Tomorrow's flight 727 Water Usage NAS Norfolk, Va. ---------- 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 10 Guantanamo Bay 11:00 a.m. noon Usable storage: Kingston, Jamaica 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 9.20 ML - 66% Guantanamo Bay 2:15 p.m. 3:20 p.m. Goal: 825K NAS Norfolk, Va. 6:15 p.m. Consumption: 956 K See page 3 Guantanamo Daily Gazette Vol. 45 -- No. 153 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Thursday, January 11, 1990 Obviously.drug smugglers never heard of 0 tolerance level By JOSN C. CORBIN-KRUER around 5p.m., according to MS. I A "The estimated value of the 25 If someone told you that it snows in kilos is $25 million before it hits Guantanamo Bay, would you believe the streets," said an MS spokes them? man. i asu s ic nu htuse ey n a ou nd 5 p ., r ft someone told you that they had An NIS agent cut open one Romania - A transcript released in $2.5 million in Guantanamo Bay, of the bags to test the cocaine for Romania shows that former dictator would you believe them? content "WedoastandardArmed Nicolae Ceausescu personally If someone told you that they Forces Field Test, whenever it ordered his forces to shoot at pro- found 25 kilos of cocaine in Guantan- comes to democracy demonstrators last month. drugs. Without a amo Bay, would you believe them? The transcript shadow of a doubt it came out also shows that Well they Ceausescu warned his top aids during did! positive," he replied. the telephone conversation a week Minefield Maintenance of Marine "I would be surprised if this before his ouster that troops who dis- Barracks Ground Defense Security wasn't 100 percent pure cocaine obeyed his orders would be harshly Force found 25 kilos of cocaine off a thathasn't been broken down and punished. cliff area near Kittery Beach. chemically treated," stated the According to the Guantanamo Bay agent. Soviet Union - The Soviet Naval Investigative Service, each kilo "This batch would run a Union says it will establish of the drug was tightly wrapped in whole-sale diplomatic ties with the Palestine price of about green, waterproof plastic. The kilos Liberation Organization. Moscow $600,000 per kilo on an national were then put in says it is upgrading PLO representa- a waterproof box average," he replied, "So a major tion in Moscow to ambassador packed withhay.The box washedup on dealer has lost out on some serious status and will send an ambassador to the shores of the Naval Base sometime money." 25 kilos Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Tuesday afternoon. According to NIS agents, of cocaine were found washed ashore at Kittery Beach. Tunis, Tunisia. Two Minefield Maintenance there is no explanation for why Marines found the cocaine about 3:15 the cocaine washed onto Kittery where it came from. turned over China - Chinese newspapers, to Federal Drug En- p.m. and turned it over to authorities Beach, where it was going to or The 25 kilos of cocaine will be state-run television and radio forcement Authorities in the U.S. trumpeted the lifting of martial law in Beijing today, seven months after a bloody crackdown that Gorbachev talks with Lithuanians crushed the pro-democracy move- ment. Twin quasars born in universe UPI- Soviet President Mikhail dress the mammoth rally "to see how UPI - An international team the constellation Pisces, Gorbachev arrived in the Baltic people really feel." France - France's test-tube triplets of astronomers says it may have appears to be separated by Republic of Lithuania this morning Gorbachev's itinerary in Lithu- are doing well. Doctors say the witnessed the birth of the most fewer than 100,000 light years. to confront its break-away commu- ania has not been published. In abold babies are gaining weight slowly. powerful type of object in the Quasars generally occur mst party. assertion of independence, Sajudis The largest one weighs three universe, a pair of quasars. alone, but Gorbachev was greeted at the President Vitautus pounds and seven ounces and the they sometimes Lansbergas says Quasars, which airport by the republic's commu- Gorbachev smallest is two pounds six ounces. is short for appear to betwo or three would be received on a nist leader and the The babies were born in November quasi-stellar objects, are thought to objects because a gravita- head of Lithu- state-to-state basis. during an 11-day span. be the bright cores of certain tional field may split their ania's government. Laterthis morn- In the words of Lansbergas, "we galaxies. Some astronomers think image. ing,nationalistsplan tochallenge the shall welcome him as the leader of a (continued.page 3) their intense energy may be caused The researchers say the soviet leader to address a huge pro- strong neighboring state with which by their material being pulled quasars appear to be separate independence