7.1981 to Shri A. J. Lundall. Chief �ecretary to the Govt of Mizoram by 20 (tweent,\') (;ays with effect from lst August to 20th August. '81 (both days inclusive) under A. I. S. (Leave) Rules. 1955 as amended from time to time. During the period of leave of the Chief Secretary, Shri Gorakh Ram. Development Commissioner will continue to take charge of lhe post of Chlef Secretary, Mizoram in addition to his own duties. The Officer would have continued to hold the same post but for his proceeding on leave and there is every likelihood of his returning to {he same post on the expiry of his leave. �l.Jo. A. 19013/30/80"--APT(A), the 3rd. August, 1981. The Lt. Governor (Adninistrator) of Miwram is pleased to grallt 25 (twenty five) <iays Earned Leave w,th eiieet from 21. 10. 1980 to 14. II. 80 (both days inclusive) to Shri J. C. SCDgluaia, District Civil Supply Officer. Lunglei on private ground under C.c. S. (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. The Officer would have continued to hold the same post but for his proceeding on leave, and there was every likelihood of his returning to the post on expiry of the leave. This superceed Government's previous Notifica ion of even number dated 12th Febluary, 1981. Lalfakzuala, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram No. CON. 95lP\V/81 'll. the 8th. August, 1981. In the interest of public service. th.. Lt. Governor · (Administrator) of Mizoram is pleased to order the transfer and posting of the follow:ng Officers of PWD as shown below : - 51. No. Name of oftkcrs Pre:ent place of posting Posted Itransferred to R�m:.:.rks 1. Shri Lalbiakzuala E. O. to C. E. F. E. Kawrthah Division Ncwl\ <-re;J!t'l Oivision 2. �hri D. N Chando:a E. E. Mamit Divi­ . '· O.toc.E. Vive \1111 Laibiakzuala sion transfcrre,l 3, �hri K. Lalneihlrua :. E. Mamit Division Vice· �hri D. �. Chan­ dula llar,�j"�nl!d 4. Shri Chawnaz;ka E. E. Lungse<J. Divisio•. ;"ewl� ... rn:l�d L.. :vn 2 R-33/81 JIj32, the 8 h. August, 1981. In lhe interest of pu:"j;: service. tho.: Lt. Go­ No. CON. 70/PWj79jPT. t vernor (Administrator) of Mizor8m is pleased to :lPPO!f't tel"p'}:<lrily <1.1(; iI;lll, i",ti1cr 01(:10.;,., �'.hri K. Lalneihlaia and Chawngzika, Asst. Engineers as ExeC"li\� Lp.� rcc, l!; u.· .c,· C C ptlj' d .:-::>. �'OG-40 --1100-EB-50-·1400/� p. m. plus usual allowances as admiSSIble from Lime t,) lime ",ith e..1ect from the date of joining the post . The appointment is made on ildhoc basis to regularisatioll .iL. ac.;ordUHC \',i,h ��l� Rc,:"..;iuuent Rules. The appointment will Dot bestow on the per",OilS � claim for leg'.l;u.r ,�;:r ,� .. itl:l�:;L �l.1:j ;b: �erv.ice rendered on adhoc basis in the arade will not count for the purpose at seniority in that gra<W-.;.;;__ � By order etc. Lalfakzuala, ., Secretary to the Govt. of Mitt'l:nfth Public Works Department to No. A. 19012/9/80-AJ!F'(A); tile i·11ft. August. 19·,,1. COl1:>'e<lucnt upou his 'arroiJl!r:;�nt offidate _ in the senior time scale of IF� vid.e Govt. of India. !vi'r.isl;/ OJ AgricLt.u,re's Jette," :·;u. i',. J2Jl:J,ZI7';}- � IPS dated 22.7. 1980. the Lt. Govetnor (,.\dmiAistra.·or) of Mizoram is p:-.:aseJ to p0�c �·_._"i Co Ramhlu::a II'S to the post of Divisional Forest Office�, Lung;<!i which POEt has been equatd to the sefiLor time No. scale of IPS vide order . A.�QU1�tf8t---AlPl'((A.) dated- 26\S. 8.J. with. �ect froin 30.7. 1980 and uctil further orders. l Further. the Lt. Governor is pltl.l�ed to O-_'dF tran��r and pl)sting of Shri C. Ram!l;una IFS to IF.; Cadre post of �W",�gi'Qi�I- �'.Y:i· wilh" � 'kt:mt. 8.6; 1&61 vice Slxri 5.1.( Ali relie�ed on reverS�Oil to his parent GOVeroinent . , Lalfakzuala. Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram App,jll(ment 'A' Department No. A. 19014j46j80---APT(A). the l�th. August, 1. '81. J6 (sixteen) days Earned Leave on medicaL grouop- is granted to Shri Dominic L:!lhma.ngaihr, \.0 .