rally. we have had a long and difficult inward to giant black holes. objects because they have The official TASS news agency history, but with which we do not The team used a 40-inch slightly different chemical says Gorbachev will stay in Lithu- want bad relations." USA telescope near Le Serena, Chile, to "fingerprints." The quasars ania for three days. TASS said he The Soviet Union occupied the discover what it believes to be the also appear to be moving in will meet workers at a plant in the independent baltic states of Lithu- News first true set of quasar "twins." relation to each other, a fact Lithuanian capital of Vilnius, and ania, Estonia and Latvia in 1939 as Dr. Georges Meylan of NASA's which researchers cite as with members of the intelligentsia part of a secret agreement withNazi Space Telescope Institute and party activists. Germany Philadelphia - Philadelphia says the further evidence that they are when the Nazis invaded The Sajudis homicide detectives are suspected double quasar, found in distinct objects. Nationalist Popular Poland Sept 1, triggering World investigating the apparent Front has turned the trip into a forum War II. cocaine poisoning death of a six- to show Gorbachev that Lithuanians Gorbachev hopes to convince the month-old girl. Police are trying to wantto end Soviet rule, even though Lithuanians that it's in their best learn what led to the baby's death many of the front's members also interest to remain within the Soviet Dec. 23. The baby was born belong to the communist party. sphere. Giving in to Lithuanian dependent Japan could rule the world on cocaine. Since her Lithuanian nationalists predict demands for independence would death, her mother has lost custody UPI- A controversial remarkby a Eastern Europe aid package is in- that more than 500,000 pre-inde- stir up a hornet's nest of nationalist of three other children. senior French official about Japan's tended to ease the region's eco- pendence demonstrators will turn sentiment in other Soviet republics, economic policies is overshadowing nomic transition. out to challenge Gorbachev to ad- Ohio - Worshipers gathered ina such as the Ukraine and Azerbaijan. Japanese Prime Minister Kaifu's trip A Japanese foreign ministry church in Kirtland, Ohio, last to France. spokesman says the prime night for a memorial service for minis- Before Kaifu's arrival in Paris the family allegedly killed by a last ter regards eastern Europe as not U.S., Panama working together cult leader. The bodies of Dennis night, French Minister for European just a regional problem, but as UPI - Avery, his wife and their three Affairs Edith Cresson lashed out at "something that was a bearing on The United States and revealed they may replace acting daughters were found buried in a Japan in an interview as an aggressive the peace and stability in the Panama's new government have U.S. Attorney Dexter Lithinen as the Kirtland barn last week. foe bent on foreign economic con- world." signed abroad agreementto co-oper- lead prosecutor in the Miami drug- quest. Kaifu announced Tuesday in ate in the fight against drug traffick- trafficking trial of deposed Panama- Tennessee - The Ku Klux Klan Cresson says, "it is clear that today West Germany that Japan would ing. nian Manuel Noriega. is vowing to gather in Pulaski, Japan is an adversary that does not grant credits of more than $500- Melvyn Levitsky, the assistant Lithinen has not had any trial Tenn., despite orders from a play the game and which has an abso- secretary of state for international experience in at least 10 years. He federal judge barring the march. million each to Poland and Hun- lute will to conquer the world." narcotics matters, says the accord has notcommented The judge already has granted a gary, plus trade and investment on the possibility will help parade permit for Pulaksi citizens Yesterday in Brussels, Kaifu told guarantees for several hundred- Panama become eligible thathewillbe replacedforNoriega's to hold an anti-klan rally. Pulaski the European community that Tokyo's million dollars. for further American aid. The agree- trial. is the birthplace of the KKK. ment calls for co-operation in the areas of law enforcement and drug Space shuttle in orbit U.S. - K-Mart and Toys "R" Us Mysterious bombings cancel school interdiction, with specific programs have agreed to pay $60,000 in to be developed later. The crew aboard the space shuttle fines to the federal government. UPI - A mysterious series of books. Panama has been one of the few Columbia is awake and ready for Officials say the bombings caused officials at Oakland two retailers University spokesman Jim countries in the past two years that another hard day of work on their failed to promptly notify the University to call off classes today.
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