• FalkaWd with elIect from 15,6.81 to 30.6.81 (Itoth days inclusive) under CCS (Leave) Rules 1972 as amended from time to time. Certified that the Officer would have- coDtinued to hold tt' e 1?ost but for hi) pro.:e,�d;!lg 011 !eave' and on expiry of leave there is every likelihood of his leturnin� to the same post anJ. place [rom where he proceeds on leave. He is also authorised to draw during his leave pcrioJ the pay and allowa nces as admissible under Rules, , No, A. 19011!9/80-APT(A), the 14th, August, 1931. In con�inuation of Government Notification No.- "'" AAG-; 21 J17/Pt, dt. 5,3. 80. the· Lt. Governor (Admhistrator) of Miz')ram is pleased to c:,lend ..he period of- deputation of Shri J. W. Sundararaj, Secretary to ih�� GO\lernmem o[ 1"11 'ontil!. Law &: Judicial etc. Department for a period.of one year from 2S. 1. 1981 on the same timc and Cdih It;C)Eo -of deputation previoush' applicable to him but without payment of deputation allowanccs continuation of which is being taken up with Government of India. No. A. 36016/2!80-APT(A), the 14th, August. 1981. Under rules 8 and 15 of (he Rules for the Re­ gulation of the Procedures of Officers. Appointed to A,lminisl�r Ju�,JCc iii J�\! L;�h<1i Hills, published vide Notification No. 2530 (a) A P. dated 25th March, IV37, the Lt. Gowrnor (Adminil>lrator) of the Union territory of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Shri R. Selthuama, S. D. O. (Civil) Mami t as Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner, AjzawJ.i D strict and further :,' ;;-. .-est him under rete � of the aforesaid Rules with tho! P@welli analogous to the po-'-c-!'� of a Judicial Magistrate of the Second Class as de:.ined in the Code of Criminal Procedure. 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974). F�rther, in exercise .of the powers conferred by sub·:-ectiom, (1) a!:d (4) of section 20 of the Code of ('I-imihal Procedure. 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974). read Will! th.e Nc tifi .:a tiDn d the em" of India. 1 :;5 Mil1;,5t�y of i-t()m� Affairs' No. U. llOll/2/74-UTL'jji)( ;. O. (EI l:ate,\ 20th -Marcil, 1(174. the Lt. Go\'c·-nCl" (Adhljni_�ttator) of the Union territory of \1innlru i', I :clscd to :;;�PC:;lt Shri R. .':clthuama. (.QQ, !\ltUf'Hl Ih Executive �trate in the Aizawl Dis[i:ct ard abo as Sub-D:'IUonal Magistrate for �. s..biIivision. AizawI DilUict. Lalfakzuala, to the Govt. of Miloram . 3 R-31t81 No. A 22012/2;8(}.--APT(A). the 13th. August, 1981. In the interest of public service. th� Lt. Governor (t\cllniniStrator) of ,i,,1izoram is pleased to' �rder tntllS'Ier of S.�ri.,S. S._ f1a�tYa" �6iltin8 ip th:, post of De{)nty D.r-edor 0:' ::illpply &; Transport. Silchar and' 'p&$t'� iji··fbe'paf sCzUt:' of -R!!. fJ50�';lO· -·740- .. 5---810--EB�35--- 380--40----1000- EB --40-1200 i - p. ill. in the office of OO;'lity-eoihtllissioner. Aizawl with effect from the date he takes over charge, Fli'riher, in th;;: I .•:-:rest of public &ervice the Lt. Gowiilbr is- pieasoo to drder transfer of ShfJ P. K.. Bllatl.ad.erJl"e.. L A... C., Aizawl and post him as Depl.,l.ty Diro:dor of Supply & Tran.� port, Silch,u' in his grade pay vi:�e Shii S. S, Po.itya transferred. ,h.i [>.1:. Bh'.tac;.e�.. ,hall move !tst and tab 0,", dbUaO froil! Stili S: S. Pun),: OOrakb Rmn. Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Mi70ram No. S"fe.----82/79;2 . tL j�.b. :"�-.:g<.st. 1981. Lt. Govetnbr of'Mi7.0rari'i: �Athnirlisttator) is rlea�ec; [0 order tha. i�hri L. 1. Hhlasa, Transport Officer. Aizawl is allowed to hold current clia¥ge of th� rout;nc duties of the post of Works Manager. Supply and Tran'Jport. Ai!2wl in addition (0 his own duties with effect from 28: 3'. 78 after the accidenta; death Cl : ltri K. P. � harma, erswhile Works Manager Until further orders. V_a P&chtiau. ilI!Cietury Iii the OO\lt. ofMizoram. Supply. and Transport Department, No. ESS (PF)3�. :-3--. ;-';; S2, thi 12ta. AUg:':51. 1��1. �bject- to adtnis'sll)ility M lea\oe. the Lt. Governor of Mizoram is pleased to _Irant 30 (thi"�Y) da)s E:Jrnd Leave to Shri A. Sawiblira. Science I 0motion Officer, Mizoram.
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